Bunby Heli

Bunby Heli (ブンビーヘリ Bunbī Heri), localized as Blader in some English sources, is a flying reconnaissance robot equipped with video eyes. The Bunby Helis that appear in the games were modified for combat, and will follow and fly into their targets repeatedly. In the first Mega Man game, they come in green and blue; and in some games red.

In the first game, they appear in Cut Man's stage, Guts Man's stage, and in the second stage from Dr. Wily's Robot Manufacturing Plant. In Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge, they appear in Ice Man's stage and Fire Man's stage. In Mega Man: The Wily Wars, they are in the stages of Buster Rod G, Mega Water S and Hyper Storm H. Bunby Helis also appear in the second episode from Super Adventure Rockman, with the ability to fire rockets.

Varieties of Bunby Heli[]

Bunby Tank and Bunby Top[]

Bunby Tank (ブンビータンク Bunbī Tanku) is an enemy in Mega Man 7. It is a Bunby Heli that was given a body with tank treads and two cannons to make it able to fight. The cannons aren't used in-game.

Mm7 bunbytop

Bunby Top

When the body is destroyed without causing harm to the head, the Bunby Top (ブンビートップ) head will abandon the body and follow Mega Man like a Bunby Heli. Although it contains rockets, it is slower than Bunby Heli. They appear in the Opening Stage, Burst Man's stage, Cloud Man's stage, and Junk Man's stage.

Bunby Tank DX and Bunby Top DX[]

Bunby Tank DX (ブンビータンクDX Bunbītanku DX) and Bunby Top DX (ブンビートップDX Bunbītoppu DX) are deluxe versions of the Bunby Tank and Bunby Top that appear in Mega Man 8 and Mega Man & Bass. They are similar to the originals, but Bunby Tank DX is now able to fire missiles.

In Mega Man 8, they appear in the stages of Clown Man, Frost Man, Search Man, and the first and third sections of the Wily Tower. In Mega Man & Bass, they are present in the stages of Astro Man, Burner Man, and Dynamo Man.

Bunby Top DX also appeared as the aerial enemy from World 3 in Rockman Xover.

Bunby Catcher[]

Bunby Catcher (ブンビーキャッチャー Bunbī Kyacchā) is an enemy from Mega Man 9 that falls from the top of the screen to catch the player, and will pull them in one direction if it manages to do so. Bunby Catchers appear as red in their key art and yellow in the game. In certain areas, especially in Galaxy Man's stage and the third Wily Castle stage, they can be very dangerous, due to these areas featuring spikes, which the Bunby Catchers can use to slam the player into, killing them instantly if they do not have the Shock Guard. If in the grasp of a Bunby Catcher, Mega Man can destroy them and break free by using Jewel Satellite, Tornado Blow, or Hornet Chaser.

Bunby Balloon[]

Bunby Balloon

A Bunby Balloon in Bounce Man's stage

Bunby Balloon is an enemy from Mega Man 11 that uses armored balloons to fly, rather than a propeller. Bunby Balloons appear in Bounce Man's stage. Their original purpose was to search for lost children in Boing-Boing Park.[1] Mega Man can defeat a Bunby Balloon by either shooting the Bunby itself, or by shooting at its balloons to make it fall to the ground. If Mega Man destroys the Bunby first, the balloons will float upwards and can potentially get in Mega Man's way; the balloons can only be destroyed with a fully-charged shot, Chain Blast, Blazing Torch, or Pile Driver since they're armored.  Bunby Balloon appears in Bounce Man's stage.

Other media[]


Blader from Captain N: The Game Master.

Bunby Heli and its variants have short appearances in Captain N: The Game Master, the Mega Man comic series, Mega Man Megamix, and the Rockman manga. Bunby Top DX also makes an appearance on the cover of Mega Man Issue 8 (Archie Comics).


Bunby Heli in Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge.

Bunby Heli in Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge.

Bunby Balloon concept art from Mega Man 11.

