Snake Man

"You dodged a bullet there. But you won't get a second chance, Rockman."
―Snake Man, Super Adventure Rockman

Snake Man (スネークマン Sunēkuman) is a Robot Master with a snake motif created by Dr. Wily and Dr. Light to investigate narrow areas and survey topography on uninhabited planets marked for development. With his quick and lightweight body, Snake Man was well-suited for work on any kind of terrain. However, this caught the attention of Dr. Wily, who stole him, reprogrammed him into a combat robot, and sent him to work in order to fulfill his schemes.[1] Snake Man is also the first Robot Master to have an animal-themed design.

His Special Weapon is the Search Snake, serpentine missiles that can move swiftly along the ground and even climb up walls. In Super Adventure Rockman he is shown to be able to dig underground to stay out of sight and ambush opponents, or to avoid their attacks.


Snake Man is an average humanoid robot with a snake motif. He has a black body, red eyes, a helmet modeled like a snake, green-white armor, white pauldrons, a white left hand, a green bracer on his left arm, a green buster on his right arm, and white boots with a green diamond shape on each front of it.


Snake Man is intelligent and shrewd, but he can also be spiteful and tenacious. He enjoys actively hunting and cornering his prey like a snake, which puts him at odds with the fair-minded Hard Man. He enjoys the company of Toad Man, for whom the feelings are unfortunately not mutual, and has a hatred of slugs.

Video game appearances[]

Mega Man 3[]

Snake Man is one of the eight Robot Masters. Defeating him will reward the player with Search Snake.

Attack Pattern[]

Snake Man is one of the easiest bosses in the game. His room is set up with 3 elevations: the middle being the highest, the two corners being the middle, and in between them are the lowest. He has a very simple pattern of walking back and forth across the screen, jumping across and over the terrain in a predictable fashion. He also jumps as a way of turning around when he reaches a wall. Every now and then, he jumps high up in place and fires two Search Snakes, snake drones that will scale the landscape until they die by hitting the ceiling.

In The Wily Wars, Snake Man's way of navigating the terrain has been changed up slightly.


Snake Man's weakness is Needle Cannon, which can kill him in 7 hits. The weapon can also instantly destroy Search Snakes. Snake Man also has secondary weaknesses to Hard Knuckle, Top Spin, and Shadow Blade (this being the most useful).

As with all other Robot Masters in Mega Man 3, he is weak to his own weapon and dies in 7 hits to it, though it can only be used in the rematches. Search Snake can be useful as Snake Man climbs along the ground and walls a lot.

Mega Man III[]

Snake Man is part of the first wave of 4 Robot Masters, which all come from Mega Man 3.

Attack Pattern[]

Snake Man has been modified slightly. His jumps are slightly shorter, he does not jump off the middle platform, and he can shoot Search Snakes in the lower ditches instead of the middle platform. While he is still relatively easy, it is very difficult to avoid damage within the first 5 seconds of the fight because of his new movement. There are several methods of doing so, but they are all pixel-perfect thanks to Snake Man's big hitbox and the RNG-ness of his Search Snake. You could either:

  • Get to the middle platform and hope Snake Man uses Search Snake before he gets there. If he does, they will be shot over you. Once he's done, you can attempt to jump over him.
  • If Snake Man doesn't use Search Snake before the middle platform, you can attempt to jump over him from the middle platform (best done by pulling back before going right).
  • If you stay on the left side and Snake Man does not use Search Snake in the 2 lower ditches (damage is guaranteed if he does), you can attempt to slide under Snake Man when he jumps to your position.

There is also a bug where if you destroy one of the Search Snakes (best done with Shadow Blade), Snake Man won't fire anymore Search Snakes for the rest of the fight.


Snake Man's weakness is Spark Shock, which does 3 damage. However, it dings off the Search Snakes, so the player must be careful. Snake Man also retains a secondary weakness to Shadow Blade, which does 2 damage and CAN destroy the Search Snakes.

As with most other bosses, Snake Man takes 3 damage from a fully-charged buster shot.

