Met (Classic series)


The standard Met.

The Met is a recurring enemy from the Mega Man series that has an indestructible hard hat. The original Mega Man series has the greatest variety of Mets, which are shown in the list below:



The Metall (メットール Mettōru), often called "Met", is an industrial robot created to supervise works. Mets appear in Guts Man's stage and sits on the floor hidden in its indestructible helmet, and when someone gets close it lifts its helmet and shoots three diverging bullets.

They also appear in Mega Man: Powered Up. On Easy mode, Mets only shoot a single bullet forward. Strangely, the bullet that is shot diagonally down is never seen in the game, as it always hits the piece of land the Met is sitting on. Comically, Mets can be flipped over onto their helmets by hitting them with a Proto Strike, with a second level charge shot, detonating a Hyper Bomb next to them or hitting them with the Oil Slider. The Met will then continue to rock about on its helmet, where you can easily shoot it or leave it to its own devices.

MMPU Met flip

Flipping a Met.

In Mega Man: The Wily Wars, they appear in both the 1st and 3rd Wily Tower Stages, and some can be summoned by Hyper Storm H.

This variant reappears in Mega Man 9 as Metall β. The Metall in Mega Man 11 has the same name and similar behavior.

Neo Metall[]

The Neo Metall (ネオメットール Neo Mettōru) is an upgrade of the Met from Mega Man 2. It now has feet and can walk. Due to its appearance, it is popular with young girls. They appear in Crash Man's Stage and Wily Stage 4. The Guts Tank in Wily Stage 3 will also produce Mets if the player is on the ground. These unique Mets only run and do not hide in their helmets or shoot. They also appear in Episode 1 of Super Adventure Rockman, coming up right after the Rembakuns.

Metall DX[]

The Metall DX (メットールDX Mettōru DX, Metall Deluxe) is an upgraded version of the Met that appears in Mega Man 3. Most of the Metall DX act similar to the Neo Metalls from Mega Man 2, but there are some that have retractable propellers in their head that allow them to fly. They fly up to Mega Man and shoot three bullets down on him. The Heli Metall from Mega Man 7 is similar to this Met.

In Mega Man 3, they are found in Needle Man's stage, Hard Man's stage and Top Man's stage, but the flying type only appears in the Needle Man Stage of Doc Robots. The flying Metall DX also appear in both Buster Rod G's stage and the Wily Tower Stage 3 in Mega Man: The Wily Wars .

Giant Metall[]

The Giant Metall (ジャイアントメットール Jaianto Mettōru) is a mid-boss from Mega Man 3 that can shoot giant bullets and throw out three regular Mets. It can only be damaged on the red "+" mark on its helmet. Search Snake and Hard Knuckle are the weapons that cause most damage to it, but they are not easy to use against it. Two Giant Metalls appear in the Doc Robot Needle Man stage, but if one looks closely in Needle Man's proper stage (before the Doc Robot reprise), one can see the helmets under the platforms.

Hits data chart[]

Amount of shots/hits from Special Weapons it takes to destroy a Giant Metall.

Mega Man 3
Mega Buster Needle Cannon Magnet Missile Gemini Laser Hard Knuckle Top Spin Search Snake Spark Shock Shadow Blade
10 10 0 5 4 0 4 0 5

Metall EX[]

Metall EX (メットールEX Mettōru EX) is the name used for all three types of Mets in Mega Man 4 (walk, jump, and spin), but the spinning Met is also known as "Metall Dance" (メットールダンス Mettōru Dansu) in RockBoard. The first two Met versions act similar to typical Mets, walking or jumping after shooting, but the Metall Dance does a sort of ballet spin that shoots three shots in a row, straight out. It takes three normal shots or one charge shot from the Mega Buster to take a Metall Dance down. They are found in Dust Man's stage, Drill Man's stage and the first section of Wily Castle. In addition, the jumping Met and Metall Dance appear in Mega Man III, again in Dust Man and Drill Man's stages, as well as the final Wily Station.


A Metall EX holding an Item Box in Super Adventure Rockman.

In episode 3 of Super Adventure Rockman, Mega Man finds a Metall EX with arms carrying an Item Box after the defeat of Magnet Man. The Metall EX will get scared and run, leaving the item box behind, and the player has to choose between three options: fight against him, get the item box with an Information Card about Ra Thor, or ignore both and continue. If the player chooses to fight it, it will appear without arms and attack by shooting six times while spinning, and hit Mega Man with its head. All three options are followed by the fight against Hard Man.

Metall Swim[]

Mm4 metallswim

Metall Swim

Metall Swim (メットールスイム Mettōru Suimu) is a Met equipped with flippers and a snorkel that appears in Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5, Mega Man III, and Wily & Right's RockBoard: That's Paradise. There are deluxe versions of them in Mega Man 7 called Swim Metall DX.

Metall Daddy[]

Mm4 metalldaddy

Metall Daddy

Metall Daddy (メットールダディ Mettōru Dadi) is a giant Met boss from Mega Man 4.

Space Metall[]

The Space Metall (スペースメットール Supēsu Mettōru) is a type of Met equipped with jet packs to chase enemies. Because of this, Space Metalls are unable to shoot and hide into their helmets. They appear in Star Man's Stage in both Mega Man 5 and Mega Man for the Game Gear, as well as being seen briefly in the Game World during the first episode of Mega Man: Upon a Star.

Metall Mommy[]

Metall Mommies (メットールマミー Mettōru Mamī) explode and give off three Baby Metalls when shot. Although they have feet, they do not walk or jump, and behavior is the same as the original Metall. Found mainly in Stone Man's stage (in Mega Man 5, Mega Man IV and Mega Man on the Game Gear), but they also appear in the second Wily stage. Gravity Hold can easily defeat them; it will cause Metall Mommy to explode, and then the Baby Metalls will immediately fly off the top of the screen afterwards.

