Glacier le Cactank

"That container was on Omega's ship. So you see, it's ours. Has the legendary hero stooped to thievery? How deplorable. As king of the Snow Plains, I do hereby judge your crime."
—Glacier le Cactank, Mega Man Zero 3

Glacier le Cactank (グラチャー・レ・カクタンク Gurachā re Kakutanku) is a boss in Mega Man Zero 3. He is a Mutos Reploid based on a barrel cactus, and was once the Right Ice Judge (右氷審官 Uhyō Shinkan)[3] of the Eight Gentle Judges.


Glacier le Cactank's Judge form is that of a portly humanoid with a large nose and mustache, clad in white. His Punishment form has an even more bulbous body, along with extendable arms with wrecking balls. His tiny head extends vertically into a point with bulb resembling a small flower.

Cactank used to be a fair, kindhearted judge and thus would be willing to look the other way on trivial matters, but when Weil corrupted him, Cactank's personality afterwards became that of a very cruel courtroom judge who issues the death sentence to even the smallest of offenses.


Glacier le Cactank was originally built as an armored water tank to bring purified water to remote areas, and he has a cooling system in his body, allowing him to freeze the water inside himself.[4] Cactank was later recruited as the Right Ice Judge, participating in the Screaming Interrogation trials. However, when Dr. Weil returned, he reconfigured Cactank into one of his personal enforcers in the Weil Numbers.

When Zero goes to the Snowy Plains to reinforce Resistance scouts recovering a container from Omega's spaceship, Cactank stops him. He claims it is property of Neo Arcadia and calls Zero a thief, sentencing him to the death penalty. Zero destroys him and obtains the container, retrieving important data from Weil's past for the Resistance.

Cactank is resurrected in Weil's Research Laboratory for a rematch. He sentences Zero to death again, this time for trespassing in the lab and defying Weil, but is defeated again.


Cactank attacks by throwing six (two at a time) small icicles at Zero while hanging on the ceiling with his other hand, throwing his arms at full length and then slowly dragging them back towards himself and by clinging to the ceiling to try and land on Zero. At rank A or S, he uses the attack Ice Carnival, where he spins one of his arms to launch icicles in all directions.

Cactank's boss room has several icicles growing on its ceiling. Touching them causes contact damage, and Cactank can make them fall down with "Cactus Press". They can be destroyed with any weapon. Destroyed or fallen icicles slowly regrow, and can't fall or be destroyed until they are fully grown.

Defeating Cactank gives Zero the "Spike" Foot Chip, and if the player is at A or S rank, the Orbit Shield EX Skill.


Cactus Press Cactus Press Damage:
3 (contact)
3 (icicles)
Cactank jumps and tries to crush Zero.

When Cactank lands, all fully-grown icicles fall down.

Ice Rain Ice Rain Damage: 4
Cactank jumps, hangs onto the ceiling, and throws six (two at a time) small icicles at Zero.

The six spikes on his abdominal torso grow and launch out in curved arcs as Cactank swings his body to give them extra momentum, starting with the ones on top and working on down to the bottom row.

Hammer Punch Hammer Punch Damage: 5
Cactank throws a punch, launching his fist horizontally at some distance.

The fist then falls on the ground, and Cactank pulls it back on a chain.
Zero can dash beneath the fist. When pulled back, the fist can still deal contact damage.

Ice Carnival EX Skill: Ice Carnival (アイスカーニバル) Damage: 4
Cactank spins one of his mace arms around several times, launching icicles in all directions.


In-battle quotes[]

Action Japanese Translation Audio
Pre-battle 裁くである!(Sabaku de aru!) I will judge you!
Jumping ヌン!(Nuun!) Nuun!
Ice Rain 罰を受けよ!(Batsu wo uke yo!) Take your punishment!
Ice Carnival 死刑である!(Shikei de aru!) This is your execution!


Area: Snowy Plains
Mission: Retrieve Data
Zero's EX Skill: Orbit Shield

Other appearances[]

  • An image of Glacier le Cactank appears in Mega Man Zero 4 in Dr. Weil's Enemy Inferno attack, using Cactus Press against Zero.


