
Item-1 (アイテム1号 Aitemu 1 Gou) is one of the three transport items from Mega Man 2. It is a levitating platform that Dr. Light created to assist Mega Man, finishing and giving it to him after Heat Man is defeated. It is possible to have three platforms on screen at once. Each platform consumes 2 units of energy.

Item-1 is required to reach a ladder in the first Wily Castle stage, and can be used to bypass some walls in Boobeam Trap's room, saving Crash Bomber energy. During the fight with Air Man, if Mega Man stands on an Item-1 platform, Air Man will not blow his tornadoes.

Item-1 is also available in the Wily Tower mode from Mega Man: The Wily Wars.

Other media[]

Archie Comics[]

In the Archie Comics Mega Man series, Dr. Light supplied Mega Man, via Cut Man, with program data that allowed Mega Man to utilize Item-1s, alongside Item-2s and Item-3s, after Mega Man had been restored to his regular state of mind, but only Item-2 is used by him.

Rockman: Dr. Wily no Inbou[]

After Heat Man's defeat, Dr. Light appears and equips Item-1 on Mega Man while explaining how it works and what will be his next object. Mega Man later used Item-1 in Wily's fortress to reach a ladder, to temporarily avoid the Metalls from Guts Tank, and in Boobeam Trap's room.

Mega Man Megamix[]

While not seen in the manga, Item-2's description notes that Item-1 and Item-3 also exist, but Item-2 was best suited for the urgent nature of Mega Man's situation.

Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin[]

Item-1, alongside Item-2 and 3, appeared in one of the shorts from Ryūzō Sotoma, where Roll considers them the most useful supports for her tasks, using Item-1 to change a lamp.


Get equipped with Item-1.

Get equipped with Item-1.

Item-1 in Mega Man 2.

Item-1 in Mega Man 2.

Mega Man using Item-1.

Mega Man using Item-1.

Item-1 in Mega Man: The Wily Wars.

Item-1 in Mega Man: The Wily Wars.

Mega Man obtaining the three Items in the Archie Comics Mega Man series.

Mega Man obtaining the three Items in the Archie Comics Mega Man series.

Item-1 in Rockman: Dr. Wily no Inbou.

Item-1 in Rockman: Dr. Wily no Inbou.

Roll using the three Items in Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.

Roll using the three Items in Rockman 4Koma Dai Koushin.

See also[]

Mega Man 2
Eight Robot Masters
Metal ManAir ManBubble ManQuick ManCrash ManFlash ManHeat ManWood Man
Other bosses
Mecha DragonPicopico-kunGuts TankBoobeam TrapWily Machine 2Alien
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Metal BladeAir ShooterBubble LeadQuick BoomerangCrash BomberTime StopperAtomic FireLeaf Shield
Mega Man's Support Items
List of enemies
AnkoBattonBig FishBlockyChangkeyChangkey MakerCopipiClawFly BoyGoblinKaminari GoroKerog
KukkuM-445MatasaburoMoleMonkingNeo MetallPetit Goblin • "Petit Kerog" • PierrobotPipiPressReturning Sniper Joe
RobbitScwormShotmanShrinkSniper ArmorSpringerTanishiTelly
- Mid-bosses -
Metal Man StageAir Man StageBubble Man StageQuick Man Stage
Crash Man StageFlash Man StageHeat Man StageWood Man StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Genesis Unit
Buster Rod G (rod) • Mega Water SHyper Storm H
Wily Tower Bosses
Fire SnakeyIron BallBuster Rod G (buster) • "Wily Machine"
Adhering SuzyBattonBlasterBig EyeBig FishBikkyBunby HeliBolton and NuttonBomb FlierBubukanChangkey
Changkey MakerCannonCopipiFoot HolderGabyoallGiant SpringerHammer JoeHari HarryJamacyJunk Golem
Kaminari GoroKerogKomasaburoM-445MatasaburoMechakkeroMetallMetall DXMoleNew ShotmanParasyu
PeterchyPetit SnakeyPickelman BullPickelmanPipiPoleReturning MonkingRobbit
ScrewdriverShotmanShrinkSniper ArmorSniper JoeSpringerTanishiTellyYambow
- Mid-bosses -
AnkoBig SnakeyFriender
Special Weapons
Air ShooterAtomic FireBubble LeadCrash BombFire StormGemini LaserHard KnuckleHyper BombIce Slasher
Leaf ShieldMagnet MissileMega BusterMetal BladeNeedle CannonQuick BoomerangRolling CutterSearch Snake
Shadow BladeSpark ShockSuper ArmThunder BeamTime StopperTop Spin
Support items
Magnet BeamItem-1Item-2Item-3Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
Extra LifeLife EnergyWeapon EnergyEnergy Tank
Appearing BlockBottomless PitBlocksFire BlockNeedle PressPressRed liquidScrapSpikesMega Man: The Wily Wars Damage Data Chart