There are similar enemies in Mega Man ZX called Remettaurs.

Baby Metall[]

Baby Metall (ベビーメットール Bebī Mettōru) is the name of the small Mets with pacifiers released by a Metall Mommy. They simply bounce around on the terrain for a short while.

Metall K1000[]

Metall K1000 (メットールK-1000 Mettōru K-1000) are Mets that ride freight-carrying vehicles resembling steam locomotives. They, like all Mets, can only be hit when their eyes are open, but they also shoot and "toot" and charge toward Mega Man. The safest place is just above or just below them. Very appropriately, they are located in Charge Man's train level, but also in the second level of Proto Man's Castle.

The name may be a pun: sen is Japanese for "line/rail" as well as the number 1000. Keisen is Japanese for "track," possibly referring to their train. Kilo is also Latin for 1000 and frequently abbreviated to K, so from keisen we can derive K1000.

Metall Cannon[]

Mm5 metallcannon

Metall Cannon

The Metall Cannon (メットール砲台 Mettōru Houdai) is a cannon with a Met operating it. The cannon fires large projectiles, and the operating Met can only be hurt when it pops its face out. They appear in Mega Man 5, Mega Man IV, and Mega Man for Game Gear.

"Giant Met Cannon"[]

Giant Met Cannon
Giant Met Cannon

This unnamed Met, nicknamed "Giant Met Cannon", is basically a giant version of the Metall Cannon that appears twice as a mid-boss in the Wily Battleship in Mega Man IV.

Metall Sniper[]

Metall Sniper (メットールスナイパー Mettōru Sunaipā) is one of the Mets of the Stardroids from Mega Man V, and it has a gun on its helmet (unlike the previous ones, which basically shoot when they rise, and the player does not see where it shoots from). There is a similar enemy called Fukuhorn.

Hell Metall DX[]

Hell Metall DX (ヘルメットールDX Heru Mettōru DX) is a shielded Met from Mega Man V. When shot, the lower treads part of it explodes and the Met falls to the ground, still hiding behind its shield.

"Metall" (Mega Man 6)[]

The unnamed Mets appears in the Flame Man's stage, Tomahawk Man's stage, Mr. X Stage 2 and Wily Stage 1 in Mega Man 6. They do not walk or jump, similar to the Metall Mommy.

Metall Potton[]

The Metall Potton (メットールポットン Mettōru Potton) dispenses two types of Mets. It has a whole array of them stashed under a dome and drops them out one by one. A dispensed Met will lift its helmet almost immediately after being dropped, instead of just when Mega Man gets close. the Mets also can jump and walk similar to the Metall EX in Mega Man 4. Metall Pottons appear in Tomahawk Man's stage as a mid-boss and in the final section of Wily Castle. This Met makes a cameo in a stage in Marvel vs. Capcom.

Metonger Z[]

MM6 Metonger Z

Metonger Z

Metonger Z (メットンガーZ Mettongā Z) is the boss from the third stage of Mr. X's Castle in Mega Man 6.

Metall FX[]

Metall FX (メットールFX Mettōru FX) is a new model from the Metall series used by Dr. Wily in his robot army in Mega Man 7 and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. Its performance was highly improved compared to previous models.[4] In Mega Man 7, these Mets appear in the Opening Stage, Junk Man's stage, and the third Wily Castle stage.

The Mets of the Mega Man Zero series, Metall RW, seem to be based on this Met, but they only shoot one bullet instead of three at once.

They were also going to reappear in Mega Man: The Power Battle, but were cut from the game.

Heli Metall[]

Mm7 helimetall

Heli Metall

Heli Metall (ヘリメットール Heri Mettōru) is a flying Metall that appeared in Mega Man 7 and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters.

Swim Metall DX[]

Mm7 swimmetalldx

Swim Metall DX

Swim Metall DX (スイムメットールDX Suimu Mettōru DX) is a deluxe version of the Metall Swim that appears in Mega Man 7.

Metall SV[]

The Metall SV (メットールSV Mettōru SV) is the Met in Mega Man 8 and Mega Man & Bass. In Mega Man 8, these versions of Mets spend most of the time defending. When they are not doing so, fire only one shot and march onward. In Mega Man & Bass, they shoot 3 bullets in the standard spread formation and slowly march afterwards.

In Mega Man 8, they appear in the opening stage, Tengu Man's stage, Clown Man's stage, Astro Man's stage, Search Man's stage, Frost Man's stage, Aqua Man's stage, and the third stage of Wily Tower. In Mega Man & Bass, they appear in the opening Robot Museum stage, Tengu Man's stage, Astro Man's stage, Dynamo Man's stage, Cold Man's stage, Ground Man's stage, and the third stage of King Castle.

In Mega Man 8, they have a cameo in Frost Man's stage. They're created on tower by neon lights.

Fire Metall[]

The Fire Metall (ファイヤーメットール Faiyā Mettōru) are red Metalls that are made to look like Fire Man. In Mega Man 8, they first appear in Grenade Man's stage, and they tend to be the ones who set ablaze the big boxes of dynamite in the second half of said stage. They also appear in Sword Man's stage and the first stage of Dr. Wily's castle, after the conclusion of the sledding portion. They can be destroyed in one hit with the Water Balloon. In Mega Man & Bass, they create flame spires and have treads rather than feet. In Mega Man & Bass they appear in the museum stage, Dynamo Man's stage and in the final stages.

Metall β[]

The Metall β (メットールβ Mettōruβ) appears in quite a few stages in Mega Man 9, including Tornado Man's stage, Plug Man's stage, Jewel Man's stage, Galaxy Man's stage, and the second through fourth stages of Wily Castle. Its "cousin" is the Camouflametall. It looks and acts exactly like the Met from the first Mega Man game. Black Hole Bomb and Tornado Blow are two of the few weapons in the original series of Mega Man able to destroy the Mets even when they are hidden under their helmet. Note that the projectiles they launch are the same size as the ones from the Neo Metalls as opposed to the original Metall.


