Mega Man ZX database

The Secret Disk database for Mega Man ZX.


No. Sprite Name Data Location
Rayfly This giant flying machine drops bounce cannons from its cargo bays. It never comes in for a landing, so attacking it head-on is extremely difficult. B-2
Omega This mysterious Reploid was found in some ancient ruins. It was rumored to have been destroyed by a legendary red warrior. N-1
Giga Aspis Several large parts combine to create this giant snake Mechaniloid. Its body is covered in special plating that reflects all attacks. Its only weak spot is its head. A-2
Giro (Model Z) Giro transformed with the power of Model Z. He fell under the influence of Serpent and was used for evil. D-2
Serpent (1st form) Serpent transformed into a battle form with the power of the Biometal Model W fragment. The orange horns associated with Model W can be found on his head, shoulders and feet. D-4
Serpent (2nd form) Serpent's form after being absorbed into Model W. He continues to transform upon taking further damage. D-5
Purprill Purprill the Mandroid. Half of the Model P data is contained in his arms. H-4
Hivolt Hivolt the Raptoroid. Half of the Model H data is contained in his wings. E-8
Hurricaune Hurricaune the Wolveroid. Half of the Model H data is contained in her neck. I-3
Pandora The mysterious woman who always accompanies Prometheus. She has mastered the power of thunder and ice. She prefers to attack from a distance. M-3
Fistleo Fistleo the Predatoroid. Half of the Model F data is contained in his head. G-5
Flammole Flammole the Moleroid. Half of the Model F data is contained in his powerful arms. K-4
Protectos Protectos the Goreroid. Half of the Model P data is contained in his giant belly. L-4
Prometheus The mysterious man that always accompanies Pandora. He has mastered normal attacks as well as flame attacks. The giant scythe he wields is bigger than his body. O-2
Lurerre Lurerre the Abysroid. Half of the Model L data is contained in the lure she uses. F-4
Leganchor Leganchor the Gelroid. Half of the Model L data is contained in his head. J-4

Enemy A[]

No. Sprite Name Data Location
Diadrake This Mechaniloid belonged to a wealthy individual. Several days after purchase, it was infected by a virus, began to act strangely and was disposed of. It is equipped with a dispersion laser in its mouth. I-4
Orehawk This Mechaniloid belonged to a wealthy individual. It was programmed to obey its owner but it ran away never to be heard from again. Its wings are like giant fans that can be launched as an attack mechanism. M-1
Deluxe Galleon Wing A modified Galleon Wing that was introduced in combat on the assault against Guardian HQ. It has additional offensive functionality not found in the non deluxe models such as nitro cans. O-1
King Flyer This giant fly Mechaniloid is operated by remote control. It uses a special chemical fuel called Methanhydrate and has only recently been put into production. Its numbers are still very limited. D-2
Crushpactor This compactor Mechaniloid was originally designed for crushing rocks, but has been retrofitted as a weapon. It's quite heavy, but once the treads get moving, it can move at incredible speeds. E-5
Steephinx This Mechaniloid belonged to a wealthy individual. A month after purchase, all functionality ceased and it was thrown away. It has three sets of logical circuits and its parts can operated independently. I-5
Tentalamia This Mechaniloid can stretch out tentacles from four different holes to attack enemies. It has been known to steal life from victims as well, so caution is required. J-3
Powmettaur This giant Mettaur moves about by jumping around, despite its enormous size. It was designed as an amusement park mascot but ended up being converted to a Mechaniloid. H-3
Lava Demon No attacks can penetrate the magma surrounding this Mechaniloid. Its blind but can detect enemies by their movements. When an enemy is spotted, it can transform into several variations for attacking. K-3

Enemy B[]

