
"You've come far, boys. But I, Ferham, am here to make sure you don't make it a step further!"
―Ferham, Mega Man X: Command Mission

Ferham (フェラム Feramu) is a character from Mega Man X: Command Mission. She is one of Epsilon's Cadre in the Rebellion Army in Giga City, and is notable for being one of the only female Reploids in the Rebellion.


Ferham is a female Reploid in red and pink armor. Her design is inspired by birds of prey, having angles and edges reminiscent of feathers and talons. Two tabs dangle from the sides of her helmet to her neck, resembling two locks of hair. She has two large wings on her back, along with thrusters. Her legs are designed to resemble thigh-high boots. Her beam whip glows pink in official artwork, but light blue in-game. According to concept art, she is 175 cm (5' 9") tall, making her taller than X but a similar height to Zero.[1]

Ferham Artwork Comparison

Ferham artwork comparison. Mega Man X DiVE art by Keisuke Mizuno (left) and Mega Man X: Command Mission art by Ryuji Higurashi (right).

Ferham underwent a mild redesign in Mega Man X DiVE. Her helmet changed its pair of hanging tabs, replacing them with two locks of waist-length maroon-purple hair falling from within her helmet, resting over the front of her body.

Ferham is a playful and dangerous individual. She has a sadistic streak and enjoys taunting her enemies. She also has a bit of a temper and hates losing. She is, however, intensely loyal to her commander, Epsilon and protects him fiercely from X and Zero. After Epsilon's defeat, she comes to follow her own moral code and assists the heroes in the battle with Redips, even disregarding her own safety in order to help them save the world.



Ferham was formerly employed as the head of security at a Force Metal research facility. Upon meeting Epsilon, she was swayed to his cause.[2]

Mega Man X: Command Mission[]


Ferham restraining Zero at the Lagrano Ruins.

Ferham first appears when Shadow betrays X and Zero, defending Epsilon from Zero's Z-Saber by wrapping her whip around his arm before he can strike. Once Zero is disposed of and X flees, Ferham begins to give chase, but Epsilon orders her to stand down and wait for them to return instead.

Ferham next appears when she ambushes X and his party in the Vanallia Desert. She pushes X and Massimo into a patch of quicksand, then continuously whips Zero to make him let go of them. However, he refuses to fight her and is instead pulled into the quicksand along with the others.

Ferham appears again in the Melda Ore Plant speaking with Scarface, who explains to her that X and his party survived the quicksand. Frustrated by this, she promises to finish them this time. She later confronts X and his team when they attempt to stop the launch of the dangerous Supra-Force Metal missile. Though she is defeated in this encounter, she is not destroyed and instead falls to the bottom of the missile silo. Botos finds her damaged, and forcefully tears the missile warhead key free from her body in order to steal the powerful substance for himself. X and the others finds Ferham, who explains to them what happened, and they set off to find Botos. Ferham departs the plant shortly thereafter.

Having recovered from her past battles, Ferham suddenly appears at the Orbital Elevator Babel to aid X and the others in their fight against Great Redips at the story's climax. She does this by trying to tear off half of Redips' Supra-Force Metal, baiting Redips into attacking his own body and knocking the Supra-Force Metal chunk free. With Redips weakened, X's team is able to defeat him.

Although wounded, Ferham can still stand, and apologizes to X for all the trouble she caused. She then promises to dispose of the last of the Supra-Force Metal so that no one can ever misuse the substance ever again, doing so by leaping off the Orbital Elevator with it and exploding. She takes comfort in knowing that she will join Scarface and Epsilon in the afterlife. Meanwhile, Nana views the resulting explosion of the Supra-Force Metal when it comes into contact with the Earth's atmosphere, creating an aurora.

Powers and abilities[]

Ferham wields an electromagnetic whip and has a Water elemental alignment. Besides her whip and Blizzard attacks, she can summon trace images with Crimson Shade that let her attack multiple times at once. Her most powerful attack is her unique Sonic Blizzard, which hits the entire party.


Analysis results for Ferham
Level Life Energy
55 50000
Fire 100% dmg Exp. 20000
Water 50% dmg Zenny 18000
Thunder 150% dmg FME 2000
Power Armor Shield Speed
140 84 74 116
Steal Drop
Build Hyper (20%)!!!
Force Missiles (20%)
Ice Stella (100%)
Heat Haze (100%)
List of Abilities
Ability Effect
Standard Strike Basic 1-hit attack against a single target.
Giga Blizzard Deals Water-attribute damage to a single target.
Tera Blizzard Deals large Water-attribute damage to a single target.
Bloody Snake Deals Combat damage to the entire party.
Crimson Shade Creates a trace image.
Effect: Grants 2 additional hits to all attacks.
Can be knocked Crimson Shade with at least 1800 damage (accumulated) between Ferham's two turns.
Sonic Blizzard 3-hit Water-attribute damage to the entire party.
Status effect: Freeze.
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In-battle Quotes[]

Action Japanese Translation Audio (JP) English Audio (EN)
Pre-battle Karada ni oshiete ageru! I 'll teach you a lesson! - Don't be shy, step right up. -
Standard Strike - - - Hey. -
Giga/Tera Blizzard Kore de dou? - - You like this? -
Bloody Snake Ho! - - That felt good! -
Sonic Blizzard Kakugo shitai yo! Be prepared! - You won't get away! -
Critical Hit Aaah! (Seductive voice) - - Aaah! (Wailing) -
Defeated Yaru ja nai... You're not bad... - You're really something else. -

Other appearances[]

  • Ferham appeared in the second animated trailer from the cancelled game Rockman Online.
  • Ferham appeared as an Unit Card and in the art from some Action Cards in TEPPEN.
  • Ferham appeared as an event character in Tower of Saviors.