Camouflametall (カモフラメットール Kamofuramettōru), its name being a combination of camouflage and Metall, and often called the fake 1-UP, is encountered in Wily stage 3 and Special Stage in Mega Man 9 and is a very common enemy in Superhero mode. It behaves like an ordinary Met, but is disguised as a 1-UP, and bullets shoot through it to trick players even further. Like a 1-UP, its color depends on the current weapon of Mega Man, and its design even changes in the case of if the player is Proto Man.

Neo Metall X[]

Neo Metall X (ネオメットールX Neo Mettōru X) is a variety from Mega Man 10 that acts similar to the Neo Metall from Mega Man 2. They appear in Commando Man's Stage, Wily Stage 1, Wily Stage 2, Special Stage 1 and Special Stage 2. They also appear in the stages of Blade Man and Nitro Man in Hard Mode. Their indestructible hats cannot be knocked off unlike most shielded enemies in Mega Man 10.

Neo Heli Metall[]

Neo Heli Metall (ネオヘリメットール Neo Heri Mettōru) is a flying Met from Mega Man 10 that seems to be an upgrade to the Metall DX from Mega Man 3. They fly either horizontally or vertically in a certain pattern and stay inside their helmets, appearing at times to attack, using the usual same 3 shots that most Mets use. They appear in Nitro Man's Stage, Wily Stage 3, and Special Stage 2. They also appear in Wily Stage 2 in Hard Mode.


Numetall (ヌメットール Numettōru) is a slug-like Met from Mega Man 10. They release three destructible balls of sludge, these balls will not cause damage to the player, but stick on the player causing them to slip and slide as if they were on ice. The balls can be destroyed when playing as Mega Man by using the Solar Blaze on himself. They appear in Pump Man's stage, Wily Castle 1, Wily Castle 3 and Special Stage 1. On Hard Mode, they also appear in Wily Castle 5 and the effect of the sludge-balls lasts longer. Its name is a combination of Metall and the Japanese word "numetteru", which means "being slippery". They are also better at hiding under their helmet than normal Mets.

Metall (Mega Man 11)[]

The Metall in Mega Man 11 acts like the first Metall, hiding under their helmet and rising to fire three projectiles when approached. Besides the updated design, the only big difference about them is that these enemies can be stunned by a charge shot when their helmet is down. They appear in Block Man's stage, Impact Man's stage, and the first two Gear Fortress stages.

Metall DM[]

Metall DM (メットールDM Mettōru DM) is the normal Met obstacle from Mega Man: Battle & Chase.

Jumbo Metall F[]

Jumbo Metall F (ジャンボメットールF Janbo Mettōru F) is the giant Met obstacle from Mega Man: Battle & Chase.


Cactuspy, known as Sabotall (サボットール Sabottōru) in Japan, also known as Sabottol[5] and Sabattol,[6] is a Met wearing a cactus that appears in Mega Man Powered Up. They were designed for desert regions, but unable to bear the heat, they started to wear cacti on their heads to keep cool. They also have poor work ethic and tend to wander off a lot.[5]

Cactuspy attack by shooting five thorns in different directions, although on Easy mode they won't shoot at all. Their Japanese name is a combination of the words saboten (cactus in Japanese) and Metall. These spiky robots can be found in Oil Man's stage. Burning them with Fire Storm will destroy their "hats" and expose them, as simply a Neo Metall with a scorched helmet.


Met in DOS Mega Man games.
Met in DOS Mega Man games.
  • In the DOS games Mega Man and Mega Man 3, the Met's helmet is red, and its health points are higher than other Mets.

The Met family in Super Adventure Rockman.

  • If the player chooses the left path after defeating Snake Man in episode 2 of Super Adventure Rockman, Mega Man will find a Met family dining. The smallest of them is obviously the Baby Metall from Mega Man 5, so the Met on the right may be the Metall Mommy, although the larger two Mets have hands. Mega Man does not fight them. Both paths leads to the fight against Needle Man, but this scene is skipped if the player takes the right path.
  • In episode 3 of Super Adventure Rockman, after the Metall EX defeated by Mega Man, two medical Mets will appear and carry the Metall EX away with a stretcher.
Met in Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha.
Met in Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha.
"Bike Met" in Street Fighter X Mega Man.
"Bike Met" in Street Fighter X Mega Man.
  • In the Street Fighter X Mega Man, there are three unnamed Mets, two of which are like Met in Mega Man 6 and Heli Metall in Mega Man 7, and a new type of Met on a bike.


Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Trophy[]

This enemy comes to Smash Bros. from the Mega Man series, bringing its distinct yellow helmet along with it. Usually hiding under its helmet, every so often a Mettaur will show its face to fire off a few shots. You can't hurt them when they hunker down, but you can grab them...

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Trophy[]

A familiar foe from the Mega Man series, these guys are pretty distinct with that big yellow helmet. It looks a lot like a hard hat from a construction site. It's pretty great protection - you can't really hurt these guys until they look up from under the helmet. The Cactuspy and slippery New Met are pretty similar.
MM11 Metall


Mega Man 11 Gallery[]

A robot designed for work on construction sites, where "safety first" is the golden rule. Its helmet is so safe, it can even deflect Mega Buster shots.

Location: Block Man's Stage (And Others)


Front, side, and rear view of a Met.

Front, side, and rear view of a Met.

Rockman Complete Works artwork.

Rockman Complete Works artwork.

Rockman Complete Works artwork.

Rockman Complete Works artwork.

Bass, Beat, Rush, Eddie, Met, Treble, Proto Man and MegaMan in Mega Man 7

Bass, Beat, Rush, Eddie, Met, Treble, Proto Man and MegaMan in Mega Man 7

A standard Met spitting bullets in Mega Man Powered Up.

