
Kanigance (カニガンス Kanigansu) is the giant crab mid-boss in Mega Man 7, and it appears in Burst Man's stage and in Wily Stage 3 if the player took the lower route. It shoots energy from its claws, spits damaging bubbles, and tries to ram Mega Man. When destroyed, it makes the fluid that's around to change such that Mega Man will float, which is dangerous especially in Wily Stage 3 because he runs the risk of hitting instant-death spikes. It is weak to Junk Shield and Slash Claw.

Damage Data Chart[]

Displays the approximate amount of damage in units that Kanigance will receive from each Special Weapon in Mega Man 7.

Mega Man 7
Mega Buster Freeze Cracker Junk Shield Danger Wrap Thunder Bolt Wild Coil Slash Claw Noise Crush Scorch Wheel Super Adaptor
1:2 1.5:1.5 2* 2 2* 2:4 5.5 2:4 - 4
*For Mega Buster, Wild Coil and Noise Crush, the first number is the damage done when the weapon is fired normally; the second number is damage done when the weapon is charged up.
*For Freeze Cracker, the first number is when the shot is whole; the second number is after it splits.
*For Thunder Bolt, the boss lacks invincibility frames, so each shot will hit it twice.
*For Junk Shield, the boss lacks invincibility frames, so each shot will hit up to 18 times.
Mega Man 7
Eight Robot Masters
Freeze ManJunk ManBurst ManCloud ManSpring ManSlash ManShade ManTurbo Man
Other bosses
MashBassGuts Man GSuper BassGamerizerHannyaNED²Wily Machine 7Wily Capsule
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Freeze CrackerJunk ShieldDanger WrapThunder BoltWild CoilSlash ClawNoise CrushScorch Wheel
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetSearch RushSuper AdapterBeatProto Shield
List of enemies
Astro ZombiegBacconeBatton M48Bomb SleighBoufoohBunby Tank & Bunby TopCFN-24Child PipiCoil'n
Count Bomb NEOCyorownDeluPipiDerusu BeeDriver CannonDust CrusherFrisk CannonGilliam Knight
GobotsGockroach SGockroah S NestHeli MetallIcicle TeckKaminari KogoroKeroneKintotMetall FX
PetaforthProperideRaggerSniper Joe 01Spiral GabyoallStegorusSwim Metall DXTamagodonTechnodon
Tel TelTom DaddyTrio the WheelTripropellanTrue Shield AttackerTsuranattoriTurbo Roader
- Sub-Bosses -
KaniganceKing GojulusMad GrinderProto ManSisi TruckTruck JoeShirokumachine GTVVAN Pookin
Dr. Light's LaboratoryBig EddieOpening Stage
Iceberg Area StageRecycling Plant StageChemical Substances Factory StageWeather Research Institute StageRobot Museum
Theme Park StageJungle StageOld Castle StageGiant Trailer StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data