Bunby Balloon concept art from Mega Man 11.

Mega Man 11 Bunby Balloon.

Mega Man 11 Bunby Balloon.

Bunby Heli in Super Adventure Rockman.

Bunby Heli in Super Adventure Rockman.

Bunby Heli's render from Mega Man: Powered Up.

Bunby Heli's render from Mega Man: Powered Up.

Cameo in the event from Zombie Cafe.

Cameo in Street Fighter x All Capcom.

Bunby Top DX in the Mega Man comic.

Bunby Top DX in the Mega Man comic.

Bunby Heli in the Mega Man comic.

Bunby Heli in the Mega Man comic.

Bunby Helis in Worlds Collide.

Bunby Heli in Mega Man Megamix.

Bunby Heli in Mega Man Megamix.

Bunby Heli in the Rockman manga.

Bunby Heli in the Rockman manga.

Bunby Tank in the Rockman 7 manga.

Bunby Tank in the Rockman 7 manga.

A Bunby Tank DX in Ben Bates' Mega Man picture.

A Bunby Tank DX in Ben Bates' Mega Man picture.


  • A Bunby Catcher appears in a scene in Mega Man 10 holding a screen. The game also has unused sprites of a Bunby Catcher with a purple color scheme.[2]
  • Unused sprites from Mega Man 7 shows Bunby Tops with retractable arms carrying Mets.[3]
  • Bunby Heli was misnamed as "Bunby Heri" in Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge.

See also[]

Similar enemies[]

Enemies similar to Bunby Heli and Bunby Tank.