A standard Met spitting bullets in Mega Man Powered Up.

Met in Street Fighter × All Capcom.

Cameo in Bionic Commando Rearmed.

Met in the Mega Man comic.

Metall Potton cameo in the Mega Man comic.

Metall Potton cameo in the Mega Man comic.

Met with a rice-cooker function in Worlds Collide.

Met with a display function in Mega Man #46.

Metalls in the Rockman 6 manga.

Metall Potton in the Rockman 6 manga.

Metall Potton in the Rockman 6 manga.

Metalls in the Rockman 8 manga.

Metalls disguised as Guts Man in the Rockman 8 manga.

Metalls disguised as Guts Man in the Rockman 8 manga.

Metall in the Rockman & Forte manga.

Metall in the Rockman & Forte manga.

Metall in the Rockman & Forte manga.

Metalls in the Rockman 11 manga.

Metalls in the Rockman 11 manga.

Metall cameo in Mega Man Megamix.

Metall cameo in Rockman Tanjou Densetsu.

A Met hiding under its helmet in fear of Wily's tale.

A Met hiding under its helmet in fear of Wily's tale.

Met Deluxes and Neo Mets in the Rockman World 2 manga.

Met Deluxes and Neo Mets in the Rockman World 2 manga.

A Met in Ben Bates' Mega Man picture.

A Met in Ben Bates' Mega Man picture.

Met's render from Mega Man: Powered Up.

Met's render from Mega Man: Powered Up.

A Metall in Dragalia Lost

A Metall in Dragalia Lost

A Neo Heli Met in the Rockman Maniax Postcard. (In the upper right corner)

A Neo Heli Met in the Rockman Maniax Postcard. (In the upper right corner)

A Met EX in Bright Man's 30th anniversary picture. (Located in the lower left corner)

A Met EX in Bright Man's 30th anniversary picture. (Located in the lower left corner)

A Met and a Met Sniper with Fukuhorn's coloration in Shigeto Ikehara's tribute artwork

A Met and a Met Sniper with Fukuhorn's coloration in Shigeto Ikehara's tribute artwork

A Met enemy shown in the R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works artwork by Shima Maeda.

2 MM11 Mets in the group artwork of Rockman VR: A Targeted Virtual World!!

A Space Met on the box art for Mega Man Mania.

A Space Met on the box art for Mega Man Mania.

See also[]


  • Similar to the Rockman 8 manga, Mets disguising themselves as Guts Man were going to appear in Mega Man 10, but the idea was dropped.[7]
  • The Metall Mommy's artwork is the same as Neo Metall's.
  • In the Mega Man: The Wily Wars, the Neo Metall and normal Metall DX are considered the same enemies, although they have different sprites in the original games.
  • Metall βs have a slightly different sprite as opposed to the original Metalls, having a shine mark on their helmets.
  • Mets recieved a different walking animation in Mega Man 4 as opposed to the walk cycle used by the Neo Metalls in Mega Man 2.
  • Doc the Metall does appear in one other episode of the Ruby Spears cartoon. However, it is only in one shot, where he is accidentally animated in place of Eddie.
  • Met's trophy in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U mentions a variant of the enemy called "New Met", despite no enemy in the series being named such. It stems from a mistranslation of the Numetall enemy from Mega Man 10, which is mentioned in the trophy description in Japanese, and evidenced by the "New Met" being described as "slippery".


