Volt Man

Volt Man is one of the three Robot Masters from the Mega Man computer game for DOS.

Volt Man is a master of electricity and has the ability to charge a tremendous amount of electricity around him, forming an impenetrable Force Field around his body. However, he is forced to discharge this shield, but he uses this discharge as a weapon against his opponents (he is still vulnerable while discharging). Due to his extreme electrical nature, Volt Man is weak against Sonic Man's Sonic Wave weapon. Defeating him gives Mega Man the Force Field weapon.


Enemies that appear in Volt Man's stage.

Image Enemy
Volt Man (boss)
"Telephone Wire"

Damage data chart[]

Displays the amount of damage in units that Volt Man will receive from each special weapon from Mega Man (DOS).

Mega Man (DOS)
Plasma Cannon Nuclear Detonator Sonic Wave Force Field
1 2 6 0


Volt Man's stage

Mega Man PC DOS Stage 4 - Volt Man

Volt Man's stage


Mega Man (DOS)
Robot Masters/Bosses
Sonic ManVolt ManDyna ManCRORQDr. Wily
Mega Man's Weapons
Mega BusterSonic WaveForce FieldNuclear Detonator
Extra LifeEnergy PelletWeapon EnergyEnergy Tank
SpikesAppearing Block"Acid"Enemies (MetSniper Joe) • Mega Man (PC) Damage Data Chart