Magic Man

"Can you detect the trick?!"
—Magic Man, Mega Man & Bass database

Magic Man (マジックマン Majikkuman) is an illusionist-themed Robot Master and a member of King's army. He was formerly a member of a circus, but he enlisted in King's army in order to show off his talents. His Special Weapon, the Magic Card, can steal energy from enemies to restore his health. His stage is one of the two stages unlocked by beating Ground Man.

Magic Man is a natural showman who puts incredible effort into his magic tricks, but because of his egotism and a bad habit of performing tricks at inopportune times, he is not regarded well by his comrades. He is something of an attention seeker — he enjoys amazing people and especially receiving applause for his performances — but tends to be very secretive about the trickery involved in making his illusions work. He has recently taken up fortune-telling as a hobby.


Magic Man will start off the battle dashing away from Mega Man or Bass, and for the majority of the battle he will dash across the room. After dashing, he will either throw out a Magic Card at them that quickly returns to him, which can steal health from the player so he can recover a little bit of his own health, or toss a magic orb that spawn Romper Gs when shot at. Magic Man can also jump into the air and toss a ball with stars on it directly at Mega Man/Bass, which spawns white birds once they hit the ground. These birds can be destroyed easily with a charged Mega Buster shot if playing as Mega Man. Magic Man is weak to the Tengu Blade; if he is hit by this weapon, he will be (nearly) cut in half, momentarily stunning him. The projectile sent out after using Tengu Blade cannot stun Magic Man, however. If the player runs out of weapon energy for the Tengu Blade, the Wave Burner is also a good weapon to use against Magic Man.


Mega Man & Bass CD data[]

Magic Man CD data card
• CD data •
English data
He loves to amaze people with magic and tricks and has recently practiced fortune-telling.
"Can you detect the trick?!"
Good Point: Hard worker
Bad Point: Show-off
Like: Cheers
Dislike: Revealing too much
Japanese data
He enjoys surprising people with magic and tricks. Currently practicing card reading.
"Can you see through this trick?!"
Good Point: Hardworking
Bad Point: Show-off
Like: Applause, cheers
Dislike: Disclosure of tricks

Stage enemies[]

Enemies in Magic Man's stage:

Image Enemy
Magic Man (boss)
Rompers G
Sisi Roll
Joe Classic

Damage data charts[]

Amount of damage in units that Magic Man receives from each Special Weapon in Mega Man & Bass.

Mega Man & Bass
Mega Buster Bass Buster Ice Wall Wave Burner Remote Mine Spread Drill Tengu Blade Magic Card Copy Vision Lightning Bolt Treble Boost
1:3 1:2 0 2 1 2:1:1 4:4 1 1 2 2
*Damage values listed assume the player does not have the "C. Attack" (Counter Attacker) item equipped and activated.
*For Bass Buster, the first number is when the weapon is fired normally; the second is when Super Buster is activated. Hyper Buster shares the same attack power as a standard Bass Buster shot.
*For Spread Drill, the first number is damage inflicted with the big drill; the second number is with the smaller drills; third number is with the tiny drills.
*For Tengu Blade, the first number is striking with the projectile; second number is attacking with the slash or dash.

Other media[]

Mega Man (Archie Comics)[]

Magic Man appears as part of the Robot Master army serving Dr. Wily and Dr. Eggman during the Worlds Collide crossover. He is among the Robot Masters who suffer the ill effects of Silver the Hedgehog's psychic powers, though their assailant soon found himself immobilized by Flash Man.


Magic Man and King's other robots appear in front of Wily's hideout in the Rockman 8 manga, but with the exception of Pirate Man, they leave shortly after their appearance.

In the Rockman & Forte manga, Magic Man, Dynamo Man and Pirate Man fight against Forte in King's fortress.



Original Magician Man (Magic Man) concept by Iwamoto Yoshihiro.

Refined Magic Man concept by Hideki Ishikawa.

Magic Man in the Rockman & Forte manga.

Magic Man in the Rockman & Forte manga.

Bust sprite of Magic Man

Bust sprite of Magic Man

Magic Man's CD database sprite from Mega Man & Bass.

