List of Mega Man Battle Network 6 Battle Chips


Mega Man Battle Network 6 Library.

List of Battle Chips for Mega Man Battle Network 6.

Standard Chips[]

(JP) in chip locations means the chip can only be obtained that way in the Japanese version. (INT) in chip locations means the chip can only be obtained that way in the International version.

# Image Name Type Damage Description Location
001 Cannon
40 Cannon attack to 1 enemy A: Folder1 x2
B: Folder1 x2
C: RobCtrlComp1 GMD
*: RobCtrlComp2 GMD
002 HiCannon
100 Cannon attack to 1 enemy L: Central Area 3 BMD, AquarumComp1 GMD
M: AquarumComp3 BMD, Green Area 1 GMD
N: Seaside Area 1 GMD
*: JdgTreeComp1 GMD
003 M-Cannon
180 Cannon attack to 1 enemy R: MrWeatherComp 3 GMD
S: Sky Area 2 BMD
T: AquarumComp3 GMD
*: MascotComp BMD
004 AirShot
20 Knock enmy back 1 square *: Folder1 x2
005 Vulcan1
10 3-shot to pierce 1 panel! B: Central Area 1 GMD
D: Folder1 x3, Central Area 3 GMD
S: ?
*: RobCtrlComp2 GMD
006 Vulcan2
15 4-shot to pierce 1 panel! D: JdgTreeComp1 GMD
F: AquarumComp2 GMD
L: Green Area 1 GMD
007 Vulcan3
20 5-shot to pierce 1 panel! G: Sky Area 2 GMD (need Untrap?)
008 SuprVulc
20 10-shot vulcan cannon! V: PMD in Underground 2 (JP)
Beat the 5th Virus Battler in Central Area 1 for the first time (INT)
009 Spreadr1
30 Spreads damg to adj panels L: Central Area 2 NetDealer (600 Z)
M: RobCtrlComp1 BMD
N: Central Area 3 GMD
*: Seaside Area 1 GMD
010 Spreadr2
60 Spreads damg to adj panels A: AquarumComp3 GMD
B: Green Area 2 GMD (need Untrap?)
C: Green Area 1 BMD
*: JdgTreeComp 3 GMD
011 Spreadr3
90 Spreads damg to adj panels Q: MrWeatherComp 2 GMD
012 TankCan1
120 3sqr blst if hits end row Catack
A: Catack Rank 10-S
G: Catack Rank 7-9 (Gregar)
R: Central Area 2 NetDealer (2400 Z)
013 TankCan2
160 3sqr blst if hits end row Cateen, RareCatack
014 TankCan3
200 3sqr blst if hits end row Catpult, RareCatack2
015 GunDelS1
- Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne C: Aster Land normal stock (1000 Z)
M: Undernet Zero GMD
T: Underground Area 1 GMD
016 GunDelS2
- Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne E: Pavillion Comp 2 BMD
R: Graveyard (JP: Graveyard 2) GMD
017 GunDelS3
- Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne N: Purchase from NetDealer in Undernet Zero for 12000 Z.
In-battle GMD in Immortal Area (JP)
018 YoYo
50 YoYo atk reaches 3sq ahead L: Central Area 2 NetDealer (4600 Z)
M: AquarumComp1 GMD
N: JdgTreeComp2 BMD
*: BookComp BMD
019 FireBrn1
70 Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire OldStov, RareOldStov
H: Seaside Area 3 GMD
020 FireBrn2
110 Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire OldHeatr, RareOldStov, RareOldStov2
S: OldHeatr Rank 10-S
021 FireBrn3
150 Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire OldBurnr, RareOldStov2
022 WideSht
100 Fires 3sq shotgun blast! P: Aster Land normal stock (7000 Z)
Q: Underground Area 1 GMD
R: Underground Area 2 GMD (need Untrap)
023 TrnArrw1
30 Hits enmy w/arrow. Use dstnc Piranha, RarePiranha
A: Piranha Rank 10-S, Sky Area 1 GMD
F: Piranha Rank 6+ (Falzar)
K: Piranha Rank 6+ (Gregar)
024 TrnArrw2
40 Hits enmy w/arrow. Use dstnc AirCndtrComp