Snake Man also has a secondary weakness to Drill Bomb and takes 2 damage from it, but as there are no rematches, this can only be discovered with a cheat device.

Mega Man's Soccer[]

Snake Man is a balanced player with a good tackle. In Tournament mode he is a member of the Cut Man, Wood Man, Needle Man, Pharaoh Man, Enker, and Proto Man teams. In League mode he is part of the Elec Man and Dust Man teams.

Super Adventure Rockman[]

Snake Man is one of the robots revived by Ra Moon in the Lanfront Ruins. He is the fourth boss from Episode 2, attacking Mega Man in an underground area. He attacks with Search Snakes and uses two rocks to protect himself. If the rocks are destroyed, he will dig underground to stay out of Mega Man's range. His weakness is the Crash Bomber.

Later in Episode 3, Snake Man is revived again, but Wily is betrayed by Ra Moon and his robots are attacked until they collapse. Snake Man and the other robots are apparently destroyed alongside Ra Moon's temple.

Other appearances[]

Snake Man in Capcom World 2.
Snake Man in Capcom World 2.


Mega Man & Bass CD data[]

Snake Man CD data card
• CD data •
English data
A robot created to investigate the narrow areas. He uses a snake-like missile called Search Snake.
"You can't hide from me!"
Good Point: Green robot
Bad Point: Elusive idea
Like: Toad Man
Dislike: Slug
Japanese data
A robot built to survey narrow terrain. The snake-shaped missile Search Snake is his special weapon.
"There's nowhere for you to run!"
Good Point: Cautious nature
Bad Point: Spiteful
Like: Toad Man
Dislike: Slugs

Rockman Complete Works data[]


Mega Man Legacy Collection text: Like a tenacious snake, he steadily drives his prey into a corner... He moves about a lot, so stand still and attack.


Damage data chart[]

Amount of damage in units that Snake Man receives from each Special Weapon in Mega Man 3.

Mega Man 3
Mega Buster Needle Cannon Magnet Missile Gemini Laser Hard Knuckle Top Spin Search Snake Spark Shock Shadow Blade
1 4 -- 1 2 2 4 1 2

* For Magnet Missile, there is no value as the projectile bounces off Snake Man rather than hitting and dealing 0 damage.

* For Gemini Laser, it is possible to hit Snake Man with the projectile once it has bounced off a wall.  If fired directly at him, the laser reflects and splits in two.

Other media[]

Mega Man (Ruby-Spears)[]


Snake Man from the cartoon show.

In Ruby Spears' Mega Man animated series, the design of Snake Man's head and arm cannon are different. His eyes are yellow with red slitted pupils, and instead of lips his mouth is a plate that opens and closes when talking, and he often hisses when doing so. The eyes on his helmet are also different, and he has circular ears like other robots. The Search Snakes are fired as projectiles that can chew through many surfaces and objects.

Aside from Cut Man and Guts Man, Snake Man had the most appearances in the series of any of Dr. Wily's Robot Masters, being present in the episodes "Bot Transfer," "Campus Commandos," "Showdown at Red Gulch," "Brain Bots," and "Mega X."

A recurring joke is the use of the line "Try this/these on for size!" whenever the Search Snake is first used in an episode by a character, be it Snake Man, Mega Man, or even X.

Snake Man is voiced by Ian James Corlett, who also voiced Mega Man and Rush.

Mega Man Megamix[]

Snake Man appeared in the manga Mega Man Megamix and Mega Man Gigamix.

In the story "Metal Heart" from Mega Man Megamix, Wily orders his robots from Mega Man 3 to go after Yellow Devil MK-II, which is out of control, and they make a truce with Mega Man to stop him. When Yellow Devil MK-II created a tunnel to escape, Snake Man, Beat and Tango go after him, but they argue and lose sight of him. Later, Snake Man, Top Man and Spark Man help Shadow Man save Mega Man when he was thrown from the building.

In Mega Man Gigamix vol. 1, Snake Man uses Search Snakes to map the space station in the story "Asteroid Blues", which is based on the events from Mega Man 3. In the stories from volumes 2 and 3, he assists Dr. Wily and the others in the battle against the Stardroids.

