Scorch Wheel

"Mega Man: The Scorch Wheel launches a flaming wheel, right?
Dr. Light: Yes, and the wheel may also burn the things it touches.
―Mega Man and Dr. Light, Mega Man 7

Scorch Wheel, known as Burning Wheel (バーニングホイール Bāningu Hoīru) in Japan and the English version of Mega Man: The Power Battle, is Turbo Man's Special Weapon in Mega Man 7 and Mega Man: The Power Battle. When equipped and used by Mega Man, he creates a wheel of fire that surrounds him before sending it forward, and it rolls on the ground like a normal wheel until it hits a wall or an enemy. If the player holds the attack button, the fire wheel will rotate around him for a while before being launched. When used in the air, the wheel will slowly fall downwards while travelling forward. Scorch Wheel can be used to scorch certain objects, especially the trees in Slash Man's stage (this is how Beat is found)[1] and can even be used on some ice on the floors on Freeze Man's stage. Scorch Wheel can also light the candles in the dark corridor in Shade Man's stage, allowing the player to see the platforms, the spikes, and the rest of the landscape.

This weapon is the primary weakness of Burst Man and the secondary weakness of Freeze Man and Slash Man. If Burst Man is hit by the weapon, he will be pushed back and drop four bombs on the ground before going straight to shooting Danger Wraps at Mega Man, similar to when he is hit by a fully charged Mega Buster shot. If Slash Man is hit by this weapon, he will be engulfed in flames and will go into dropping eggs on Mega Man. Freeze Man, however, will not be stunned or have his pattern stopped when hit by the Scorch Wheel, though he still takes heavy damage from it.

Bodies of liquid substances can destroy or weaken the Wheel. If shot while submerged, there will be a weak short range attack and the Wheel leaves bubbles that float and do not affect any element.

Damage Data Chart[]

Damage values in units in Mega Man 7.

Scorch Wheel
Boss Damage
Freeze Man 3
Junk Man 0
Burst Man 4
Cloud Man 1
Spring Man 1
Slash Man 4
Shade Man 1
Turbo Man 0
Mash --
Bass 2
Guts Man G 0
Bass and Treble 2
Gameriser 0
HannyaNED² 0
Wily Machine No. 7 2
Wily Capsule 0

Bosses weak against Scorch Wheel[]


  • A picture of Mega Man using Scorch Wheel (the picture at the top) is used as the background picture for the extra downloaded material in the Mega Man Anniversary Collection.
  • This is the only weapon to have a fire shield (Fire Storm, Fire Man) that can be thrown (Leaf Shield, Wood Man) in multiple directions (Metal Blade, Metal Man).
  • Scorch Wheel is the weakness of three Robot Masters in Mega Man 7, making it the second most effective weapon in one game (only being beaten by, unsurprisingly, the Metal Blade).
  • In the prototype for Mega Man 7, the Scorch Wheel could rotate around Mega Man indefinitely provided the player holds the button down. Despite the fact the weapon was in an unfinished state at that point in development, it acted similarly to Mega Man's other barrier weapons like the Jewel Satellite.
  • The instruction manual for Mega Man 7 mistakenly labels this weapon as Surge Wheel.


Sprite of Mega Man equipped with the Scorch Wheel on the Weapon Get screen.

Sprite of Mega Man equipped with the Scorch Wheel on the Weapon Get screen.

Scorch Wheel in Mega Man 7.

Scorch Wheel in Mega Man 7.