G: 10/S

Z: 7+

Piranha2, RarePiranha, RarePiranha2

025 TrnArrw3
50 Hits enmy w/arrow. Use dstnc Piranha3, RarePiranha2
026 BblStar1
60 Seals an enemy in a bubble. Starfish, RareStarfish
E: Underground Area 1 GMD
027 BblStar2
80 Seals an enemy in a bubble. Starfsh2, RareStarfish, RareStarfish2
028 BblStar3
100 Seals an enemy in a bubble. Starfsh3
029 Thunder
40 Pralyzing electric attack! B: Central Area 2 GMD
S: AquarumComp1 GMD
*: Class6-1Comp BMD
030 DolThdr1
120 A piercng thunder attack! ScarCrow, RareCrow
E: Sky Area 2 GMD (need Untrap?)
031 DolThdr2
150 A piercng thunder attack! ScrCrow2, RareCrow, RareCrw2
032 DolThdr3
180 A piercng thunder attack! ScrCrow3, RareCrw2
033 ElcPuls1
100 Sprd elec puls that paralyzes PulsBulb, RarePulsBulb
034 ElcPuls2
120 Sprd elec pulse. Pul enemy in. PulsBulb2, RarePulsBulb, RarePulsBulb2
035 ElcPuls3
140 Sprd elec puls. Hit w/HP bug. PulsBulb3, RarePulsBulb2
036 CornSht1
50 Damages enemies w/corn Green HP

J; Green Area2 (9+) L: Green Area2, Underground Area 2 GMD (need Untrap?)

037 CornSht2
60 Damages enemies w/corn
038 CornSht3
70 Damages enemies w/corn
039 RskyHny1
10 Bees attk whle hive defending Green HP, Green Area1

B: 10/S

040 RskyHny2
15 Bees attk whle hive defending
041 RskyHny3
20 Bees attk whle hive defending
042 RlngLog1
50 Send out 2 logs 2pnl fwd BookComp, JdgTreeComp1

P: BookComp(7+)

I: JTC1(7+)

043 RlngLog2
70 Send out 2 logs 2pnl fwd
044 RlngLog3
90 Send out 2 logs 2pnl fwd
045 IronShl1
70 Fire off piercing shell. Green Area1, Green Area2, JdgTreeComp2

J: GA2

K:GA1 (6+)

L: 10/S

046 IronShl2
100 Fire off piercing shell. Armadil2
GMD in Immortal Area (JP)
047 IronShl3
130 Fire off piercing shell.
048 AuraHed1
130 A flying head with 2spc tail
049 AuraHed2
150 A flying head with 2spc tail HeadyH
GMD in Immortal Area (JP)
050 AuraHed3
170 A flying head with 2spc tail
051 AirHocky
60 Bounce the puck off walls L: Sky Area 2 GMD
N: Aster Land normal stock (3800 Z)
052 DrilArm
70 Knocks enmy 2sq away G: Aster Land normal stock (5000 Z)

W: PavillionComp 1 GMD

053 Tornado
20 8hit strm 2 squares ahead T: Central Area 1/2/3 in-battle GMD
054 Static
20 A static blast 2sq ahead V: Purchase from NetDealer in Graveyard Area for 14600z
055 MachGun1
30 Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy A: Gunner Rank 10-S

T: Gunner Rank 6+ (Gregar), Seaside Area 3 GMD

R: Gunner Rank 6+ (Falzar)
*: JdgTreeComp 2 GMD

056 MachGun2
50 Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy S:
057 MachGun3
70 Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy
058 MiniBomb
50 Throws a MiniBomb 3sq ahead B: Folder1 x2
L: Folder1 x2
R: Central Area 2 GMD
*: RobCtrlComp1 GMD
059 BigBomb
140 Throws a 9 panl bomb 3panl fwd V: Aster Land normal stock (9000 Z)
060 EnergBom
40 Throws a bomb 3sq ahead C: RobCtrlComp2 GMD
V: Seaside Area 2 GMD
*: JdgTreeComp 2 GMD
061 MegEnBom
60 Throws a bomb 3sq ahead G: Sky Area 1 GMD
M: Seaside Area in-battle GMD
O: Green Area 2 GMD, AquarumComp3 GMD
*: MrWeatherComp 3 GMD
062 FlshBom1
40 Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd Q:
063 FlshBom2
70 Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd
064 FlshBom3
100 Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd
065 BlkBomb
250 Thrw shel 3sqr fwd. Fire attk B: PavillionComp 1 GMD
066 BugBomb
- Throws a BugBomb 3sq ahead Purchase from Mr. Famous in Aster Land for 8000 Z.
067 GrasSeed
- Makes 9sq meadow 3sq ahead S: Green Area 1 GMD