Mega Man X DiVE[]

Ferham appeared as an S rank Hunter Program in April 2020. Her Active Skills are Blood Snake and Crimson Shadow, two of her moves from her original boss fight. A Christmas-themed alternate skin called Christmas Ferham was also added for Christmas 2020. Another variant called Swimsuit Ferham appeared as a separate Hunter Program for the event Summer Treasure Hunt in July 2021. This variant's Active Skills are Storm Whip and Chain Trap.

Ferham also starred as the boss of the event The Faithful Guardian. In the level before her battle, she appears in the desert to watch the Player sink in quicksand, simulating the Vanallia Desert scene. During the boss battle, she attacks using Giga Blizzard and her other moves.


Ferham in Mega Man X: Command Mission.

Ferham in Mega Man X: Command Mission.

Ferham close-up.

Ferham close-up.

Ferham Chapter 8 silhouette.

Ferham Chapter 8 silhouette.

Ferham's in-game model.

Ferham's in-game model.

In-game concept art of Ferham.

In-game concept art of Ferham.

Ferham's concept art from Mega Man X Official Complete Works.

Ferham in Mega Man X DiVE.

Ferham in Mega Man X DiVE.

Ferham's 3D model in Mega Man X DiVE.

Ferham's 3D model in Mega Man X DiVE.

Christmas Ferham artwork in Mega Man X DiVE.

Christmas Ferham artwork in Mega Man X DiVE.

Ferham's christmas skin 3D model in Mega Man X DiVE.

Ferham's christmas skin 3D model in Mega Man X DiVE.

Swimsuit Ferham artwork in Mega Man X DiVE.

Swimsuit Ferham artwork in Mega Man X DiVE.

Ferham in the canceled Rockman Online.

Ferham in the canceled Rockman Online.

Ferham card in TEPPEN.

In the TEPPEN card Rebellion Army.

In the TEPPEN card Resisting Coercion.

In the TEPPEN card Theft and Betrayal.

Ferham in Tower of Saviors

Ferham in Tower of Saviors


Megaman X Command Mission Ch.8 Boss Ferham


  • Like two of her Rebellion Army comrades, Scarface and Epsilon, Ferham is left-handed.
  • Ferham's voice actress, Onalea Gilbertson (who is often credited as Kris Rundle), is the sister of Zero's voice actor, Lucas Gilbertson.
    • Ferham's Crimson Shade ability is nearly identical to Zero's Heat Haze. The two also share red armor with winged helmets, and they are both the same height.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ferham concept art, Mega Man X: Command Mission.
  2. Sepelak, Greg (2004). Mega Man X: Command Mission Official Strategy Guide. pg.3. BradyGAMES Publishing.
Mega Man X: Command Mission
Main characters
XZeroAxlSteel MassimoMarinoCinnamonSpider
Other characters
Chief RNanaAileProfessor Gaudile
Rebellion Army
EpsilonBotosFerhamScarfaceWild JangoSilver HornDr. PsycheMach JentraIncentas
Other Bosses
HippopressorShadowDepth DragoonColonel RedipsGreat Redips
Duckbill MoleRafflesianTails ClanNinetails
Giga CityLagrano RuinsCentral TowerTianna CampGaudile LaboratoryUlfat FactoryGimialla Mine
Vanallia DesertMelda Ore PlantGrave Ruins BaseFar East HQOrbital Elevator: Babel
Related Items
Action TriggerHyper ModeFinal StrikeForce MetalDeployment CenterSky Room
EnemiesItem BoxItemsScript (NPC Dialogue)
Mega Man X series
Main characters
XZeroAxlDr. LightDr. CainDoubleIrisSignasDouglasLifesaverAliaLayerPallette
MiddyTechnoSpiderCinnamonMarinoMassimoNanaChief RAileProfessor GaudileRiCOViAiCO
SigmaVileAgileSergesViolenDr. DopplerBitByteColonelGeneralDynamoGateRedLumine
ZainGeemelBerkanaGarethShadowFerhamScarfaceBotosEpsilonColonel Redips
Mega Man XX2X3X4X5X6X7X8
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2Mega Man X: Command MissionMega Man X DiVE
Mega Man Maverick Hunter XMega Man X CollectionMega Man X Legacy Collection2
Damage data charts
Mega Man X234 (X)4 (Zero)5 (X)5 (Zero)6 (X)6 (Zero)
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2 (X)Xtreme 2 (Zero)
Maverick Hunter X (X)Maverick Hunter X (Vile)
Mega Man XX2X3X4 (X's story)X4 (Zero's story)
X5 (X's story)X5 (Zero's story)X6 (X's story)X6 (Zero's story)
X7 (X's story)X7 (Zero's story)X7 (Axl's story)X8 (X's story)X8 (Zero's story)X8 (Axl's story)
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2Command Mission
Maverick Hunter X (X's story)Maverick Hunter X (Vile's story)
Related items
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Rebellion ArmyRed AlertRepliforceReploidPartsInjured ReploidsChipsRide Armor
X-BusterZ-SaberZero BusterAxl BulletsA-Trans
X's weaponryArmor PartsZero's weaponryAxl's weaponryVile's weaponry
Rockman X Mega Mission
Related Media
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Soundtracks Capcom Music Generation - Rockman X1~6Rockman X7 Original SoundtrackRockman X8 Original Soundtrack
Rockman X8 e-Capcom Original Special Sound CDRockman X: Command Mission Original Soundtrack