Dive Man

"Yuck. I feel seasick. Bleah."
―Dive Man, Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide

Dive Man (ダイブマン Daibuman) is a Robot Master created by Dr. Cossack with the AI functions of a miniaturized submarine. When Dr. Wily forced Dr. Cossack to work for him, Dive Man was modified for combat against Mega Man in Mega Man 4. His Special Weapon is the Dive Missile - special Homing Missiles that he can launch from his chest, much like torpedoes on a submarine. These were originally designed to catch fish, but are adapted to home in on nearby opponents and explode, working equally well both in the air and underwater. Due to a design mistake, Dive Man can also attack by launching himself forward like a torpedo, ramming into his foes to do major damage.[1]


Dive Man is a humanoid robot with green eyes. He seemingly has a black body, a blue helmet, a periscope with blue lens on top of his helmet, a blue armor, blue pauldrons, blue tracers, white hands, a white lower torso with a yellow linear area in the center, a blue part on the bottom of his body, blue leg armors with a white fins on each side of it, and white feet.


In fitting with his naval disposition, Dive Man is a good listener and likes to look at various coral reefs in his spare time, but quite ironically for being an aquatic robot, he tends to suffer from motion sickness easily, perhaps referring to the fact that submarines are designed primarily for underwater use. Dive Man does not like Pirate Man due to their opposing principles regarding the sea; Dive Man is honest and loyal while Pirate Man is ruthless and unscrupulous.

Video game appearances[]

Mega Man 4[]

Dive Man is one of the eight Robot Masters, and defeating him rewards the player with Dive Missile.

Attack Pattern[]

Dive Man's fight takes place completely underwater in his submarine. His fight may seem difficult, but has a very exploitable pattern. Dive Man has 2 main methods of attack, where are triggered by the player's distance relative to him. At the start of the fight, he will charge like a torpedo at Mega Man's position. The torpedo charge will be continuously used if the player stays close to him, and he can use it up to 3 times in a row. If the player stays far away from Dive Man, he will shoot a Dive Missile out of his chest. This projectile will home in on the player's position and move erratically if they jump. Dive Man can shoot up to 3 Dive Missiles in a row. If you stay far away from Dive Man and stay in place, you can shoot down the Dive Missiles with little opposition.


Dive Man's main weakness is Skull Barrier, which can kill him in 7 hits. However, due to the weapon's close range nature, you'll have to fight Dive Man as he does a lot of charge attacks. He also has a secondary weakness to Dust Crusher, which kills him in 10 hits. This weapon should also be used with the close-range strategy, as it won't be able to destroy multiple missiles at once due to its slow fire rate. As with most other bosses, Dive Man takes 3 damage from a fully-charged buster shot and Pharaoh Shot.

Mega Man III[]

Dive Man is part of the second wave of 4 Robot Masters, which all come from Mega Man 4.

Attack Pattern[]

Dive Man's pattern has been altered to no longer be distance-oriented. Instead, he will always alternate between charging followed by shooting 2 Dive Missiles. He can only have 2 Dive Missiles on-screen. The catch is, because of the floatier water physics in this game, the player cannot get to the ground as quickly as they could before, making the exploitable strategy in Mega Man 4 impossible to perform. The easiest way to dodge the Dive Missiles is to cut through their circular movement, as they do not take hard turns and have to travel back in a loop if you're able to do this.


Dive Man has 2 weaknesses: Dust Crusher and Skull Barrier. Unlike Mega Man 4, both of these do the same damage, which is 3. Dust Crusher can be effective if you want to fight long-range or hope the shrapnels hit other targets, but Skull Barrier is the superior weapon to use. This is because its increased durability allows it to block up to 3 projectiles instead of just 1, meaning you can have it tank 2 Dive Missiles and then smack Dive Man with it to deal damage. As with most other bosses, Dive Man takes 3 damage from a fully-charged buster shot.

Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters[]

"Dive Man's missile will chase you. Use a weapon you'd think is useless underwater. It will work very well!"
Dr. Light

Dive Man is one of the six bosses from the "Rescue Roll!" course. He is weak to the Thunder Beam (likely due to how dangerous it is to mix electricity and water).