Mega Man
Six Robot Masters
Cut ManGuts ManIce ManBomb ManFire ManElec Man
Other bosses
Yellow DevilCopy RobotCWU-01PWily Machine 1
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Rolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherHyper BombFire StormThunder Beam
Mega Man's Support Items
Magnet Beam
List of enemies
Adhering SuzyBlasterBig EyeBunby HeliBombombombChangkeyCrazy RazyFoot HolderGabyoallKamadoma
Killer BombMambuMetallPepePickelmanScrew DriverSniper JoeSuper CutterWatcher
ScriptGalleryList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 2
Eight Robot Masters
Metal ManAir ManBubble ManQuick ManCrash ManFlash ManHeat ManWood Man
Other bosses
Mecha DragonPicopico-kunGuts TankBoobeam TrapWily Machine 2Alien
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Metal BladeAir ShooterBubble LeadQuick BoomerangCrash BomberTime StopperAtomic FireLeaf Shield
Mega Man's Support Items
List of enemies
AnkoBattonBig FishBlockyChangkeyChangkey MakerCopipiClawFly BoyGoblinKaminari GoroKerog
KukkuM-445MatasaburoMoleMonkingNeo MetallPetit Goblin • "Petit Kerog" • PierrobotPipiPressReturning Sniper Joe
RobbitScwormShotmanShrinkSniper ArmorSpringerTanishiTelly
- Mid-bosses -
Metal Man StageAir Man StageBubble Man StageQuick Man Stage
Crash Man StageFlash Man StageHeat Man StageWood Man StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 3
Eight Robot Masters
Needle ManMagnet ManGemini ManHard ManTop ManSnake ManSpark ManShadow Man
Robot Masters in Doc Robot's data
Metal ManQuick ManFlash ManBubble ManWood ManHeat ManAir ManCrash Man
Other bosses
Doc RobotBreak ManKamegoro MakerYellow Devil MK-IIHolograph Mega MansWily Machine 3Gamma
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Needle CannonMagnet MissileGemini LaserHard KnuckleTop SpinSearch SnakeSpark ShockShadow Blade
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
List of enemies
BikkyBolton and NuttonBomb FlierBomber PepeBubukanCannonChibeeDadaElec'nElectric GabyoallGiant Springer
GyoraiboHammer JoeHari HarryHave "Su" BeeHologranJamacyJunk GolemKomasaburoMag FlyMechakkero
Metall DXNew ShotmanNitronNeedle PressParasyuPenpenPenpen MakerPeterchyPetit SnakeyPickelman BullPole
PottonReturning MonkingWalking BombWanaanYambow
- Mid-bosses -
Big SnakeyGiant MetallProto ManTama
Dr. Light's LaboratoryNeedle Man StageMagnet Man StageGemini Man StageHard Man Stage
Top Man StageSnake Man StageSpark Man StageShadow Man StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 4
Eight Robot Masters
Bright ManToad ManDrill ManPharaoh ManRing ManDust ManDive ManSkull Man
Other bosses
MothrayaSquare MachineCockroach TwinsCossack CatcherMetall DaddyTako TrashWily Machine 4Wily Capsule
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Flash StopperRain FlushDrill BombPharaoh ShotRing BoomerangDust CrusherDive MissileSkull Barrier
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
List of Enemies
100 WattonBattanBattontonBiree • "Boulder" • CoswallownDocronDompanGachapponGaryobyGyototHaehaeyHelipon
HoverImormJumbigLadder PressM-422AMantanMetall EXMetall SwimMinoanMono RoaderMummira
Pakatto 24PuyoyonRackaserRattonRing RingSasoreenuSea MineShield AttackerSkeleton JoeSkullmet
Super Ball Machine Jr.SwallownTaketentoTogeheroTom BoyTotem PolenUp'n'DownWall Blaster
- Mid-bosses -
Bright Man StageToad Man StageDrill Man StagePharaoh Man StageRing Man Stage
Dust Man StageDive Man StageSkull Man StageDr. Cossack's CitadelWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 5
Eight Robot Masters
Gravity ManWave ManStone ManGyro ManStar ManCharge ManNapalm ManCrystal Man
Other bosses
Dark Man 1Dark Man 2Dark Man 3Dark Man 4Big PetsCircring Q9Wily PressWily Machine 5Wily Capsule II
Special Weapons
Gravity HoldWater WavePower StoneGyro AttackStar CrashCharge KickNapalm BombCrystal Eye
Support Items
New Rush CoilRush Jet
Super Arrow
List of enemies
Apache JoeAsteroidBaby MetallB BitterBombierBomb ThrownBounderCamonCoccoCorocoroCrystal JoeDachoneDaidine
FoojeenGireeGravitonHirarian 427IrucanJet BombKouker QLyricMetall CannonMetall K-1000Metall MommyMetall Swim
MizzileMousubeilNew Shield AttackerNobitaPower MusclerPukapuckerPukapellyRembakunRider JoeRock ThrownRolling Drill
RounderSpace MetallSubeilSumatranSuzy GTabanTatepakkanTeckyunTondeallToss MachineTwin CannonVYudon
- Mid-bosses -
Octoper OA
Gravity Man StageWave Man StageStone Man StageGyro Man StageStar Man Stage
Charge Man StageNapalm Man StageCrystal Man StageProto Man's CastleWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 6
Eight Robot Masters
Blizzard ManCentaur ManFlame ManKnight ManPlant ManTomahawk ManWind ManYamato Man
Other bosses
Rounder IIPower PistonMetonger ZX CrusherMechazaurusTank CSIIWily Machine 6Wily Capsule
Special Weapons
Blizzard AttackCentaur FlashFlame BlastKnight CrusherPlant BarrierSilver TomahawkWind StormYamato Spear
Support Items
Rush Power AdapterRush Jet AdapterBeat
List of enemies
Au-AuBatabattanBen KBrain BreakBrownCannon JoeCannopellerChoker OhColtonCount BombCurlinger
Cyber GabyoallDachone Ltd. Ed.Fire BoyFire TellyGabgyoHeli ButonHotchkiss'nJet ButonKatonbyonMetMolier