*: JdgTreeComp 3 GMD

068 IceSeed
- Makes 9sq ice field 3sq ahead *: ACDC HP BMD
069 PoisSeed
- Makes 9sq poisn swp 3sq ahead P: Purchase from BugFrag Trader in Sky Area 1 for 48 BugFrags.
070 Sword
80 Cuts enmy in front! Range: 1 L: Central Area 1 GMD
S: Folder1 x4
*: AquarumComp1 GMD
071 WideSwrd
80 Cuts enmy in front! Range: 3 S: Folder1 x2, Central Area 2 GMD
*: Green Area 2 GMD (need Untrap?), AquarumComp2 GMD
072 LongSwrd
100 Cuts enmy in front! Range: 2 H: Central Area 3 GMD, RobCtrlComp2 GMD, SymbolComp

L: SymbolComp
*: Underground Area 2 GMD

073 WideBlde
150 Cuts enmy in front! Range: 3 Green Area1 GMD
074 LongBlde
150 Cuts enmy in front! Range: 2 BMD in Pavilion Comp 4
M: Aster Land normal stock (6200 Z)
GMD in Undernet 3 (JP)
075 FireSwrd
140 Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/fire F: Swordy2 Rank 10-S

O: Swordy2 Rank 6+ (Falzar)

Z: Swordy2 Rank 6+ (Gregar)

076 AquaSwrd
160 Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/aqua
077 ElecSwrd
120 Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/elec E: Central Area 3 PMD
GMD in Undernet 3 (JP)
078 BambSwrd
150 Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/wood W: Purchase from NetDealer in Seaside Area 3 for 4200z.
079 WindRack
140 Blow enmy in front! Range: 3 Purchase from NetDealer in ACDC Area for 7200 Z.
GMD in Graveyard (Graveyard 2 for JP)
Defeat the 4th Virus Battler in the Air Tank Comp for the first time. (JP)
080 StepSwrd
160 Use WideSwrd 2sq ahead
081 VarSwrd
160 A magical shifting sword. PMD in ACDC HP
GMD in Immortal Area (JP)
082 NeoVari
220 A magical shifting sword. N Purchase from BugFrag Trader in Sky Area 1 for 80 BugFrags.

80 BugFrags. (JP)

083 MoonBld
130 Slices enemies around M: Undernet in-battle GMD
084 Muramasa
??? Atk power equals amt of lostHP M: Undernet 1 PMD
085 MchnSwrd
200 Search and hit stund enemies. L: DarkMech Rank 10-S

Q: DarkMech Rank 6+

086 ElemSwrd
220 Cuts enmy on grass, ice, fire
087 AssnSwrd
240 When plyz cut enemy spec panl
088 CrakShot
60 Shoot a panel at an enemy! *: Folder1 x2
089 DublShot
60 Shoot 2 panels at an enemy! R: Sky Area 1 GMD

U: PavillionComp 3 GMD

090 TrplShot
100 Shoot 3 panels at an enemy! L: Seaside Area 3 GMD
*: Seaside Area 3 GMD
091 Rflectr1
60 Bounce an attk back at them! A: Mettaur Rank 10-S. Seaside Area 1 GMD

C: Mettaur Rank 6+ (Gregar)

P: Mettaur Rank 6+ (Falzar)

092 Rflectr2
120 Bounce an attk back at them! GreenArea2, JdgTreeComp2

B: Mettaur2 Rank 6+ (Gregar)

G: Mettaur2 Rank 6+ (Falzar)

Y: Mettaur2 Rank 10-S

093 Rflectr3
200 Bounce an attk back at them! E: Mettaur3 Rank 10-S (Gregar)

F: Mettaur3 Rank 10-S (Falzar)

O: Mettaur 3 Rank 6+

094 WaveArm1
80 Fllw enemy and fire trap wave F: Underground Area 1 GMD
095 WaveArm2
120 Fllw enemy and fire trap wave
096 WaveArm3
160 Fllw enemy and fire trap wave
097 SandWrm1
130 Attk enmy from rear w/snakarm
098 SandWrm2
150 Attk enmy from rear w/snakarm
099 SandWrm3
170 Attk enmy from rear w/snakarm
100 SumnBlk1
160 Summon a Nghtmare attack!
101 SumnBlk2
200 Summon a Nghtmare attack!
102 SumnBlk3
260 Summon a Nghtmare attack!
103 Snake
30 Call snke from hole in area. L: Sky Area in-battle GMD
PMD in Class 6-2 Comp
GMD in Graveyard 1 (JP)
104 NumbrBl
??? Last 2 HP digits = atk pwr N: Aster Land normal stock (12600 Z)
105 FireHit1
60 Slams closest enemy F: Seaside Area 2 GMD
106 FireHit2
120 Slams closest enemy
107 FireHit3
180 Slams closest enemy
108 BurnSqr1
100 Press A to burn a 4pnl sqr
109 BurnSqr2
120 Press A to burn a 4pnl sqr
110 BurnSqr3
140 Press A to burn a 4pnl sqr
111 Meteors
40 Drop many meteor on enmy area R: Graveyard Area in-battle GMD
112 AquaNdl1
40 Target 3 needles at enemy! C: Puffy Rank 10-S

