
A CopyBot, known as Copyroid (コピーロイド Kopīroido) in Japan, is a machine used in Mega Man Battle Network 6 and Rockman.EXE Beast. It is a humanoid-shaped machine which, when a NetNavi is inserted into it, will allow the NetNavi to move in the real world. A CopyBot will take on the likeness of the Navi inserted.

While CopyBots aren't normally able to use Battle Chips or attacks and can only be used for a short period, modified ones are shown to be able to attack. Colonel’s one (modified by Wily [1]) used Screen Divide to destroy Sky Town's weather computer. They can also have a longer duration, such as the one used by Iris.


  • Iris uses a CopyBot to wander around in the human world, enabling her to keep an eye on Lan and aid him as needed.
  • In the Central Town Expo, there are hundreds of CopyBots. When Lord Wily introduced himself, HeelNavis occupied all of them and went on a rampage in Cyber City.
  • Two gigantic CopyBots are used by Wily to allow Gregar and Falzar to appear in the human world. However, the Cybeasts were quickly followed into the CopyBot's systems by MegaMan, Colonel and Iris and were deleted for good before they could cause any harm.
  • At the end of the series, Lan receives a CopyBot as a graduation present from an anonymous source. It was generally believed to be the same CopyBot that Iris used, and is now used by MegaMan to spend time in the real world.


Rockman.EXE Beast[]

Copyroids were invented by Makoto Aoki. Zoano Punk helped her complete the Copyrots so they could be mass-produced and stolen to allow Zoanoroids to appear in the Real World and widen their search for Trill.[2] It is utilized by Zoanoroids for the remainder of the series and is also used by Colonel and Iris.

Although not specifically stated, it is hinted that the Tadashi Hikari of Beyondard also created Copyroids. [3]

[Citation needed]

Rockman.EXE Beast+[]

Small, regular and extra large sized Copyroids are used by BubbleMan, Chirol, and Captain Kurohige to cause chaos in the real world.[4]



MegaMan's first CopyBot experience.

MegaMan's first CopyBot experience.

Giant CopyBots intended for the Cybeasts.

Giant CopyBots intended for the Cybeasts.

Makoto Aoki commencing a trial that attempts insertion of a dummy Navi, in aims of occupying a Copyroid. (Rockman.EXE Beast)

Makoto Aoki commencing a trial that attempts insertion of a dummy Navi, in aims of occupying a Copyroid. (Rockman.EXE Beast)

CopyBot concept art.

CopyBot concept art.


  • The appearance of CopyBots is likely inspired by the Copy Robots from the anime Perman, having a similar blank white body with a circular shape in the middle of the face.


