Force Metal

Force Metals

Concept art of different Force Metals.

Force Metal (フォースメタル Fōsu Metaru) is a mineral of extraterrestrial origin that has the power to boost the strength and intellect of Reploids, and is a large premise in the plot of Mega Man X: Command Mission. They are generally refined in a small hexagonal form.


Force Metal was discovered in the year 22XX when a meteor landed in the Pacific Ocean. The government was intrigued with its potential, and built the giant island of Giga City near the meteor crash site for the explicit purpose of mining Force Metal, and carry out research and development on its properties and uses. Soon, efforts toward the creation of advanced Reploids that use Force Metal started. However, it has the side-effect of causing Maverick-like symptoms in Reploids who overuse it.

Supra-Force Metal[]

Force metal

Ferham holding the last Supra-Force Metal.

During the Rebellion uprising, a new type of Force Metal, Supra-Force Metal (超フォースメタル Chou Fōsu Metaru), was created. Supra-Force Metal has 10,000 times more energy than normal Force Metal, requiring "a ton" of Force Metals to be used in its creation. The specifics of what it does exactly have never been expanded upon, but it seems to basically super-power everything about the Reploid who equips it, as evident by the fragments and remarks by the villains.

Supra-Force Metal serves as the primary motivation for both sides after Chapter 7 of Mega Man X: Command Mission, with the Rebellion attempting to use it to prepare a missile warhead armed with it and X's team trying to stop them. Only two samples of Supra-Force Metal are seen, one as the initial warhead payload and the other used by Epsilon. Professor Gaudile mentions that the release of the Supra-Force Metal energy from the missile would have created "a mass of Mavericks" over half of the planet. Eventually, Colonel Redips acquires both samples for himself to build his Great Redips body and begin his attempt at universal conquest. After his defeat, one is destroyed with him and the other by Ferham's self-destruction. Small fragments of the metal are also used by Shadow, Incentas and Botos in earlier chapters.

While only used by the enemies, it's possible to steal two fragments of Supra-Force Metal from Great Redips to use post-game. They are the only Force Metals to have the maximum Erosion rating of 99 and require Erosion reducing equipment to use.


Force Metals can alter the abilities of Reploids who use it, such as increased stats, resistance to certain elements and negative statuses, and so forth. In Mega Man X: Command Mission, it is used as a form of equipment, similar to accessories from other RPGs. Each Reploid can only equip a certain number of Force Metals. X, Axl and Spider can equip the most at four, while Steel Massimo can only handle two. Zero, Marino and Cinnamon can equip three.

Each character has a Force Metal Erosion stat that increases when they level up. The stat varies greatly between characters with Cinnamon having the most and Zero with the least. As long as the combined Erosion rating of the equipped Force Metals equals or is less than the character's Erosion stat, everything is fine. Going over the amount causes Force Metal Hazard, resulting in massive LE or WE Gain cuts in battle, which only become more severe the more the Erosion rating is gone over.

There is a total of 92 Force Metal types in the game, most of which can be bought in shops, obtained from enemies, and created with the Force Metal Generator (once Cinnamon joins).

Force Metal Generator[]


Cinnamon with a Force Metal created in the FMG menu

The Force Metal Generator, FMG for short, is Professor Gaudile's creation, Cinnamon.

To refine a Force Metal, Cinnamon needs Force Metal Energy (FME) and the ingredients shown in the recipe, which can include normal items, sub weapons and Force Metals. FME can be obtained by defeating enemies after Cinnamon joins the party, each enemy giving a different amount of FME, like Zenny and EXP. Also, Final Strikes increases the amount of FME obtained after the battle.

Some recipes need to be unlocked first by completing the requirement show in its description, and 15 Force Metals are unrefinable. Cinnamon can also only refine some Force Metals when she reaches a certain level.