J: Puffy Rank 6+ (Falzar)

P: Puffy Rank 6+ (Gregar)

113 AquaNdl2
60 Target 3 needles at enemy! Shower Comp


T:9+ Rare

114 AquaNdl3
80 Target 3 needles at enemy!
115 BlzrdBal
150 Launch a giant snowball T: Purchase from NetDealer in Graveyard Area for 18400z
116 Sensor1
100 Hit enmy with beam from snsr
117 Sensor2
130 Hit enmy with beam from snsr
118 Sensor3
160 Hit enmy with beam from snsr
119 Boomer
100 Boomerang that circ btl field J: Underground Area 2 GMD, Central Area 1/2/3 in-battle GMD

T: JdgTreeComp2 GMD

120 HiBoomer
140 Boomerang that circ btl field Purchase from NetDealer in ACDC Area for 5000 Z.
Obtain from a boy in Seaside Aquarium by trading a Double Shot C
GMD in Immortal Area (JP)
121 M-Boomer
170 Boomerang that circ btl field W: Purchase from NetDealer in Graveyard Area for 10000z
122 Lance
150 Lance through back line W: Green Area 1 PMD
123 HeatDrgn
140 Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows
124 ElecDrgn
150 Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows
125 AquaDrgn
120 Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows
126 WoodDrgn
130 Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows
127 GolmHit1
140 Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy
128 GolmHit2
190 Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy
129 GolmHit3
250 Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy
130 JustcOne
220 Fist Atk on center panel
131 AirSpin1
50 Spits out hurricane attack R: Seaside Area in-battle GMD
132 AirSpin2
50 Spits out hurricane attack A: Undernet 2 GMD
133 AirSpin3
50 Spits out hurricane attack T: Purchase from NetDealer in Undernet Zero for 12900 Z.
BMD in Immortal Area (JP)
Number Lotto 71757977
134 Wind
- Windbox blows at enmy area AirCndtrComp

*: 6+

135 Fan
- VacuumFn pulls enemy in
136 Magnum
130 Cursor destroys panels! L: PavillionComp 3 GMD

Purchase from NetDealer in ACDC Area for 8800 Z.

137 CircGun
150 Stop sght w/Button and attck P: Underground Area 1 PMD
138 RockCube
- Place a RockCube in front *: Green Area 2 GMD
139 LilBolr1
100 3pnl fwd Kttl attk Attack+
140 LilBolr2
140 3pnl fwd Kttl attk Attack+
141 LilBolr3
180 3pnl fwd Kttl attk Attack+
142 AirRaid1
10 Attk enmy w/flying FgtrPlne. G:FgtrPlne Rank 6+ (Gregar)

K: FgtrPlne Rank 10-S

R: FgtrPlne Rank 6+ (Falzar)

143 AirRaid2
10 Attk enmy w/flying FgtrPlne.
144 AirRaid3
10 Attk enmy w/flying FgtrPlne.
145 TimeBom1
150 Explodes 3 seconds later F: ACDC Area GMD

G: MrWeatherComp 2 GMD H: Purchase from NetDealer in Seaside Area 3 for 8800z

146 TimeBom2
190 Explodes 3 seconds later D: PavillionComp 2 GMD

E: Sky Area in-battle GMD, ACDC Area in-battle GMD
GMD in Graveyard 1 (JP)

147 TimeBom3
230 Explodes 3 seconds later L: Purchase from NetDealer in Undernet Zero for 15200 Z.
BMD in Graveyard 1. Requires Cloud Gate to be opened. (JP)
Number Lotto 23722234
Obtain from man in Green Town Court Foyer by trading a Holy Panel S.
148 Mine
200 Place a mine in enmy area S: Purchase from BugFrag Trader in Sky Area 1 for 36 BugFrags.
GMD in Undernet 3 (JP)
149 Fanfare
- Take no dmage for a while P: JdgTreeComp 1 GMD

