JammingMan (episode)

JammingMan (ジャミングマン Jaminguman) is the 23rd episode of Rockman.EXE Beast+. It features the return and last appearance of Raoul and ThunderMan after their absences in Rockman EXE Beast, the return of Tamako and the return and last appearance of MetalMan since they were last seen in the Rockman EXE Axess episode "The Assaulting Beastman!" and the last time Enzan is seen using Cross Fusion.



Promo screenshot.

Crimes caused by Phantom Navis continue to increase. However, there is no way to distinguish between real NetNavis and Phantom Navis, so in the cyberworld, NetNavis became suspicious and confused. Phantom Navis also have the ability to materialize, so Netto and Enzan are busy. Furthermore, access to the cyberworld around the world became impossible due to a jamming caused by someone.


GutsMan and Roll are walking in NetCity talking about Phantom Navis when they are approached by police Navis who ask them to have their operator show their IDs to prove they are real. Meiru shows her ID to them but Dekao's failure to do led to GutsMan's arrest.

Meanwhile at the Ministry of Science, Yuichiro and the officials discuss the incident in Sharo and Cache being responsible for the creation of Phantom Navis.

In the cyberworld, police Navis ask a cloaked Navi to have their operator show their ID before the Navi reveals themselves to be Phantom MetalMan, who attacks the police Navis with his Metal Wheel attack. MetalMan jumps building-to-building before escaping into the real world and causes a car crash at an intersection. Netto arrives and cross fuses into C.F. Rockman to stop Phantom MetalMan. Meanwhile, Tamako is relaxing at the spa with the real MetalMan.

In the next scene, Phantom ThunderMan attacks a few police Navis before being surrounded with Woody Towers. He escapes to the real world where is confronted by C.F. Blues while Raoul is seen talking to the real ThunderMan.

Cutting back to the battles with the Phantom Navis, C.F. Rockman deletes MetalMan with a Yo-Yo Battle Chip while C.F. Blues deletes ThunderMan with (presumably) his Wide Sword attack. At MaHa Ichiban, GutsMan is let out of custody by the police who are scolded at by Dekao for what they did to GutsMan. Meanwhile, a JammingMan is seen causing an electromagnetic wave in the cyberworld, thus causing inability for NetNavis to be plugged in or out.

Raika arrives from Sharo to visit Ministry of Science to talk with Yuichiro and Seishin Kifune about what is going with the net, and the episodes ends with a JammingMan continuing to cause electromagnetic waves on the net.


In order of appearance:


Rockman EXE Beast+
Main Characters
Netto Hikari/Rockman
Enzan Ijuin/BluesMeiru Sakurai/RollRaika/SearchMan
ProfessorSuper Cyber BeastZeroZero One
BubbleManCaptain Kurohige/DiveManChirol/CircusManUnitedCircusDiveMan
Satoru Roppo/JudgeManTsuyuharu Nyūdō/ElementMan
Cache and the Phantom Navis
Phantom BluesPhantom GlidePhantom GutsManPhantom HatManPhantom IceManPhantom MetalManPhantom ThunderManPhantom RockmanPhantom RollPhantom SearchMan
Supporting Cast
Ann ElecitelCharlie AirsterChisao OyamaCount Elec/ElecManDark Miyabi/ShadowManDekao Oyama/GutsManDingo/TomahawkmanDotarou Horisugi/GroundManDr. WilyGauss MagnetsHaruka HikariHinokenJasmineKero MidorikawaMadoi IroayaMaha JaramaMama ElecMariko OzonoMeijinMillionaire (Beyondard)MorozovMr. Hat/HatManMr. Press/DustManNenji RokushakudamaRaul/ThunderManRin ManabeSeishin KifuneShady salesmanShuko Kido/AquaManShuichi EboshiSonjoStar the DolphinTamako Shiraizumi/MetalManTesla MagnetsToru Hikawa/IceManTrillYaito Ayanokoji/GlideYamitaro Higure/NumberManYuichiro HikariYuriko Ozono
Other Characters
MarinelandWily's Sushi
Beast Out/Cross BeastCopyroidSuper Cyber BeastPhantom Navi
Other Seasons
NT WarriorAxessStreamBeastBeast+
Hikari to Yami no Program
Related Pages
MangaCharactersBattle ChipsDVD releases
MegaMan NT Warrior anime series
Principal Cast
Lan Hikari/MegaMan
Chaud Blaze/ProtoManMaylu Sakurai/RollRaika/SearchMan
Recurring Characters
Dex Ogreon/GutsManHaruka HikariRibbitaTory Froid/IceManYai Ayano/GlideYuichiro Hikari
MegaMan NT WarriorMegaMan NT Warrior Axess
Rockman EXE StreamRockman EXE BeastRockman EXE Beast+
Rockman EXE: Hikari to Yami no Program
MegaMan NT Warrior
Area 01:
Area 02:

MegaMan NT Warrior Axess

Rockman EXE Stream

Rockman EXE Beast

Rockman EXE Beast+

Voice Cast
Japanese Voice Actors
Kumiko HigaAkiko Kimura
Related Pages
CharactersBattle Chips • Home media releases (NT WarriorAxessStreamBeastBeast+) • Rockman.EXE WS