No. Sprite Name Data Location
Eyeballoon This Mechaniloid was developed to prevent wild Outland birds from eating the crops. As this need faded, they were equipped with ring beam weapons to drive away other enemies. A-1
Frostybear This polar bear Mechaniloid has portable cooling units on its arms allowing it to create snowballs for hurling at enemies. While its arm temperature can drop below zero, it manages to stay warm internally. F-3
Angle Cannon This Mechaniloid's tough armor can repel any attack. Its powerful attack can also blast through any armor. However, every Achilles has a heel... I-1
Web Bolt This spider Mechaniloid lives in the wiring. Over time, it has evolved the ability to fire electric bolts to trap prey. With an infrared sensor in its stomach, it can operate just as effectively in the dark. E-1
Rattrap These Mechaniloid mice tend to come in huge numbers. With so many of them, they are sometimes prone to short-circuit and blow up. L-3
Energy Cannon This cannon has a protective hatch which will open up just long enough for it to fire an energy blast. Given time, it learns how to more efficiently utilize energy for more powerful attacks. D-3
Shrimpstroke This shrimp Mechaniloid propels backwards through the water. It uses its antennae to feel out enemies and will fire a shot when in range. The revolver-like segment acts like a turbine for propelling it. J-2
Electric Dart This hermit crab Mechaniloid is often found to crop up near lightning strikes and can use its powerful suction feet to move upside down on surfaces. E-4
Auto Counter ECO When hit, this Mechaniloid rains fire down on the surrounding area. It was originally designed for incinerating garbage, but is now being used for evil purposes. G-3
Auto Counter POP This Mechaniloid was originally designed to be a vending machine, but with a little tinkering it has been transformed into a strange weapon that rains junk food down on enemies when hit. H-3
Cutting Gyro This Mechaniloid regularly fires shots in two directions. The propellers are sharp blades that will cut anything that comes in contact with them into pieces. B-4
Capsule Shooter This cannon fires capsules that bounce off of floors and walls. Once the capsule settles down, it blows apart and shots come out. Cutting-edge prize machine technology is used to prevent capsule jamming. D-1
Galleon Wing This Galleon has a flight unit attached to its back. It can fly freely through the air while using its buster weapon to attack. Its frame is much lighter than a normal Galleon to aid in flight. I-5
Galleon Shroud This Galleon uses a bunker for protection. It opens a hatch to fire its bazooka and fires its buster weapon from a gap in the bunker. If the Galleon inside is destroyed, the bunker is taken down with it. I-4
Galleon Diver This Galleon rides an aqua cycle and receives compressed air from a pipe, allowing it to dive deep beneath the surface. If the pipe ruptures, the Galleon will succumb to water pressure and be destroyed. F-2
Galleon Burner This Galleon has a jet burner on each shoulder. When the fuel runs out, it will drop down and wait to recharge. It is outfitted with special heat shielding allowing it to withstand extreme temperatures. G-2
Galleon Hunter This is the basic Galleon model equipped with arm busters. It is programmed to follow orders and complete its mission at any cost. B-2
Galleon Sledder This unit has received training to handle its special features. They fire a bazooka from above and a buster from below. There are two jet engines attached to the sled. L-1
Platform Cannon This cannon Mechaniloid floats up and down in the air while firing shots from its sides. If the cannon gets destroyed, the floating platform left behind can be used as a foothold. D-1
Carom This floating security Mechaniloid can fire shots up & down or left & right. If it is on the receiving end of a powerful blast, it'll get sent flying. A-4
Crickaleap This wild Mechaniloid hops around erratically. A long time ago, an outbreak of the hoppers resulted in hundreds of casualties and they have been much feared ever since. E-4
Sci-sensor These assembly kit Mechaniloids were donated to schools all over by Slither Inc. They don't require glue or tools to put together and are quick to be thrown away when something else catches the child's fancy. K-1
Spi-King This weapon is comprised of 30 recycled tires smashed together and fitted with 8 dangerous spikes. The spikes give it the ability to roll anywhere regardless of the surface condition. I-5
Springer This security Mechaniloid uses its powerful springs to constantly leap about. It has a special stabilization system that prevents it from falling over. B-1
Chain Anchor The spike at the end of this Mechaniloid's chain attaches itself to a surface and sends a powerful electrical current coursing into the target. It's possible to grab onto the chain or use it as a footing. K-5
Beanball The principles of leverage are employed with this rock throwing Mechaniloid. If it manages to build up enough energy, the flaming rocks it hurls are enough to punch through walls and cause an explosion on impact. K-4
Sphenalauncher This iguana Mechaniloid fires the spikes on its back likes missiles. It is normally quite docile, but if a perceived threat approaches, it will react aggressively. A-2
Tornado Fencer This drill-shaped Mechaniloid is constantly rotating at high speeds. It can put up a shield to block enemy attacks, but it has weak spots that can cause it to surge when hit. B-2
Valkyraffe This tall Mechaniloid is composed of three major segments - a head, neck and body segment. There is a unit contained within its body that can regenerate broken parts. A-2
Pattrolaur This security Mechaniloid was designed and developed by Slither Inc. It wears a helmet and appears in great numbers thanks to factory overproduction. C-2
Bambooloss This plant Mechaniloid is found in the forests of Innerpeace. Its roots are so deep that it's rumored all of them are connected to a single source. A-1
Bee Rockets These bee Mechaniloids are very territorial. They tend to travel in groups and are willing to sacrifice themselves for other members. On occasion, they will use their combined heat to trigger an explosion. G-5
Whirling 38 It sprays out fire while spinning around at high speeds. Its rotational ability comes from an internal drive device. If it gets hit with too powerful a shock, it will fly off the rope. Exercise caution. I-2
Whirling 44 This Mechaniloid continues to move up and down on a metal rope. Its original design is based on a toy that the designer's child used to play with. It was created to be art, but has become a dangerous weapon. I-2
Fire Dart This hermit crab Mechaniloid can use its powerful suction feet to move upside down on surfaces. With a little tinkering, these hot machines can be reverse-engineered to become a convenient cooking range. K-3
Buoybuoy This sea turtle Mechaniloid uses its fins to stay afloat. It protects itself from enemies by laying down bombs while swimming around. J-3
Shock Face This model of Mechaniloid was based on a giant face sculpture. It fires electricity that crawls across the ground. It used to let out a strange laugh, but that functionality was creepy and later removed. E-5
Heat Face This model of Mechaniloid is the second in a series based on giant face sculptures. This particular model breathes fire and will scorch any enemy that comes near. Many engineers were lost in the design phase. G-1
Frozen Face This model of Mechaniloid is the third in a series based on giant face sculptures. It fires frozen junk from its mouth at enemies and will make sad noises when no one is near. F-1
Fly Chopper These Mechaniloids tend to operate in groups of three and will vary their formations to try and confuse the enemy while they swoop in for an attack. D-2
Batty These bat Mechaniloids tend to appear out of nowhere and focus their attacks on weakened enemies. There's an urban legend that says the locations they congregate at are cursed. L-2
Presto Cannon This cannon has been weighed down with modifications to increase its firing and cool down rates. The main flaw in this design is that it is so heavy it can't move. O-1
Hover Cannon This cannon has two firing ports. If an enemy approaches, it attempts to use its hovering ability to run away, but it quickly runs out of power. It fires a special shot that breaks into three smaller shots. K-3
Bora Bora This fish Mechaniloid eats microbes, converting them to energy, and this helps clean the water making it quite environmentally friendly. However, it is not so friendly to enemies that enter its territory. F-2
Marine General This sea anemone Mechaniloid was designed from the beginning as a weapon. It was meant to provide an obstacle for enemies in the water and is based on a biological organism that has long gone extinct. F-4
Mechadragon These dragonfly Mechaniloids tend to move in groups and act as sentries. They begin to dart around upon sensing an enemy and transmit the imagery to another location. A-3
Remettaur A factory began to produce these special Mechaniloids on Slither Inc.'s request. Their helmets protect them from attacks and upon exploding, they will release smaller versions that run around and blow up. H-1
Moth Queen This wild Mechaniloid makes its home in frozen areas. It is mostly harmless and people often gather them to put on display F-3
Releaf This Mechaniloid camouflages itself as a leaf. It can remain well-hidden in foliage, but will join with others to drive away threats. Their wings are sharper than they look and can cause serious damage. C-3
Warp Prism These mysterious entities were the result of research into ancient technology. The experiments conducted failed and resulted in these troublemakers. They will act aggressively towards perceived threats. M-1


