Thunder Stab

Thunder Stab, known as Buraitotsu (武雷突 "Martial Thunder Thrust") in Japan, is a EX Skill in Mega Man Zero 4. It is obtained after defeating Pegasolta Eclair in cloudy weather. Zero dashes forward to stab enemies with the Z-Saber, causing electric damage. If the saber touches a wall, two thunder balls will start crawling. Both the Z-Saber and the balls can paralyze some enemies.


Thunder Stab is thunder-elemental, so it's more effective against fire-elemental bosses, but weak against ice-elemental bosses. With elemental chips absent in Mega Man Zero 4, this attack is always electrically charged.

It can be used against pretty much any grounded enemy and does 6 damage per hit for 3 hits, potentially doing 18 damage at most. For comparison, a saber strike does 8 damage and its three hit combo does only 24 damage. It's biggest weakness is that it cannot hit enemies in the air.

Against bosses, all damage is halved, becoming 9, which deal acceptable damage, but is outmatched by charged slashes and saber combos against most bosses. A risk of using Thunder Stab against bosses is that Zero risks colliding with bosses while performing the attack, making it a high risk attack and should be used with consideration. A good strategy to lower the risk of doing so is to use a charged buster shot to set hit priority to 1, then hit the boss with the last two hits of it.

Thunder Stab is nearly ineffective against Sol Titanion, as she is almost constantly flying. This makes Tractor Shot the only viable method of exploiting her elemental weakness. Against Fenri Lunaedge and Tech Kraken, Thunder Stab is not advisable, as they have a resistance to electric damage, while Thunder Stab is risky enough to use as-is.

Thunder Stab has a Hit priority is 1, 2, and 3, so it can be used to full extent as a combo starter (Outside of an uncharged Buster Shot attack to add damage beforehand) against bosses.


Thunder Stab in Mega Man Zero 4.

Thunder Stab in Mega Man Zero 4.

See Also[]

Similar Weapons[]

Electric Special Weapons and Techniques
Special Weapons
Mega Man series Thunder Beam (1) • Spark Shock (3) • Thunder Bolt (7) • Thunder Claw (8) • Plug Ball (9) • Thunder Wool (10) • Scramble Thunder (11) • Electric Shock (V) • Lightning Bolt (M&B) • Force Field (DOS) • Bit Cannon (3DOS)
Mega Man X series Electric Spark (X) • Triad Thunder (X3) • Lightning Web (X4) • Tri-Thunder (X5) • Volt Tornado (X7) • Thunder Dancer (X8, X's) • Plasma Gun (X8, Axl's) • Tri-Thunder (Xtreme 2)
Zero's Techniques and EX Skills
Techniques Raijingeki (X4) • E-Blade (X5) • Raijinshou (X7) • Raikousen/Raijinken (X8) • Lightning (Xtreme 2) • Tri-Thunder (Xtreme 2)
EX Skills Spark Shot (Z2) • Sengatotsu (Z2) • Saber Smash (Z3) • V-Shot (Z3) • Shield Sweep (Z3) • Thunder Stab (Z4) • Tractor Shot (Z4)
Mega Man Zero 4
Einherjar Eight Warriors
Pegasolta EclairSol TitanionFenri LunaedgeNoble MandragoMino MagnusHeat GenblemTech KrakenPopla Cocapetri
Other bosses
SubDesert CoreCarnage Force 0CraftHell the GiantRandam BandamCyballDr. Weil
Zero's Weaponry and EX Skills
Buster ShotZ-SaberZero Knuckle
Tractor ShotBurning ShotIce JavelinTime Stopper
Thunder StabFlame FangIce BladeSky Chaser
Caravan in the WildernessResistance TrailerArea Zero
Hanging GardensArtificial SunHibernation ChamberUnderground ForestMagnetic ZoneParticle BeamDeep SeaLiving City
Human SettlementThe PrisonRagnarok Control RoomTeleporter BaseTeleporter CircuitRagnarok Core
Game ScriptMega Man Zero 4 databaseList of Mega Man Zero 4 enemies