Model O

"This turns out to be a special variety of Biometal! It has a very funny glow to it, but you should be able to use it to transform."
Fleuve about Model O, Mega Man ZX

Model O (モデルO Moderu Ou) is a secret Biometal from Mega Man ZX based on Omega.


Biometal Model O is an uppercase omega (Ω)-shaped object with brown coloring to indicate aging, save for the crystal and eyes which are a bright blue. No official artwork of Biometal Model O is known to exist.

When Double Megamerged, the Model OX user dons armor identical to Omega's Zero body; in fact, their sprites are exactly the same as Omega's. The only difference is Vent and Aile's eyes, which remain their usual bright green. Official art portrays the two with sinister gestures (Vent is screaming in a berserker state, similar to Prometheus, while Aile has a detached stare, similar to Pandora), implying this form influences them with Omega's unhinged personality.


Model O is a mysterious Biometal with unknown origins that lies deep within Area N. It is unknown if Ciel was involved with its creation, or if it was formed with unknown means, and it plays no role in the story, making it unknown if it exists within the series canon. When Vent/Aile confront Flammole the Moleroid, he claims he senses a Biometal force that is not Model W nor the player's Mega Man hinting at Model O which is nearby.[1] This is also alluded to in ZX Tunes' booklet's High-press Energy section, which also elaborates that the Biometal that Flammole was sensing was not Model W, which was implied with his final words, but rather an omake, hinting at Model O.[1]

Model O can only be obtained after beating the game once, and it can't be obtained at all in Easy mode. After completing one of the secret challenges in Area N - either the battle against Omega, or against the eight Mutos Reploids - Vent/Aile can proceed into a small chamber to obtain a Mysterious Rock. Returning to Guardian Base and speaking to Fleuve reveals that its properties are similar enough to other Biometals to allow a Megamerge, unlocking Model O for use.

Power and abilities[]

Model OX is one of the most powerful Biometals in Mega Man ZX. It is equipped with the OX Buster and the OX Saber, and its basic moves are the same as those of Model ZX, and by extension, of Zero in the Mega Man Zero series. The strongest ability of Model OX is its infinite Overdrive, which is used to perform techniques used by Omega at the end of Mega Man Zero 3, with variants of the original techniques (such as Menssenkou and Arc Wave releasing more projectiles, and Rekkouha covering most of the screen.) and some attacks unique to the form (such as Earth Crush.) Model OX is unique in that it has access to all three elements at once while in Overdrive.

Image Attack Input Description
OX Saber Y Model OX slashes. Can be used while standing, walking, dashing, jumping, and climbing walls. Can perform a triple combo by repeatedly slashing while standing still.
Skull Crush Hold Y and then↓ (midair) After slashing, Model OX holds their saber below themselves.
Rolling Slash Y with ↑ (midair) / Y repeatedly (midair) Model OX performs a spinning slash.
Charge Saber Hold Y and release Model OX slashes, creating a burst of energy.
OX Buster R Model OX can fire up to three small bullets at a time.
Charge Buster (S) Hold R and release (short) Model OX fires a single, strong bullet.
Charge Buster (L) Hold R and release (long) Model OX fires a powerful bullet with a trail behind it.
Overdrive X By activating Overdrive, Model OX gains a power and speed boost along with access to a variety of new attacks. This includes Charge Shot Rensha (チャージバスター連射), which gives Model OX a Charge Buster (S) in place of the normal OX Buster, and the Charge Buster (L) gains two charges similar to Model X. This Overdrive does not require Biometal Energy, and thus does not have an energy bar.

However, it disables the charged saber attack and prevents attacks while moving.

Ryuuenjin (龍炎刃) Y with ↑ (Overdrive) Model OX performs a rising uppercut slash with a fire effect, resembling Tenshouzan.
Shinkuujin (真空刃) Y with ↓ (Overdrive) Model OX slashes to emit a shockwave with an electric effect, resembling Kougenjin.
Arc Blade (アークブレード) Y midair (Overdrive) Model OX performs a spinning slash, releasing eight cutters with an ice effect. This effectively disables the Skull Crush, as you cannot swing normally in the air during Overdrive. It also cannot combo into itself like the normal Rolling Slash.
Earth Crush (アースクラッシュ) R with ↓ (Overdrive) Model OX punches the ground to kick up four rocks in arcs. It is notably not a technique actually used by Omega.
Messenkou (滅閃光) Hold R, press ↓, and release short (Overdrive) Model OX punches the ground to create a spread of projectiles.
Rekkouha (裂光覇) Hold R, press ↓, and release long (Overdrive) Model OX punches the ground to summon beams of light that shoot up and down across the entire screen.

Other media[]

Rockman ZX Advent manga[]

Aile appears as the Model O Rockman in the bonus chapter. After Prometheus blew a hole in the Guardian Base, Grey, Model A, and Ashe watch in shock as Aile descends from the base, already in her Rockman Model O form. She recites Omega's battle cry from Rockman Zero 3 ("I am the Messiah"), and says that she's come to stop the war. Ashe is confused as to who she is, and Grey is in shock. She's last seen getting prepared to fight Prometheus and Pandora with all the other Rockmen as Grey changes into the Model A Rockman.



Biometal Model O sprites, which are never visible without cheats.

Biometal Model O sprites, which are never visible without cheats.

Aile with Model O in the Rockman ZX Advent manga.

Aile with Model O in the Rockman ZX Advent manga.


MZX Model O Easy Mode

Model O rescuing the player from a fall in cheated Easy Mode.

  • If cheats are used to obtain Model O in Easy Mode, when the player falls into a pit as Model OX, the Model O that rescues the player is brightly colored, suggesting that the Mysterious Rock was restored into a proper Biometal.
  • In Mega Man ZX Advent, there is an unused "O" emblem that would have gone under the player's Life Energy gauge. This is a unique asset from the "OX" emblem used in Mega Man ZX, implying that Omega was originally planned to be accessible via A-Trans.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "By the way, the sign that Flammole felt is not Model V. It is an omake." - Part of the High-press Energy description in the ZX Tunes booklet
Model XModel Z (Model ZX) • Model HModel LModel FModel PModel WModel OModel AModel a
Mega Man ZX series
Main characters
VentAileGreyAsheGirouettePrairieFleuveMaster ThomasMaster Mikhail
Master AlbertPrometheusPandoraSerpentAeolusThetisAtlasSiarnaq
Mega Man ZXMega Man ZX AdventMega Man ZXC (cancelled) • Legacy Collection
ZX (Vent's story)ZX (Aile's story)ZXA (Grey's story)ZXA (Ashe's story)
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