Mega Man (Archie Comics)[]

Rockman World 3[]

After Snake Man spots Mega Man in the woods, he sends his minions to attack, and later appears himself, surprising Mega Man with his Search Snakes. He is the first boss defeated by Mega Man.

Other appearances[]

Snake Man has brief appearances in the manga Rockman: Yomigaeru Blues as a member of the Wily Patrol and a cameo appearance in the Rockman 7 manga. He also appeared in some shorts from the manga Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.



Snake Man's original Mega Man 3 design.

Snake Man's original Mega Man 3 design.

Front, side, and back view of Snake Man.

Front, side, and back view of Snake Man.

Snake Man in Mega Man Megamix.

Snake Man in Mega Man Megamix.

Snake Man in the Rockman World 3 manga.

Snake Man in the Rockman World 3 manga.

Snake Man in Rockman: Yomigaeru Blues.

Snake Man in Rockman: Yomigaeru Blues.

Snake Man cameo in the Rockman 7 manga.

Snake Man cameo in the Rockman 7 manga.

Snake Man in Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.

Snake Man in Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.

Snake Man in Otoranger.

Snake Man's boss submission

Snake Man's boss submission

Snake Man in the Rockman 4 manga.

Snake Man in the Rockman 4 manga.


Snake Man's intro screen in Mega Man 3.

Snake Man's intro screen in Mega Man 3.

Snake Man's appearance in Super Adventure Rockman.

Snake Man's appearance in Super Adventure Rockman.

Snake Man from cartoon show.

Snake Man from cartoon show.


Snake Man's CD database sprite from Mega Man & Bass.

Snake Man's CD database sprite from Mega Man & Bass.

Snake Man's mugshot from Super Adventure Rockman.



Snake Man action figure from the cartoon show.

  • Snake Man is shown having his cannon placed on his right hand in certain shots, such as in the Mega Man 3 game itself. In the Ruby-Spears cartoon, Snake Man's cannon was put on his left arm to match his artwork.
    • Snake Man is also able to morph his cannon into a hand in the Archie Comics, and has it on his right arm.
  • Snake Man is credited to liking Toad Man and disliking slugs; this most likely comes from Sansunumi-ken, the Japanese original version of Rock Paper Scissors, where Snake eats Toad, Toad eats Slug, and Slug scares Snake.. This would also explain why Toad Man is credited as disliking Snake Man also. Also, some snakes eat toads in real life.  Archie Comics makes a note to this in Sonic Universe #250, where Snake Man is seen waving at Toad Man while the latter stares at him suspiciously.
  • Hyleg Ourobockle and Burble Hekelot from Mega Man Zero 2 have a similar relation to Snake Man and Toad Man.
  • Shark Man's mugshot from the DOS version of Mega Man 3 is an edited of Snake Man's mugshot.
  • In the Ruby-Spears cartoon, Snake Man appeared in the most episodes out of all the Mega Man 3 Robot Masters.


