
ColdMan.EXE (コールドマン Kōrudoman) is a NetNavi operated by Ivan Chillski.


ColdMan seems to be somewhat similar to his Robot Master counterpart. He wears a teal helmet featuring the fridge door on the front, a purple scarf that covers the half of his face, a teal fridge torso with gray handles, blue spherical shoulders, gray arms, teal gauntlets, yellow hands with blue fingers, gray tubes each connected between the shoulders and the gauntlets, blue footwear with yellow lining on the top front and teal soles.

His Navi mark has a teal surrounding.


Mega Man Battle Network 4[]

ColdMan is one of the opponents that Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXE face in The Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament. ColdMan hacks Netopia's network, creating a blizzard because his operator Ivan was too hot in the temperate climate (coming from Sharo, a winter country). In order to stop the blizzards, Lan and MegaMan pursue him. After confronting him the Netopia area, he relents and restores the Netopia system to normal. However, Ivan and ColdMan go back to Sharo and cause a blizzard there which leads to a blizzard in Netopia. Lan and MegaMan then travel to Sharo to stop the four weather control satellites causing the blizzard. After fixing them, Lan and MegaMan meet Ivan and ColdMan in the Blue Moon arena and defeat them.

Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation[]

ColdMan appears as Navi hacked by Darkloids.



ColdMan, known as FridgeMan in the English dub, has two different counterparts in the MegaMan NT Warrior anime series. The first is a Darkloid who serves under ShadeMan (and later LaserMan) during the events of Axess while the second is an Asteroid which was given by Slur to Ivan Korisky during the events of Stream.



ColdMan's Navi Mark

  • Ice Shoot (アイスシュート Aisu Shūto):
    ColdMan creates 3 Ice Cubes and shove them down any length in the row they are on.
  • White Breath (ホワイトブレス Howaito Buresu):
    ColdMan creates 3 mist clouds to follow and damage MegaMan.
  • Iceberg Press (アイスバーグプレス Aisubāgu Puresu):
    ColdMan turns into a cube and jump and then landing on the square MegaMan is on.

Battle Chips[]

When ColdMan is summoned by using his Navi Chip, he will spawn an Ice Cube and push it towards the targeted opponent.

Mega Man Battle Network 4[]

ColdMan's chips can be obtained by defeating him in Sharo Area.

Battle Chip ID Battle Chip Description Attack Element Code Memory Rarity
Mega Chip 43 M43 ColdMan
Ices over all and slides! 100 Aqua Aqua C 53 MB ****
Mega Chip 44 M44 ColdMnSP
Ices over all and slides! ??? Aqua Aqua C 72 MB *****
Mega Chip 45 M45 ColdMnDS
Ices over all and slides! ??? Aqua Aqua C 72 MB *****

Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation[]

ColdMan's chips can be obtained by defeating him in Internet 12 after defeating KendoMan in Internet 10.

Battle Chip ID Battle Chip Description (Translation) Attack Element Memory Rarity
Mega Chip 58 M58 ColdMan
(Ices objects on the field and slides!)
100 Aqua Aqua 53 MB ****
Mega Chip 59 M59 ColdMan SP
(Ices objects on the field and slides!)
??? Aqua Aqua 72 MB *****
Mega Chip 60 M60 ColdMan DS
(Ices objects on the field and slides!)
??? Aqua Aqua 72 MB *****


Concept art of ColdMan.

Concept art of ColdMan.

Aqua element
Mega Man Battle Network series
NetNavis IceManSharkManToadManFreezeManBubbleManAquaMan (SpoutMan)ColdManBlizzardManDiveMan
Transformations Aqua SoulToad SoulAqua CrossAqua Arm
Mega Man Star Force series
EM Beings Cancer BubbleLibra Scales (multi-element) • Pegasus MagicPlesio SurfYeti BlizzardDiamond IceQueen Virgo
Transformations Ice PegasusCancer NoiseVirgo Noise
Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament
Lan Hikari and MegaManJack Bomber and NormalNaviPaulie and JammerMr. Famous and KendoManIvan Chillski and ColdManRaoul and ThunderManRaika and SearchManChaud and ProtoManJunkMan
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation
Starter Playable NetNavis RockmanRollGutsManNumberMan
Unlockable Playable NetNavis FireManWoodManWindManSearchManAquaManThunderManMetalManJunkManBlues
Battle Chip Gate Playable NetNavis StarManNapalmManIceManElecManPlantManKnightManShadowManForte
Non-Playable NetNavis NormalNaviHeelNaviTopManSparkManVideoManBurnerManKendoManColdManShadeManLaserMan
Mega Man Battle Network series
Main characters
Lan Hikari (MegaMan.EXE) • Mayl Sakurai (Roll.EXE) • Dex Oyama (GutsMan.EXE) • Yai Ayanokoji (Glide.EXE) • Eugene Chaud (ProtoMan.EXE)
Tora (KingMan.EXE) • Mamoru UraMickTabIris
Dr. HikariHaruka HikariMs. MariHigsby (NumberMan.EXE) • Mr. FamousBaryl (Colonel.EXE)
Dr. WilyProfessorLord GospelDr. Regal (LaserMan.EXE) • DuoBass.EXE
Mega Man Battle Network23456
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real OperationMega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DSRockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star
Network TransmissionBattle Chip Challenge/N1 BattlePhantom of NetworkLegend of Network
Rockman EXE WSAxess AirMedal NetworkThe Medal OperationBattle Chip StadiumLegacy Collection
Anime and Manga
MegaMan NT Warrior (anime)AxessStreamBeastBeast+Rockman EXE: Hikari to Yami no Program
MegaMan NT Warrior (manga)Battle Story MegaMan NT WarriorGekitou! EXE Kyoudai Rockmeen!Zen'in Shuugou Gagtte!! Rockman!
Related Pages
NetNaviVirusPETBattle ChipProgram AdvancePower UpNavi CustomizerEmotion WindowLiberation MissionLocations