PandeetaPeatPelicanuPookerPower SlamPropeller EyeShield Attacker GTRShigarakySkull WalkerSpring Face Bomb
SquidonSRU-21/PSubmarine FlierSW-525TadahouTateboTeckTwin RoaderWall Blaster IIYaffu
- Sub-bosses -
Gamarn and GamadayuGorilla TankMetall Potton
Frozen IslandAncient CityOil FieldCapital of ScienceForgotten Area
Restricted AreaMechanical TowerImpregnable FortressMr. X's CastleWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 7
Eight Robot Masters
Freeze ManJunk ManBurst ManCloud ManSpring ManSlash ManShade ManTurbo Man
Other bosses
MashBassGuts Man GSuper BassGamerizerHannyaNED²Wily Machine 7Wily Capsule
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Freeze CrackerJunk ShieldDanger WrapThunder BoltWild CoilSlash ClawNoise CrushScorch Wheel
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetSearch RushSuper AdapterBeatProto Shield
List of enemies
Astro ZombiegBacconeBatton M48Bomb SleighBoufoohBunby Tank & Bunby TopCFN-24Child PipiCoil'n
Count Bomb NEOCyorownDeluPipiDerusu BeeDriver CannonDust CrusherFrisk CannonGilliam Knight
GobotsGockroach SGockroah S NestHeli MetallIcicle TeckKaminari KogoroKeroneKintotMetall FX
PetaforthProperideRaggerSniper Joe 01Spiral GabyoallStegorusSwim Metall DXTamagodonTechnodon
Tel TelTom DaddyTrio the WheelTripropellanTrue Shield AttackerTsuranattoriTurbo Roader
- Sub-Bosses -
KaniganceKing GojulusMad GrinderProto ManSisi TruckTruck JoeShirokumachine GTVVAN Pookin
Dr. Light's LaboratoryBig EddieOpening Stage
Iceberg Area StageRecycling Plant StageChemical Substances Factory StageWeather Research Institute StageRobot Museum
Theme Park StageJungle StageOld Castle StageGiant Trailer StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man 8
Stage Select bosses
Tengu ManAstro ManSword ManClown ManSearch ManFrost ManGrenade ManAqua Man
Other bosses
YadokargoDuoAteteminoBlikingSuper BassGreen DevilWily Machine 8Wily Capsule Great
- Sega Saturn only -
Cut ManWood Man
Special Weapons and support items
Mega BallTornado HoldAstro CrushFlame SwordThunder ClawHoming SniperIce WaveFlash BombWater Balloon
Rush QuestionRush BikeRush BomberRush Charger
List of enemies
Aloha DodonpaAmmonerBatton M64Batton Mommy & Petit BattonBig TellyBunby Tank DX & Bunby Top DXCline BCline G
Count Bomb CDCount Bomb GEOCrunchranDodonpa CannonFire MetallGoriblueGorigreeGorigroHannya Attacker
HogaleJoe ClassicKaizockKao de KahnaKao ga MehdaKao na GahnaKemumakinMetall SVMetrengerMonopellan
MuragattoriOnbuubattanPenpen EVPotom No. 1 & No. 2RabbitonRompersShell'nShupponponShururun
Spinning GabyollSurumakerSuccubattonSydeckaTelly RTencrow • "Thorn Vine" • Wall Teck
- Mid-bosses -
Gearna EyeGoroneShiriko da GamaSisi RollUruruun
Dr. Light's LaboratoryWily Tower
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous dataParts
Mega Man 9
Playable characters
Mega ManProto Man
Eight Robot Masters
Concrete ManTornado ManSplash WomanPlug ManJewel ManHornet ManMagma ManGalaxy Man
Other Bosses
Spike PushersMega Mech SharkTwin DevilWily Machine 9Wily CapsuleFake Man
Special Weapons
Concrete ShotTornado BlowLaser TridentPlug BallJewel SatelliteHornet ChaserMagma BazookaBlack Hole Bomb
Support Items
Rush CoilRush Jet
Proto CoilProto Jet
List of Enemies
AdamskiBallonbooBig StomperBokazurahBombomboyBunby CatcherCamouflametallCaricarryClassical CannonDeispider
DetarnayappaDiarnFire TotemFlower PresenterGagabyoallHoohooIllusianJump RollerKakinbatankMachine Gun Joe
Metall βNombrellanOctoneOkosutobonPetit Devil GreenPetit Devil YellowPopo HeliSakretsScissascissorShadow Mega Man
Shadow Proto ManShield Attacker RXSmaplarSpin CutterTelly XTropish
- Sub-Bosses -
Changkey DragonHanabiranPaozoStone Head
Dr. Light's LaboratoryConcrete Man StageTornado Man StageSplash Woman StagePlug Man StageJewel Man Stage
Hornet Man StageMagma Man StageGalaxy Man StageWily CastleSpecial StageEndless Attack
Damage data chartScript
Mega Man 10
Playable characters
Mega ManProto ManBass
Eight Robot Masters
Blade ManPump ManCommando ManChill ManSheep ManStrike ManNitro ManSolar Man
Other bosses
Weapons ArchiveCrab PuncherBlock DevilWily MachineWily Capsule
- Special Stages -
Special Weapons
Triple BladeWater ShieldCommando BombChill SpikeThunder WoolRebound StrikerWheel CutterSolar Blaze
- Mega Man Killer Special Weapons -
Mirror BusterScrew CrusherBallade Cracker
Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetProto CoilProto JetTreble Boost
List of enemies
Arigock GBari IIIBomb PottonCargou QChangkeyCount BombDarspiderDockalockerFuraibonGarinkouHaiker N
Kaona GeenoLittle PachipachiMecha PitchanMerserkerMolmoleNeo Heli MetallNeo Metall XNew Classical Cannon
NumetallOshitsu OsarettsuPiledanPointanR SuzyReturning Machine Gun JoeSearchySepa RoaderShotom
Shield Attacker TRLShrimparge 91Sola 0SprinklanSwalloweggTsurare StampWaltriotYonbain"Robotic Transport"
- Mid-bosses -
OctobulbSuzak & FenixThe KeeperTricastle
Dr. Light's LaboratoryBlade Man StagePump Man StageCommando Man StageChill Man StageSheep Man Stage
Strike Man StageNitro Man StageSolar Man StageWily CastleSpecial StagesEndless Attack
Damage data chartScript
Mega Man 11
Robot Masters
Block ManFuse ManBlast ManAcid ManTundra ManTorch ManImpact ManBounce Man
Gear Fortress bosses
