Ultimate Armor
The Ultimate Armor (アルティメットアーマー Arutimetto Āmā) is a secret set of Armor Parts for X that first appeared in Mega Man X4. It grants X the most all-around fighting power of any armor. Because it appears in so many games in the Mega Man X series, it has the most recurring traits of any of X's armors.
Different from ordinary parts, this armor was developed purely for the purpose of increasing combat capabilities, rapidly boosting X's combat potential. However, as this armor pushes X's abilities to their limit, prolonged use may be dangerously taxing. Furthermore, perhaps due to concerns over its incredibly overpowered nature, Dr. Light labeled these parts as forbidden and sealed them away.[1]
Mega Man X4-X6[]
In Mega Man X4, X5, and X6, the Ultimate Armor appears as a modified design of the Fourth Armor, and grants all of the abilities of that armor including Air Dash, Hover, charged Special Weapons, and reduction of damage taken. It has the Plasma Charge Shot of the Fourth Armor (Stock Charge Shot is not available), and its powerful Nova Strike can be performed an unlimited number of times.
Special Weapon energy usage while equipped with the Ultimate Armor varies from game to game: in Mega Man X4, the armor grants unlimited usage of Special Weapons in their normal forms. Weapon Energy is still used for Charge Shots. However, in Mega Man X5 and X6 the Ultimate Armor works like the other armors in those games, increasing maximum Special Weapon energy by 50%.
While not available in the games, in artwork the armor can also generate a beam blade from the buster and grants the user the ability to fly, either with a booster on the back (which appears during a Nova Strike) or riding the armor as a board-like transport.
In Mega Man X4, even if a code has been inputted, the armor must still be obtained through one of Dr. Light's armor capsules (the easiest of which is in Web Spider's stage). Until then, X's secondary turquoise hue is changed to a lighter purple, signifying that the code has been entered correctly. In Mega Man X5 and X6, the armor is equipped when starting a new game with the code entered correctly.
- In Mega Man X5, the code overwrites the Fourth Armor with the Ultimate Armor, rendering it unavailable.
- In Mega Man X6, the code gives X the Ultimate Armor without overwriting the Falcon Armor.

The Ultimate Armor capsule in Mega Man X5.
In Mega Man X5, the Ultimate Armor can also be obtained without using a code. X must enter the third Zero Space stage without any armor equipped, then traverse a vertical shaft leading down to a special armor capsule. However, he will only receive an armor program to be equipped on the Stage Select, as opposed to equipping the armor right away (a similar principle to gaining the Falcon Armor and the Gaea Armor). Unlike the code method, this does not overwrite the Fourth Armor.
Mega Man X8[]
This Ultimate Armor in Mega Man X8 is a black version of the Neutral Armor with its own violet glow. It is a separate option within the Neutral Armor selection, and thus cannot mix parts with the Hermes or Icarus Armor. The Ultimate Armor may be unlocked via a code, or by starting a new game from a save file that has been cleared with all of X's Rare Metals crafted and all eight Icarus and Hermes Armor parts unlocked. Note that the code only functions on the console version of the game, and has no effect on the PC version (save for the Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 re-release).
The Ultimate Armor retains the Plasma Charge Shot from previous Ultimate Armors, but otherwise is quite different. It combines many of the abilities of the Hermes and Icarus Armor, in addition to a new Shoryuken attack. It also has a more powerful Nova Strike, at the cost of limited usage; one Nova Strike drains the energy gauge, though it recharges fairly quickly. It also grants X unlimited usage of all Special Weapons, including their charged versions (unlike the X4 version).
Note: Specific parts do not have individual effects as this armor can only be can only be fully equipped, not partially equipped.
Mega Man X4-X6[]
Ultimate Armor generally has all of Fourth Armor's abilities:
- Foot Parts - Grants the ability to air dash or hover in midair. Midair hovering time is decreased if X moves.
- Body Parts - Reduces damage taken by X by 50%. Allows X to use a wider range Nova Strike that does not consume any weapon energy. It also covers more distance than its X4 counterpart. Note, however, that X needs to touch solid ground/cling to a wall before it can be used again.
- Arm Parts - Grants the powerful Plasma Charge Shot. In X4, the fully charged shot can pierce straight through enemies, shields, and walls, leaving behind a damaging residue. However, in X5 and X6, the shot will be stopped by shields or walls. The Plasma Charge Shot is also weaker like X5's Fourth Armor's.
- Head Parts - In Mega Man X4, uncharged weapon usage was reduced to zero. In X5 and X6, this increases the maximum Special Weapon shot capacity by 50%, just like the Fourth, Falcon, and Blade Armor Head Parts in their respective games.