Mega Man 3
Eight Robot Masters
Needle ManMagnet ManGemini ManHard ManTop ManSnake ManSpark ManShadow Man
Robot Masters in Doc Robot's data
Metal ManQuick ManFlash ManBubble ManWood ManHeat ManAir ManCrash Man
Other bosses
Doc RobotBreak ManKamegoro MakerYellow Devil MK-IIHolograph Mega MansWily Machine 3Gamma
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Needle CannonMagnet MissileGemini LaserHard KnuckleTop SpinSearch SnakeSpark ShockShadow Blade
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
List of enemies
BikkyBolton and NuttonBomb FlierBomber PepeBubukanCannonChibeeDadaElec'nElectric GabyoallGiant Springer
GyoraiboHammer JoeHari HarryHave "Su" BeeHologranJamacyJunk GolemKomasaburoMag FlyMechakkero
Metall DXNew ShotmanNitronNeedle PressParasyuPenpenPenpen MakerPeterchyPetit SnakeyPickelman BullPole
PottonReturning MonkingWalking BombWanaanYambow
- Mid-bosses -
Big SnakeyGiant MetallProto ManTama
Dr. Light's LaboratoryNeedle Man StageMagnet Man StageGemini Man StageHard Man Stage
Top Man StageSnake Man StageSpark Man StageShadow Man StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man III
Robot Masters
Gemini ManSnake ManSpark ManShadow Man
Drill ManDust ManDive ManSkull Man
Other Bosses
PunkWily Machine
Special Weapons
Gemini LaserSearch SnakeSpark ShockShadow Blade
Drill BombDust CrusherDive MissileSkull BarrierScrew Crusher
Support Items
Rush CoilRush Jet
List of Enemies
BattontonBomber PepeBubukan MK-IIDadaElec'nElectric GabyoallGachapponGaryobyHammer JoeHeliponHologranImormJumbigLadder PressM-422AMantanMechakkeroMetallNeo MetallMetall EXMetall SwimPakatto 24ParasyuPetit SnakeyPickelman DadaPolePottonShield AttackerSkeleton JoeSkullmetSuper Ball Machine Jr.TogeheroUp'n'DownWalking BombYambow
- Sub-Bosses -
Big SnakeyGiant SuzyMoby
Gemini Man StageSnake Man StageSpark Man StageShadow Man StageWily Castle
Drill Man StageDust Man StageDive Man StageSkull Man StageWily Station
Damage Data Chart
Super Adventure Rockman
Mega ManBeatRushDr. LightRollProto ManDr. WilyRa Moon
Cut ManGuts ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManElec Man
Metal ManBubble ManHeat ManFlash ManQuick ManShadow Man
Wood ManAir ManCrash ManSnake ManNeedle ManGemini Man
Magnet ManHard ManTop ManSpark ManRa ThorNew Yellow Devil
Special Weapons
Metal BladeBubble LeadAtomic FireTime StopperQuick BoomerangShadow Blade
Leaf ShieldAir ShooterCrash BomberSearch SnakeNeedle CannonGemini Laser
Magnet MissileHard KnuckleTop SpinSpark Shock
EnemiesEnergy TankInformation CardItem BoxLanfront RuinsProto Shield
Mega Man series
Main characters
Mega ManRollDr. LightDr. WilyProto ManBassDuoDr. CossackKalinkaKing
AutoRushTrebleEddieBeatTangoReggaeCut ManGuts ManRobot Masters
Main games
Mega Man234567891011
Rockman Complete Works (Pokeroku) • Anniversary CollectionLegacy CollectionLegacy Collection 2
Platformer spin-off games
Mega Man World: Dr. Wily's RevengeIIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassMega Man: The Wily WarsMega Man Powered Up
Mega Man (DOS)Mega Man 3 (DOS)Mega Man (Game Gear)Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha
Street Fighter X Mega ManMega Man Mania(cancelled) • Mega Man Universe (cancelled)
Other spin-off games
Mega Man: The Power BattleMega Man 2: The Power FightersRockman Battle & Fighters
RockBoardMega Man's SoccerMega Man Battle & ChaseSuper Adventure Rockman
Rockman StrategyTobe! RockmanChokkan! RockmanPinballSpace RescueRockman GPDot Art Logic
Panic FireSlotSolitaireTennisMega Man Rush MarineDiverThe Puzzle BattlePokerVR
Lists of enemies
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man (Game Gear)
Damage data charts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Game scripts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Captain N: The Game MasterMega Man (Ruby-Spears)Mega Man: Upon a StarMega Man: Fully Charged
Mega Man (Dreamwave Productions)Mega Man (Archie Comics)
Mega Man MegamixMega Man GigamixMega Man ManiaxMega Man MastermixRockman Tanjou Densetsu
Rockman (manga series)Rockman 8Rockman & ForteRockman 10 -Extra F-Rockman 11
Rockman 4Koma Dai KoushinRockman: Battle & ChaseLittle Mega ManMr. Mega Man'
Special Weapon (ListStrengths) • Speed RunsWily Castle