No. Sprite Name Data Location
Hareng He always has to be the best at whatever he does. Hareng does what he can to act cool, but when push comes to shove he tends to lose it and his true personality comes out. X-1
Anguille He is quite reserved and is an expert at making others feel good about themselves. He serves as an assistant to the mechanic Silure. He can get emotional and when it comes to women, he does have a tendency to show off. X-1
Operators These three are in charge of Guardian HQ operations. They are (from left to right): Gardénia, Tulip and Marguerite. X-2
Guardians These are the most commonly seen Guardians. They might look alike, but they all have unique personalities once you get to know them. X-1
Carrelet He is passionate about his work and tends to dislike anyone that doesn't take their work seriously. He places his faith in logic above all else and because of this has issues with the emotional Anguille. X-1
Congre He is easily startled and his assignment as a Guardian soldier is one of the seven great Guardian mysteries. X-1
Sardine He is the only child Reploid in Guardian HQ. He is always playing with the toy Silure made him. X-1
Silure He is the head mechanic and Anguille's boss. He is busy, but is always willing to put together a toy in his free time. Fleuve has been known to consult with him from time to time. X-1
Giro This young man owns his own transporter business, Giro Express. He looks after children who have lost their parents and is wise beyond his years. His full name is Girouette, but most people just call him Giro. A-1
Scombrésoce He tends to stick his nose where it doesn't belong and this doesn't do anything to endear him to the other Guardians. Despite this bad side, he is always a gentleman to the ladies. X-1
Cédre She can be harsh at times, but it's obvious that she cares. She does have a tendency to get hot-blooded. In order to cool her down, Prairie assigned her to Guardian HQ instead of out in the field. X-3
Serpent This well-known president of Slither Inc. is considered a national hero for his handling of the energy crisis and the Maverick outbreak. D-2
Truite He is slow and overly careful about everything. Despite being thoughtful, he tends to get confused when talking to other people. No one ever has the heart to tell him he is wrong though. X-1
Thon The biggest, scariest Guardian of them all. He is a big guy, but loses his tough edge in front of Prairie. X-1
Fleuve He continues to perform research at Guardian HQ. He has a thirst for knowledge and would always choose reading a book as the perfect way to spend a free moment. X-1
Prairie The second commander of the Guardians. She values the stuffed animal the first commander gave her a long time ago. X-2
Stuffed Animal This cute stuffed animal is a present from the first Guardian commander to Prairie. It has seen better days and its back in particular seems to have been stitched up countless times. C-2
Townspeople These people live freely under the umbrella of Slither Inc.'s protection. They are very leery of potential Mavericks and are not very talkative to strangers. C-2
Muguet She is in charge of the medical facilities at Guardian HQ. Her bedside manner is a bit rough around the edges, but her treatment is top notch. X-1
Rose She is the shy assistant to Muguet. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking she never speaks, but once someone gets her talking, she never stops. X-1