Mega Man X8[]
- Foot Parts U - Movement speed and jumping height increased. X can also dash through enemies without damage, which is the combined abilities of Foot Parts H and I.
- Body Parts U - Take half damage and will not be subjected to recoil from collisions with enemies/hazards. All HP damage will be converted to red bars which can be recovered while in reserve which is the same ability as Body Parts I. Also enables X to perform the Nova Strike that can annihilate enemies in one attack.
- Arm Parts U - The X-Buster's fully-charged shot will be the Plasma Charge Shot, which can cause damage to an enemy multiple times. Weapon Energy usage for all Special Weapons (including their Charge Shots) will be reduced to zero.
- Head Parts U - Enables use of the Shouryuken uppercut technique to attack enemies directly upward, similar to the Head Parts I but with a smaller attack width.
Secret codes[]
Refer to the table below for codes used to gain use of the Ultimate Armor. The codes are listed with the button pressed and the number of times pressed next to it. In Mega Man X4 and X5, highlight X on the Character Select screen and enter the codes. In addition, in X4, the shoulder buttons must be held until the actual game begins (after the cutscenes). In X6 and X8, highlight Game Start, complete the sequence of buttons, and press Start. While there is no way of knowing if the code is completed in X4 until the opening stage is accessed, in X5 and X6 a sound clip is heard if entered correctly, while a voice clip of X is used for X8.
Game | Codes |
Mega Man X4 |
X, X, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, Hold L+Z, START (NGC) B, B, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, Hold L+ZR, START (+) (NS) B, B, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, ←, Hold LB+RT, START (Xbox One/Steam) Hold ↓ and press START (PC) |
Mega Man X5 |
Mega Man X6 | |
Mega Man X8 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Other appearances[]
Mega Man X: Command Mission[]

Ultimate Armor.
Ultimate Armor is X's second Hyper Mode, earned by defeating the secret boss Rafflesian. This version is a stark change in appearance from previous armors in terms of design.
Mega Man X Legacy Collection and Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2[]
X uses a white version of the Ultimate Armor in the X Challenge mode.[2][3] It lacks the Nova Strike and has the weaker version of the Plasma Charge Shot from the Fourth Armor in Mega Man X5, leaving one plasma ball behind. Like in X6, X can also use Zero's Z-Saber with this armor. He can also use the Special Weapons from past bosses. The armor will also reduce the damage X takes as well as the stagger whenever he is hit by a boss. When used in a buster-only challenge, the majority of this armor is removed with the exception of the Foot Part.
Additionally, once X Challenge has been completed on Hard difficulty, the player will unlock a secret bonus stage in which the bosses are Ultimate Armor X and Awakened Zero from X5. However, Ultimate Armor X's attacks have changed. While Awakened Zero is still alive, Ultimate Armor X will repeatedly attack with the charged plasma shot and will briefly transform into the Fourth Armor, Falcon Armor, and Shadow Armor, utilizing attacks specific to these armors. If Awakened Zero is defeated first, Ultimate Armor X will then attack with the charged Yammar Option, Guard Shell, and Ray Arrow.
Project X Zone and Project X Zone 2[]
X dons the Ultimate Armor during the end of his finishing move, in which he hits the opponent with the Nova Strike and slams them into the ground.
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite[]

Ultimate Strike.
X will equip his Ultimate Armor during his Level 3 Hyper Combo, Ultimate Strike, in which if the aura that comes from X putting on his armor connects, the foe is launch-carried into the air via his Nova Strike and ends by shooting them with a beam from his X Buster from below them.
He also assumes the Ultimate Armor in-story in an attempt to control the sheer power output of the Infinity Buster to destroy Ultron Omega, ultimately succeeding with the help of Doctor Strange and Morrigan channeling the various heroes power into him with themselves as magical conduits.
Puzzle Fighter[]

X with the Ultimate Armor in Puzzle Fighter
When X uses his super skill, "Ultimate Nova Strike", he dons the Ultimate Armor and attacks with the Nova Strike.
Mega Man X DiVE[]
X made an appearance with the X4-X6 version of the Ultimate Armor as a S rank Hunter Program. Ultimate Armor X's Active Skills are Plasma Shot and Nova Strike. There is also a skin for it, which is its X Challenge version.
The Command Mission version of the armor also appeared as a Hunter Program. This version's skills are Combo Weapon Attack and All-Out Barrage.