List of Force Metals[]

Force Metal
Force Metal Generator
Force Metal Erosion Effect Required Level FME Used Ingredients Requirement to Create
LE +100 3 Increases max. LE by 100. 5 100 Reboot
WE +5
LE +300 8 Increases max. LE by 300. 10 500 Reboot
WE +5
LE +500 12 Increases max. LE by 500. 15 3000 Backup
2 WE +10
Fight at least 250 battles.
LE +1000 20 Increases max. LE by 1000. 30 30000 Backup
Build LE
Gain WE +10
Fight at least 500 battles.
WE +5 2 Increases initial WE by 5. 5 50 Reboot
LE +100
WE +10 3 Increases initial WE by 10. 10 150 Reboot
LE +300
Gain WE +5
10 Additional 5 WE gained by turn. 20 1000 Backup
LE +100
WE +5
Complete 10 play hours.
Gain WE +10
18 Additional 10 WE gained by turn. 30 5000 Backup
LE +300
Gain WE +5
Complete 15 play hours.
Gain WE +25
40 Additional 25 WE gained by turn. 40 50000 Backup
Build LE
Gain WE+10
LE +1000
Complete 20 play hours.
Power +1
3 Increases Power by 1. 1 100 Boost Power
Speed +1
Power +3
8 Increases Power by 3. 10 500 Boost Power
Speed +3
Inflict 3000 or more damage in 1 turn.
Power +5
12 Increases Power by 5. 20 3000 Boost Power
Speed +5
Inflict 5000 or more damage in 1 turn.
Power +10
20 Increases Power by 10. 30 30000 Boost Power
Build Speed
Speed +5
Inflict 10000 or more damage in 1 turn.
Armor +1
2 Increases Armor by 1. 1 60 Boost Armor
Shield +1
Armor +3
5 Increases Armor by 3. 8 300 Boost Armor
Shield +3
Defeat over 200 enemies in total.
Armor +5
8 Increases Armor by 5. 16 1800 Boost Armor
Shield +5
Defeat over 400 enemies in total.
Armor +10
15 Increases Armor by 10. 24 18000 Boost Armor
Build Shield
Shield +5
Defeat over 600 enemies in total.
Shield +1
2 Increases Shield by 1. 1 60 Boost Shield
Armor +1
Shield +3
5 Increases Shield by 3. 8 300 Boost Shield
Armor +3
Defeat 30 enemy types (excluding bosses).
Shield +5
8 Increases Shield by 5. 16 1800 Boost Shield
Armor +5
Defeat 40 enemy types (excluding bosses).
Shield +10
15 Increases Shield by 10. 24 18000 Boost Shield
Build Armor
Armor +5
Defeat 50 enemy types (excluding bosses).
Speed +1
3 Increases Speed by 1. 1 100 Boost Speed
Power +1
Speed +3
8 Increases Speed by 3. 10 500 Boost Speed
Power +3
Obtain 15 or more Main Weapons.
Speed +5
12 Increases Speed by 5. 20 3000 Boost Speed
Power +5
Obtain 30 or more Main Weapons.
Speed +10
20 Increases Speed by 10. 30 30000 Boost Speed
Build Power
Power +5
Obtain 70 or more Main Weapons.
Protect +1
4 Increases Armor and Shield by 1. 10 80 Boost Armor
Boost Shield
Armor +1
Shield +1
Protect +3
10 Increases Armor and Shield by 3. 15 400 Boost Armor
Boost Shield
Armor +3
Shield +3
Inflict at least 60 hits in a Final Strike.
Protect +5
16 Increases Armor and Shield by 5. 20 2400 Boost Armor
Boost Shield
Armor +5
Shield +5
Inflict at least 100 hits in a Final Strike.
Protect +10
30 Increases Armor and Shield by 10. 30 24000 Boost Armor
Boost Shield
Armor +10
Shield +10
Inflict at least 180 hits in a Final Strike.
Full specs +1
6 Increases Power, Armor, Shield and Speed by 1. 15 300 Reboot
Power +1
Speed +1
Protect +1
Inflict at least 7500 damage in a Final Strike.
Full specs +3
15 Increases Power, Armor, Shield and Speed by 3. 20 1500 Reboot
Power +3
Speed +3
Protect +3
Inflict at least 15000 damage in a Final Strike.
Full specs +5
24 Increases Power, Armor, Shield and Speed by 5. 30 9000 Backup
Power +5
Speed +5
Protect +5
Inflict at least 100000 damage in a Final Strike.
