Rockman no Theme - Kaze wo Tsukinukete

Rockman no Theme - Kaze wo Tsukinukete (ロックマンのテーマ〜風を突き抜けて〜 Rokkuman no Tēma ~ Kaze wo Tsukinukete, roughly "Rockman's Theme - Pierce Through the Wind") is the opening theme from the first part of the Rockman EXE anime series. It is also present in the title screen of Rockman EXE WS and as an extra in Rockman.EXE Transmission. An instrumental version of the theme called Title appeared in the latter, marking the only time the song is heard outside of Japan.


Original / Romaji Lyrics English Translation

Mirai e to NAVI wo tore!
Taemanai hikari de Kotae sagashi tsuzukeyou
Kaso kusuru Supiido de doko made mo yukeruyo
Kaze o tsukinukete kimi to (kimi to)

Take the Navi to the future!
Let's keep searching for the answer with everlasting light
We can go anywhere with accelerating speed
Pierce through the wind with you (with you)

Machi jyuu ni habi kore Misutorii
Genjitsu no hazama ni hisomu tegakari

A city overrun with mystery
Clues hidden in the cracks of reality

Jitto shite rarenai tatta ima shiritai
Yuuki no Puragu In tobe konde

I can't sit still because I want to know!
So courageously plug in and let's go!

Semari kuru naso wo toke
Oh Rokkuman futari de kotae mitsuketa suno sa
Girigiri no Batoru demo
Akira mezu tatakau kimi ga iru kagiri tsuyoku

Solve the looming mysteries!
Oh Rockman, together we'll find the answers
Even in battles to the bitter end
As long as you'll fight without giving up, I'll be strong

Doko kani kakureta Pasuwaado
Randamu na kotoba jya tadori tsukenai

A password was hidden somewhere
We'll never reach it with random words

Motto fuka imasho de kitto wakari aeru
Bokura no kokoro wa Netto shiteru

If we go deeper, we'll surely understand each other
Our hearts are on the Net

Chizu no nai sekai demo
Oh Rokkuman shinjiteru kimochi sore sae areba
Meno mae ni michi wa aru
Kono mune ni kagayaku yume wo tsukamumate hashire!!

Even in a world without maps,
Oh Rockman, if only you can believe
There will be a path before your eyes
Hold on to the shining dream in your heart and run!

Itsuka kanaete miseru
Arasoi wo norikoeta sono hiwa kuru no sa

Someday I'll make it come true
The day when we will have risen above conflict will come

Mirai e to NAVI wo tore!
Taemanai hikari de Kotae sagashi tsuzukeyou
Kaso kusuru Supiido de doko made mo yukeruyo
Kaze o tsukinukete kimi to (kimi to)

Take the Navi to the future!
Let's keep searching for the answer with everlasting light
We can go anywhere with accelerating speed
Pierce through the wind with you (with you)

Semari kuru naso wo toke
Oh Rokkuman futari de kotae mitsuketa suno sa
Girigiri no Batoru demo
Akira mezu tatakau kimi ga iru kagiri tsuyoku

Solve the looming mysteries!
Oh Rockman, together we'll find the answers
Even in battles to the bitter end
As long as you'll fight without giving up, I'll be strong


MegaMan NT Warrior
Main Characters
Lan Hikari/MegaMan
Chaud Blaze/ProtoManDex Ogreon/GutsManMaylu Sakurai/RollMaysa/SharkManMiyu Kuroi/SkullManSal/WoodManTory Froid/IceManYai Ayano/Glide
World Three
Mr. Wily
BlasterManCount Zap/ElecManMaddy/WackoManMr. Match/TorchMan/HeatManStoneManYahoot/MagicMan
Kid GraveFreezeManGrave Virus Beast
Arashi Kazefuki/AirManCutManDave/QuickManMagnus Gauss/MagnetMan
Other Antagonists
BassBoltCutMan BrothersDrillManMayor DarylMoltanicManPharaohManPlanetManSaburou Kotohiro/NoodleManShadowMan
Supporting Cast
AkiAyano maidsCayenneHaruka HikariIboKyuma HoshidaKyuta and LeagueManMaid AMr. Higsby/NumberManMrs. Millionaire/SnakeManMs. MariPickMan and DrillMachRaoul/ThunderManRibbita/ToadManRocketManRushSapeekoSeiji FroidShady salesmanShanShiningManTesla ZapWhaleManYuichiro Hikari
Other Characters

Fake NetCityNetCity
DenTech City
#1 CurryACDC Elementary SchoolAyanoTechGame SoulMiyu's Antique ShopOkuden ValleySal's Flower ShopYai's MansionWater PlantN1 Grand Prix Coliseum
Brand CityHeaven's City


Extension ChipExtra CodeN1 Grand PrixNet AgentStyle ChangeTeam ThunderUltimate ProgramWorld Three


Area 01:
Area 02:

Kaze wo Tsukinukete (intro)
Piece of Peace (ending, ep. 1-25) • begin the TRY (ending, ep. 26-56)
Other Seasons
NT WarriorAxessStreamBeastBeast+
Hikari to Yami no Program
Related Pages
MangaCharactersBattle ChipsHome media releasesRockman.EXE WSSoundtrackCard gameBoard game
MegaMan NT Warrior anime series
Principal Cast
Lan Hikari/MegaMan
Chaud Blaze/ProtoManMaylu Sakurai/RollRaika/SearchMan
Recurring Characters
Dex Ogreon/GutsManHaruka HikariRibbitaTory Froid/IceManYai Ayano/GlideYuichiro Hikari
MegaMan NT WarriorMegaMan NT Warrior Axess
Rockman EXE StreamRockman EXE BeastRockman EXE Beast+
Rockman EXE: Hikari to Yami no Program
MegaMan NT Warrior
Area 01:
Area 02:

MegaMan NT Warrior Axess

Rockman EXE Stream

Rockman EXE Beast

Rockman EXE Beast+

Voice Cast
Japanese Voice Actors
Kumiko HigaAkiko Kimura
Related Pages
CharactersBattle Chips • Home media releases (NT WarriorAxessStreamBeastBeast+) • Rockman.EXE WS