Z: Trumpy Rank 10-S

150 Discord
- Confuses enemies w/music S: Tuby Rank 6+
151 Timpani
- Stop enmy feet with music
152 Silence
- Blinds enemies w/music
153 VDoll
- Throws VDoll 3sq ahead S: Underground Area in-battle GMD
154 Guardian
200 Statue punishes when hit O: Punishment Chair Comp PMD
155 Anubis
- Anubis poisons enemies P: PMD in Graveyard (Graveyard 2 for JP), Aster Land Order Service (27200 Z)
156 Recov10
- Recovers 10HP A: Folder1 x2
L: Folder1 x2
*: Central Area 1 GMD
157 Recov30
- Recovers 30HP Q: Central Area 3 GMD
*: RobCtrlComp2 BMD, Central Area 2 NetDealer (1000 Z)
158 Recov50
- Recovers 50HP C: Seaside Area 1 GMD
*: AquarumComp2 GMD
159 Recov80
- Recovers 80HP H: AquarumComp3 GMD, Tab's Chip Order

K: Purchase from NetDealer in Seaside Area 3 for 3000z
V: Green Area 1 GMD
*: Sky Area 2 GMD, JdgCompTree 2 GMD

160 Recov120
- Recovers 120HP S: Undernet 1 GMD

P: PavillionComp 1 GMD

161 Recov150
- Recovers 150HP BMD in Undernet Zero. Requires Water Gate to be open.
GMD in Undernet 3 (JP)
162 Recov200
- Recovers 200HP BMD in Pavilion Comp 1
GMD in Graveyard 1 (JP)
163 Recov300
- Recovers 300HP J: Graveyard in-battle GMD
164 PanlGrab
- Steals 1 enemy square! *: Seaside Area 3 GMD
165 AreaGrab
- Steals left edge from enmy B: RobCtrlComp1 GMD
F: Sky Area 1 GMD
S: Folder1 x1
166 GrabBnsh
- 20 damage for every stolen sq M: MrWeatherComp 2 GMD
167 GrabRvng
- 40 damage for every stolen sq Q: Purchase from BugFrag Trader in Sky Area 1 for 65 BugFrags.
168 PnlRetrn
- Fix your area's panels *: Seaside Area 2 BMD, JdgTreeComp 1 GMD, Undernet 1 GMD
169 Geddon
- Breaks all empty panels
170 HolyPanl
- Creates a HolyPanl in front A: Green Area 2 BMD

S: PavillionComp 2 GMD

171 Snctuary
- Chng all own panel to holy Z: Purchase from NetDealer in Undernet Zero for 15200 Z.
BMD in Immortal Area (JP)
172 ComingRd
- Pull an enemy to the front
173 GoingRd
- Push an enemy to the back
174 SloGauge
- CustGauge slow-down Purchase from Mr. Famous in Aster Land for 5800 Z.
175 FstGauge
- CustGauge speed-up Purchase from NetDealer in ACDC Area for 12000 Z.
176 FullCust
- CustGauge instantly refills *: Aster Land normal stock (7800 Z)
177 BusterUp
- Power goes up by 1 *: Folder1 x1, Seaside Area 2 GMD
178 BugFix
- Repairs & removes bugs P: Oxygen Tank Comp PMD
179 Invisibl
- Invisible for a while *: Seaside Area 2 GMD, AquarumComp2 GMD
180 Barrier
- Nullifies 10 HP of damage A: Central Area 1 GMD
*: RobCtrlComp1 GMD
181 Barr100
- Nullifies 100 HP of damage H: Purchase from NetDealer in Seaside Area 3 for 3800z, JdgTreeComp 3 GMD

O: MrWeatherComp 3 GMD

182 Barr200
- Nullifies 200 HP of damage K: Purchase from NetDealer in Undernet Zero for 11200 Z.
BMD in Undernet 3 (JP)
183 BblWrap
- Weak against elec atk Q: Purchase from BugFrag Trader in Sky Area 1 for 24 BugFrags.