Minor appearances[]
X appeared with the Ultimate Armor as an event character in Bouken Dig Dig 2, Dragon Poker, Elemental Story, and Tower of Saviors.
Other media[]
Rockman X4 manga[]

X in the Ultimate Armor, gleefully burning the Repliforce flag after killing Slash Beast.
In the manga version of Mega Man X4, the Ultimate Armor makes an appearance and has a strong impact on X's psyche. It also vastly increases X's strength and abilities, while negatively affecting his mind, making him ruthless and somewhat sadistic.
After the breakout of the Great Repliforce War due to Repliforce refusing to surrender their weapons, many Repliforce soldiers cause riots and commit wanton slaughter of Reploids opposing their violent coup d'etat. Among them is Frost Walrus, who X confronts alongside his fellow Maverick Hunter Blizzard Buffalo. The two are no match for Walrus, who ultimately ends up killing Buffalo and knocking X out. X later confronts Walrus again at his Repliforce snow base with Ride Armor, deeply injuring him but still not being strong enough to stop him. The Repliforce leader General then shoots down and kills Walrus to save X, and shrugs off X's buster attacks. Deeply traumatized by Buffalo's death and by his own inability to stop the war, X realizes that he needs more power to win the war, and slams and destroys his buster arm on the ground in frustration.

X sadistically grins after executing Storm Owl.
Afterward, X visits the Kagikira Forest where he had previously confronted and killed Repliforce guerilla commander Web Spider. He obtains the powerful Ultimate Armor from a capsule that his late creator Dr. Thomas Light left for him, who warns him in the message that its power could also be a double-edged sword due to its powerful, destructive nature. The armor gives X amazing power and increases his attack strength, while also letting him fly. However, X's actions afterward showed that Light's warning rang true. X goes to confront Repliforce Army commander Slash Beast inside his rampaging Repliforce train, and Beast is confident that he can beat X. He lunges at X, only for X to grievously wound him with a charged Buster shot. Beast then surrenders and begs for his life to X, but X kills him anyway and burns the Repliforce flag in the room. When Zero arrives on the scene, X smugly remarks to him how Beast begged before he was killed. X then warns Zero not to get in his way, or he will kill him too. X has become drunk with power on the Ultimate Armor.
Sometime later, X finds the airships of the Repliforce Air Wing soaring over a volcano, and manages to single-handedly destroy them and all the Repliforce soldiers stationed on the airships, while grievously wounding Repliforce air commander Storm Owl. Despite the fact that Owl was no longer a threat to him, only throwing angry insults his way about how X is the true Maverick because of his unbelievable power, X coldly executes Owl with a buster shot, and then flashes a sadistic grin. X says that it is Owl, not he, who is the Maverick.
Suddenly, Magma Dragoon rises from the ground and attacks with his Rising Fire technique which X narrowly dodges. Dragoon challenges him to a fight, saying power is the only thing that matters, not the "law of heaven" or the "law of the land". Dragoon puts up a difficult challenge, even managing to stop X's Nova Strike attack and strike him away, temporarily knocking him out. However, X eventually recovers from Dragoon's attacks and shoots Dragoon with a charged shot, bisecting him. X then falls in tears, believing that righteousness will win out and the Great Repliforce War will soon come to an end.
After infiltrating the Repliforce's Final Weapon, a space station with a "Death Flower" weapon capable of decimating the planet, he engages the General in battle and knocks him out. Suddenly, the weapon then activates, having been turned on by a mysterious yellow Maverick. X then engages the Maverick in battle, who reveals himself to be none other than Double, X's loyal subordinate. Double than slashes at X wildly and injures him, but he quickly recovers thanks to the Ultimate Armor and smashes right through Double with a Nova Strike, furious with his treachery. Double's body disintegrates. General then rises up behind X who frantically shoots at him with buster shots that do not damage him, but instead of killing X the General hugs him, and then sacrifices himself by slamming his own body into the Death Flower and destroying it.
At the end, the Weapon is destroyed and the Earth is saved. However, the explosion from the Final Weapon's destruction reaches X and ultimately destroys his Ultimate Armor, while revealing the pure Fourth Armor underneath.
- The Ultimate Armor in Mega Man X5 is a slightly lighter blue than in X4, and it keeps X's light blue color rather than purple. However, when Ultimate Armor X is a boss fight for Zero, X is equipped with the Ultimate Armor with the X4 palette.
- In X6, the Ultimate Armor has a black and white color scheme. There is an inconsistency, however, in X's dialogue portrait, which depicts the white parts as gold instead.
