Wave Scanner


Geo's Wave Scanner in the anime

The Wave Scanner (ウェーブスキャナー) is toy and peripheral for the first Mega Man Star Force game. It is also used as a mobile terminal in the anime.

It follows the theme for the Transer where there are 3 versions and colors that match the Satellite Admins: Pegasus (blue), Leo (red), and Dragon (green). The Wave Scanner toy also has a DX variation with Geo's Star Force symbol, along with a darker shade of blue that matches Mega Man's and aligns with the Pegasus Satellite. Additionally, each version also has different patterns on their faceplate, ice on Pegasus, flames on Leo, vines on Dragon, and Geo and Mega Man on DX.


The Wave Scanner is a toy released by Takara Tomy in Japan, where it can be played as an LCD game like the other terminal toys. However, it lacks speakers, so earphones must be jacked in for sound, the mini games within it takes advantage of the stereo sound. It also functions as an stereo radio.

Using the cable hidden under a panel of the Wave Scanner, it can also be connected to the microphone port on the Nintendo DS for use with the Japanese version of Mega Man Star Force and can connect with the Wave Transer toy. It is basically the successor of the Battle Chip Gate, allowing players to use real life Battle Cards in their game. Instead of letting Mega Man use the cards in battle however, these cards instead boost existing cards or replace them with a higher Class card.

The Wave Scanner has a sliding portion that can be attached to the GBA slot of the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite for easier carrying during gameplay. However, since the Nintendo DSi models do not have a GBA slot, it cannot attach. It can still use its features since the connection is only through the microphone port.

Players can also transfer their save data to the DS game as Scanner Data and give Mega Man incredible stat boosts. Additionally, it will allow Mega Man to start in a Star Force form, depending on the version of Wave Scanner that is equipped.


The Wave Scanner appears in the Mega Man Star Force anime, where it it used used as an alternative for the Transer, sharing many of its functions. Geo Stelar receives a special Wave Scanner from Aaron Boreal in AMAKEN to replace his broken Transer in episode 42. A Wave Scanner is also seen being used by Aaron Boreal, Patrick Sprigs, Sonia Strumm (Leo), and Libra (Leo, in Mitch Shepar's form).

Wave Scanners[]

WS-01 Shooting Star Rockman Wave Scanner Pegasus
(流星のロックマン ウェーブスキャナー ペガサス)
Wave Battle Cards Wide Wave 1 and Gatling 1
WS-02 Shooting Star Rockman Wave Scanner Leo
(流星のロックマン ウェーブスキャナー レオ)
Wave Battle Cards Count Bomb 1 and Long Sword
WS-03 Shooting Star Rockman Wave Scanner Dragon
(流星のロックマン ウェーブスキャナー ドラゴン)
Wave Battle Cards Jumbo Hammer 1 and Plasma Gun 1
DX Shooting Star Rockman Wave Scanner DX Edition
(流星のロックマン ウェーブスキャナー DXエディション)
Contents Wave Scanner, Geo's Visualizer, 4 Wave Battle Cards (Cancer Bubble, Crown Thunder SP, Air Spread, Freeze Knuckle)


WBS-01 Shooting Star Rockman Wave Battle Starter 1. Rockman
(流星のロックマン ウェーブバトルスターター1.ロックマン)
  • 20 Wave Battle Cards:
    • 2 Character Cards (Rockman and Gemini Spark)
    • 2 Mega Class Cards (Cygnus Wing EX and Gemini Spark)
    • 16 Standard Cards (random? Includes Radar Missile 2, Stun Knuckle, Wide Sword, Raimeizan (Strike Edge), Ground Wave 1, Moe Ring 2, Fire Bazooka 1, Cloud Shot 2, Thunder Ball 1, Jumbo Hammer 2, Vulcan Seed 1, Junk Cube 1, Recovery 50, Recovery 120, Giga Mine, and Attack+10)
  • 1 red battle sheet
  • 1 official rule book
WBS-02 Shooting Star Rockman Wave Battle Starter 2. Pegasus
(流星のロックマン ウェーブバトルスターター2.ペガサス)
  • 20 Wave Battle Cards:
    • 2 Character Cards (Rockman Ice Pegasus and Rockman)
    • 2 Mega Class Cards (Harp Note and Cancer Bubble EX)
    • 16 Standard Cards (random?)
  • 1 blue battle sheet
  • 1 official rule book
Shooting Star Rockman Wave Battle Card Case
(流星のロックマン ウェーブバトルカードケース)
Contents A case to keep Wave Battle Cards
Shooting Star Rockman Wave Battle Card File
(流星のロックマン ウェーブバトルカードファイル)
Contents A file that can keep 40 Wave Battle Cards
WP-01 Shooting Star Rockman Wave Battle Card Pack Vol. 1
(流星のロックマン ウェーブバトルカードパックvol.1)
Contents Four random Wave Battle Cards


Geo's Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Geo's Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Geo's Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Geo's Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Pegasus Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Pegasus Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Pegasus Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Pegasus Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Dragon and Leo Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

Dragon and Leo Wave Scanner and Earphones anime design sheet.

See also[]

Terminals in the Mega Man Battle Network series
PET (original)Plug-in PETAdvanced PETProgress PETLink PET_EX
Terminals in the Mega Man Star Force series
TranserStar CarrierHunter-VG
Related pages
Battle Chip Gate • Progress Chip Gate • Beast Link GateWave ScannerBattle ChipBattle CardJack inNetNaviWizard
Mega Man Star Force series
Main characters
Geo Stelar (Omega-XisMega Man) • Luna Platz (Vogue) • Bud Bison (TaurusTaurus Fire) • Zack Temple (Pedia) • Sonia Strumm (LyraHarp Note) • Solo (LaplaceRogue)
Hope StelarKelvin StelarAaron BorealBob CopperDr. Goodall
Pat Sprigs (GeminiGemini Spark) • Hyde (PhantomDark Phantom) • A. C. Eos (AcidAcid Ace)
FM KingDr. VegaHollowMr. King
Mega Man Star Force234 (cancelled)
Shooting Star Rockman: Wave Change! On Air!Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star
Mega Man Star ForceShooting Star Rockman Tribe
Rockman the Shooting StarRockman the Shooting Star Tribe
Shooting Star Rockman 3Shuugeki On-Air!! Shooting Star Rockmeen!
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