Z: PavillionComp 4 GMD

184 LifeAur
- Repel all attacks under200 U: Purchase from NetDealer in Undernet Zero for 22400 Z.
PMD in Undernet 3 (JP)
185 MagCoil
- Draw in enmy with mag force *: ACDC Area GMD
186 ColArmy
40 Launch an attk with Col. army B: Sky Area 1 BMD
187 ElemTrap
240 Trap enmy and attk with elem Purchase from Mr. Famous in Aster Land for 10600 Z.
188 AntiNavi
- Takes the enemy's Navi away Purchase from Mr. Famous in Aster Land for 9200 Z.
189 AntiDmg
100 Sets trap and throw stars *: Underground Area in-battle GMD
190 AntiSwrd
100 Retaliate for sword damage Green Area 1, 2 in-battle GMD,

JdgTreeComp 1 in-battle GMD

191 AntiRecv
- Damages enemy in recovery Purchase from Mr. Famous in Aster Land for 6900 Z.
192 WhiCapsl
- Add an effect: Paralyze *: Folder1 x1
193 Uninstll
- Attach to NoDim chp NavCusOff Purchase from Mr. Famous in Aster Land for 12000 Z.
194 CopyDmg
- Duplicate damage to 2nd enemy *: Central Area 2 BMD
195 LifeSync
- Makes HP same as enemy *: AquarumComp1 BMD
196 Atk+10
- +10 for selected atk chip *: Folder1 x2, Central Area 2 GMD
197 Atk+30
- +30 for selected atk chip *:
198 Navi+20
- +20 for selected Navi chip *: Undernet in-battle GMD
199 ColorPt
- +10 for next chip attack *: AirConditionerComp BMD, MrWeatherComp 1 GMD
200 DblPoint
- +20 for next chip attack *: Sky Area 1 BMD, Immortal Area in-battle GMD(JP)
# Image Name Type Damage Description Location
1 Roll
20 Attacks enmy, then heals you Obtained in email from Mayl Sakurai during the story.
Reward from request "Track the Criminal".
2 Roll2
40 Attacks enmy, then heals you Obtained in email from Mayl during the story.
3 Roll3
60 Attacks enmy, then heals you Talk to Mayl in Lan's house during the final chapter of the game.
4 ProtoMan
150 Move in and slice the enemy ProtoMan v1/EX/SP
Reward from request "Track the Criminal"
5 ProtoMnEX
170 Move in and slice the enemy ProtoMan EX/SP
6 ProtoMnSP
190-290 Move in and slice the enemy ProtoMan SP
22 BlastMan
120 Head fwd & launch blst attk BlastMan EX/SP
Lotto Number 24616497
23 BlastMnEX
140 Head fwd & launch blst attk BlastMan EX/SP
24 BlastMnSP
150-250 Head fwd & launch blst attk BlastMan SP
25 DiveMan
130 Snd giant wave acrs area 2pnl DiveMan EX/SP
Lotto Number 32310827
26 DiveManEX
150 Snd giant wave acrs area 2pnl DiveMan EX/SP
27 DiveManSP
170-270 Snd giant wave acrs area 2pnl DiveMan SP
28 CrcusMan
20 Capture enmy in a ash attck CircusMan EX/SP
Reward from request "An Experiment!"
29 CrcusMnEX
25 Capture enmy in a ash attck CircusMan EX/SP
30 CrcusMnSP
30-55 Capture enmy in a ash attck CircusMan SP
31 JudgeMan
100 Whip 3 panels forward JudgeMan EX/SP
Reward from request "An Experiment!"
32 JudgeMnEX
120 Whip 3 panels forward JudgeMan EX/SP
33 JudgeMnSP
140-190 Whip 3 panels forward JudgeMan SP
34 ElmntMan
100 Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk ElementMan EX/SP
Reward from request "An Experiment!"
35 ElmntMnEX
120 Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk ElementMan EX/SP
36 ElmntMnSP
140-240 Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk ElementMan SP
37 Colonel
160 Cut enmy lines in Z shape Colonel EX/SP
Reward from request "Track the criminal"
38 ColonelEX
180 Cut enmy lines in Z shape Colonel EX/SP
39 ColonelSP
200-300 Cut enmy lines in Z shape Colonel SP
Gregar Exclusive
7 HeatMan
100 Burn with a radial fire attk HeatMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 12404002
8 HeatManEX
130 Burn with a radial fire attk HeatMan EX/SP
9 HeatManSP
160-260 Burn with a radial fire attk HeatMan SP
10 ElecMan
120 Attk your surrndns with thdr ElecMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number30424514
11 ElecManEX
140 Attk your surrndns with thdr ElecMan EX/SP
12 ElecManSP
160-210 Attk your surrndns with thdr ElecMan SP
13 SlashMan
80 Slash an enmy w/ flyn knfe SlashMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 55910601
14 SlashMnEX
100 Slash an enmy w/ flyn knfe SlashMan EX/SP
15 SlashMnSP
120-220 Slash an enmy w/ flyn knfe SlashMan SP
16 EraseMan
120 Press (A) for 3panl beam attk EraseMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 84387543
17 EraseMnEX
140 Press (A) for 3panl beam attk EraseMan EX/SP
18 EraseMnSP
160-210 Press (A) for 3panl beam attk EraseMan SP
19 ChrgeMan
60 Rush fwd! Open panl hit TrCar ChargeMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 92070765
20 ChrgeMnEX
70 Rush fwd! Open panl hit TrCar ChargeMan EX/SP
21 ChrgeMnSP
80-130 Rush fwd! Open panl hit TrCar ChargeMan SP
Falzar Exclusive
7 AquaMan
50 Watr atk! Bhnd 2row power-up AquaMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 51702791 (*)
8 AquaManEX
60 Watr atk! Bhnd 2row power-up AquaMan EX/SP
9 AquaManSP
70-120 Watr atk! Bhnd 2row power-up AquaMan SP
10 TmhkMan
140 Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical TomahawkMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 67520179
11 TmhkManEX
160 Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical TomahawkMan EX/SP
12 TmhkManSP
180-250 Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical TomahawkMan SP
13 TenguMan
70 Attk 2row from air, then side TenguMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 00297421
14 TenguMnEX
90 Attk 2row from air, then side TenguMan EX/SP
15 TenguMnSP
110-160 Attk 2row from air, then side TenguMan SP
16 GrndMan
60 Move fwrd then attk w/ drill GroundMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 10414878
17 GrndManEX
70 Move fwrd then attk w/ drill GroundMan EX/SP
18 GrndManSP
80-130 Move fwrd then attk w/ drill GroundMan SP
19 DustMan
110 Attk ahd. Suck in & shoot out DustMan v1/EX/SP
Lotto Number 79814666
20 DustManEX
130 Attk ahd. Suck in & shoot out DustMan EX/SP
21 DustManSP
150-200 Attk ahd. Suck in & shoot out DustMan SP
  • Note:Mega Chips #7-21 from each version are Secret Chips #1-15 (#3-17 in the Japanese version) in their respective opposing version.