- The Ultimate Armor's Nova Strike is one of two Giga Attacks that is immediately available at the start of the game (in this case, X5 after entering the code). The other is the Giga Attack of the Falcon Armor, one game later.
- Unlike any other armor set, the Ultimate Armor in every game has had several transparent parts, revealing X's inner workings.
- During the first selling of Rockman X4 for the both PlayStation and Sega Saturn system, Capcom included a Special Limited Pack containing an X constructible model toy, with his Ultimate Armor version. The model was later released on its own, and later re-released with chromed plastic.
- The Ultimate Armor has the ability to break off in pieces from X's body and re-assemble itself into a flight-capable ride mecha X can ride on top of, allowing him to travel extremely long distances at high speed, and its jet boosters also provide X great flight mobility while wearing the armor.[1]
- In the official art depicting the Ultimate Armor's sled configuration, X is depicted wearing his default armor. The manga and Mega Armor model kit, however, depict a lesser-armored form underneath the pieces of the Ultimate Armor that serves as an armature for the sled pieces.
- In Mega Man X DiVE, Ultimate Armor X is seen riding the Ultimate Armor on its glider mode on his introduction from the character menu.
- Zero was originally planned to have his own Ultimate Armor alongside X in Mega Man X4, but it was replaced with Black Zero. The designer of Zero's Ultimate Armor hinted that his ultimate armor had to do with his connection to Dr. Wily, but stopped himself before he could reveal any more and instead supplied the design.[4]
Armors and Power-ups |
X's armors in main Mega Man X series |
Armor Parts (Mega Man X) • Armor Parts (Mega Man X2) • Armor Parts (Mega Man X3) • Fourth Armor • Falcon Armor • Gaea Armor Blade Armor • Shadow Armor • Glide Armor • Neutral Armor (Icarus Armor • Hermes Armor) • Ultimate Armor |
Other characters and games |
Zero's Forms • Black Zero • White Axl • Hyper Mode (Ultimate Armor • Absolute Zero) • Monster Hunter armors • DiVE Armor |
Rockman X Mega Mission armors |
Clear Armor • Replicapture • Energy Armor • Neo Armor • Giga Armor • iX Armor • R-iX Armor |
Mega Man X4 |
List of Mavericks |
Web Spider • Split Mushroom • Cyber Peacock • Storm Owl • Magma Dragoon • Frost Walrus • Jet Stingray • Slash Beast |
Other Bosses |
Eregion • Colonel • Double • Iris • General • Sigma |
X's Special Weapons |
Lightning Web • Soul Body • Aiming Laser • Double Cyclone • Rising Fire • Frost Tower • Ground Hunter • Twin Slasher |
Zero's Special Techniques |
Raijingeki • Kūenbu • Kūenzan • Rakuhouha • Tenkūha • Ryūenjin • Hyouretsuzan • Hienkyaku • Shippūga |
Armors |
- X - Fourth Armor • Ultimate Armor - Zero - Black Zero |
Stages |
Sky Lagoon • Jungle • Bio Laboratory • Cyber Space • Air Force • Volcano • Snow Base • Marine Base • Military Train • Memorial Hall • Space Port • Final Weapon |
Miscellaneous |
Damage Data Chart (X) • Damage Data Chart (Zero) Mega Man X4 Script (X's story) • Mega Man X4 Script (Zero's story) |
Mega Man X6 |
Nightmare Investigators |
Commander Yammark • Ground Scaravich • Blaze Heatnix • Blizzard Wolfang • Rainy Turtloid Metal Shark Player • Shield Sheldon • Infinity Mijinion |
Other Bosses |
D-1000 • Zero Nightmare • Dynamo • Nightmare Mother • High Max • Gate • Sigma |
X's Special Weapons |
Yammar Option • Ground Dash • Magma Blade • Ice Burst • Meteor Rain • Metal Anchor • Guard Shell • Ray Arrow |
Zero's Special Techniques |
Yammar Option • Sentsuizan • Shoenzan • Hyoroga • Ensuizan • Rakukojin • Guard Shell • Rekkoha |
Armors |
- X - Falcon Armor • Blade Armor • Shadow Armor • Ultimate Armor - Zero - Black Zero |
Stages |
Opening Stage • Amazon Area • Central Museum • Magma Area • North Pole Area • Inami Temple • Recycle Lab • Laser Institute • Weapon Center • Secret Lab |
Miscellaneous |
Walkthrough • Another Route • Parts • Injured Reploids • List of Enemies Damage Data Chart (X) • Damage Data Chart (Zero) • Game Script (X's story) • Game Script (Zero's story) |