Mega Man
Six Robot Masters
Cut ManGuts ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManElec Man
Other bosses
Yellow DevilCopy RobotCWU-01PWily Machine 1
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Rolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder Beam
Mega Man's Support Items
Magnet Beam
List of enemies
Adhering SuzyBlasterBig EyeBunby HeliBombombombChangkeyCrazy RazyFoot HolderGabyoallKamadoma
Killer BombMambuMetallPepePickelmanScrew DriverSniper JoeSuper CutterWatcher
ScriptGalleryList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 7
Eight Robot Masters
Freeze ManJunk ManBurst ManCloud ManSpring ManSlash ManShade ManTurbo Man
Other bosses
MashBassGuts Man GSuper BassGamerizerHannyaNED²Wily Machine 7Wily Capsule
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Freeze CrackerJunk ShieldDanger WrapThunder BoltWild CoilSlash ClawNoise CrushScorch Wheel
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetSearch RushSuper AdapterBeatProto Shield
List of enemies
Astro ZombiegBacconeBatton M48Bomb SleighBoufoohBunby Tank & Bunby TopCFN-24Child PipiCoil'n
Count Bomb NEOCyorownDeluPipiDerusu BeeDriver CannonDust CrusherFrisk CannonGilliam Knight
GobotsGockroach SGockroah S NestHeli MetallIcicle TeckKaminari KogoroKeroneKintotMetall FX
PetaforthProperideRaggerSniper Joe 01Spiral GabyoallStegorusSwim Metall DXTamagodonTechnodon
Tel TelTom DaddyTrio the WheelTripropellanTrue Shield AttackerTsuranattoriTurbo Roader
- Sub-Bosses -
KaniganceKing GojulusMad GrinderProto ManSisi TruckTruck JoeShirokumachine GTVVAN Pookin
Dr. Light's LaboratoryBig EddieOpening Stage
Iceberg Area StageRecycling Plant StageChemical Substances Factory StageWeather Research Institute StageRobot Museum
Theme Park StageJungle StageOld Castle StageGiant Trailer StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 8
Stage Select bosses
Tengu ManAstro ManSword ManClown ManSearch ManFrost ManGrenade ManAqua Man
Other bosses
YadokargoDuoAteteminoBlikingSuper BassGreen DevilWily Machine 8Wily Capsule Great
- Sega Saturn only -
Cut ManWood Man
Special Weapons and support items
Mega BallTornado HoldAstro CrushFlame SwordThunder ClawHoming SniperIce WaveFlash BombWater Balloon
Rush QuestionRush BikeRush BomberRush Charger
List of enemies
Aloha DodonpaAmmonerBatton M64Batton Mommy & Petit BattonBig TellyBunby Tank DX & Bunby Top DXCline BCline G
Count Bomb CDCount Bomb GEOCrunchranDodonpa CannonFire MetallGoriblueGorigreeGorigroHannya Attacker
HogaleJoe ClassicKaizockKao de KahnaKao ga MehdaKao na GahnaKemumakinMetall SVMetrengerMonopellan
MuragattoriOnbuubattanPenpen EVPotom No. 1 & No. 2RabbitonRompersShell'nShupponponShururun
Spinning GabyollSurumakerSuccubattonSydeckaTelly RTencrow • "Thorn Vine" • Wall Teck
- Mid-bosses -
Gearna EyeGoroneShiriko da GamaSisi RollUruruun
Dr. Light's LaboratoryWily Tower
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous dataParts
Mega Man 9
Playable characters
Mega ManProto Man
Eight Robot Masters
Concrete ManTornado ManSplash WomanPlug ManJewel ManHornet ManMagma ManGalaxy Man
Other Bosses
Spike PushersMega Mech SharkTwin DevilWily Machine 9Wily CapsuleFake Man
Special Weapons
Concrete ShotTornado BlowLaser TridentPlug BallJewel SatelliteHornet ChaserMagma BazookaBlack Hole Bomb
Support Items
Rush CoilRush Jet
Proto CoilProto Jet
List of Enemies
AdamskiBallonbooBig StomperBokazurahBombomboyBunby CatcherCamouflametallCaricarryClassical CannonDeispider
DetarnayappaDiarnFire TotemFlower PresenterGagabyoallHoohooIllusianJump RollerKakinbatankMachine Gun Joe
Metall βNombrellanOctoneOkosutobonPetit Devil GreenPetit Devil YellowPopo HeliSakretsScissascissorShadow Mega Man
Shadow Proto ManShield Attacker RXSmaplarSpin CutterTelly XTropish
- Sub-Bosses -
Changkey DragonHanabiranPaozoStone Head
Dr. Light's LaboratoryConcrete Man StageTornado Man StageSplash Woman StagePlug Man StageJewel Man Stage
Hornet Man StageMagma Man StageGalaxy Man StageWily CastleSpecial StageEndless Attack
Damage data chartScript
Mega Man 11
Robot Masters