  1. "It's been a while, Mega Man. Here is a little information. Your weapons can be used to discover hidden areas. Try using the flame weapon in the woods. - Proto Man, Mega Man 7
Fire Special Weapon and Techniques
Special Weapons
Mega Man series Fire Storm (1) • Atomic Fire (2) • Pharaoh Shot (4) • Flame Blast (6) • Scorch Wheel (7) • Flame Sword (8) • Magma Bazooka (9) • Solar Blaze (10) • Blazing Torch (11) • Wave Burner (M&B) • Pharaoh Wave (PF) • Torch Arm (3DOS) • Flame Shower / Flame Mixer (R&FWS) • Yoga Inferno (SFxMM)
Mega Man X series Fire Wave (X) • Speed Burner (X2) • Rising Fire (X4) • Ground Fire (X5) • Magma Blade (X6) • Circle Blaze (X7) • Melt Creeper (X8, X's) • Flame Burner (X8, Axl's) • Fire Wave (Xtreme 2)
Zero's Techniques and EX Skills
Techniques Ryuenjin (X4) • Quake Blazer (X5) • Shoenzan (X6) • Bakuenjin (X7) • Enkoujin / Enkoukyaku (X8) • Fire Wave (Xtreme 2)
EX Skills Blast Shot (Z2) • Tenshouzan (Z2) • Burst Shot (Z3) • Split Heavens (Z3) • Soul Launcher (Z3) • Burning Shot (Z4) • Flame Fang (Z4)
Shield / Surround / Block Weapons and Techniques
Special Weapons
Mega Man series Fire Storm (1) • Leaf Shield (2) • Skull Barrier (4) • Star Crash (5) • Plant Barrier (6) • Junk Shield (7) • Scorch Wheel (7) • Proto Shield (7) • Jewel Satellite (9) • Water Shield (10) • Acid Barrier (11) • Beat (M&B) • Mirror Buster (WR) • Soul Satellite (SFxMM) • Aegis Reflector (SFxMM) • Force Field (DOS) • Flame Mixer (R&FWS)
Mega Man X series Rolling Shield (X) • Bubble Splash (X2) • Triad Thunder (X3) • Frost Shield (X3) • Frost Tower (X4) • Crescent Shot (X5) • Guard Shell (X6) • Yammar Option (X6) • Gaea Shield (X7) • Volt Tornado (X7) • Drift Diamond (X8, X's) • Bomb Bee (Xtreme 2)
Zero's Techniques and EX Skills
Techniques Tenkuuha (X4) • Yammar Option (X6) • Guard Shell (X6) • Gokumonken (X7) • Rekkyoudan/Zekkyoudan (X8)
EX Skills Filter Shield (Z2) • Orbit Shield (Z3)
Mega Man 7
Eight Robot Masters
Freeze ManJunk ManBurst ManCloud ManSpring ManSlash ManShade ManTurbo Man
Other bosses
MashBassGuts Man GSuper BassGamerizerHannyaNED²Wily Machine 7Wily Capsule
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Freeze CrackerJunk ShieldDanger WrapThunder BoltWild CoilSlash ClawNoise CrushScorch Wheel
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetSearch RushSuper AdapterBeatProto Shield
List of enemies
Astro ZombiegBacconeBatton M48Bomb SleighBoufoohBunby Tank & Bunby TopCFN-24Child PipiCoil'n
Count Bomb NEOCyorownDeluPipiDerusu BeeDriver CannonDust CrusherFrisk CannonGilliam Knight
GobotsGockroach SGockroah S NestHeli MetallIcicle TeckKaminari KogoroKeroneKintotMetall FX
PetaforthProperideRaggerSniper Joe 01Spiral GabyoallStegorusSwim Metall DXTamagodonTechnodon
Tel TelTom DaddyTrio the WheelTripropellanTrue Shield AttackerTsuranattoriTurbo Roader
- Sub-Bosses -
KaniganceKing GojulusMad GrinderProto ManSisi TruckTruck JoeShirokumachine GTVVAN Pookin
Dr. Light's LaboratoryBig EddieOpening Stage
Iceberg Area StageRecycling Plant StageChemical Substances Factory StageWeather Research Institute StageRobot Museum
Theme Park StageJungle StageOld Castle StageGiant Trailer StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man: The Power Battle
Playable Characters
Mega ManProto ManBass
- Mega Man 1~2 -
Cut ManGuts ManIce ManCrash ManHeat ManWood Man
Yellow Devil
- Mega Man 3~6 -
Magnet ManGemini ManDust ManGyro ManNapalm ManPlant Man
Yellow Devil
- Mega Man 7 -
Freeze ManJunk ManCloud ManSlash ManShade ManTurbo Man
VAN Pookin
- Dr. Wily -
Wily Machine
Special Weapons
Rolling CutterSuper ArmIce SlasherCrash BomberAtomic FireLeaf Shield
Magnet MissileGemini LaserDust CrusherGyro AttackNapalm BombPlant Barrier
Freeze CrackerJunk ShieldThunder StrikeSlash ClawNoise CrushScorch Wheel
Damage Data ChartScript