Nightmare Police

Bit and Byte.
- "Affirmative, Dr. Doppler!"
- ―Bit and Byte, Mega Man X3
The Nightmare Police (ナイトメアポリス Naitomea Porisu) is a group composed of two Reploids, Bit and Byte. They are a law enforcement team created by Dr. Doppler to protect Dopple Town, touted as the most advanced Reploids in the world at the time.[1]
Mega Man X3[]
After two of the eight Maverick bosses are defeated, the Nightmare Police split up to begin hunting X. They have a chance to appear in the empty mid-boss rooms across any of the eight main stages. If they do appear, a boss fight is initiated with either Bit or Byte. Defeating them normally will cause them to stop appearing for the remainder of the game, but if they are defeated with their weakness (Frost Shield or Triad Thunder for Bit, Tornado Fang or Ray Splasher for Byte), they will be completely destroyed and even explode after the encounter.

Godkarmachine O Inary, the combined form of Bit and Byte.
If the Nightmare Police are beaten but not destroyed by X, they receive upgrades from Dr. Doppler off-screen that allow them to fuse together. This fused being, Godkarmachine O Inary, serves as the boss of Doppler's Lab Stage 1. Destroying only one of them will still allow the other to assume this form as well. However, if X manages to destroy both of them with their weaknesses, Godkarmachine O Inary will not appear at all, instead being replaced by a fight with Press Disposer.
Other media[]
Rockman X3 manga[]
In the manga, the Nightmare Police have some significant changes. The Nightmare Police still operate as Dr. Doppler's loyal servants, though Doppler sees them as little more than an experiment. They were once normal Reploids who were upgraded by Dr. Doppler, converting their entire bodies into hundreds of Worms. This gives them the ability to disassemble and reassemble as Worms, amongst other special powers.
The Nightmare Police first appear at the beginning of the story, where they forcibly recruit Blast Hornet into Dr. Doppler's army. They later reappear once X and Zero have defeated all eight Mavericks, with Bit broadcasting a challenge to the Hunters to face them in Dopple Town on Christmas Eve. Once X and Zero arrive at the spot for the duel, they are ambushed by Bit and Byte, who were hiding in their Worms form as a design spelling "death" on a wall. Bit fights X while Zero fights Byte, and just as it looks like the Hunters are about to lose, they use a combination Charge Shot and Earth Gaizer to destroy the room. Surprisingly, Bit and Byte survive, and they incapacitate X and Zero.
The duo then bind X and Zero before broadcasting an announcement of their public execution, which will be carried out by drills programmed to strike at midnight on Christmas Day. They picked that day in order to ironically show that on the day of the birth of the Messiah and Savior of the human race, the Reploids X and Zero who have also saved many people over the years will be killed. However, the combined efforts of the reformed Mavericks plus the sudden arrival of Marty threaten to stop the execution. Byte fights off the reformed Mavericks while Bit attempts to stop Marty from passing the armor chips to X, but she succeeds, and X uses the armor to break out of his restraints and save Zero just before the drills make impact.
Dr. Doppler then arrives on the scene, disappointed by the Nightmare Police's failure. Byte pleads that Doppler helps Bit, who suffered crippling damage from X, but Doppler instead attacks them with a mechanical dragon before sending more Worms after them, turning them into Godkarmachine O Inary against their will. X quickly blasts Godkarmachine O Inary, and it reforms as a centipede-like dragon before being finally destroyed by X.
Rockman X Giga Mission[]

Saktira CC and Pranara DD, Isoc's new Nightmare Police.
In the Carddass series, Isoc studied Dr. Doppler's works related to the Limited parasite and upgraded it, calling it the Extreme parasite. Combining the Extreme with the old data of Bit and Byte, Isoc created a new generation of Extreme Nightmare Police known as Saktira CC and Pranara DD. He then ordered them to search for Zero, setting them up as the story's main antagonists.
X is sent to investigate reports of two mysterious Reploids in the Space Shuttle's remains, where he finds Pranara DD, who revives Slash Beast EX to attack him. X destroys Slash Beast EX, but loses the Z-Saber in the process. Later, Saktira CC finds the Z-Saber and grabs it only for the Extreme parasite within her to mutate her body into a dangerous Extreme replica of Zero called Nichts. He attacks and kills Blizzard Wolfang PR and Commander Yammark PR in a rampage.
After watching X destroy Magma Dragoon EX, Nichts attacks X as well, but is overwhelmed by his new Extreme Armor. Desperate, Nichts absorbs Pranara DD to become a new fusion called Chaosbrahman Orochi. X manages to destroy Chaosbrahman Orochi, reverting him back to Nichts and taking back the Z-Saber. X then finishes him off with the Z-Saber.
- The new Nightmare Police from Rockman X Giga Mission follow the same Japanese naming conventions of the original Nightmare Police from Mega Man X3; namely, possessing a Hinduism-inspired first name followed by two capital letters (e.g. Vajurilla FF, Saktira CC).
- Their fused form, Chaosbrahman Orochi, also follows a similar naming convention to Godkarmachine O Inary, combining various mythological references into one multi-worded title.
Mega Man X3 |
Doppler Army |
Toxic Seahorse • Tunnel Rhino • Volt Catfish • Crush Crawfish • Neon Tiger • Gravity Beetle • Blast Hornet • Blizzard Buffalo |
Other Bosses |
Maoh the Giant • Vile MK-II • Bit • Byte • Godkarmachine O Inary • Press Disposer • Volt Kurageil • Dr. Doppler • Sigma |
X's Special Weapons |
Acid Burst • Tornado Fang • Triad Thunder • Spinning Blade • Ray Splasher • Gravity Well • Parasitic Bomb • Frost Shield - Other - Beam Saber |
Stages |
Hunter Base • Giant Dam Stage • Quarry Stage • Power Control Center Stage • Shipyard Stage • Safari Park Stage • Airborne Aircraft Carrier Stage • Weapons Factory Stage • Frozen Town Stage • Vile Stage • Dr. Doppler's Laboratory |
Miscellaneous |
Armor Parts • Walkthrough • List of Mega Man X3 enemies • Damage Data Chart • Game Script |