Magic Man's CD database sprite from Mega Man & Bass.

Magic Man's battle entrance from Mega Man & Bass.

Magic Man's battle entrance from Mega Man & Bass.


Magic Man by Jason Clayton

Magic Man design from Nintendo Power contest

  • He was originally called "Magician Man" in his early sketches.
  • His dislike, revealing too much, is a reference to the phrase, "A magician never reveals his secrets."
  • Magic Man is the only Robot Master that has two NetNavi counterparts in MagicMan and HatMan, the former bearing his name while the latter being based on Magic Man's design.
  • Magic Man is one of two entertainer-themed Robot Masters, the other being Clown Man from Mega Man 8. Interestingly enough, both are weak to Tengu Man's weapons (Tornado Hold and Tengu Blade) in the respective games in which they appear.
  • Coincidentally, before the Magic Man from Mega Man & Bass, a Magic Man was created for the Nintendo Power Mega Man 6 boss character contest by reader Jason Clayton.
Mega Man & Bass
List of Robot Masters
Tengu ManAstro ManDynamo ManCold ManGround ManPirate ManBurner ManMagic Man
Other Bosses
Green DevilAtetemino ProtoKing TankKing PlaneKingJet King RoboWily MachineWily UFO
Special Weapons
Ice WallWave BurnerRemote MineSpread DrillTengu BladeMagic CardCopy VisionLightning Bolt
Support Items
Rush SearchBeatEddie
Treble Boost
List of Enemies
AmmonerBatton M64Big TellyBunby Tank DX & Bunby Top DXChangkey RCline GCrunchranDig Mole
Dodonpa CannonElectric GeneratorFire MetallGori-ThreeHannya AttackerHogale SubmarineJoe ClassicKaizock
KamikamīnKao na GahnaMetall SVMetrengerMokumokumoMoleMonopellanMukamukadeMukamukade B
MuragattoriOnbuubattanOni RoboPenpen EVPlasma±Potom No. 1 & No. 2RabbitonRompersRompers G
Shell'nShupponponShururunSpinning GabyoallSurumakerSydeckaTelly RTencrowWall Teck
- Mid-bosses -
Melody Response CannonMove CannonMother MukamukadeSisi RollSnoler
DatabaseDamage Data ChartScript
Mega Man series
Main characters
Mega ManRollDr. LightDr. WilyProto ManBassDuoDr. CossackKalinkaKing
AutoRushTrebleEddieBeatTangoReggaeCut ManGuts ManRobot Masters
Main games
Mega Man234567891011
Rockman Complete Works (Pokeroku) • Anniversary CollectionLegacy CollectionLegacy Collection 2
Platformer spin-off games
Mega Man World: Dr. Wily's RevengeIIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassMega Man: The Wily WarsMega Man Powered Up
Mega Man (DOS)Mega Man 3 (DOS)Mega Man (Game Gear)Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha
Street Fighter X Mega ManMega Man Mania(cancelled) • Mega Man Universe (cancelled)
Other spin-off games
Mega Man: The Power BattleMega Man 2: The Power FightersRockman Battle & Fighters
RockBoardMega Man's SoccerMega Man Battle & ChaseSuper Adventure Rockman
Rockman StrategyTobe! RockmanChokkan! RockmanPinballSpace RescueRockman GPDot Art Logic
Panic FireSlotSolitaireTennisMega Man Rush MarineDiverThe Puzzle BattlePokerVR
Lists of enemies
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man (Game Gear)
Damage data charts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Game scripts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Captain N: The Game MasterMega Man (Ruby-Spears)Mega Man: Upon a StarMega Man: Fully Charged
Mega Man (Dreamwave Productions)Mega Man (Archie Comics)
Mega Man MegamixMega Man GigamixMega Man ManiaxMega Man MastermixRockman Tanjou Densetsu
Rockman (manga series)Rockman 8Rockman & ForteRockman 10 -Extra F-Rockman 11
Rockman 4Koma Dai KoushinRockman: Battle & ChaseLittle Mega ManMr. Mega Man'
Special Weapon (ListStrengths) • Speed RunsWily Castle