Childre Inarabitta

"What a pain you are! I thought you'd be easier to scare off than that! No more games. I'm Childre Inarabitta, of Weil's Numbers! I'll see that smug face of yours frozen with fear!"
―Childre Inarabitta, Mega Man Zero 3

Childre Inarabitta (チルドレ・イナラビッタ Chirudore Inarabitta) is a boss in Mega Man Zero 3. He is a Mutos Reploid based on the White Hare of Inaba from the Kojiki book, and was once the Left Ice Judge (左氷審官 Sahyō Shinkan)[2][3] of the Eight Gentle Judges.



In his Judge form, Childre is a short, child-like humanoid figure with a white robe. In his Punishment form, Childre has a rabbit-like body possessing short forelimbs and long back legs with huge feet. He has light blue ears sticking out of his head, which can emit giant icicles. His small frame is for high-speed maneuvers, being able to spring and pounce freely on water. His body also possesses a cooling system which allows him to manipulate cold environments in order to prevent his body from overheating, in turn allowing him to create freezing attacks.


During his time on the Council, Childre was known to have had a playful demeanor and had a strained relationship with Blazin' Flizard, possibly clashing with Flizard's seriousness. As a brainwashed member of the Weil Numbers, Childre values destruction, and doesn't hesitate to use anything at his disposal to accomplish a mission. He also wants people to get with the times and accept Weil's ideals as the status quo, taunting the legendary Maverick Hunter that he won't catch up to a future that has left him behind.


Childre Inarabitta was formerly the Left Ice Judge of the Eight Gentle Judges, participating in the Screaming Interrogation trials. However, when Dr. Weil returned, Inarabitta was brainwashed and remodeled as part of the Weil Numbers.

Childre was deployed to capture the Dark Elf when she was located in the Oceanic Highway Ruins, piloting a drilling submarine to give pursuit. He runs into Zero, and a race breaks out to reach the Dark Elf first. However, both of them are slowed down enough for the Dark Elf to escape. Childre is annoyed by Zero's persistence and attacks, but is destroyed.

Childre was resurrected in Weil's Research Laboratory for a rematch. He taunted Zero for being an old Reploid that could never catch up with Dr. Weil's plans, but was destroyed.


Throughout the stage, Childre attacks with homing torpedoes and exploding ice mines via a small submarine vehicle, which can only go as high as the water's surface. Zero has to find and stand on switches that decrease the water level to hinder the vehicle's path before Childre destroys them. Standing on all switches will decrease the water level in the stage and the boss battle to the lowest.

During the battle itself, Childre can throw ice blades from his ears and dive at Zero using the sharp ice in his ears. At A or S rank, he will use Super Ear Shot, where a larger ice blade is fired from his ears. Defeating him will give Zero the Ice Body chip, and if the player is at A or S rank, the Throw Blade ability.

Homing Missile Homing Missile Damage: 3
Childre fires five homing missiles. They can be destroyed.

Missiles can't leave water, but in the rematch the stage is always full of water.

Screw Ice 1Screw Ice 2 Screw Ice Damage:
4 (stab)
4 (shards)
Childre jumps and runs on the wall off screen and comes back down spinning trying to stab Zero with icicle ears.

When Childre hits the ground, it sends four icicles across the room. Icicles can be desroyed.

Split Mine Split Mine Damage:
3 (mine)
3 (debris)
Childre jumps and runs on the wall off screen and drops four mines that float on the surface of the water.

When the bombs explode, they send shards of the mine floating down onto the floor. Debris can be desroyed.

Ear Shot Damage: ?
Childre launches a blade of glowing energy at Zero from his ears.
Only used at rank B or lower.
Super Ear Shot EX Skill: Super Ear Shot (スーパーイヤーショット) Damage: 5
Childre launches a giant blade of glowing energy at Zero from his ears.


Area: Oceanic Highway Ruins
Mission: Track Dark Elf signal
Zero's EX Skill: Throw Blade (Zan'eidan)

In-battle quotes[]

Action Japanese Translation Audio
Pre-battle ははっ!(Hahah!) Hahah!
("Haa!" in Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works)
Pre-battle (Mega Man ZX) そのすかしたツラ、 恐怖で凍りつかせてやるよっ!(Sono suka shita tsura, kyōfu de kōritsuka sete yaru yo!) I'll see that smug face of yours frozen with fear!
Screw Ice (descent) やあーーーっ!(Yaaaa!) Yaaaa!
While chased by Zero / Screw Ice (ascent) のろまー!(Noroma!) Slowpoke!
While chased by Zero / Homing Missile オラオラーッ!(Ora ora!) C'mon, c'mon!
Super Ear Shot くらえっ!(Kurae!) Take this!
Burned by fire うわっ!(Uwa!) Ow!
Defeated ひゃあっ!(Hyaah!) Hyaah!

Other appearances[]

  • An image of Childre Inarabitta appears in Mega Man Zero 4 in Dr. Weil's Enemy Inferno attack, using Screw Ice against Zero.
  • Childre appears in Mega Man ZX as a secret boss in Area N, in a door that only opens if a Mega Man Zero 3 cartridge is inserted in the Nintendo DS or by activating the Zero 3 link in the Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection release. His body also has a cameo in Area F.



Childre Inarabitta in his Punishment form.

Childre Inarabitta in his Punishment form.

