Rolling Cutter

"A cutter that goes through objects and returns."
Mega Man Powered Up description (Mega Man)

Rolling Cutter (ローリングカッター Rōringu Kattā) is Cut Man's Special Weapon, a versatile cutter made of ceratanium that can cut anything in half.[1] It has the form of a large pair of extremely sharp scissor blades that are thrown like boomerangs, flying in front of the user in a teardrop-shaped pattern, before returning to the person that used it.

Video game appearances[]

Rolling Cutter uses one weapon energy unit in Mega Man, Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. With a full weapon energy gauge, it can be used 28 times in Mega Man and Mega Man: The Power Battle, 19 times in Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge, and 16 times in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. Also in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, if the Rolling Cutter returns to the user without hitting something, the weapon energy used for that shot will return.

Mega Man[]

Mega Man obtains Rolling Cutter after defeating Cut Man. This weapon is useful against Gabyoalls, as the Mega Buster has no effect on them, except to stun them momentarily. It causes rapid damage with contact. It is Elec Man's weakness.

Mega Man Powered Up[]

Like the original game, Mega Man obtains Rolling Cutter after defeating Cut Man. In New Style it is Bomb Man's weakness, and it can cut his Hyper Bombs before they explode. It is one of the few weapons which can go through walls, others being the Ice Slasher and the debris from Super Arm.

When the player uses Cut Man, Cut Man is able to throw two cutters at a time instead of only one.

When facing Cut Man as a boss in New Style, Cut Man can throw a giant cutter in Normal and Hard difficulties. The Wily Machine Number 1 also uses the Rolling Cutter.

Mega Man: The Wily Wars[]

Rolling Cutter is available from the beginning in the Wily Tower mode. However, it doesn't stand out much when compared with the other weapons available, like Metal Blade and Shadow Blade. Bosses don't take much damage from the Rolling Cutter, and Mega Water S and Iron Ball are immune to it.

Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge[]

Rolling Cutter is obtained after Cut Man's defeat. It is the weakness of Elec Man and the first form of the Wily Machine I.

Bubble Man, Enker, Flash Man, Heat Man, Quick Man, and Wily Machine I (2nd form) are immune to the Rolling Cutter.

Mega Man: The Power Battle[]


Rolling Cutter in Mega Man: The Power Battle.

Rolling Cutter is obtained after defeating Cut Man in the "Mega Man 1~2" course. Up to three Rolling Cutters can be present on the screen, and if it miss a target and returns to the user, its weapon energy is also restored. It is Crash Man's weakness.

Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters[]

After defeating Cut Man in the "Rescue Roll!" course, the player must get the Special Weapon Item dropped by him before it disappears to obtain the Rolling Cutter. In multiplayer, only the first player to take the item will obtain the weapon. It functions like its previous appearance and is Shade Man's weakness.

Mega Man Universe[]


Rolling Cutter in the Mega Man Universe trailer

In the cancelled game Mega Man Universe, the Rolling Cutter was teased to be one of the weapons available on its first trailer, with Mega Man looking to a Jazwares Cut Man figure and obtaining his Rolling Cutter by changing his arm (actually Mega Man's arm with the same color as Cut Man's arm), hinting at the game's customization feature. In the trailer the cutters appeared to be made of energy and were fired straight ahead instead of acting like boomerangs. It is unknown if the Rolling Cutter would act like this in the game, nor if Cut Man would have a buster, as Tellies also had a different behavior but acted like their Mega Man 2 appearance in gameplay footage.

Other appearances[]

As Cut Man's weapon, the Rolling Cutter appears in all games he appears, although he doesn't use it in all appearances, like his cameo in Mega Man 7. It is not obtained by the player in those games.

Rolling Cutter is one of Dr. Wily's attacks in Puzzle Fighter, with two cutters appearing off-screen to hit the opponent.

Damage data chart[]

Mega Man[]

Damage values in units in the original Mega Man.

Rolling Cutter (C)
Boss Damage
Cut Man 1
Guts Man 1
Ice Man 2
Bomb Man 2
Fire Man 2
Elec Man 10
Yellow Devil 2
Copy Robot 1
CWU-01P 2
Wily Machine 1: 1st Phase 1
Wily Machine 1: 2nd Phase 1

For CWU-01P, each CWU-01P unit has 20 HP; however, 4 units of damage will be taken from the total health meter for each unit destroyed, regardless of which Special Weapon the player uses against them. For this reason, damage values displayed are those against each unit.

Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge[]

Damage values in units in the original Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge.

Rolling Cutter (CU)
Boss Damage
Cut Man --
Ice Man 2
Fire Man 2
Elec Man 8
Bubble Man 1
Quick Man 0
Flash Man 1
Heat Man 0
Enker 0
Wily Machine I: 1st Phase 1
Wily Machine I: 2nd Phase 0
  • Damage values denoted with a (--) represent that no damage is taken what so ever, and the game does not recognize that the weapon has hit the target.

For other damage data charts click here.

Other media[]

Mega Man (Ruby-Spears)[]

Ruby-Spears Rolling Cutter

Mega Man getting Rolling Cutter in the first episode of the cartoon show.

"No!! Now you got my weapon."
—Cut Man

Mega Man uses the Rolling Cutter in the Mega Man animated series. The schematics shown when Mega Man obtained the weapon was different each time, having two versions when taken from Cut Man's left arm in the episodes The Beginning and Night of the Living Monster Bots, and from Cut Man's head in Terror of the Seven Seas.

Ruby-Spears Rolling Cutter C

Mega Man getting Rolling Cutter in Terror of the Seven Seas.

What was also noticeable about the cutters when used by Mega Man, was that they seemed to have homing capabilities—this was demonstrated in the first episode, when they chased Cut Man across almost the entire airstrip, only stopping when Cut Man escapes in the Skullker, and even then following him inside.

Besides throwing the cutter in his head, Cut Man is shown using the cutter without removing it from his head, cutting objects in his path while running, and he can rotate the cutter when needed. He is also able to turn either one of his arms into cannons to fire cutters. Cutters launched from his arms fly straight ahead instead of acting like a boomerang. In addtion, he can turn both of his arm into cannons at once, similar to the Double Mega Buster.[2]

Mega Man (Archie Comics)[]

Mega Man obtains the Rolling Cutter in issue 2 and uses it against Elec Man in issue 3.

Mega Man Megamix[]

Rolling Cutter is a cutter made of Ceramic Chitin (Ceratanium), giving it high durability and a resistance to rust and varying temperatures. Cut Man can take the Rolling Cutter with his hands and throw it like a boomerang, his hands having anti-slip surfaces so he can catch the cutter as it returns to him. He can also use it directly from his head, turning it if needed. After Cut Man's defeat, Mega Man copies the Rolling Cutter and later uses it to defeat Elec Man, firing it from the Mega Buster than changing his arm to normal to catch the cutter.

In Mega Man Gigamix, Cut Man is attacked by Jupiter and loses both arms, but he is still able to launch Rolling Cutter from his head, losing it after the attack. Later, one of his arms is found by Gravity Man and attached to him by Elec Man. Cut Man then turns his arm into an arm cannon to create a new cutter for his head. It is unknown if Cut Man can fire the cutter from his arm cannon as this is the only time he is seen with one in the manga. When facing the Stardroids again, Cut Man combines with Rush and fires the cutter alongside a Super Rocket Buster, but it has no effect on Mercury.

Other appearances[]

The Rolling Cutter appears in the manga Rockman, Rockman World, and Rock'n Game Boy.


Game images[]

Mega Man with Rolling Cutter in Mega Man.

Mega Man with Rolling Cutter in Mega Man.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man Powered Up.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man Powered Up.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Proto Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Proto Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Bass using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Bass using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Duo using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Duo using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Rolling Cutter in Puzzle Fighter.

Rolling Cutter in Puzzle Fighter.

Other media[]

Mega Man obtaining Rolling Cutter in Night of the Living Monster Bots.

Mega Man obtaining Rolling Cutter in Night of the Living Monster Bots.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in the Ruby-Spears cartoon.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in the Ruby-Spears cartoon.

Cut Man using Rolling Cutter in both arms in the Ruby-Spears cartoon.

Cut Man using Rolling Cutter in both arms in the Ruby-Spears cartoon.

Rolling Cutter in Captain N

Rolling Cutter in Captain N

Mega Man obtaining Rolling Cutter in the Mega Man comic book series.

Mega Man obtaining Rolling Cutter in the Mega Man comic book series.

Mega Man throwing a Rolling Cutter in the Mega Man comic.

