
Moby (モビー Mobī) is a giant robot blue whale mid-boss that appears twice in Dive Man's stage. It was originally made to catch fish. It attacks with mines, missiles, and by trying to suck Mega Man in. It is weak to Drill Bomb.

Hits data chart[]

Amount of shots/hits from Special Weapons it takes to destroy a Moby.

Mega Man 4
Mega Buster Flash Stopper Rain Flush Drill Bomb Pharaoh Shot Ring Boomerang Dust Crusher Dive Missile Skull Barrier Wire
14:14:5 Y:14 14* 7:7 14:5 14 10 14 14 ?

Other media[]

A Moby appears in Rockman: Yomigaeru Blues defending the submarine from the rogue robots with some Gyoraibos, and a red robot similar to Moby appears in front of the water treatment plant in Mega Man #3. Another Moby appears in Mega Man Maniax, where Dr. Wily attempts to introduce one for his "Doctor Wily's Animal Kingdom" segment alongside Dive Man, but they get swallowed by the robot.


Bandai illustration used on the Carddass and board game.

Bandai illustration used on the Carddass and board game.


Mega Man 4
Eight Robot Masters
Bright ManToad ManDrill ManPharaoh ManRing ManDust ManDive ManSkull Man
Other bosses
MothrayaSquare MachineCockroach TwinsCossack CatcherMetall DaddyTako TrashWily Machine 4Wily Capsule
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Flash StopperRain FlushDrill BombPharaoh ShotRing BoomerangDust CrusherDive MissileSkull Barrier
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
List of Enemies
100 WattonBattanBattontonBiree • "Boulder" • CoswallownDocronDompanGachapponGaryobyGyototHaehaeyHelipon
HoverImormJumbigLadder PressM-422AMantanMetall EXMetall SwimMinoanMono RoaderMummira
Pakatto 24PuyoyonRackaserRattonRing RingSasoreenuSea MineShield AttackerSkeleton JoeSkullmet
Super Ball Machine Jr.SwallownTaketentoTogeheroTom BoyTotem PolenUp'n'DownWall Blaster
- Mid-bosses -
Bright Man StageToad Man StageDrill Man StagePharaoh Man StageRing Man Stage
Dust Man StageDive Man StageSkull Man StageDr. Cossack's CitadelWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man III
Robot Masters
Gemini ManSnake ManSpark ManShadow Man
Drill ManDust ManDive ManSkull Man
Other Bosses
PunkWily Machine
Special Weapons
Gemini LaserSearch SnakeSpark ShockShadow Blade
Drill BombDust CrusherDive MissileSkull BarrierScrew Crusher
Support Items
Rush CoilRush Jet
List of Enemies
BattontonBomber PepeBubukan MK-IIDadaElec'nElectric GabyoallGachapponGaryobyHammer JoeHeliponHologranImormJumbigLadder PressM-422AMantanMechakkeroMetallNeo MetallMetall EXMetall SwimPakatto 24ParasyuPetit SnakeyPickelman DadaPolePottonShield AttackerSkeleton JoeSkullmetSuper Ball Machine Jr.TogeheroUp'n'DownWalking BombYambow
- Sub-Bosses -
Big SnakeyGiant SuzyMoby
Gemini Man StageSnake Man StageSpark Man StageShadow Man StageWily Castle
Drill Man StageDust Man StageDive Man StageSkull Man StageWily Station
Damage Data Chart