Concept art of Childre Inarabitta.

Concept art of Childre Inarabitta.

Childre Inarabitta in his Judge form.

Childre Inarabitta in his Judge form.


Sub-like vehicle used by Childre to hinder Zero during the mission.

Sub-like vehicle used by Childre to hinder Zero during the mission.


  • Childre Inarabitta's first name is a pun on "chill" and "children", referring to his ice alignment and youthful stature. His last name is a portmanteau of "rabbit" and "Inaba", due to his design being inspired by the Hare of Inaba.



Childre's cameo in Area F.

  • Childre Inarabitta's body has a cameo amongst the scrap in the background of Area F in Mega Man ZX.
  • Childre is one of only two of Weil's Numbers in the game who first appear already morphed into his Punishment form, the other being Tretista Kelverian. Childre has transformed to chase after the Dark Elf. Both of them only assume their Judge form briefly during the final stage, morphing afterwards.


  1. Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works page 73. Translated as "Frozen Funeral Death Rabbit" in the Mega Man Zero 3 manual.
  2. Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero Telos official page
  3. Rockman Magazine Vol. 06 - page 6
Ice element
Mega Man Zero series
Reploids / Mutos Reploids Fairy LeviathanBlizzack StaggroffAnubis Necromancess (Z1) • Poler KamrousChildre InarabittaGlacier le CactankTech KrakenFenri Lunaedge
Mega Man ZX series
Mega Men / Pseudoroids Thetis (Model L) • Pandora (Model W) • Lurerre the AbysroidLeganchor the GelroidChronoforce the XiphosuroidBifrost the Crocoroid
Neo Arcadia
XCopy X (substitute) • Sage Harpuia (interim) • Dr. Weil (usurper)
Four Guardians
Sage HarpuiaHidden PhantomFairy LeviathanFighting Fefnir
Eight Gentle Judges
Blazin' FlizardChildre InarabittaDevilbat SchiltDeathtanz Mantisk
Cubit FoxtarGlacier le CactankVolteel BiblioTretista Kelverian
Military Forces
Strong Air Squadron Aztec FalconHerculious AnchusKuwagust AnchusPanter Flauclaws
Scorched Earth Squadron Anubis NecromancessPhoenix Magnion*
Deep Sea Squadron Blizzack StaggroffPoler KamrousMaha GaneshariffHanumachine*
Cutting Shadow Squadron HanumachineHyleg OurobocklePhoenix MagnionBurble HekelotRainbow DevilTech Kraken
*(Note: After Phantom's demise, this squadrom was disbanded and units were transferred to different positions.)
Mechaniloids GolemGuard OroticHittite HottaidAsura Basura
Mega ScorpiaCarnage Force 0Randam Bandam
Foot Soldiers Pantheon (List) • Variant
Einherjar Eight Warriors Popla CocapetriMino MagnusTech Kraken* • Sol Titanion
Noble MandragoPegasolta EclairFenri LunaedgeHeat Genblem
Mega Man Zero 3
Mission bosses
Blazin' FlizardChildre InarabittaDevilbat SchiltDeathtanz Mantisk
Anubis Necromancess VHanumachine RBlizzack Staggroff RCopy X MK. II
Cubit FoxtarGlacier le CactankVolteel BiblioTretista Kelverian
Other bosses
OmegaCrea and PreaHidden Phantom
Zero's Weaponry and EX Skills
Buster ShotZ-SaberRecoil RodShield Boomerang
Burst ShotBlizzard ArrowReflect LaserV-Shot
Throw BladeSaber SmashSplit HeavensGale Attack
1000 SlashSoul LauncherShield SweepOrbit Shield
Derelict SpacecraftNew Resistance BaseAegis Volcano BaseOceanic Highway RuinsWeapons Repair FactoryOld Residential Area
Missile FactoryTwilight DesertForest of AnatreFrontline Ice BaseArea X-2
Energy FacilitySnowy PlainsSunken LibraryGiant ElevatorSub ArcadiaWeil's Research Laboratory
Game ScriptMega Man Zero 3 databaseList of Mega Man Zero 3 enemiesModification Cards
Mega Man ZX
Vent / Aile (Humanoid) • Model XModel ZXModel HXModel FXModel LXModel PXModel OX
Hivolt the RaptoroidLurerre the AbysroidFistleo the PredatoroidPurprill the Mandroid
Hurricaune the WolveroidLeganchor the GelroidFlammole the MoleroidProtectos the Goreroid
Other bosses
Giga AspisRayflyGirouette (Model Z)PrometheusPandoraPrometheus and PandoraSerpentOmega
- Mega Man Zero 3 Link -
Deathtanz MantiskHellbat SchiltChildre InarabittaBlazin' Flizard
- Mega Man Zero 4 Link -
Pegasolta EclairSol TitanionFenri LunaedgeNoble Mandrago
Area A (Forest)Area B (Mountain Pass)Area C (Town)Area D (Highway)Area E (Power Plant)Area F (Lake)Area G (Fire Site)Area H (Amusement Park)
Area I (Confinement)Area J (Undersea Tunnel)Area K (Lava Field)Area L (Research Lab)Area M (Remains)Area N (Remains 2)Area O (Highway 2)Area X (Guardian HQ)Slither Inc. Office
Database • Game Script (Vent's storyAile's story) • ItemsMangaOverdrive Invoke System