Pranara DD

"Saktira, I'll save you..."
—Pranara DD, Rockman X Giga Mission Special Book

Pranara DD (プラナーラDD Puranāra DD) is an antagonist in the Rockman X Giga Mission Carddass series. He is a member of Isoc's new Nightmare Police alongside his partner, Saktira CC.


Pranara DD is a Reploid with a large male frame. Similar to Byte, he possesses a solemn grey head atop a bulky body. His armor is mostly white, pink, and gold in color.


Rockman X Giga Mission[]

Pranara DD, alongside Saktira CC, was created by Isoc using Dr. Doppler's old research on the original Nightmare Police, Bit and Byte, combined with the Extreme parasite. Pranara's design seems to be based more heavily on Byte than Bit. He and Saktira CC are deployed to search for Zero, after his disappearance following the events of Mega Man X5.

X is deployed to investigate when there are reports of Pranara DD's investigation in the remains of the Space Shuttle. Pranara summons Slash Beast EX to fight him while he departs.

Once the Extreme parasite within Saktira CC takes over her body and transforming into Nichts using Zero's Z-Saber, Pranara DD is present while X fights Nichts. When Nichts loses the fight, he forcibly absorbs Pranara DD into his body to become Chaosbrahman-Orochi. However, X is still able to destroy Chaosbrahman-Orochi.


Pranara DD with Sakitira CC.

Pranara DD with Sakitira CC.

The Nightmare Police.

The Nightmare Police.

Being absorbed by Nichts.

Being absorbed by Nichts.

Pranara DD with Sakitira CC in sample artwork.

Pranara DD with Sakitira CC in sample artwork.


  • Like the Japanese names of the original Nightmare Police, Pranara DD's name is also based on Hindu terminology as his name is derived from the word "prana", meaning vitality or life force.
Rockman X Mega Mission
Rockman X Mega Mission XZeroiXDr. DopplerCurtissSchmittMother Limited
Rockman X Mega Mission 2 XZeroTackioneBloodioneLuxione
Rockman X Mega Mission 3 XZeroReturn iXEnemice HLRot ArmorBlau LauncherGrün MetamoBraun EleciΣ Limited
Rockman X Mega Mission 4 XZeroGrow iXHimmelBerg
Rockman X Giga Mission XIsocSaktira CCPranara DDNichtsChaosbrahman Orochi
Clear ArmorReplicaptureEnergy ArmorNeo ArmorGiga ArmoriX ArmorR-iX Armor
LimitedΣ ChipGazelle CustomExtreme