
Dusk, also known as Dark or Mr. Dark in earlier games, known as Dark Miyabi (ダーク・ミヤビ Dāku Miyabi) in Japan, is a professional terrorist and ShadowMan's operator in the Mega Man Battle Network series. He has a disciple named Dark Scyth.


Dusk has gray hair and a scar on the left side of his face. He wears a purple robe, gray sleeves, black belt, black pants, and black-magenta sandals.

In the game series, Dusk seemingly has no visible pupil whereas his anime counterpart does have pupils.


Mr. Dark is a mysterious, merciless, professional assassin who will do anything for money. He showed little sadness when ShadowMan was absorbed into the Dark Galaxy, and absolutely no remorse over any of his actions, no matter how horrible. Even though he can come off as cruel, he maintains some degree of honor when it comes to battles.

Game History[]

Mega Man Battle Network[]

Although Dusk is never mentioned in the first game, residual data of his NetNavi, ShadowMan, emerges late in the game in the Internet Area 15, after MegaMan obtains 140 Battle Chips.

Mega Man Network Transmission[]

Dusk only had a brief cameo in this game, appearing at the very end after the credits to inform ShadowMan about their new job with Gospel.

Mega Man Battle Network 2[]

Dusk was hired by Sean Obihiro to destroy YumLand and then Electopia. He states that if he was given enough money he'd do anything they'd want him to, to which the Gospel Leader replied that he liked working with "professionals" like him (in the Japanese, he wants to keep a close eye due to him being a "pro terrorist" [3]). It is later stated in Mega Man Battle Network 5, that very few members of Gospel in Battle Network 2 were even aware of his presence.

Dark succeeds in his first mission in destroying YumLand's Cyberworld, but fails in his attempt to destroy the Mother Computer and leaves Gospel. Dark's quiet ties with Gospel allow him to remain unnoticed by the general public, and he slips away before Sean has a chance to punish him for his failure, and even before the officials catch on to his whereabouts. He disappears for a while to reconsider his methods, and has a very slight change of heart over time. It is later revealed in the ending of Battle Network 2 that some rogue minions of ShadowMan are deleted by MegaMan and ProtoMan, and YumLand's victims have been revived by backup data, including its leader, CookMan.

Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel[]

Dusk resurfaces and joins Team Colonel to fight against Nebula. However, he first insists on testing Lan and leads him on wild games of tag throughout the Net, making him vacuum up all the clouds. After the test, Dusk joins the team and helps them defeat CloudMan. In End City, he challenges Lan and MegaMan for the SoulNet server even though Dusk wasn't under its influence. He participates in the raid against Nebula's base and loses ShadowMan to the Dark Galaxy, but later gets him back when he returns to help MegaMan. After the battle was successful, he leaves Team Colonel, stating that he hoped they wouldn't be enemies in the future. And, so far, that hasn't happened.

Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar[]

Dusk was mentioned as being the master of Dark Scyth. Dark Scyth claims he taught him his dark art of deleting Navis using his experience in the Undernet.


Miyabi first appears in episode 36 of Rockman EXE Stream, saving Rockman.EXE and Netto Hikari from Dark Rockman's Darkloids. However, he would later try to kill the two after being hired by Tesla Magnets. Despite this, the world itself seemed protect Netto and Miyabi would later ally with him against Duo.EXE, and would fight alongside with him later in the series.



Dusk in Mega Man Battle Network 2.

Dusk in Mega Man Battle Network 2.

Dusk in Mega Man Battle Network 5 DS.

Dusk in Mega Man Battle Network 5 DS.

Concept art of Dusk.

Concept art of Dusk.

Dusk unused anime concept art.

Dusk unused anime concept art.

Dusk's sketch.

Dusk's sketch.


  • According to a dev Q&A, since Dusk is Dark Scyth's teacher, the "Dark" name seems to be a title reserved for skilled assassins. [4]
  • As Dusk's complete design wasn't show in Battle Network 2, the anime staff asked Yuji Ishihara for a complete design to use for the anime [5]. However, Dusk never showed up in the first season of the anime, making the first time these design used are in Battle Network 5. Dusk would then appear in its accompanying anime, Rockman EXE Stream.