Glacier le Cactank in his Punishment form.

Glacier le Cactank in his Punishment form.

Concept art of Glacier le Cactank.

Concept art of Glacier le Cactank.

Glacier le Cactank in his Judge form.

Glacier le Cactank in his Judge form.

Concept art for a cactus Mutos Reploid, possibly what became Cactank.

Concept art for a cactus Mutos Reploid, possibly what became Cactank.


  • Glacier le Cactank's first name comes from the glacier ice phenomenon, while his last name is a portmanteau of "cactus" and "tank", referring to his design and ability to store water. The two names are connected by "le", a French definite article roughly equivalent to "the" in English.


  • Glacier le Cactank's human form resembles Dr. Eggman from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Ironically, Chikao Ohtsuka, Eggman's Japanese voice actor, would voice the one who modified him in Zero 3.
  • Glacier le Cactank is the only Mutos Reploid whose name or design is not based on a mythological figure, as his design simply comes from a barrel cactus.


Ice element
Mega Man Zero series
Reploids / Mutos Reploids Fairy LeviathanBlizzack StaggroffAnubis Necromancess (Z1) • Poler KamrousChildre InarabittaGlacier le CactankTech KrakenFenri Lunaedge
Mega Man ZX series
Mega Men / Pseudoroids Thetis (Model L) • Pandora (Model W) • Lurerre the AbysroidLeganchor the GelroidChronoforce the XiphosuroidBifrost the Crocoroid
Neo Arcadia
XCopy X (substitute) • Sage Harpuia (interim) • Dr. Weil (usurper)
Four Guardians
Sage HarpuiaHidden PhantomFairy LeviathanFighting Fefnir
Eight Gentle Judges
Blazin' FlizardChildre InarabittaDevilbat SchiltDeathtanz Mantisk
Cubit FoxtarGlacier le CactankVolteel BiblioTretista Kelverian
Military Forces
Strong Air Squadron Aztec FalconHerculious AnchusKuwagust AnchusPanter Flauclaws
Scorched Earth Squadron Anubis NecromancessPhoenix Magnion*
Deep Sea Squadron Blizzack StaggroffPoler KamrousMaha GaneshariffHanumachine*
Cutting Shadow Squadron HanumachineHyleg OurobocklePhoenix MagnionBurble HekelotRainbow DevilTech Kraken
*(Note: After Phantom's demise, this squadrom was disbanded and units were transferred to different positions.)
Mechaniloids GolemGuard OroticHittite HottaidAsura Basura
Mega ScorpiaCarnage Force 0Randam Bandam
Foot Soldiers Pantheon (List) • Variant
Einherjar Eight Warriors Popla CocapetriMino MagnusTech Kraken* • Sol Titanion
Noble MandragoPegasolta EclairFenri LunaedgeHeat Genblem
Mega Man Zero 3
Mission bosses
Blazin' FlizardChildre InarabittaDevilbat SchiltDeathtanz Mantisk
Anubis Necromancess VHanumachine RBlizzack Staggroff RCopy X MK. II
Cubit FoxtarGlacier le CactankVolteel BiblioTretista Kelverian
Other bosses
OmegaCrea and PreaHidden Phantom
Zero's Weaponry and EX Skills
Buster ShotZ-SaberRecoil RodShield Boomerang
Burst ShotBlizzard ArrowReflect LaserV-Shot
Throw BladeSaber SmashSplit HeavensGale Attack
1000 SlashSoul LauncherShield SweepOrbit Shield
Derelict SpacecraftNew Resistance BaseAegis Volcano BaseOceanic Highway RuinsWeapons Repair FactoryOld Residential Area
Missile FactoryTwilight DesertForest of AnatreFrontline Ice BaseArea X-2
Energy FacilitySnowy PlainsSunken LibraryGiant ElevatorSub ArcadiaWeil's Research Laboratory
Game ScriptMega Man Zero 3 databaseList of Mega Man Zero 3 enemiesModification Cards