Mega Man Battle Network series
Main characters
Lan Hikari (MegaMan.EXE) • Mayl Sakurai (Roll.EXE) • Dex Oyama (GutsMan.EXE) • Yai Ayanokoji (Glide.EXE) • Eugene Chaud (ProtoMan.EXE)
Tora (KingMan.EXE) • Mamoru UraMickTabIris
Dr. HikariHaruka HikariMs. MariHigsby (NumberMan.EXE) • Mr. FamousBaryl (Colonel.EXE)
Dr. WilyProfessorLord GospelDr. Regal (LaserMan.EXE) • DuoBass.EXE
Mega Man Battle Network23456
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real OperationMega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DSRockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star
Network TransmissionBattle Chip Challenge/N1 BattlePhantom of NetworkLegend of Network
Rockman EXE WSAxess AirMedal NetworkThe Medal OperationBattle Chip StadiumLegacy Collection
Anime and Manga
MegaMan NT Warrior (anime)AxessStreamBeastBeast+Rockman EXE: Hikari to Yami no Program
MegaMan NT Warrior (manga)Battle Story MegaMan NT WarriorGekitou! EXE Kyoudai Rockmeen!Zen'in Shuugou Gagtte!! Rockman!
Related Pages
NetNaviVirusPETBattle ChipProgram AdvancePower UpNavi CustomizerEmotion WindowLiberation MissionLocations
Rockman EXE Beast
Main Characters
Netto Hikari/Rockman
Dingo/TomahawkManEnzan Ijuin/BluesIlisMeiru Sakurai/RollRaika/SearchManTrill
Glaga's Army
Zoano BlizzardManZoano ColonelZoano DarkManZoano FlameManZoano FootManZoano GutsManZoano JunkManZoano MetalManZoano NapalmManZoano NumberManZoano PharaohManZoano PlantManZoano QuickManZoano StoneManZoano WhaleManZoano YamatoMan
Falzer's Army
Zoano CutMan BrothersZoano FreezeManZoano GateManZoano KendoManZoano MeddyZoano PunkZoano SnakeManZoano SparkManZoano SwallowManZoano SwordMan
Other Antagonists
Captain Kurohige/DiveManChirol/CircusManDr. Wily (Beyondard)/Super Cyber BeastNarcy Hide (Beyondard)/VideoMan
Supporting Cast
Barrel (Beyondard)/Colonel (Beyondard) • BubbleManCharlie AirsterColonelDark Kirisaki/KillerManDark MiyabiDekao Oyama/GutsManDotarou Horisugi/GroundManFuten Roshi/TenguManHiroJasmineKojiro AragakiKunio Kurogane/ChargeManMaha JaramaMakoto AokiMariko OzonoMasa (Beyondard)/SharkMan (Beyondard)MeijinMillionaire (Beyondard)MiyataMiyuki Kuroi (Beyondard)/SkullMan (Beyondard)Mr. Press/DustManNenji RokushakudamaPaxy Faran/SlashManPrincess PrideRin ManabeRushSaroma (Beyondard)/WoodMan (Beyondard)Seishin KifuneShuko Kido/AquaManTadashi Hikari (Beyondard)TamotsuTesla MagnetsToru Hikawa/IceManYaito Ayanokoji/GlideYamitaro Higure/NumberManYuichiro HikariYuriko Ozono
Other Characters
GabgomMinistry of ScienceOnibi Island
Amita TownDimensional Area LaboratoryHazaaraKurohige CastlePaxy's VillageShirokuni TownWily Research Facility
Beast FactorBig ChangeCopyroidCyber BeastFossa AmbienceSuper Cyber BeastSynchronizerZoanoroid
Shouri no Uta (intro) • Ashiato (ending)
Other Seasons
NT WarriorAxessStreamBeastBeast+
Hikari to Yami no Program
Related Pages
MangaCharactersBattle ChipsDVD releases
Rockman EXE Beast+
Main Characters
Netto Hikari/Rockman
Enzan Ijuin/BluesMeiru Sakurai/RollRaika/SearchMan
ProfessorSuper Cyber BeastZeroZero One
BubbleManCaptain Kurohige/DiveManChirol/CircusManUnitedCircusDiveMan
Satoru Roppo/JudgeManTsuyuharu Nyūdō/ElementMan
Cache and the Phantom Navis
Phantom BluesPhantom GlidePhantom GutsManPhantom HatManPhantom IceManPhantom MetalManPhantom ThunderManPhantom RockmanPhantom RollPhantom SearchMan
Supporting Cast
Ann ElecitelCharlie AirsterChisao OyamaCount Elec/ElecManDark Miyabi/ShadowManDekao Oyama/GutsManDingo/TomahawkmanDotarou Horisugi/GroundManDr. WilyGauss MagnetsHaruka HikariHinokenJasmineKero MidorikawaMadoi IroayaMaha JaramaMama ElecMariko OzonoMeijinMillionaire (Beyondard)MorozovMr. Hat/HatManMr. Press/DustManNenji RokushakudamaRaul/ThunderManRin ManabeSeishin KifuneShady salesmanShuko Kido/AquaManShuichi EboshiSonjoStar the DolphinTamako Shiraizumi/MetalManTesla MagnetsToru Hikawa/IceManTrillYaito Ayanokoji/GlideYamitaro Higure/NumberManYuichiro HikariYuriko Ozono
Other Characters
MarinelandWily's Sushi
Beast Out/Cross BeastCopyroidSuper Cyber BeastPhantom Navi
Other Seasons
NT WarriorAxessStreamBeastBeast+
Hikari to Yami no Program
Related Pages
MangaCharactersBattle ChipsDVD releases