Floating Mines

MMX4 Iris FloatingMine

Iris releasing Floating Mines in Mega Man X4

Floating Mines (浮游機雷 Fuyuū kirai)[1] is an attack from Iris in Mega Man X4. When Iris is hit, she releases floating mines that will track down her foe. These mines also help her absorb damage temporarily. However, if Iris is hit while she is preparing her laser attack, no mines will be released from her armor.

Other appearances[]

Rockman X DiVE[]

Floating Mines, known as "Floating Wish" (浮遊する願い) in Japanese, is a skill from the default version of Iris. When used, Iris summons floating mines that automatically chase enemies. The floating mines will explode on contact, when attacked, or after 10 seconds. Floating Mines has three skill cards to improve it, but only one can be equipped:

  • Support Request - Extends the duration of Floating Mines.
  • Power Increase - Increases the damage multiplier of Floating Mines.
  • Ammunition expansion - Summons one extra Floating Mine.

Iris also has an unlockable passive skill that gives her a chance of releasing Floating Mines when attacked.

Shironeko Project[]

After using any of her two skills, Iris gains the Automatic Defense Mechanism (自動防衛機制) state that lasts for one minute and is triggered up to three times. If Iris is hit while in this state, she will counter by releasing six Floating Mines that explode on contact. When using her Swimsuit Iris costume, the state is changed into "Let's Play Ball Together!" (「一起玩球吧!」), the Floating Mines being replaced by beach balls.

Floating Mine also appeared as an equipment.


Automatic Defense Mechanism in Shironeko Project

Automatic Defense Mechanism in Shironeko Project

"Let's Play Ball Together!" in Shironeko Project

"Let's Play Ball Together!" in Shironeko Project

Floating Mine equipment in Shironeko Project

Floating Mine equipment in Shironeko Project


  • In Rockman X DiVE, Leviathan's passive skill Marine Snow, as well as Halloween Vile's second active skill Pumpkin Bomb are both acting like Floating mines.


Mega Man X4
List of Mavericks
Web SpiderSplit MushroomCyber PeacockStorm OwlMagma DragoonFrost WalrusJet StingraySlash Beast
Other Bosses
X's Special Weapons
Lightning WebSoul BodyAiming LaserDouble CycloneRising FireFrost TowerGround HunterTwin Slasher
Zero's Special Techniques
- X -
Fourth ArmorUltimate Armor
- Zero -
Black Zero
Sky LagoonJungleBio LaboratoryCyber SpaceAir ForceVolcanoSnow BaseMarine BaseMilitary TrainMemorial HallSpace PortFinal Weapon
Damage Data Chart (X)Damage Data Chart (Zero)
Mega Man X4 Script (X's story)Mega Man X4 Script (Zero's story)
Mega Man X DiVE
Main character
The Player
Supporting cast
Other characters
EddieRushBeatTrebleCyber-elvesModel XModel ZLan HikariEugene ChaudMayl Sakurai
Hunter Programs
XZeroAliaBlack ZeroMassimoAxlFerhamUltimate Armor XVileCinnamon
MarinoPalletteLayerMega ManProto ManSuper Mega ManRollIrisZero (Z)Leviathan
Awakened ZeroSigmaCielAilePandoraMegaMan VolnuttTron BonneCopy XMegaMan.EXEProtoMan.EXE
Bass.EXEOmegaMagma DragoonBass GSHarpuiaRiCOMegaMan Volnutt Alt.ServbotRoll Caskett
ColonelIris -another-BassVile MK-IIZero NightmareRathalos Armor XDark MegaMan.EXESuper BassΧ -kai-DiVE Armor X
Star Force Mega ManHarp NoteRogueRYUCHUN-LIAKUMAiCODynamoBass XXRoll.EXEFourth Armor XDroitclairAngepitoyeirGateViAGaea Armor XEratoeirNanaBass Cross MegaManDr. Light the Martial Artist
Deep LogCardsDeep ElementIrregular DataItemsScriptScheduleStagesWeapons