Laser Institute

Laser Institute (レーザー研究所 Rēzā Kenkyūjo) is Shield Sheldon's stage in Mega Man X6. It is a mysterious, unauthorized laser research facility.


X6 LaserInstitute preview

The institute appears to be built high above the clouds, only accessible by air transport as evidenced by the launchpads in the background. The stage starts outside the facility at night. Entering the facility, there are Nightmare Lasers that need to be redirected using mirrors in order to open several gates. If the Nightmare Phenomenon is present, there are added Nightmare Bugs and Cubes as well. Once the end of the hall is reached, there is a choice of two doors to open: the one in the wall leads to the boss with Shield Sheldon, while the one in the floor leads to more laser puzzles and collectibles, including the Another Route warp.

The Nightmare Phenomena that may affect this stage are Nightmare Bug and Nightmare Cube. The phenomenon that this stage activates in others is Nightmare Mirror.

The Another Route is full of spikes and pits that must be traversed by hanging from wires, leading to the encounter with one of the Another Bosses.


Image Enemy
Shield Sheldon (boss)
Nightmare Bug
Metall T
Nightmare Virus
Nightmare Laser
Death Guardian (bottom path only)



Location Life Up
Before the Another Route portal, the Life Up is sitting atop a spiked floor.
Location Weapon Sub Tank
In the Another Route, the Weapon Sub Tank is sitting atop a spiked pit.
Location Blade Armor Body Program
Before the Another Route portal, pass through a wall of blocks on the left (X or Zero can comment that they feel a draft of air nearby). There is an invisible platform in the middle of the gap, which can be used to reach the capsule and Reploid on the other side.

Parts from Injured Reploids[]

Location Kazu - Life Up
Above spikes at the beginning of the stage.
Location Dai - Energy Up
On a platform above the stage's Life Up.
Location Taiji - Energy Saver
The Reploid furthest to the right above the stage's Weapon Sub Tank, in the Another Route.
Location Kenz - D-Barrier
Next to a platform above a pit in the Another Route.
Location SO 1 - Weapon Plus
Under a Nightmare Laser above a pit in the Another Route.


  • The Stage Select Screen pointer indicates that the stage is situated in the Pacific Coast, specifically California. However, as the map contains errors, it is unknown if this is its actual location.
  • Laser Institute is the only stage in Mega Man X6 whose Another Route boss room has a completely different backdrop from the normal boss room.
Mega Man X6
Nightmare Investigators
Commander YammarkGround ScaravichBlaze HeatnixBlizzard WolfangRainy Turtloid
Metal Shark PlayerShield SheldonInfinity Mijinion
Other Bosses
D-1000Zero NightmareDynamoNightmare MotherHigh MaxGateSigma
X's Special Weapons
Yammar OptionGround DashMagma BladeIce BurstMeteor RainMetal AnchorGuard ShellRay Arrow
Zero's Special Techniques
Yammar OptionSentsuizanShoenzanHyorogaEnsuizanRakukojinGuard ShellRekkoha
- X -
Falcon ArmorBlade ArmorShadow ArmorUltimate Armor
- Zero -
Black Zero
Opening StageAmazon AreaCentral MuseumMagma AreaNorth Pole AreaInami TempleRecycle LabLaser InstituteWeapon CenterSecret Lab
WalkthroughAnother RoutePartsInjured ReploidsList of Enemies
Damage Data Chart (X)Damage Data Chart (Zero)Game Script (X's story)Game Script (Zero's story)