Full specs +10
40 Increases Power, Armor, Shield and Speed by 10. 40 90000 Backup
Power +10
Speed +10
Protect +10
Inflict at least 200000 damage in a Final Strike.
Massimo Plus
10 (Massimo only) All abilities +1. Counterattacks against Combat and Shot attacks +25%. Unrefinable
Assassin Mind
15 Critical strike percentage +10 13 1000 3 Boost Power
Eagle Eye
Eagle Eye
3 Hit ratio +10 10 1000 3 Boost Speed
Assassin Mind
Fat Slicer
7 (Marino only) Combat and Shot dodge percentages +10 Unrefinable
Light as a Feather
6 Combat and Shot dodge percentages +5 15 3000 Boost Speed
Build Speed
Speed +1
SFM Fragment α
99 Additional 50 WE gained by turn, recovers 10% of users LE each turn Unrefinable - "Constitution unknown, but this mere fragment greatly raises all parameters."
SFM Fragment β
99 Power, Armor and Shield +100, Speed +20 Unrefinable - "Constitution unknown, but this mere fragment greatly raises all parameters."
Fire Guard
3 Reduces damage from Fire attacks 5 300 3 Mega Fire
Protect +1
A party member suffers a Fire attack
Fire Resist
8 Reduces damage from Fire attacks 15 3000 3 Ultra Fire
Protect +3
Cinnamon suffers a Fire attack
Reverse Fire
16 Absorbs damage from Fire attacks Unrefinable
Water Guard
3 Reduces damage from Water attacks 5 300 3 Mega Blizzard
Protect +1
A party member suffers a Water attack
Water Resist
8 Reduces damage from Water attacks 15 3000 3 Ultra Blizzard
Protect +3
Cinnamon suffers a Water attack
Reverse Water
16 Absorbs damage from Water attacks Unrefinable
Thunder Guard
3 Reduces damage from Thunder attacks 5 300 3 Mega Thunder
Protect +1
A party member suffers a Thunder attack
Thunder Resist
8 Reduces damage from Thunder attacks 15 3000 3 Ultra Thunder
Protect +3
Cinnamon suffers a Thunder attack
Reverse Thunder
16 Absorbs damage from Thunder attacks Unrefinable
Virus Protection
2 Resistance to Virus up 3 80 3 Vaccine Program
LE +100
A party member is unaffected by Virus once
Virus Block
5 Full resistance to Virus 12 400 Virus Missile
LE +300
A party member is Virus at least once
Bind Protection
1 Resistance to Bind up 3 80 3 Anti-lock
LE +100
A party member is unaffected by Bind once
Bind Block
3 Full resistance to Bind 12 400 Tractor Net
LE +300
A party member is Bind at least once
Freeze Protection
1 Resistance to Freeze up 3 80 3 Warm-up
LE +100
A party member is unaffected by Freeze once
Freeze Block
3 Full resistance to Freeze 12 400 Cryogenic
LE +300
A party member is Freeze at least once
Berserk Protection
1 Resistance to Berserk up 3 80 3 Cooler
LE +100
A party member is unaffected by Berserk once
Berserk Block
3 Full resistance to Berserk 12 400 Cracker
LE +300
A party member is Berserk at least once
Blind Protection
2 Resistance to Blind up 3 80 3 Clear Vision
LE +100
A party member is unaffected by Blind once
Blind Block
5 Full resistance to Blind 12 400 Smoke Missile
LE +300
A party member is Blind at least once
DOA Protection
2 Resistance to DOA up 5 100 Justice Missile
LE +100
A party member is unaffected by DOA once
DOA Block
5 Full resistance to DOA 15 500 3 DOA Protection
LE +300
A party member is killed by DOA once
15 Higher chance of retaining normal status 20 3000 Liquid Suffocation
Discover all 6 recipes in the Status Effect series.
Block All
25 Full resistance to all status effects Unrefinable
3 Resistance to ability loss +10% 10 1000 Rust Missile