Yellow Devil MK-IIIMawverneWily Machine 11
LyricMawaru CCrunch DonMetallAir StoneAnti-EddieElectririBattonK-DronePress Don
Elec CrosserElec XtenderFire ServerShimobeyPropeller Eye TSniper JoeSniper Armor DShpiderMini ShpiderPipetto
Shield AttackerShield Attacker MDroppyBrushyWipeyScrappEye IceIce SwanSnow RobbitWild RobbitMash Burner
TatepakkanLamperTank OvenAir FireMini SparkeyPickmanMissile ConeArc WeldyKui-ichiroKui-jiroKui-saburo
GabyoallCannopeller IIWall BlasterBunby BalloonTosanaizer VBoyornPoyornAir Nut
- Mid-bosses -
TotemerDread SparkThrill Twins 1 & 2Cyclone WMecha-MammostalSparkeyPickman DiggerFrog Balloon
Special Weapons
Block DropperScramble ThunderChain BlastAcid BarrierTundra StormBlazing TorchPile DriverBounce Ball
Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetEddie CallBeat Call
Double Gear SystemChallenge ModeDamage data chartEnemiesScript
Mega Man & Bass
List of Robot Masters
Tengu ManAstro ManDynamo ManCold ManGround ManPirate ManBurner ManMagic Man
Other Bosses
Green DevilAtetemino ProtoKing TankKing PlaneKingJet King RoboWily MachineWily UFO
Special Weapons
Ice WallWave BurnerRemote MineSpread DrillTengu BladeMagic CardCopy VisionLightning Bolt
Support Items
Rush SearchBeatEddie
Treble Boost
List of Enemies
AmmonerBatton M64Big TellyBunby Tank DX & Bunby Top DXChangkey RCline GCrunchranDig Mole
Dodonpa CannonElectric GeneratorFire MetallGori-ThreeHannya AttackerHogale SubmarineJoe ClassicKaizock
KamikamīnKao na GahnaMetall SVMetrengerMokumokumoMoleMonopellanMukamukadeMukamukade B
MuragattoriOnbuubattanOni RoboPenpen EVPlasma±Potom No. 1 & No. 2RabbitonRompersRompers G
Shell'nShupponponShururunSpinning GabyoallSurumakerSydeckaTelly RTencrowWall Teck
- Mid-bosses -
Melody Response CannonMove CannonMother MukamukadeSisi RollSnoler
DatabaseDamage Data ChartScript
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
The eight Robot Masters
Cut ManIce ManFire ManElec ManBubble ManQuick ManFlash ManHeat Man
Other Bosses
EnkerWily Machine I
Special Weapons
Rolling CutterIce SlasherFire StormThunder BeamBubble LeadQuick BoomerangTime StopperAtomic FireMirror Buster
Support Item
Cut Man StageIce Man StageFire Man StageElec Man StageWily CastleWily Station
Damage Data ChartMega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge ScriptEnemies
Mega Man II
The eight bosses
Metal ManAir ManCrash ManWood ManNeedle ManMagnet ManHard ManTop Man
Other bosses
QuintWily Machine II
Special Weapons
Metal BladeAir ShooterCrash BomberLeaf ShieldNeedle CannonMagnet MissileHard KnuckleTop SpinSakugarne
Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetRush Marine
Metal Man StageAir Man StageCrash Man StageWood Man StageWily Castle
Needle Man StageMagnet Man StageHard Man StageTop Man StageWily Station
Damage Data ChartEnemies
Mega Man III
Robot Masters
Gemini ManSnake ManSpark ManShadow Man
Drill ManDust ManDive ManSkull Man
Other Bosses
PunkWily Machine
Special Weapons
Gemini LaserSearch SnakeSpark ShockShadow Blade
Drill BombDust CrusherDive MissileSkull BarrierScrew Crusher
Support Items
Rush CoilRush Jet
List of Enemies
BattontonBomber PepeBubukan MK-IIDadaElec'nElectric GabyoallGachapponGaryobyHammer JoeHeliponHologranImormJumbigLadder PressM-422AMantanMechakkeroMetallNeo MetallMetall EXMetall SwimPakatto 24ParasyuPetit SnakeyPickelman DadaPolePottonShield AttackerSkeleton JoeSkullmetSuper Ball Machine Jr.TogeheroUp'n'DownWalking BombYambow
- Sub-Bosses -
Big SnakeyGiant SuzyMoby
Gemini Man StageSnake Man StageSpark Man StageShadow Man StageWily Castle
Drill Man StageDust Man StageDive Man StageSkull Man StageWily Station
Damage Data Chart
Mega Man IV
Robot Masters
Bright ManToad ManPharaoh ManRing Man
Stone ManCharge ManNapalm ManCrystal Man
Other bosses
"Satellite Cannon"Ballade"Bridge"HunterWily Robo Iron Golem
Special Weapons
Flash StopperRain FlushPharaoh ShotRing Boomerang
Power StoneCharge KickNapalm BombCrystal EyeBallade Cracker
Support items
Rush CoilRush JetBeat
Dr. Light's LaboratoryBright Man StageToad Man StagePharaoh Man StageRing Man Stage
Wily StationStone Man StageCharge Man StageNapalm Man StageCrystal Man StageWily Battleship
Damage Data ChartEnemiesScript
Mega Man V
Other bosses
Dark MoonSkull BlazerEnkerQuintPunkBalladeL. Knuckle and R. KnuckleBrain CrusherSunstar
Special Weapons
Grab BusterBubble BombPhoton MissileElectric ShockBlack HoleDeep DiggerBreak DashSalt WaterSpark Chaser
Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetTango
List of enemies
AlabellArmaroidBaby FliesBirdyBikky BombBiree SparkBiribareeBoostunByouzCannon Roader
ChainsoarChuncoDoncatchElecitFankurowFeeberFooleyFukuhornG.S.QHandooHell Metall DX
KamapotLa JabaMalmetMetall SniperMonkikkiNibulOu-OuPalm HopperParocketPikashu
PiripareeShaboanShuhornSibulSoshi BreakerSwim BallTampWandering Head
- Mid-bosses -
GundrillHyoeyT. KhamenTyhorn
Dr. Light's LaboratoryMercury StageVenus StageMars StageNeptune Stage
Jupiter StageSaturn StageUranus StagePluto StageWily Star
Damage data chartScript
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Genesis Unit
Buster Rod G (rod) • Mega Water SHyper Storm H
Wily Tower Bosses
Fire SnakeyIron BallBuster Rod G (buster) • "Wily Machine"
