Takeo Inukai

Takeo Inukai (犬飼猛雄 Inukai Takeo) is a character from the Mega Man Battle Network series and the operator of BeastMan.EXE. Inukai is a former head of a circus troupe, but it shut down due to poor management. He gained the skill to manipulate animals from his time in it [1]. Inukai then joined the WWW to make money[2].


Inukai has brown hair and a scar on the right side of his face. He wears an orange shirt with green hems, a brown coat, blue pants with cream fluffs on it, and a pair of brown sandals.


Inukai is cruel and willing to use violence and fear to tame animals. He sees them as nothing more than tools and views NetNavis and humans the same way. Inukai also believes that the strong should dominate the world and that he was strong since he could dominate the animals. He is also rather rude in the anime, when interacting with others and is also extremely proud, resenting the belief that his former employers who looked down on him and sought revenge because of it. He also shows some degree of optimism regarding any successes he might have, as when BeastMan.EXE was defeated and his plans were foiled, he acknowledges that he at least completed his primary objective of stealing the TetraCode.


Mega Man Battle Network 3[]

He is a member of the WWW and is a zookeeper at the zoo near Yoka. He uses BeastMan to open all the animal cages so that he could steal a TetraCode. BeastMan was defeated by MegaMan, but Inukai escaped with the TetraCode, citing that he at least succeeded in his primary objective. He later operates BeastMan as one of the Undernet's top 10 to obtain the Forbidden Program but was again defeated by MegaMan. When all the WWW members gather at Wily Castle, Inukai is absent. When one of the members ask Lord Wily why he's not present, he states that he "deleted" Inukai since he failed his mission in the Undernet, which was enough to intimidate his fellow members into praising Lord Wily again.

Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge[]

Inukai seemed to have survived his "deletion", as he was one of the contestants that Lan faced competing in the Battle Chip GP.


Rockman.EXE Stream[]

In the anime, Inukai was an animal trainer in a safari funded by the IPC. During an advertisement filming, he was fired due to his harsh treatment to the animals. Later, Slur gives him Asteroid BeastMan to test humanity because of his attitude. Inukai releases all the animals on the city and controls them via a monitor chip in order to gain respect. He corners Netto and Enzan, but they keep the animals away by staying close to a fire. Inukai then summons BeastMan to attack using the Dimensional Chip to materialize him. But Dr. Hikari activates the Dimensional Generator, allowing Netto and Enzan to use Cross Fusion. BeastMan is defeated, yet Inukai escapes with the help of his lion, Umanosuke, who would still listen to him.

Inukai later joins the Neo WWW and uses BeastMan to cause trouble. His days with his Asteroid are over however when they are sent to destroy the Dimensional Converters. BeastMan, while he did succeed in his mission, gets deleted in the process. He is one of the four members to have his mind erased by Dark Rockman, who had separated from Rockman temporarily.



Battle Story Rockman.EXE[]

In the manga by Keijima Jun and Miho Asada, Takeo and BeastMan first appears inside of Ribitta's TV van, fighting against ToadMan to find something. MegaMan saves ToadMan, but got injured instead. Chaud and ProtoMan intervenes, and the two escaped.

He and BeastMan reappears at the N1 Grand Prix, attacking Kai and TurboMan by using dogs. Later on Lan and MegaMan arrives and corners them, but DrillMan assist BeastMan and Inukai, turning the tables. However, at Kai's courage to help with TurboMan, they are cornered once again by Lan and MegaMan. Soon afterwards, both BeastMan and DrillMan are deleted by GS.


His forename "Takeo" (猛雄) means "fierce masculinity".


Concept art of Takeo Inukai.

Concept art of Takeo Inukai.

Takeo Inukai in Mega Man NT Warrior (manga).

World Three
Lord Wily/Mr. Wily (all games and MegaMan NT Warrior) • PlanetMan (Mega Man Battle Network 2)
Tesla Magnets and MagnetMan (Rockman.EXE Stream)
Mega Man Battle Network Mr. Match and FireManMr. Higsby and NumberManStoneManMs. Madd and ColorManCount Zap and ElecManYahoot and MagicManBombMan
Mega Man Battle Network 2 PharaohManNapalmMan
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Rei Saiko and FlashManTakeo Inukai and BeastManBubbleManNoboru Sunayama and DesertManAnetta and PlantManMr. Match and FlameManDrillManBassAlpha
Mega Man Battle Network 6 Baryl and ColonelBlackbeard and DiveManVic and ElementManProsecutor Ito and JudgeManYuika and CircusManJoe Mach and BlastMan
Mega Man Network Transmission ProfessorStarManGravityManSwordManZeroDusk and ShadowMan
MegaMan NT Warrior Mr. Match and TorchManCount Zap and ElecManMaddy and WackoManYahoot and MagicManStoneManBlasterMan
Rockman.EXE Stream Gauss MagnetsTakeo Inukai and Asteroid BeastManNoboru Sunayama and Asteroid DesertManRei Saiko and Asteroid FlashManNarcy Hide and Asteroid VideoMan
Forces of Darkness


Mega Man NT Warrior (manga) DrillMan.EXEPlantMan.EXEDesertMan.EXEMr. Match and TorchMan.EXE/FlameMan.EXERei Saiko and FlashMan.EXETakeo Inukai and BeastMan.EXEVirusesAlpha
Mega Man Battle Network series
Main characters
Lan Hikari (MegaMan.EXE) • Mayl Sakurai (Roll.EXE) • Dex Oyama (GutsMan.EXE) • Yai Ayanokoji (Glide.EXE) • Eugene Chaud (ProtoMan.EXE)
Tora (KingMan.EXE) • Mamoru UraMickTabIris
Dr. HikariHaruka HikariMs. MariHigsby (NumberMan.EXE) • Mr. FamousBaryl (Colonel.EXE)
Dr. WilyProfessorLord GospelDr. Regal (LaserMan.EXE) • DuoBass.EXE
Mega Man Battle Network23456
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real OperationMega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DSRockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star
Network TransmissionBattle Chip Challenge/N1 BattlePhantom of NetworkLegend of Network
Rockman EXE WSAxess AirMedal NetworkThe Medal OperationBattle Chip StadiumLegacy Collection
Anime and Manga
MegaMan NT Warrior (anime)AxessStreamBeastBeast+Rockman EXE: Hikari to Yami no Program
MegaMan NT Warrior (manga)Battle Story MegaMan NT WarriorGekitou! EXE Kyoudai Rockmeen!Zen'in Shuugou Gagtte!! Rockman!
Related Pages
NetNaviVirusPETBattle ChipProgram AdvancePower UpNavi CustomizerEmotion WindowLiberation MissionLocations
  1. Rockman EXE no Himitsu pg.95
  2. EXE AdColle Chara Intro