Block ManFuse ManBlast ManAcid ManTundra ManTorch ManImpact ManBounce Man
Gear Fortress bosses
Yellow Devil MK-IIIMawverneWily Machine 11
LyricMawaru CCrunch DonMetallAir StoneAnti-EddieElectririBattonK-DronePress Don
Elec CrosserElec XtenderFire ServerShimobeyPropeller Eye TSniper JoeSniper Armor DShpiderMini ShpiderPipetto
Shield AttackerShield Attacker MDroppyBrushyWipeyScrappEye IceIce SwanSnow RobbitWild RobbitMash Burner
TatepakkanLamperTank OvenAir FireMini SparkeyPickmanMissile ConeArc WeldyKui-ichiroKui-jiroKui-saburo
GabyoallCannopeller IIWall BlasterBunby BalloonTosanaizer VBoyornPoyornAir Nut
- Mid-bosses -
TotemerDread SparkThrill Twins 1 & 2Cyclone WMecha-MammostalSparkeyPickman DiggerFrog Balloon
Special Weapons
Block DropperScramble ThunderChain BlastAcid BarrierTundra StormBlazing TorchPile DriverBounce Ball
Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetEddie CallBeat Call
Double Gear SystemChallenge ModeDamage data chartEnemiesScript
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
The eight Robot Masters
Cut ManIce ManFire ManElec ManBubble ManQuick ManFlash ManHeat Man
Other Bosses
EnkerWily Machine I
Special Weapons
Rolling CutterIce SlasherFire StormThunder BeamBubble LeadQuick BoomerangTime StopperAtomic FireMirror Buster
Support Item
Cut Man StageIce Man StageFire Man StageElec Man StageWily CastleWily Station
Damage Data ChartMega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge ScriptEnemies
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Genesis Unit
Buster Rod G (rod) • Mega Water SHyper Storm H
Wily Tower Bosses
Fire SnakeyIron BallBuster Rod G (buster) • "Wily Machine"
Adhering SuzyBattonBlasterBig EyeBig FishBikkyBunby HeliBolton and NuttonBomb FlierBubukanChangkey
Changkey MakerCannonCopipiFoot HolderGabyoallGiant SpringerHammer JoeHari HarryJamacyJunk Golem
Kaminari GoroKerogKomasaburoM-445MatasaburoMechakkeroMetallMetall DXMoleNew ShotmanParasyu
PeterchyPetit SnakeyPickelman BullPickelmanPipiPoleReturning MonkingRobbit
ScrewdriverShotmanShrinkSniper ArmorSniper JoeSpringerTanishiTellyYambow
- Mid-bosses -
AnkoBig SnakeyFriender
Special Weapons
Air ShooterAtomic FireBubble LeadCrash BombFire StormGemini LaserHard KnuckleHyper BombIce Slasher
Leaf ShieldMagnet MissileMega BusterMetal BladeNeedle CannonQuick BoomerangRolling CutterSearch Snake
Shadow BladeSpark ShockSuper ArmThunder BeamTime StopperTop Spin
Support items
Magnet BeamItem-1Item-2Item-3Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
Extra LifeLife EnergyWeapon EnergyEnergy Tank
Appearing BlockBottomless PitBlocksFire BlockNeedle PressPressRed liquidScrapSpikesMega Man: The Wily Wars Damage Data Chart
Rockman ✕over
World 1 Icy PenguigoSpark MandrillerStorm EagleedBurnin' NoumanderVAVA
World 2 Boomer KuwangerLauncher OctopuldArmor ArmargeSting ChameleaoSigma
World 3 Cut ManElec ManIce ManFire ManWily Machine 1
World 4 SharkMan.EXEHeatMan.EXEWoodMan.EXEThunderMan.EXEDream Virus
World 5 Cygnus WingQueen OphiucaGemini SparkCancer BubbleAndromeda
World 6 AztefalconMaha GaneshariffBlizzack StaggroffHerculious AnchusFairy Leviathan
World 7 Optic SunflowerAvalanche YetiBurn RoosterBamboo PandamoniumSigma
World 8 Junk ManSpring ManSlash ManShade ManForte
World 9 Spade MagnesQueen VirgoJack CorvusGrave JokerCrimson Dragon
World 10 FistleoLurerreHurricauneHivoltSerpent
World 11 DiveMan.EXEGroundMan.EXETenguMan.EXEBlastMan.EXEGlaga
World 12 Rosso MBlu DOro SVerde RNero L
25th Anniversary Special World Toad ManGuts ManShadow ManAir ManSkull ManWily Capsule
X Special World DynamoZainHigh MaxDoubleBlack Zero
Team Battle Bosses Armor SoldierMacMecha DragonMole BorerRT-55J
Giant MetallSilver MetallGold MetallYoshida
Master Bosses Arcade ManBass.EXEBospiderD-RexDark Ray Bit
UtuborosVan PookinYellow DevilElementMan.EXE
Land enemies Astro ZombiegBeetankCrabs-KCrazy RazyCrickaleapGarm
Hot RoaderMetall FXNeo MetallPeterchyRay BitRhino HornSpiky
Aerial enemies Batton BoneBattonBatton M48Bunby Top DXCondoroidCrowcarCrusher
Dark ReaperFighter PlaneFishyHeli MetallKiller EyeMAME-QSci-sensor
Battle MemoryElementsKalinka CossackOVER-1