
"Good luck, X! Energy charge! Setup complete. Ready to transform! Start the Installation!"
―Middy, Mega Man Xtreme

Middy (ミディ Midi) is a character from Mega Man Xtreme. This Reploid was one of the greatest computer geniuses in the world, and managed the Hunter Base's Mother Computer throughout the game to assist the Maverick Hunters solve the current crisis.

Middy's twin brother, Techno, was manipulated by Sigma, and attempted to hack into the Mother Computer by directly connecting his CPU to the computer used for the hacking. Sadly, when X destroyed Techno's terminal to stop him from hacking the Mother Computer, he also destroyed Techno's CPU, and because Techno and Middy shared the same CPU, Middy too was killed.

Other media[]

Archie Comics[]

Middy, alongside Techno, is revived by Sigma during Worlds Unite as part of his large Reploid army. It is impossible for Techno to survive without Middy, forcing Middy to join the group.


  • "Hi, I'm Middy!"
  • "It's nice to meet you, X!"
  • "X, so... Let me explain what we should do. In order to put the past data back, we need to fix a data in the "core" of the Mother Computer. This is the core of the Mother Computer. But the way to the core is "protected." Unless you clear the protection, you can't enter the core. The guardians of the protection is the boss data of the past."
  • "Good luck, X! Energy charge! Setup complete. Ready to transform! Start the Installation!"
  • "...You know what, X? I have something to tell you... ... No. Never mind. Good luck!"
  • "Brother!"
  • "Sob! My brother, Techno!"
  • "Techno! Oh, you're waking up..."
  • "Nooo! Don't say that! Techno! Please hold on!"
  • "You are a genius! You don't have a weak heart."
  • "Nooo! Please... Techno! Don't leave me! Techno!"
  • "Techno is my twin brother. We share the CPU. So if he dies, I also die..."
  • "X... Never give in to him! Be sure to defeat Sigma! ......"
  • "Uh... X... It... seems I'm done for... Thanks to you, Techno recovered his senses... Thank you, X..."
  • "Congratulations! You have cleared this game. Let me give you a tip as a reward for your efforts. "Hard Mode" is now available! New stages and bosses are waiting for you to challenge! You can start a game with the same equipment when you've cleared the game. So you'll be prepared even when strong enemies attack you! Make sure you remember to save your data now!! Good Luck!"


Middy's character sheet.

Middy's character sheet.

Middy in Mega Man Xtreme

Middy in Mega Man Xtreme

Middy meeting X

Middy meeting X

Middy managing the Mother Computer

Middy managing the Mother Computer

Middy lamenting Techno's death

Middy lamenting Techno's death


Mega Man Xtreme
List of Mavericks
Chill PenguinSpark MandrillStorm EagleFlame StagArmored ArmadilloMorph MothMagna CentipedeWheel Gator
Other Bosses
Mega Man X's Special Weapons
Shotgun IceElectric SparkStorm TornadoSpeed BurnerRolling ShieldSilk ShotMagnet MineSpin Wheel
Zero Scramble Programs
DashRisingEarth GaizerFinal
Highway StageSnowfield StagePower Plant StageAirport StageVolcanic Zone StageGallery StageScrap Plant StageCentral Computer StageDinosaur Tank StageSigma Stage
Armor PartsDamage Data ChartGame Script
Mega Man X series
Main characters
XZeroAxlDr. LightDr. CainDoubleIrisSignasDouglasLifesaverAliaLayerPallette
MiddyTechnoSpiderCinnamonMarinoMassimoNanaChief RAileProfessor GaudileRiCOViAiCO
SigmaVileAgileSergesViolenDr. DopplerBitByteColonelGeneralDynamoGateRedLumine
ZainGeemelBerkanaGarethShadowFerhamScarfaceBotosEpsilonColonel Redips
Mega Man XX2X3X4X5X6X7X8
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2Mega Man X: Command MissionMega Man X DiVE
Mega Man Maverick Hunter XMega Man X CollectionMega Man X Legacy Collection2
Damage data charts
Mega Man X234 (X)4 (Zero)5 (X)5 (Zero)6 (X)6 (Zero)
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2 (X)Xtreme 2 (Zero)
Maverick Hunter X (X)Maverick Hunter X (Vile)
Mega Man XX2X3X4 (X's story)X4 (Zero's story)
X5 (X's story)X5 (Zero's story)X6 (X's story)X6 (Zero's story)
X7 (X's story)X7 (Zero's story)X7 (Axl's story)X8 (X's story)X8 (Zero's story)X8 (Axl's story)
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2Command Mission
Maverick Hunter X (X's story)Maverick Hunter X (Vile's story)
Related items
MaverickMaverick HuntersMaverick Virus (Zero VirusSigma Virus) • MechaniloidDoppler ArmyNightmare InvestigatorsNightmare
Rebellion ArmyRed AlertRepliforceReploidPartsInjured ReploidsChipsRide Armor
X-BusterZ-SaberZero BusterAxl BulletsA-Trans
X's weaponryArmor PartsZero's weaponryAxl's weaponryVile's weaponry
Rockman X Mega Mission
Related Media
OVA The Day of Σ
Manga Rockman X (manga series)Irregular Hunter Rockman XRockman RemixRockman X5Rockman X7 4Koma Manga Kingdom
Soundtracks Capcom Music Generation - Rockman X1~6Rockman X7 Original SoundtrackRockman X8 Original Soundtrack
Rockman X8 e-Capcom Original Special Sound CDRockman X: Command Mission Original Soundtrack