
Tama (タマ Tama) is a giant cat robot mid-boss in Mega Man 3 that was originally created by Dr. Light for a cat exhibition. They only appear in Top Man's stage in Mega Man 3 and Mega Man II, and there are only two Tamas in both games, blocking the path.

Tama attacks by throwing two bouncing yarn-like balls (one in Mega Man II) from its mouth that Mega Man needs to avoid. If the yarn balls are gone (either by being destroyed or going off-screen), Tama launches three small robot fleas from its back, which jump in Mega Man's direction. If the fleas are gone, Tama releases yarn balls again, repeating the attack pattern. It is weak to Hard Knuckle. In Mega Man 3, it is not possible to proceed in Top Man's stage without destroying them, but in Mega Man II, Mega Man can pass through them (being damaged if doing so) and slide in the opening below the second Tama. Unfortunately, in the Sega Mega Drive game, Mega Man: The Wily Wars, touching Tama will kill Mega Man in one hit.

Hits data chart[]

Amount of shots/hits from Special Weapons it takes to destroy a Tama and a yarn ball.

Mega Man 3
Mega Buster Needle Cannon Magnet Missile Gemini Laser Hard Knuckle Top Spin Search Snake Spark Shock Shadow Blade
10:8 10:8 5:4 5:4 4:4 0:0 10:4 0:0 5:4

Other media[]

Captain N: The Game Master[]

Tama is a grey robot cat with yellow eyes that gets scared off by one of the dogs in the episode "A Tale of Two Dogs".

Mega Man (Archie Comics)[]

A Tama first appeared on the Variant Cover of Mega Man #40. In the next issue, Top Man was hiding in a secret asteroid station and waiting for Mega Man, having a Tama as part of his defenses. However, Mega Man and Rush easily defeated the Tama and its Fleas. Another Tama appears in the Short Circuits from Mega Man #46, where it is too heavy for Dr. Wily to stroke, and one also appears in the Sky Patrol's Training Room with the other Wily Bots from the first three games in Worlds Unite.

Other appearances[]

Tama has a brief appearance in the Rockman World 2 manga and in Mega Man Maniax, where Doctor Wily attempts to introduce one for his "Doctor Wily's Animal Kingdom" segment, but the Tama attacks him.


Tama in Captain N: The Game Master.

Tama Cel from Captain N

Tama Cel from Captain N

Tama in Mega Man Issue 41

Tama in Mega Man Issue 41

Tama in the Rockman World 2 manga

Tama in the Rockman World 2 manga


"Tama" is a common name for cats in Japan. While tama has multiple meanings, in this case it is usually associated with a "round object" that cats like to play with.


  1. Nintendo Power #20 and #34.
  2. Mega Man 3 (Tiger Electronics).
Mega Man 3
Eight Robot Masters
Needle ManMagnet ManGemini ManHard ManTop ManSnake ManSpark ManShadow Man
Robot Masters in Doc Robot's data
Metal ManQuick ManFlash ManBubble ManWood ManHeat ManAir ManCrash Man
Other bosses
Doc RobotBreak ManKamegoro MakerYellow Devil MK-IIHolograph Mega MansWily Machine 3Gamma
Mega Man's Special Weapons
Needle CannonMagnet MissileGemini LaserHard KnuckleTop SpinSearch SnakeSpark ShockShadow Blade
Mega Man's Support Items
Rush CoilRush MarineRush Jet
List of enemies
BikkyBolton and NuttonBomb FlierBomber PepeBubukanCannonChibeeDadaElec'nElectric GabyoallGiant Springer
GyoraiboHammer JoeHari HarryHave "Su" BeeHologranJamacyJunk GolemKomasaburoMag FlyMechakkero
Metall DXNew ShotmanNitronNeedle PressParasyuPenpenPenpen MakerPeterchyPetit SnakeyPickelman BullPole
PottonReturning MonkingWalking BombWanaanYambow
- Mid-bosses -
Big SnakeyGiant MetallProto ManTama
Dr. Light's LaboratoryNeedle Man StageMagnet Man StageGemini Man StageHard Man Stage
Top Man StageSnake Man StageSpark Man StageShadow Man StageWily Castle
ScriptList of enemiesDamage data chartMiscellaneous data
Mega Man II
The eight bosses
Metal ManAir ManCrash ManWood ManNeedle ManMagnet ManHard ManTop Man
Other bosses
QuintWily Machine II
Special Weapons
Metal BladeAir ShooterCrash BomberLeaf ShieldNeedle CannonMagnet MissileHard KnuckleTop SpinSakugarne
Support Items
Rush CoilRush JetRush Marine
Metal Man StageAir Man StageCrash Man StageWood Man StageWily Castle
Needle Man StageMagnet Man StageHard Man StageTop Man StageWily Station
Damage Data ChartEnemies