Rockman Strategy[]

Dive Man and Aqua Man team up with Capricorn in the "Arctic Glaciomarine" in Kazakhstan on Dr. Wily's orders. Later, he appears in a chemical plant alongside Astro Man and Yamato Man.

Other appearances[]


Mega Man & Bass CD data[]

Dive Man's CD data card
• CD data •
English data
A robot that has the ability of a submarine. His Dive Missile is an amphibian homing missile.
"Yuck. I feel seasick. Bleah."
Good Point: Keen ear
Bad Point: Motion sickness
Like: Coral reel
Dislike: Pirate Man
Japanese data
A robot with the capabilities of a submarine. His Dive Missile is an amphibious homing missile.
"Ugh. I got seasick... blech!"
Good Point: Keen ear
Bad Point: Prone to motion sickness
Like: Coral reef seas
Dislike: Pirate Man

* Coral reel is a misspelling of coral reef.

Rockman Complete Works data[]


Mega Man Legacy Collection translation: A miniature submarine robot. He mistakenly tends to fire himself towards you like a missile, so maybe ordinary rapid-fire would be better than using the weapon that plays on his weakness?

Rockman Battle & Fighters data[]


Translation: This robot is a miniaturized submarine equipped with AI functions. He is designed to fire missiles from his chest, but due to a design error, he can launch himself as a missile. His special weapon is Dive Missile.


Damage data chart[]

Amount of damage in units that Dive Man receives from each Special Weapon in Mega Man 4.

Mega Man 4
Mega Buster Flash Stopper Rain Flush Drill Bomb Pharaoh Shot Ring Boomerang Dust Crusher Dive Missile Skull Barrier Wire Adaptor
1:3 0 1 1:1 1:3 1 3 1 4 1

*For the Mega Buster and Pharaoh Shot, the first digit is when the weapon is fired normally and the second is when it is fully charged.

Other media[]

Mega Man (Ruby-Spears)[]


Dive Man in the Mega Man cartoon show.

"Let me give you another reminder."
―Dive Man, 20,000 Leaks under the Sea

Dive Man appeared in the episode 20,000 Leaks under the Sea from the Mega Man animated series. He was voiced by Terry Klassen. In the cartoon, he has propellers in his feet and fires Dive Missiles from a cannon in his left arm instead of his chest. Dive Man, Wave Man, Cut Man, and Guts Man attack an undersea mine with Wily, and Mega Man tries to stop them. During the battle, a giant squid throws Dive Man into Guts Man, and they get stuck in the net Guts Man was using. Cut Man tries to free them but is stopped by Mega Man. The two eventually get free and, alongside Wave Man, attack Mega Man. Mega Man manages to drop the four robots into an underwater pit, and they retreat. They later attack the mine again, and Mega Man defeats Dive Man by sending a Dive Missile back to him with Wave Man's weapon. Dive Man has a somewhat screechy voice. He has a few differences from his game counterpart—he has red anchors on his shoulders, propellers on the bottom of his feet, and an arm cannon from which he shoots his Dive Missiles.

Mega Man Megamix[]

In the manga, Dive Man is a marine robot designed for work in the fishing industry. He has an ultrasonic sonar that allows him to lock-on to his target in low-visibility environments. His Dive Missiles are mobilized by a screw propulsion system, and are equipped with both active as well as passive sonar systems. Despite all these features, the missiles function in almost complete silence. When fighting out of water, the Dive Missiles switch to a jet propulsion system, and they also have the added feature of a laser tracking system. Before the battle against Mega Man, Dive Man's ability and durability were enhanced. He is a true robot of the sea, and can be a little reckless at times, sometimes even resorting to charge into his enemies head-on.

After the events of Mega Man 4, Dr. Cossack's Citadel is destroyed by Skull Man and Dive Man protects Kalinka from the collapsing building. He and Kalinka are later found in the rubble by Mega Man and Roll, and he is repaired by Bright Man. Dive Man, Bright Man and Toad Man help Mega Man rescue Dr. Cossack and the other robots captured by Dr. Wily and Skull Man. During the fight against Dust Man, Drill Man and Pharaoh Man, Dive Man defeats Drill Man by launching several Dive Missiles on him. Mega Man and the seven Cossack robots later join forces to fight against Skull Man.