Giga Chips[]

# Image Name Type Damage Description Location
Gregar Exclusive
1 Bass
60 Buster rake wide enmy area Defeat Bass SP in Graveyard Area.
2 BigHook
240 Hook atk 2 sq wide Obtain from email when you enter the Graveyard Area.
3 DeltaRay
260 A button power up by 3 swrd Purchase from NetDealer in Graveyard Area for 30000 Z.
4 ColForce
30 Smn Col. army in open pnls Defeat Bass BX in Underground Area 2.
5 BugRSwrd
- Use Bug Frag with DrkSword!
(Sword; if 0 Bug Frags remained)
Purchase from BugFrag Trader in Sky Area 1 for 100 BugFrags.
Falzar Exclusive
1 BassAnly
160 A ring that hits 4 times Defeat Bass SP in Graveyard Area.
2 MetrKnuk
100 Meteors bombard from sky Obtain from email when you enter the Graveyard Area.
3 CrossDiv
250 Cross-slice! Purchase from NetDealer in Graveyard Area for 30000 Z.
4 HubBatc
- Blend Hub DNA Data w/MegaMan Defeat Bass BX in Underground Area 2.
5 BgDthThd
- Use Bug Frag with DarkThnd!
(Thunder; if 0 Bug Frags remained)
Purchase from BugFrag Trader in Sky Area 1 for 100 BugFrags.

Battle Chip Gate Only[]

# Image Name Class Type Damage Description Location
1 PunchArm Standard - Charge shot becomes a FireHit.
2 NeedlArm Standard - Charge shot becomes a AquaNdl.
3 PuzzlArm Standard - Charge shot becomes a ElcPuls.
4 BoomrArm Standard - Charge shot becomes a Boomerang.
5 SyncTrgr Mega ? Insta Full-Syncro.
6 DrkSword Dark ? (Sword; if 0 Bug Frags remained)
7 DarkThnd Dark ? (Thunder; if 0 Bug Frags remained)
8 DrkRecov Dark ? (Recov10; if 0 Bug Frags remained)
9 DarkInvs Dark ? (Invisibl; if 0 Bug Frags remained)
10 DarkPlus Dark ? (Atk+10; if 0 Bug Frags remained)

Japanese/Legacy Collection Exclusive[]

# Image Name Type Damage Codes Description Location
Mega Chips
40 Count
20 H Rain on enmy then lance atk Complete the Boktai sidequest.
Count EX/SP
Number Lotto 12110031
41 CountEX
25 H Rain on enmy then lance atk Count EX/SP
42 CountSP
30 H Rain on enmy then lance atk Count SP
43 Django
- D Hit enmy with bike rdng Djgo Purchase from AsterLand for 10000 Z.
Lotto Number 57656595
44 Django2
- D Hit enmy with bike rdng Djgo BMD in Sky Area 1, behind Fire Gate.
45 Django3
- D Hit enmy with bike rdng Djgo Defeat the 5th Virus Battler in Central Area 1.