Mega Man throwing a Rolling Cutter in the Mega Man comic.

Mega Man holding two Rolling Cutters in the Mega Man comic.

Mega Man holding two Rolling Cutters in the Mega Man comic.

Break Man taking Rolling Cutters from Cut Man and using them against Bomb Man in the Mega Man comic.

Break Man taking Rolling Cutters from Cut Man and using them against Bomb Man in the Mega Man comic.

Mega Man copying the Rolling Cutter in Mega Man Megamix.

Mega Man copying the Rolling Cutter in Mega Man Megamix.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man Megamix.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in Mega Man Megamix.

Cut Man using Rolling Cutter without removing it from his head in Mega Man Megamix.

Cut Man using Rolling Cutter without removing it from his head in Mega Man Megamix.

Cut Man throwing Rolling Cutter without his arms in Mega Man Gigamix.

Cut Man throwing Rolling Cutter without his arms in Mega Man Gigamix.

Cut Man creating a new Rolling Cutter in Mega Man Gigamix.

Cut Man creating a new Rolling Cutter in Mega Man Gigamix.

Cut Man using Rolling Cutter alongside the Super Adaptor in Mega Man Gigamix.

Cut Man using Rolling Cutter alongside the Super Adaptor in Mega Man Gigamix.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in the Rockman manga.

Mega Man using Rolling Cutter in the Rockman manga.

Rolling Cutter in the Rockman World manga.

Rolling Cutter in the Rockman World manga.

Rolling Cutter in Rock'n Game Boy.

Rolling Cutter in Rock'n Game Boy.


  • The Rolling Cutter is mistakenly identified as Cut Blade in the gallery section of Mega Man Legacy Collection. It was also given this name in the Nintendo Power publication.
  • This is the first ceratanium blade in the series.
  • In Mega Man Powered Up, when playing as Cut Man, the Rolling Cutter's description is the same as Cut Man's in the player select screen, talking about his move instead of his weapon: "Jump against a wall and kick off it to reach higher places.". Mega Man S also talks about the sliding instead of the Mega Buster.

Similar Weapons[]