Adhering SuzyBattonBlasterBig EyeBig FishBikkyBunby HeliBolton and NuttonBomb FlierBubukanChangkey
Changkey MakerCannonCopipiFoot HolderGabyoallGiant SpringerHammer JoeHari HarryJamacyJunk Golem
Kaminari GoroKerogKomasaburoM-445MatasaburoMechakkeroMetallMetall DXMoleNew ShotmanParasyu
PeterchyPetit SnakeyPickelman BullPickelmanPipiPoleReturning MonkingRobbit
ScrewdriverShotmanShrinkSniper ArmorSniper JoeSpringerTanishiTellyYambow
- Mid-bosses -
AnkoBig SnakeyFriender
Special Weapons
Air ShooterAtomic FireBubble LeadCrash BombFire StormGemini LaserHard KnuckleHyper BombIce Slasher
Leaf ShieldMagnet MissileMega BusterMetal BladeNeedle CannonQuick BoomerangRolling CutterSearch Snake
Shadow BladeSpark ShockSuper ArmThunder BeamTime StopperTop Spin
Support items
Magnet BeamItem-1Item-2Item-3Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
Extra LifeLife EnergyWeapon EnergyEnergy Tank
Appearing BlockBottomless PitBlocksFire BlockNeedle PressPressRed liquidScrapSpikesMega Man: The Wily Wars Damage Data Chart
Mega Man (Game Gear)
Robot Masters
Bright ManStone ManStar ManNapalm ManWave ManToad Man
Other Bosses
Wily Capsule II
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Mega BusterFlash StopperPower StoneStar CrashNapalm BombWater WaveRain Flush
List of Enemies
100 WattonApache JoeAsteroidB BitterBaby MetallBattanBomb ThrownBounderChangkey MakerDachoneDaidineDompanGasGireeGyototHirarian 427IrucanJet BombLyricMetall CannonMetall MommyMinoanMizzileMousubeil
Power MusclerPuyoyonRackaserRattonRider JoeRock ThrownRolling DrillScwormSniper ArmorSpace Metall
SpringerSwallownSubeilSumatranTabanTatepakkanTeckyunTondeallToss MachineTotem Polen
Twin CannonYudonV
- Sub-Bosses -
EscarooOctoper OA
Bright Man StageStone Man StageStar Man StageNapalm Man StageWave Man StageToad Man Stage
Mega Man (Game Gear) Damage Data Chart
Rockman ✕over
World 1 Icy PenguigoSpark MandrillerStorm EagleedBurnin' NoumanderVAVA
World 2 Boomer KuwangerLauncher OctopuldArmor ArmargeSting ChameleaoSigma
World 3 Cut ManElec ManIce ManFire ManWily Machine 1
World 4 SharkMan.EXEHeatMan.EXEWoodMan.EXEThunderMan.EXEDream Virus
World 5 Cygnus WingQueen OphiucaGemini SparkCancer BubbleAndromeda
World 6 AztefalconMaha GaneshariffBlizzack StaggroffHerculious AnchusFairy Leviathan
World 7 Optic SunflowerAvalanche YetiBurn RoosterBamboo PandamoniumSigma
World 8 Junk ManSpring ManSlash ManShade ManForte
World 9 Spade MagnesQueen VirgoJack CorvusGrave JokerCrimson Dragon
World 10 FistleoLurerreHurricauneHivoltSerpent
World 11 DiveMan.EXEGroundMan.EXETenguMan.EXEBlastMan.EXEGlaga
World 12 Rosso MBlu DOro SVerde RNero L
25th Anniversary Special World Toad ManGuts ManShadow ManAir ManSkull ManWily Capsule
X Special World DynamoZainHigh MaxDoubleBlack Zero
Team Battle Bosses Armor SoldierMacMecha DragonMole BorerRT-55J
Giant MetallSilver MetallGold MetallYoshida
Master Bosses Arcade ManBass.EXEBospiderD-RexDark Ray Bit
UtuborosVan PookinYellow DevilElementMan.EXE
Land enemies Astro ZombiegBeetankCrabs-KCrazy RazyCrickaleapGarm
Hot RoaderMetall FXNeo MetallPeterchyRay BitRhino HornSpiky
Aerial enemies Batton BoneBattonBatton M48Bunby Top DXCondoroidCrowcarCrusher
Dark ReaperFighter PlaneFishyHeli MetallKiller EyeMAME-QSci-sensor
Battle MemoryElementsKalinka CossackOVER-1
Mega Man series
Main characters
Mega ManRollDr. LightDr. WilyProto ManBassDuoDr. CossackKalinkaKing
AutoRushTrebleEddieBeatTangoReggaeCut ManGuts ManRobot Masters
Main games
Mega Man234567891011
Rockman Complete Works (Pokeroku) • Anniversary CollectionLegacy CollectionLegacy Collection 2
Platformer spin-off games
Mega Man World: Dr. Wily's RevengeIIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassMega Man: The Wily WarsMega Man Powered Up
Mega Man (DOS)Mega Man 3 (DOS)Mega Man (Game Gear)Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha
Street Fighter X Mega ManMega Man Mania(cancelled) • Mega Man Universe (cancelled)
Other spin-off games
Mega Man: The Power BattleMega Man 2: The Power FightersRockman Battle & Fighters
RockBoardMega Man's SoccerMega Man Battle & ChaseSuper Adventure Rockman
Rockman StrategyTobe! RockmanChokkan! RockmanPinballSpace RescueRockman GPDot Art Logic
Panic FireSlotSolitaireTennisMega Man Rush MarineDiverThe Puzzle BattlePokerVR
Lists of enemies
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & Bass
Mega Man (Game Gear)
Damage data charts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Game scripts
Mega Man234567891011
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's RevengeMega Man IIIIIIVV
Mega Man & BassRockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no ChōsenshaThe Power BattleThe Power Fighters
Powered UpThe Wily Wars
Captain N: The Game MasterMega Man (Ruby-Spears)Mega Man: Upon a StarMega Man: Fully Charged
Mega Man (Dreamwave Productions)Mega Man (Archie Comics)
Mega Man MegamixMega Man GigamixMega Man ManiaxMega Man MastermixRockman Tanjou Densetsu
Rockman (manga series)Rockman 8Rockman & ForteRockman 10 -Extra F-Rockman 11
Rockman 4Koma Dai KoushinRockman: Battle & ChaseLittle Mega ManMr. Mega Man'
Special Weapon (ListStrengths) • Speed RunsWily Castle