(LC): set game language to Japanese to receive this reward

Secret Chips
Standard Chips
1 S1 GunDelEX
None - G Fires a spread sunbeam
2 S2 Otenko
Obstacle - O Put Otnko to raise atk pwr
Mega Chips
- DblBeast[1]
320 W Ferocious beast power![2]
Giga Chips
- Gregar[1]
300 X Gregar's breath attack![2] (Gregar exclusive)
- Falzar[1]
100 X Falzar's ruinous tornado![2] (Falzar exclusive)


  • Japanese exclusive chips are obtainable in the English versions of the games through the use of various cheating devices. However, most chips, with the exception of "DblBeast", do not work in the English version, and freeze the game. (Tested on Gregar Version, the following chips that do freeze the game are "Gregar", "Falzar", and all instances of "HackJack" and "Django". "GunDelEX" works as intended, however, "Otenko" seems a bit weird, in there is no sprite and takes the space in front of the player, and it only appears to raise damage output for the MegaBuster if you are in front of it.)
    • Interestingly enough, while the "Django" chips on their own freeze the game, creating and using the Program Advance "CrosOver" with "Django", "Django2", and "Django3" does not freeze the game. However, since the English versions did not receive the code and sprites for Django, MegaMan will perform his end of the attack alone.
    • In the English version of the games, "the Count's" Battle Chips are named as "HackJack".
  • Japanese exclusive chips are available on the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection 2 version of the game.
  • The AquaMan chips are named SpoutMan in the Game Boy Advance and Wii U Virtual Console releases of the English version.
  • It is possible to use opposite-version exclusive chips, however their pictures and icons will be replaced with that version's counterpart of that chip. ("MetrKnuk" will have the picture of "BigHook" on Gregar, and vice versa.)

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 ???? in GBA before read e-Reader
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 ???? in GBA before read e-Reader, was remained unlocalized until Legacy Collection.
Mega Man Battle Network Battle Chips
List of Battle Chips
Mega Man Battle Network23456
Network TransmissionBattle Chip Challenge4.5Phantom of NetworkLegend of NetworkWS
Advanced PETProgress PETLink PET_EX
MegaMan NT Warrior
Types of Battle Chips
Attack Chips (CannonSpreaderBombHammerSwordPunch • ...)
Support Chips (Attack+Area GrabAuraBarrierInvisibleRecovery • ...)
"Anti" ChipsChess piecesDark ChipsEvil ChipsNavi ChipsSynchro Chip
Related pages
ClassElementsFolderList of Battle Chip commandsProgram Advance
PETCustom GaugePanelBattle Chip GateNavi Data Chip
Mega Man Battle Network series
Main characters
Lan Hikari (MegaMan.EXE) • Mayl Sakurai (Roll.EXE) • Dex Oyama (GutsMan.EXE) • Yai Ayanokoji (Glide.EXE) • Eugene Chaud (ProtoMan.EXE)
Tora (KingMan.EXE) • Mamoru UraMickTabIris
Dr. HikariHaruka HikariMs. MariHigsby (NumberMan.EXE) • Mr. FamousBaryl (Colonel.EXE)
Dr. WilyProfessorLord GospelDr. Regal (LaserMan.EXE) • DuoBass.EXE
Mega Man Battle Network23456
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real OperationMega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DSRockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star
Network TransmissionBattle Chip Challenge/N1 BattlePhantom of NetworkLegend of Network
Rockman EXE WSAxess AirMedal NetworkThe Medal OperationBattle Chip StadiumLegacy Collection
Anime and Manga
MegaMan NT Warrior (anime)AxessStreamBeastBeast+Rockman EXE: Hikari to Yami no Program
MegaMan NT Warrior (manga)Battle Story MegaMan NT WarriorGekitou! EXE Kyoudai Rockmeen!Zen'in Shuugou Gagtte!! Rockman!
Related Pages
NetNaviVirusPETBattle ChipProgram AdvancePower UpNavi CustomizerEmotion WindowLiberation MissionLocations