
The Gemeinschaft (ゲマインシャフト号) is a train boss from Mega Man Legends 2 built by the air pirates in Calinca as an attempt to obtain the last key to the Mother Lode. It has two cars, one used by the Bonne family and other by the Glyde Gang. Bola and Klaymoor were with them in the beginning, but gave up of the Mother Lode and left. Joe modified the abandoned train in Yosyonke's station to MegaMan and Roll use against the pirates.

The Glyde Car has three bomb launchers in the back, two machine guns in the top and one laser in the side. After receiving enough damage, the Bonnes detach the Glyde Car to avoid its explosion, also ending their alliance. The Bonne Car first attacks with missiles mounted by Servbots, which can be taken by MegaMan to throw back at them. After some damage, it will attack with its main cannon in the top, which charges a large orange energy sphere similar to the green energy spheres used by the Gesellchaft and the three massive robots in the previous game. Servbots will appear above the train to throw bombs. When the cannon is destroyed, Gemeinschaft will lose its armor and reveal Bon Bonne inside moving the train, leaving only the Servbots attacking. After defeating Bon Bonne, the Bonne Car explodes and MegaMan will be allowed to enter the Calinca Ruins in Yosyonke's gallery.


Concept art the Geimenschaft

Concept art the Geimenschaft

Gemeinschaft's Glyde Car and Klaymoor

Gemeinschaft's Glyde Car and Klaymoor


  • Gemeinschaft means "community" in German, which was introduced as a category of Sociology by Ferdinand Tönnies along with Gesellschaft.
  • The large crater that appear in Calinca after the third key is obtained was caused by the cannon on top of the Bonne Car, but it wasn't finished at the time and the cannon was damaged. The repair was completed during the fight against MegaMan.
Mega Man Legends 2
MegaMan VolnuttRoll CaskettBarrell CaskettDataVerner Von BluecherMatildaYunaGaatz
Teisel BonneTron BonneBon BonneServbotsGlydeBirdbotsBolaKlaymoor
SeraGeetzThe MasterJoeMariaYōkan • Ofuton • YaitoGuildmasterJohnnyShuAppo • DahMad MossaTV Reporter
CalincaForbidden IslandManda IslandNino IslandCalbania IslandSaul Kada Island
Abandoned MineManda RuinsNino RuinsSaul Kada RuinsCalinca RuinsElysium
-Caskett family and allies-
FlutterSulphur-BottomDropshipSkovorodáParabola GunTruckTrainShuttlepodRocket
-Air Pirate Alliance-
Drache KaiJagd Krabbe KaiKalmareDohra IIBlitzkriegHover GustaffBon Bonne
Glyde Drache • Glyde Drache AceGlyde TankZimmermannMuttiCuervonKing Glydon
AmistalBal KaccheBalfuraEngurpotsFingeriiFrongelGabunriiGorubesshuHangekalHarinHorokkoInmiiJakkoJanfodenJuniidJuraidKing MirocKoni
JaiwanRush MammooGargarfummiMidosuWojigaironRimblemenji
Special Weapons
Aqua BlasterBlade ArmBuster CannonCrusherDrill ArmGround CrawlerHoming Missile
Hyper ShellMachine Gun ArmReflector ArmShield ArmShining LaserSpread BusterVacuum Arm
CarbonDiggerItemsJunk ShopKTOX TVMega BusterMegaMan Volnutt's equipment
RefractorMother LodeWalkthrough
Bonne Machines
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
GustaffGustaff TankFinkelServbot BorerDracheGesellschaft
Mega Man Legends
DracheGun BatteryLeopoldMöbelwagenSuch GerätHornisseBlumebearBon BonneFerdinand
MarlwolfBalkon GerätFocke-WulfTheodore BrunoGesellschaft • "Scrap Boat"
Mega Man Legends 2
Drache KaiSmall Recoilless BatteryKobun Heavy Machine GunKalmare
Small Crab MineLeopoldKobun Mole KaiJagd KrabbeDohra II
GemeinschaftBlitzkriegHover GustaffDrill Bon
Mega Man Legends 3
DracheGesellschaftDonner Wels • ... • Devroom Entries