  • Most townspeople are not included in the image, the image include only Bosch, Barbara, Fiona, Frank, Goyork, Jack, Leonardo, and Thalia.
Mega Man ZX
Vent / Aile (Humanoid) • Model XModel ZXModel HXModel FXModel LXModel PXModel OX
Hivolt the RaptoroidLurerre the AbysroidFistleo the PredatoroidPurprill the Mandroid
Hurricaune the WolveroidLeganchor the GelroidFlammole the MoleroidProtectos the Goreroid
Other bosses
Giga AspisRayflyGirouette (Model Z)PrometheusPandoraPrometheus and PandoraSerpentOmega
- Mega Man Zero 3 Link -
Deathtanz MantiskHellbat SchiltChildre InarabittaBlazin' Flizard
- Mega Man Zero 4 Link -
Pegasolta EclairSol TitanionFenri LunaedgeNoble Mandrago
Area A (Forest)Area B (Mountain Pass)Area C (Town)Area D (Highway)Area E (Power Plant)Area F (Lake)Area G (Fire Site)Area H (Amusement Park)
Area I (Confinement)Area J (Undersea Tunnel)Area K (Lava Field)Area L (Research Lab)Area M (Remains)Area N (Remains 2)Area O (Highway 2)Area X (Guardian HQ)Slither Inc. Office
Database • Game Script (Vent's storyAile's story) • ItemsMangaOverdrive Invoke System