Mega Man (Archie Comics)[]

Dive Man appears among the Robot Masters in the Mega Man-Sonic crossover arc Worlds Collide, specifically in Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 250. He fought Amy Rose alongside the other aquatic-themed Robot Masters, but was taken down by Tails. He later ended up attempting to use Dive Missile on Sonic, but Sonic's speed got him out of the way and Dive Man ended up firing it at Drill Man instead.

Mr. Mega Man[]

After both Wily and Light retire, Dive Man joins the military with Quick Man, and becomes the marines' top commander with Bubble Man serving under him. Due to the recent hostilities from an agitator group of robots, Dive Man and Bubble Man attack their hideout with Quick Man. Unfortunately, the two are heavily damaged when it turns out to be a trap, and they are hit by suicide robots underwater. The pair are later rescued by Splash Woman.

Other appearances[]

Dive Man appeared in the manga Rockman 4, Rockman World 3, Rockman: Yomigaeru Blues, and Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.


Dive Man's original Mega Man 4 artwork.

Dive Man's original Mega Man 4 artwork.

Front, side, and back view of Dive Man.

Front, side, and back view of Dive Man.

Suguru Nakayama's original design of Dive Man

Dive Man's CD database sprite from Mega Man & Bass.

Dive Man's CD database sprite from Mega Man & Bass.

Dive Man in Mega Man Megamix.

Dive Man in Mega Man Megamix.

Dive Man's profile in Mega Man Megamix.

Dive Man's profile in Mega Man Megamix.

Dive Man in the Rockman 4 manga.

Dive Man in the Rockman 4 manga.

Dive Man in the Rockman World 3 manga.

Dive Man in the Rockman World 3 manga.

Dive Man in Rockman: Yomigaeru Blues.

Dive Man in Rockman: Yomigaeru Blues.

Dive Man in Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.

Dive Man in Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.

Dive Man + Dive Missile figure.

Dive Man + Dive Missile figure.

Dive Man's profile from the Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide.

Dive Man in Rockman Strategy.

Dive Man shown with Bright Man, Pharaoh Man and Drill Man in the Rockman 4 commercial.

Dive Man shown at the end of the Rockman 4 commercial.

Dive Man shown at the end of the Rockman 4 commercial.


