Shironeko Project

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Shironeko Project
Shironeko Project

Shironeko Project (白猫プロジェクト lit. "White Cat Project") is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by Colopl for Android and iOS. It was initially released in Japan on July 14, 2014, and later it gained a Taiwanese and Korean version. An English-language adaptation with changes to the story and graphics was released internationally under the name Colopl Rune Story and operated from July 2015 to October 2016.

In 2021, the Taiwanese version of the game held a Rockman X DiVE collaboration from February 9 to March 9.

In 2023, the Japanese version held a Rockman collaboration from November 2 to November 10.[1]

Rockman X DiVE event[]


See also: Shironeko Project/Script

Stages available from February 9 to March 9, 2021.

ROCKMAN X DiVE Project 序章
(ROCKMAN X DiVE Project Prologue)
An introductory event stage acting like an Opening Stage. The Sigma Virus arrived in the world of Shironeko Project and mutated into Sikuma, starting to cause machines to go out of control. RiCO goes after the Sikuma Virus with three Hunter Programs to stop it and fix the errors it caused in Shironeko Project. The stage is set in a highway.
ROCKMAN X DiVE Project Nine stages divided like a Stage Select Screen. After defeating the eight bosses, the final part becomes available, which has three bosses, including Iris and Sikuma. Completing the stages grants points, the player gaining rewards as milestones are reached.
ROCKMAN X DiVE CO-OP Up to four players join forces to fight against Sikuma. Has three difficulties. The first stage is similar to the main event, while in higher difficulties Sikuma has more bodies that need to be defeated. Completing the stages grants "SIKUMA Runes" that can be exchanged by rewards during the event.
ROCKMAN X DiVE Challenge A bonus battle against Swimsuit Iris that becomes available after completing all Rockman X DiVE Project stages. The battle is similar to her battle in the main event, but her strength is higher. Rewards from the stage include three accessories and three Heart Runes to unlock Rockman X DiVE music.


Three Rockman X DiVE characters available in the gacha from February 9 to February 23.

Character Title Class Attribute Skills

(Captain of the 17th Elite Unit)
Archer Light X Strike
追蹤飛彈 (Tracking Missile)
("Combat Robot Protecting the World")
Grand Archer

(Special A Class Irregular Hunter)
Fencer None 龍炎刃與冰裂斬
(Ryuenjin and Hyouretsuzan)
DWNo.∞ Sword Master

(Repliforce's Operator)
Mage Dark 傳遞和平心願
("Deliver Peace Wish")
(Core Crystal)
("Love and Peace Repliroid")
Grand Mage


Skin Name Character Details
("Unleashed Power Zero")
Zero Changes Zero's attribute to Dark. Obtained after defeating Iris in the Rockman X DiVE Project event.
("Summer Vacation Operator Iris")
Iris Changes the attribute of Iris and her Core Crystal attack to Water, and the name and animation from her skills. Obtained by exchanging SIKUMA Runes during the event.


Four weapons available in the gacha and for exchange with the blacksmith from February 9 to February 23. Each has a skill that becomes available after improving them.

Weapon Details Skill

("Standard Buster")
Archer weapon with Light attribute. Grants bonuses for X. 艾克斯的緊急呼叫
("X's Emergency Call")

("Standard Saber")
Fencer weapon with no attribute. Grants bonuses for Zero. 傑洛的日常
("Zero's Everyday")

("Standard Saber (Dark)")
Same as the Standard Saber, but with Dark attribute and different bonuses.

("Core Crystal")
Mage weapon with Dark attribute. Grants bonuses for Iris. 愛莉絲的白日夢
("Iris's Daydreaming")


Three accessories obtained in the Rockman X DiVE Challenge stage.