Drill Missile
Melt Missile
Slime Missile
Super Resist
15 Resistance to ability loss +30% 20 3000 2 Resist
Protect +3
The party has been subject to general ability loss attacks 30 times.
Infinite Resist
25 Full Resistance to ability loss Unrefinable
Minus Metal 10
-10 Uses one slot and reduces Erosion by -10 points 20 1000 Self-repair
Unlock Limiter
Obtain at least 10 types of Force Metal.
Minus Metal 20
-20 Uses one slot and reduces Erosion by -20 points 30 3000 2 Self-repair
Unlock Limiter
Obtain at least 20 types of Force Metal.
Auto Sub Tank
0 Automatically recovers LE once per battle with Life Gain 25 if LE is reduced to 1/4 20 1500 Build LE
LE +300
Vengeful Counter
Capacity of Sub Tank exceeds 600%.
Auto Recover
0 Revives KO'ed character at the end of round with 25% of max LE 10 500 Reboot
Capacity of Sub Tank exceeds 800%.
Auto Barrier
10 10% chance of raising barrier when attacked 20 3000 Build Armor
Build Shield
Protect +3
Finish off at least 3 enemies with a counterattack.
0 (Spider only) Can avoid one enemy attack during battle Unrefinable
ZERO Shift
13 (Zero only) Damage less than Level x 5 is reduced to 0 28 7000 Liquid Suffocation
Auto Barrier
Protect +3
Successfully input 16 consecutive commands for Zero's Command Arts.
X Heart
0 (X only) X revives from KO once per battle with 10% LE Unrefinable
0 Revives KO'ed character with 25% of max LE. This Force Metal is disposed after usage 2 500 Reboot
Obtain at least 30 Figures.
Parry Impact
4 Each hit from an enemy attack recovers 1 WE 17 4000 Build WE
WE +5
Item Capture
Succeed at stealing enemy items at least 50 times.
End to All
0 Normal attacks won't kill, Final Strike chance up 19 10000 FS Canceller
Justice Missile
Activate Final Strike at least 100 times.
FS Canceller
0 Automatically cancels Final Strike 7 300 Justice Missile
Eagle Eye
Activate Final Strike at least 50 times.
0 Adds "Analyze" to the Battle Menu when equipped unit is in front row Unrefinable
Learning Aid
10 Adds an extra 5% to each EXP point earned in battle 16 5000 Get EXP +
Item Capture
Obtain over 70,000 EXP (Party total).
0 Halves chance of enemy encounter 30 2000 Neutralizer -10
Succeed in Run at least 10 times.
0 Doubles chance of enemy encounter 4 100 2 Exodus Fight at least 30 consecutive battles without saving.
0 Doubles chance of preemptive strike 21 500 Caution
Cutting Edge
Be hit by at least 30 enemy blitzkriegs.
Neutralizer -10
-10% Uses one slot and reduces Erosion by 10% Unrefinable
Neutralizer -20
-20% Uses one slot and reduces Erosion by 20% Unrefinable
Neutralizer -30
-30% Uses one slot and reduces Erosion by 30% Unrefinable
5 Restores 1% of LE per turn while in reserve 15 8000 Build LE
LE +300
Power Charge
Defeat at least 15 Preon-series enemies.
0 Guarantees ability to flee from normal encounters 2 100 9 Boost Speed Fail to run once
Cutting Edge
5 Unit gets first attack every time 20 3000 Caution
Good Luck
Defeat the enemy "Mettaur Gigant".
Lucky Girl
5 (Cinnamon only) Increases Zenny gained in battle by 10% 35 10000 Good Luck
Get FME +
Use the FMG to refine at least 30 types of FM.
Good Luck
7 +3% chance of winning item in combat 10 700 Gain Hyper
Item Capture
Obtain the contents of at least 100 item boxes.
7 All battle EXP goes to a single character 35 99999 Learning Aid
Cutting Edge
Get EXP +
Obtain over 250.000 EXP (Party total).