Cutter / Boomerang Special Weapons
Mega Man series Rolling Cutter (1) • Metal Blade (2) • Quick Boomerang (2) • Shadow Blade (3) • Ring Boomerang (4) • Gyro Attack (5) • Silver Tomahawk (6) • Slash Claw (7) • Flame Sword (8) • Triple Blade (10) • Wheel Cutter (10) • Screw Crusher (III) • Tengu Blade (M&B) • Shark Boomerang (3DOS) • Blade Launcher (3DOS)
Mega Man X series Boomerang Cutter (X) • Sonic Slicer (X2) • Spin Wheel (X2) • Spinning Blade (X3) • Twin Slasher (X4) • Crescent Shot (X5) • Magma Blade (X6) • Wind Cutter (X7) • Shadow Runner (X8) • Ray Claw (Xtreme 2)
Mega Man
Six Robot Masters
Cut ManGuts ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManElec Man
Other bosses
Yellow DevilCopy RobotCWU-01PWily Machine 1
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Rolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder Beam
Mega Man's Support Items
Magnet Beam
List of enemies
Adhering SuzyBlasterBig EyeBunby HeliBombombombChangkeyCrazy RazyFoot HolderGabyoallKamadoma
Killer BombMambuMetallPepePickelmanScrew DriverSniper JoeSuper CutterWatcher
ScriptGalleryList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man Powered Up
Playable characters
Mega Man (Mega, S, C) • RollProto Man
Cut ManGuts ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManElec ManTime ManOil Man
Cut ManGuts ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManElec ManTime ManOil Man
Proto EyeMega Man?Yellow DevilCWU-01PCopy RobotWily Machine Number 1
Special Weapons
Rolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder BeamTime SlowOil Slider
Other weapons and support items
Magnet BeamMega KickRoll SwingProto Strike
WalkthroughDamage data chartScriptEnemiesChallengeConstruction
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
The eight Robot Masters
Cut ManIce ManFire ManElec ManBubble ManQuick ManFlash ManHeat Man
Other Bosses
EnkerWily Machine I
Special Weapons
Rolling CutterIce SlasherFire StormThunder BeamBubble LeadQuick BoomerangTime StopperAtomic FireMirror Buster
Support Item
Cut Man StageIce Man StageFire Man StageElec Man StageWily CastleWily Station
Damage Data ChartMega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge ScriptEnemies
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Genesis Unit
Buster Rod G (rod) • Mega Water SHyper Storm H
Wily Tower Bosses
Fire SnakeyIron BallBuster Rod G (buster) • "Wily Machine"
Adhering SuzyBattonBlasterBig EyeBig FishBikkyBunby HeliBolton and NuttonBomb FlierBubukanChangkey
Changkey MakerCannonCopipiFoot HolderGabyoallGiant SpringerHammer JoeHari HarryJamacyJunk Golem
Kaminari GoroKerogKomasaburoM-445MatasaburoMechakkeroMetallMetall DXMoleNew ShotmanParasyu
PeterchyPetit SnakeyPickelman BullPickelmanPipiPoleReturning MonkingRobbit
ScrewdriverShotmanShrinkSniper ArmorSniper JoeSpringerTanishiTellyYambow
- Mid-bosses -
AnkoBig SnakeyFriender
Special Weapons
Air ShooterAtomic FireBubble LeadCrash BombFire StormGemini LaserHard KnuckleHyper BombIce Slasher
Leaf ShieldMagnet MissileMega BusterMetal BladeNeedle CannonQuick BoomerangRolling CutterSearch Snake
Shadow BladeSpark ShockSuper ArmThunder BeamTime StopperTop Spin
Support items
Magnet BeamItem-1Item-2Item-3Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
Extra LifeLife EnergyWeapon EnergyEnergy Tank
Appearing BlockBottomless PitBlocksFire BlockNeedle PressPressRed liquidScrapSpikesMega Man: The Wily Wars Damage Data Chart
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
List of Playable Characters
Mega ManProto ManBassDuo
List of Bosses
- Search for Wily! -
Shadow ManPlant ManGyro ManCentaur ManBubble ManHeat Man
Mad Grinder
- Rescue Roll! -
Cut ManStone ManShade ManElec ManDive ManSlash Man
Yellow Devil
- Recover the new parts! -
Guts ManPharaoh ManAir ManQuick ManGemini ManNapalm Man
Mecha Dragon
- Dr. Wily -
Wily Machine
List of Special Weapons
Shadow BladePlant BarrierGyro AttackCentaur ArrowBubble LeadAtomic Fire
Rolling CutterPower StoneNoise CrushThunder BeamDive MissileSlash Claw
Super ArmPharaoh WaveAir ShooterQuick BoomerangGemini LaserNapalm Bomb
Support Items
Mega Man series
Main characters
Mega ManRollDr. LightDr. WilyProto ManBassDuoDr. CossackKalinkaKing
AutoRushTrebleEddieBeatTangoReggaeCut ManGuts ManRobot Masters
Main games
Mega Man234567891011
Rockman Complete Works (Pokeroku) • Anniversary CollectionLegacy CollectionLegacy Collection 2
Platformer spin-off games
Mega Man World: Dr. Wily's RevengeIIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassMega Man: The Wily WarsMega Man Powered Up
Mega Man (DOS)Mega Man 3 (DOS)Mega Man (Game Gear)Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha
Street Fighter X Mega ManMega Man Mania(cancelled) • Mega Man Universe (cancelled)
Other spin-off games
Mega Man: The Power BattleMega Man 2: The Power FightersRockman Battle & Fighters
RockBoardMega Man's SoccerMega Man Battle & ChaseSuper Adventure Rockman
Rockman StrategyTobe! RockmanChokkan! RockmanPinballSpace RescueRockman GPDot Art Logic
Panic FireSlotSolitaireTennisMega Man Rush MarineDiverThe Puzzle BattlePokerVR
Lists of enemies
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man (Game Gear)
Damage data charts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Game scripts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Captain N: The Game MasterMega Man (Ruby-Spears)Mega Man: Upon a StarMega Man: Fully Charged
Mega Man (Dreamwave Productions)Mega Man (Archie Comics)
Mega Man MegamixMega Man GigamixMega Man ManiaxMega Man MastermixRockman Tanjou Densetsu
Rockman (manga series)Rockman 8Rockman & ForteRockman 10 -Extra F-Rockman 11
Rockman 4Koma Dai KoushinRockman: Battle & ChaseLittle Mega ManMr. Mega Man'
Special Weapon (ListStrengths) • Speed RunsWily Castle