Accessory Effects
(Life Energy)
  • Grand Archer's attack speed +30%
  • The less HP remaining, the greater the increase in the damage of special skills (Maximum 50%)
  • Attack increases by 1% for every 5 attack hits (Maximum 20%)
Sub Tank
("Sub Energy Slot")
  • Sword Master's special skill enhancement +40%
  • When HP is above 80%, Fire, Water, and Thunder attribute damage +30%
  • When a counterattack is successful, Attack +5% (Maximum 20%)
(Floating Mine)
  • Grand Mage's Attack and Critical +20%
  • When SP is 25% or more, general attack damage and special skill enhancement +20%
  • When using special skills, Attack +4% (up to 5 times)


Slate Details Slate
("Sikuma Slate")
A slate obtained by exchanging SIKUMA Runes during the event. When fully upgraded, its stats are HP+300, SP+10, Attack +60, Defense +25, Critical +55, and Cost +8.


Building Description translation Additional details
(Hunter Base)
RiCO and Baron negotiated to build this small Hunter Base. Its main function is to stabilize a special signal channel. Even so, a certain red Hunter never shows up on this special channel, but will appear on X's private channel. A building obtained by completing the Rockman X DiVE Project Prologue stage. Grants a bonus to Attack, Defense and Critical, up to 5% at max level. Can only be upgraded with 1UP Runes.
(Statue of the Captain of the 17th Elite Unit)
A statue of X commemorating the "Rockman X DiVE" event. Can enhance the ability of Archers. A decoration obtained by completing the mission of having X and completing a Rockman X DiVE Project event stage with him on the team. Grants Attack, Defense and Critical +1% for Archers.
(Statue of the Special A Class Irregular Hunter)
A statue of Zero commemorating the "Rockman X DiVE" event. Can enhance the ability of Fencers. A decoration obtained by completing the mission of having Zero and completing a Rockman X DiVE Project event stage with him on the team. Grants Attack, Defense and Critical +1% for Fencers.
(Statue of Repliforce's Operator)
A statue of Iris commemorating the "Rockman X DiVE" event. Can enhance the ability of Mages. A decoration obtained by completing the mission of having Iris and completing a Rockman X DiVE Project event stage with her on the team. Grants Attack, Defense and Critical +1% for Mages.
(Statue of Rockman X DiVE)
A decoration obtained by purchasing the "Save the World Pack" (拯救世界禮包) available between February 9–16.


Background music that can be set on the town. Each music can be exchanged by a Heart Rune, which are obtained in the Rockman X DiVE Challenge stage.

ID Title
BGM 8007-1 ROCKMAN X DIVE - Title
BGM 8007-2 ROCKMAN X DIVE - 電子空間
(Cyber Space)


Rune Name Details
(1UP Rune)
Obtained in Rockman X DiVE Project stages. Used to upgrade the Hunter Base.
("Heart Rune")
Obtained in Rockman X DiVE Challenge. Used to exchange for Rockman X DiVE music.
Sikuma Rune SIKUMA符文
("Sikuma Rune")
Obtained in Rockman X DiVE CO-OP. Used to exchange for various rewards during the event and to upgrade the SIKUMA Slate.


Chat stickers. "Grilled Bonito" (烤鰹魚) is a premium item obtained by making specific purchases with real money, the "Grilled Bonito (ROCK)" being part of the "Monarch Gem Pack" (尊爵寶石禮包) available on February 9–16.

Sticker Name Translation Acquisition
艾克斯「你就棒!」 X: "You're great!" Exchange for Grilled Bonito (ROCK) during the event.
傑洛「眞是拿你沒辦法」 Zero: "It can't be helped" Exchange for Grilled Bonito (ROCK) during the event.
黑傑洛「我生氣了」 Black Zero: "I'm angry" Rockman X DiVE Project milestone reward (1053000 points).
愛莉絲「不要起争請~」 Iris: "Please don't fight!" Exchange for Grilled Bonito (ROCK) during the event.
泳裝愛莉絲「一起玩球吧」 Swimsuit Iris: "Let's play ball together" Rockman X DiVE Project milestone reward (1207500 points).
六週年「謝謝大家!」 6th Anniversary: "Thank you!" Rockman X DiVE Project milestone reward (1361500 points).


Title Details
Saviour 救世主 Reward for defeating Sikuma in the Rockman X DiVE Project event.

Rockman event[]


(Shironeko New Character Video: Rockman)
A video introducing Rockman.
(Rockman Project)
Nine boss battles divided like a Stage Select Screen. After defeating the eight bosses, the final stage becomes available.