Concept art of Force Metal Ore.

Concept art of Force Metal Ore.

A Supra-Force Metal piece

A Supra-Force Metal piece


  • A substance simply called Metals appear in Mega Man X8, but bear no relation to Force Metal as it had not yet been discovered at this point in the timeline.
  • The Force Metal Energy used in the Force Metal Generator was called DNA during development.[1]


Mega Man X: Command Mission
Main characters
XZeroAxlSteel MassimoMarinoCinnamonSpider
Other characters
Chief RNanaAileProfessor Gaudile
Rebellion Army
EpsilonBotosFerhamScarfaceWild JangoSilver HornDr. PsycheMach JentraIncentas
Other Bosses
HippopressorShadowDepth DragoonColonel RedipsGreat Redips
Duckbill MoleRafflesianTails ClanNinetails
Giga CityLagrano RuinsCentral TowerTianna CampGaudile LaboratoryUlfat FactoryGimialla Mine
Vanallia DesertMelda Ore PlantGrave Ruins BaseFar East HQOrbital Elevator: Babel
Related Items
Action TriggerHyper ModeFinal StrikeForce MetalDeployment CenterSky Room
EnemiesItem BoxItemsScript (NPC Dialogue)
Mega Man X series
Main characters
XZeroAxlDr. LightDr. CainDoubleIrisSignasDouglasLifesaverAliaLayerPallette
MiddyTechnoSpiderCinnamonMarinoMassimoNanaChief RAileProfessor GaudileRiCOViAiCO
SigmaVileAgileSergesViolenDr. DopplerBitByteColonelGeneralDynamoGateRedLumine
ZainGeemelBerkanaGarethShadowFerhamScarfaceBotosEpsilonColonel Redips
Mega Man XX2X3X4X5X6X7X8
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2Mega Man X: Command MissionMega Man X DiVE
Mega Man Maverick Hunter XMega Man X CollectionMega Man X Legacy Collection2
Damage data charts
Mega Man X234 (X)4 (Zero)5 (X)5 (Zero)6 (X)6 (Zero)
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2 (X)Xtreme 2 (Zero)
Maverick Hunter X (X)Maverick Hunter X (Vile)
Mega Man XX2X3X4 (X's story)X4 (Zero's story)
X5 (X's story)X5 (Zero's story)X6 (X's story)X6 (Zero's story)
X7 (X's story)X7 (Zero's story)X7 (Axl's story)X8 (X's story)X8 (Zero's story)X8 (Axl's story)
Mega Man XtremeXtreme 2Command Mission
Maverick Hunter X (X's story)Maverick Hunter X (Vile's story)
Related items
MaverickMaverick HuntersMaverick Virus (Zero VirusSigma Virus) • MechaniloidDoppler ArmyNightmare InvestigatorsNightmare
Rebellion ArmyRed AlertRepliforceReploidPartsInjured ReploidsChipsRide Armor
X-BusterZ-SaberZero BusterAxl BulletsA-Trans
X's weaponryArmor PartsZero's weaponryAxl's weaponryVile's weaponry
Rockman X Mega Mission
Related Media
OVA The Day of Σ
Manga Rockman X (manga series)Irregular Hunter Rockman XRockman RemixRockman X5Rockman X7 4Koma Manga Kingdom
Soundtracks Capcom Music Generation - Rockman X1~6Rockman X7 Original SoundtrackRockman X8 Original Soundtrack
Rockman X8 e-Capcom Original Special Sound CDRockman X: Command Mission Original Soundtrack