Mega Man 4
Eight Robot Masters
Bright ManToad ManDrill ManPharaoh ManRing ManDust ManDive ManSkull Man
Other bosses
MothrayaSquare MachineCockroach TwinsCossack CatcherMetall DaddyTako TrashWily Machine 4Wily Capsule
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Flash StopperRain FlushDrill BombPharaoh ShotRing BoomerangDust CrusherDive MissileSkull Barrier
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
List of Enemies
100 WattonBattanBattontonBiree • "Boulder" • CoswallownDocronDompanGachapponGaryobyGyototHaehaeyHelipon
HoverImormJumbigLadder PressM-422AMantanMetall EXMetall SwimMinoanMono RoaderMummira
Pakatto 24PuyoyonRackaserRattonRing RingSasoreenuSea MineShield AttackerSkeleton JoeSkullmet
Super Ball Machine Jr.SwallownTaketentoTogeheroTom BoyTotem PolenUp'n'DownWall Blaster
- Mid-bosses -
Bright Man StageToad Man StageDrill Man StagePharaoh Man StageRing Man Stage
Dust Man StageDive Man StageSkull Man StageDr. Cossack's CitadelWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man III
Robot Masters
Gemini ManSnake ManSpark ManShadow Man
Drill ManDust ManDive ManSkull Man
Other Bosses
PunkWily Machine
Special Weapons
Gemini LaserSearch SnakeSpark ShockShadow Blade
Drill BombDust CrusherDive MissileSkull BarrierScrew Crusher
Support Items
Rush CoilRush Jet
List of Enemies
BattontonBomber PepeBubukan MK-IIDadaElec'nElectric GabyoallGachapponGaryobyHammer JoeHeliponHologranImormJumbigLadder PressM-422AMantanMechakkeroMetallNeo MetallMetall EXMetall SwimPakatto 24ParasyuPetit SnakeyPickelman DadaPolePottonShield AttackerSkeleton JoeSkullmetSuper Ball Machine Jr.TogeheroUp'n'DownWalking BombYambow
- Sub-Bosses -
Big SnakeyGiant SuzyMoby
Gemini Man StageSnake Man StageSpark Man StageShadow Man StageWily Castle
Drill Man StageDust Man StageDive Man StageSkull Man StageWily Station
Damage Data Chart
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
List of Playable Characters
Mega ManProto ManBassDuo
List of Bosses
- Search for Wily! -
Shadow ManPlant ManGyro ManCentaur ManBubble ManHeat Man
Mad Grinder
- Rescue Roll! -
Cut ManStone ManShade ManElec ManDive ManSlash Man
Yellow Devil
- Recover the new parts! -
Guts ManPharaoh ManAir ManQuick ManGemini ManNapalm Man
Mecha Dragon
- Dr. Wily -
Wily Machine
List of Special Weapons
Shadow BladePlant BarrierGyro AttackCentaur ArrowBubble LeadAtomic Fire
Rolling CutterPower StoneNoise CrushThunder BeamDive MissileSlash Claw
Super ArmPharaoh WaveAir ShooterQuick BoomerangGemini LaserNapalm Bomb
Support Items
Rockman Strategy
Mega ManBeatRushDr. LightRoll
Proto ManDuoAutoEddieFanDr. Wily
BassTrebleApolloLunaWily Machine αWily Capsule α
Robot Masters
Fire ManCut ManBomb ManFlame ManIce ManFrost Man
Guts ManMetal ManElec ManSpark ManCloud ManHeat Man
Napalm ManBubble ManFreeze ManHard ManYamato ManTomahawk Man
Pharaoh ManBurst ManDive ManAqua ManStone ManAstro Man
Knight ManSword ManSkull Man
Characters and EnemiesScrewsDr. Light's LaboratoryItemsScript
Mega Man series
Main characters
Mega ManRollDr. LightDr. WilyProto ManBassDuoDr. CossackKalinkaKing
AutoRushTrebleEddieBeatTangoReggaeCut ManGuts ManRobot Masters
Main games
Mega Man234567891011
Rockman Complete Works (Pokeroku) • Anniversary CollectionLegacy CollectionLegacy Collection 2
Platformer spin-off games
Mega Man World: Dr. Wily's RevengeIIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassMega Man: The Wily WarsMega Man Powered Up
Mega Man (DOS)Mega Man 3 (DOS)Mega Man (Game Gear)Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha
Street Fighter X Mega ManMega Man Mania(cancelled) • Mega Man Universe (cancelled)
Other spin-off games
Mega Man: The Power BattleMega Man 2: The Power FightersRockman Battle & Fighters
RockBoardMega Man's SoccerMega Man Battle & ChaseSuper Adventure Rockman
Rockman StrategyTobe! RockmanChokkan! RockmanPinballSpace RescueRockman GPDot Art Logic
Panic FireSlotSolitaireTennisMega Man Rush MarineDiverThe Puzzle BattlePokerVR
Lists of enemies
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man (Game Gear)
Damage data charts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Game scripts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Captain N: The Game MasterMega Man (Ruby-Spears)Mega Man: Upon a StarMega Man: Fully Charged
Mega Man (Dreamwave Productions)Mega Man (Archie Comics)
Mega Man MegamixMega Man GigamixMega Man ManiaxMega Man MastermixRockman Tanjou Densetsu
Rockman (manga series)Rockman 8Rockman & ForteRockman 10 -Extra F-Rockman 11
Rockman 4Koma Dai KoushinRockman: Battle & ChaseLittle Mega ManMr. Mega Man'
Special Weapon (ListStrengths) • Speed RunsWily Castle