Character Title Class Attribute Skills
File:Shironeko Project Rockman.png
DRN. 001 Archer None メタルブレード (Metal Blade)
フレイムソード (Flame Sword)
("Heroic Blue Robot")
Grand Archer


Image Name Type Notes
(Rock Buster)
Weapon (Archer) Reward for starting the Rockman Project event.
Accessory Reward for completing the Rockman Project event stages.
(Rescue Rune)
Rune Event points. Used to exchange for Anywhere Metalls (100 Runes each) and the BGM (50 Runes).
("Anywhere Metall")
Town decoration Can be exchanged by points obtained in the Rockman event. There were 30 available.
N/A BGM 323-1 SHIRONEKO STAGE Music Music that played during the event. Can be unlocked in the town's music player for 50 Rescue Runes.
Title 正しい心を持つロボット
("Robot with Righteous Heart")
Title Reward for completing the event bingo, its objectives being defeat each of the eight bosses and place five Metalls in the town.
Energy Can E缶 (E Can) Appreciation Room item Available as part of a 800 yen package in the shop.


Rockman X DiVE Project stage select

Rockman X DiVE Project stage select

"Mission Start" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Mission Start" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Boss Appears" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Boss Appears" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Victory" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Victory" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Mission Failed" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Mission Failed" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Mission Complete" from Rockman X DiVE stages

"Mission Complete" from Rockman X DiVE stages

X's Awakened Photo

X's Awakened Photo

Zero's Awakened Photo

Zero's Awakened Photo

Iris's Awakened Photo

Iris's Awakened Photo

Rockman's Awakened Photo

Rockman's Awakened Photo

Shironeko Project and Rockman wallpaper

Shironeko Project and Rockman wallpaper

Shironeko Project and Rockman wallpaper large

Shironeko Project and Rockman wallpaper large


Rockman x DiVE x White Cat Project Collaboration Trailer

白猫プロジェクト NEW WORLD'S✕ロックマン ロックマンプロジェクト PV

新登場キャラ「ロックマン」【白猫プロジェクト NEW WORLD'S✕ロックマン ロックマンプロジェクト】

External links[]


  1. Shironeko Project: 2023.11.01 [GAME EVENT - 『ロックマンプロジェクト』壁紙プレゼント]
Mega Man crossovers and collaborations
Rockman ✕overRockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star
Boktai seriesBrawlhallaCannon SpikeDead Rising seriesFunko FusionMarvel vs. Capcom series (Marvel vs. Capcom23Infinite)
MinecraftMinna to Capcom All StarsNamco ✕ CapcomOnimusha Blade Warriors
Project X ZoneProject ✕ Zone 2Puzzle FighterRockman 20XX: Tatakae! Team Shachi
Rockman: Red Bull Crashed Ice no Tatakai!!SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters seriesSNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos
Street Fighter ✕ All CapcomStreet Fighter ✕ Mega ManStreet Fighter X Tekken
Super Smash Bros. series (3DSWii UUltimate) • Tatsunoko vs. CapcomTEPPEN

-Limited event-
#COMPASS7: Thousand Wars - Season IIArmy Men StrikeBouken Dig Dig 2Breath of Fire 6Castle & Dragon
Dragalia LostDragon CoinsDragon PokerDuel Masters Play'sElemental StoryLine Rangers
Medarot S: Unlimited NovaMinna to Akashic HeroesOtorangerPandolandShironeko ProjectSuper Robot Wars ✕-Ω
Tǎ Fáng Sān Guó ZhìTower of SaviorsYuusha no Kuse ni Konamaiki da DASH!Zombie Cafe
Mega Man UniverseRockman OnlineCapcom Super League Online

Other media
Captain N: The Game MasterWorlds CollideWorlds Unite
AmiiboDevil May Cry seriesDuel Masters seriesKellogg'sHanayashikiMega SnackMonster Hunter seriesOronamin C
Resident Evil seriesMega Man X DiVE (collaborations) • Street Fighter seriesYAGList of cameos and references