See also[]


  1. Mega Man Battle Network 2
  2. Mega Man Network Transmission
  3. Kingpin of Gospel talking to Dark: "なんでもする・・・か プロの テロリストらしいな・・・ きたい しておこう・・・" -Mega Man Battle Network 2
  5. Mega Man Battle Network Official Complete Works pg.160
World Three
Lord Wily/Mr. Wily (all games and MegaMan NT Warrior) • PlanetMan (Mega Man Battle Network 2)
Tesla Magnets and MagnetMan (Rockman.EXE Stream)
Mega Man Battle Network Mr. Match and FireManMr. Higsby and NumberManStoneManMs. Madd and ColorManCount Zap and ElecManYahoot and MagicManBombMan
Mega Man Battle Network 2 PharaohManNapalmMan
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Rei Saiko and FlashManTakeo Inukai and BeastManBubbleManNoboru Sunayama and DesertManAnetta and PlantManMr. Match and FlameManDrillManBassAlpha
Mega Man Battle Network 6 Baryl and ColonelBlackbeard and DiveManVic and ElementManProsecutor Ito and JudgeManYuika and CircusManJoe Mach and BlastMan
Mega Man Network Transmission ProfessorStarManGravityManSwordManZeroDusk and ShadowMan
MegaMan NT Warrior Mr. Match and TorchManCount Zap and ElecManMaddy and WackoManYahoot and MagicManStoneManBlasterMan
Rockman.EXE Stream Gauss MagnetsTakeo Inukai and Asteroid BeastManNoboru Sunayama and Asteroid DesertManRei Saiko and Asteroid FlashManNarcy Hide and Asteroid VideoMan
Lord Gospel (game) • Kid Grave (anime)
Mega Man Battle Network 2 Arashi Kazefuki and AirManSpeedy Dave and QuickManCutManPrincess Pride and KnightManMr. Gauss and MagnetManDusk and ShadowManFreezeMan
MegaMan NT Warrior Arashi Kazefuki and AirManCutManDave and QuickManFreezeManMagnus Gauss and MagnetManMaddy and WackoManMoltanicManShadowMan
Team Colonel
Baryl and Colonel.EXE
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXEPrincess Pride and KnightMan.EXEDusk and ShadowMan.EXEDingo and TomahawkMan.EXEHigsby and NumberMan.EXERibitta and ToadMan.EXE
MegaMan NT Warrior (manga) Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXEShadowMan.EXEDingo and TomahawkMan.EXEHigsby and NumberMan.EXE
Dr. Regal (all games, anime, and manga) and LaserMan (all games and anime) • CosmoMan (manga)
Mega Man Battle Network 4 ShadeManHeel Navis
Mega Man Battle Network 5 BlizzardManShadeManCloudManDark MegaManCosmoManDark ProtoMan (Team ProtoMan) • Dark Colonel (Team Colonel) • Nebula GrayLackeys and Heel Navis
MegaMan NT Warrior Axess Ms. Yuri and SpikeManShadowManAnettaDark ProtoManBowlManBrightManBurnerManDesertManFlashManFridgeManGravityManNovaManSavageManSparkManSwordManVideoManVineMan
Rockman.EXE Stream Nebula GrayDark RockmanBlizzardManCloudManCosmoManSwallowMan
MegaMan NT Warrior (manga) CloudManNebula GreyDarkloids
Mega Man Battle Network series
Main characters
Lan Hikari (MegaMan.EXE) • Mayl Sakurai (Roll.EXE) • Dex Oyama (GutsMan.EXE) • Yai Ayanokoji (Glide.EXE) • Eugene Chaud (ProtoMan.EXE)
Tora (KingMan.EXE) • Mamoru UraMickTabIris
Dr. HikariHaruka HikariMs. MariHigsby (NumberMan.EXE) • Mr. FamousBaryl (Colonel.EXE)
Dr. WilyProfessorLord GospelDr. Regal (LaserMan.EXE) • DuoBass.EXE
Mega Man Battle Network23456
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real OperationMega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DSRockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star
Network TransmissionBattle Chip Challenge/N1 BattlePhantom of NetworkLegend of Network
Rockman EXE WSAxess AirMedal NetworkThe Medal OperationBattle Chip StadiumLegacy Collection
Anime and Manga
MegaMan NT Warrior (anime)AxessStreamBeastBeast+Rockman EXE: Hikari to Yami no Program
MegaMan NT Warrior (manga)Battle Story MegaMan NT WarriorGekitou! EXE Kyoudai Rockmeen!Zen'in Shuugou Gagtte!! Rockman!
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