Hyleg Ourobockle

"Hiss! This is a restricted area, even for us Neo Arcadians... You will never leave here alive. Hiss!"
—Hyleg Ourobockle, Forest of Dysis, Mega Man Zero 2

Hyleg Ourobockle (ヒューレッグ・ウロボックル Hyūreggu Urobokkuru) is one of the bosses of Mega Man Zero 2. Ourobockle is a Mutos Reploid based on the Ouroboros snake and the cobra, and was a member of Phantom's Cutting Shadow Squadron.


When Zero went to the Forest of Dysis, he fights against Hyleg atop a giant snake Mechaniloid called Altroid (アルトロイド Arutoroido), and recovers one of the Baby Elves after his defeat, prompting X to appear and warn Zero about the Baby Elves. During the mission, rescuing or not all five lost soldiers will influence the mission success and they can be visited on third floor of the New Resistance Base afterwards.


Attack Description Notes
Poison Hold Hyleg tries to catch Zero from below.
Arm Whip Hyleg swings his claws at Zero.
Assault Viper Hyleg dashes like a snake.
Super Looper When he undulates through the Altroid, the Altroid will take a diagonal position and Hyleg will throw spring-like objects (they act like slinkies).
Signal Shot Electric spheres flow through the Altroid.
EX SkillJoint Laser Hyleg Ourobockle's giant snake Mechaniloid, Altroid, shoots lasers from its joints when it's in a diagonal position.


Nickname: The Shinobi Serpent of the Hidden Forest (幽林の忍蛇 Yuurin no Nin Ja, "Ninja Snake of the Obscure Forest")
EX skill: Joint Laser (ジョイントレーザー)

Area: Forest of Dysis
Mission: Rescue Resistance
Zero's EX skill: Laser Shot



Ourobockle's early concept art.

Ourobockle's early concept art.







Hyleg in a tree in Area A.

  • Both Hyleg Ourobockle and Altroid have a cameo appearance in the background of the Area A-2 forest area in Mega Man ZX.
  • Hyleg's name bears resemblances to both "Hydra" and "Ouroboros": Hydra being a many-headed, mythical snake creature, which upon getting one of its heads severed would grow two in its place; and Ouroboros being a symbol of a serpent devouring its own tail, creating a circle, which represents the cycle of life. Also, the word Hyleg in Hellenistic astrology, is the Persian-Arabic term for the planet with the greatest essential dignity. Hyleg, also originates from the Middle Persian word "hîlâk", which means "nativity".
  • Hyleg Ourobockle is referenced by Zero in the audio track "Alouette's Good Day" when he describes the Reploid who had the Baby Elf during one of his missions in Mega Man Zero 2 to Alouette.
  • Hyleg Ourobockle is the only boss in the game to not have any voice lines during his fight, and one of the few bosses to not have any voice lines during their fight in the whole Zero series, a trait that is also shared with Asura Basura.
Neutral element
Mega Man Zero series
Mutos Reploids Hyleg OurobockleBurble HekelotDeathtanz MantiskTretista KelverianNoble MandragoPopla Cocapetri
Other bosses GolemGuard OroticHittite HottaidHidden PhantomRainbow DevilCopy XMega ScorpiaElpizoCrea and PreaOmega
SubDesert CoreCarnage Force 0CraftHell the GiantRandam BandamRandam BandamCyballDr. Weil
Mega Man ZX series
Mega Men Girouette (Model Z) • Prometheus (Model W) • Serpent (Model W) • Siarnaq (Model P) • Vent/Aile (Model ZX) • Master Albert (Ouroboros)
Pseudoroids Purprill the MandroidProtectos the GoreroidVulturon the CondoroidArgoyle & Ugoyle the Shisaroids
Other bosses Giga AspisRayflyOmegaDogu the Giant
Neo Arcadia
XCopy X (substitute) • Sage Harpuia (interim) • Dr. Weil (usurper)
Four Guardians
Sage HarpuiaHidden PhantomFairy LeviathanFighting Fefnir
Eight Gentle Judges
Blazin' FlizardChildre InarabittaDevilbat SchiltDeathtanz Mantisk
Cubit FoxtarGlacier le CactankVolteel BiblioTretista Kelverian
Military Forces
Strong Air Squadron Aztec FalconHerculious AnchusKuwagust AnchusPanter Flauclaws
Scorched Earth Squadron Anubis NecromancessPhoenix Magnion*
Deep Sea Squadron Blizzack StaggroffPoler KamrousMaha GaneshariffHanumachine*
Cutting Shadow Squadron HanumachineHyleg OurobocklePhoenix MagnionBurble HekelotRainbow DevilTech Kraken
*(Note: After Phantom's demise, this squadrom was disbanded and units were transferred to different positions.)
Mechaniloids GolemGuard OroticHittite HottaidAsura Basura
Mega ScorpiaCarnage Force 0Randam Bandam
Foot Soldiers Pantheon (List) • Variant
Einherjar Eight Warriors Popla CocapetriMino MagnusTech Kraken* • Sol Titanion
Noble MandragoPegasolta EclairFenri LunaedgeHeat Genblem
Mega Man Zero 2
Mission bosses
Hyleg OurobocklePoler KamrousPhoenix MagnionPanter Flauclaws
Burble HekelotFairy LeviathanSage HarpuiaFighting Fefnir
Other bosses
Mega ScorpiaGolems Type E/F/IKuwagust Anchus
Rainbow DevilArmed Phenomena (Fighting Fefnir/Fairy Leviathan/Sage Harpuia)
Herculious AnchusElpizo
Zero's Weaponry and EX Skills
Buster ShotZ-SaberChain RodShield Boomerang
Laser ShotTriple ShotSpark ShotBlast Shot
Energy ChainFilter Shield
Sand WildernessNew Resistance BaseForest of DysisComputer ZonePower RoomTrain of Neo Arcadia
Residential AreaSimurgh BForest of NotusRoof of Computer ZoneShuttle FactoryCrystal Cave
Neo Arcadia TempleTemple of FireTemple of IceTemple of WindYggdrasil
Game ScriptFormsList of Mega Man Zero 2 enemies