Warp Ring

Warp Ring

A Warp Ring in Worlds Collide.

Warp Rings are large highly-advanced technological golden rings that when powered by Chaos Energy allows for traveling between anywhere in Sonic the Hedgehog's world and different Zones.


In Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series, the Warp Rings were invented by Dr. Finitevus following his mutation when he drained power from Chaos Knuckles. When Drs. Eggman and Wily altered reality with a Genesis Wave, Warp Rings were employed by them, despite Eggman's previous lack of access to the technology in his original reality.

After stealing a Chaos Emerald from the Mega City bank, Tails Man opens up a Warp Ring for him and the other Roboticized Masters to escape. Mega Man follows through it, leading to the Green Hill Zone. (Sonic Universe #51)

Dr. Light manages to recreate the Warp Ring's energy, causing it to reopen the portal to the Zone. Mega Man manages to trick Sonic the Hedgehog (whom he's fighting) in to coming with him through the Warp Ring, with both ending up in Mega City. (Sonic the Hedgehog #248)

The two continue their fight, only to call a truce when Tails Man is sent after them. After the battle, Bass and Metal Sonic arrive at Light Labs to capture Dr. Light. Mega Man, Sonic and Tails (restored to his original form) arrives too late to stop them. Tails manages to recreate the process needed to open a ring and he, Sonic, Mega Man, Rush and Proto Man enter to find themselves in the Skull Egg Zone. (Mega Man #24)

Later on, Roll manages to open another Warp Ring, allowing Duo to join the others, and later Dr. Light's original eight Robot Masters. (Mega Man #27, Sonic the Hedgehog #251)

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Mega Man (Archie Comics)
Main characters
Mega ManDr. LightRollAutoRushDr. WilyDr. CossackProto ManRobot Masters
Archie Comics characters
Gilbert D. SternRoslyn KrantzPedro AstilDr. Noele LalindeQuake Woman
- Emerald Spears -
Harvey GreenleafXander PayneTheo PayneSimone Miller
Archie Comics elements
Titanium ParkQuake DrillMesa LabWily WalkerStar MarshalsKuiper Droids
Graphic Novels
Mega Man Vol. 1 - Let the Games Begin!Mega Man Vol. 2 - Time Keeps SlippingMega Man Vol. 3 - The Return of Dr. Wily
Mega Man Vol. 4 - Spiritus Ex MachinaMega Man Vol. 5 - Rock of AgesMega Man Vol. 6 - Breaking Point
Mega Man Vol. 7 - Blackout: The Curse of Ra MoonMega Man Vol. 8 - RedemptionMega Man Vol. 9 - Dawn of X
Mega Man Vol. 10 - Legends of the Blue BomberMega Man Vol. 11 - The Ultimate Betrayal
Free Comic Book Day
Worlds Collide (Template) • Worlds Unite (Template) • Short CircuitsTimeline
Sonic the Hedgehog / Mega Man: Worlds Collide
Mega Man characters
Mega ManBreak Man/Proto ManRushBeatTangoEddieDr. LightRollAutoDuoDr. WilyBassTrebleCopy Robot
Robot MastersGenesis UnitMega Man KillersRa MoonReggae
Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe characters
Sonic the HedgehogMiles "Tails" ProwerAmy RoseKnuckles the EchidnaBlaze the CatSilver the HedgehogDoctor Eggman
Orbot and CubotMetal SonicBig the Cat
- Chaotix -
Vector the CrocodileEspio the ChameleonCharmy Bee
- Team Dark -
Shadow the HedgehogRouge the BatE-123 Omega
- Other characters -
Lanfront RuinsLight LabsMega CityChronos InstituteGreen Hill Zone
Characters and Elements created for Archie Comics
Skull Egg ZoneWily EggChaos DevilEgg-Wily Machine XRoboticized Masters
- Roboticized Masters Special Weapons -
Tail WindAcoustic BlasterChroma CamoRapid StingerChaos Cannon
Fire TornadoPsycho BurstPiko HammerSharp KnuckleBlack Wave
TeleportationEnergy TankIntegrated circuitWily UFOItem-2
Interdimensional Gateway
Chaos EmeraldsWarp RingGenesis WaveSuper transformationMaster Emerald
Part 0Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12
Graphic Novels
Worlds Collide Vol. 1 - Kindred SpiritsWorlds Collide Vol. 2 - Into the WarzoneWorlds Collide Vol. 3 - Chaos Clash
Sonic the Hedgehog / Mega Man: Worlds Collide - The Complete Epic
Worlds Unite