
Hammer is a type of Battle Chip in the Mega Man Battle Network series that generally attacks the panel ahead with a large hammer.

Battle Chips[]

Big Hammer[]

Big Hammer 1
Big Hammer 1

Big Hammer (ビッグハンマー) is a Battle Chip family from Mega Man Battle Network 4 obtained from Gaia viruses. It summons a Gaia virus in front of the user, which will stay with Iron Body for a brief moment before attacking the panel in front of it.

Break Hammer[]

Break Hammer
Break Hammer

Break Hammer (ブレイクハンマー), shortened as Hammer in most English games, is a hammer Battle Chip that appears in the first three Mega Man Battle Network games and Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge. The user attacks the panel in front with a large hammer that can break defenses.


Gaia, known as Gaia Hammer (ガイアハンマー) in Japan, is a Battle Chip family from the first Mega Man Battle Network game obtained from Gaia viruses. A hammer hits the panel in front of the user, and a shockwave advances forward from there.

God Hammer[]

God Hammer
God Hammer

God Hammer (ゴッドハンマー) is a Mega Class Battle Chip from Mega Man Battle Network 4. It is a stronger version of the Big Hammer chips, which summons a Gaia that attacks with a hammer that damages all panels in the field, including the user's, being dangerous if used without Air Shoes. It won't affect floating targets.

Zeus Hammer[]

Zeus Hammer
Zeus Hammer

Zeus Hammer (ゼウスハンマー) is a Battle Chip from Mega Man Battle Network 2, which returns as a Mega Class Battle Chip in Mega Man Battle Network 3. The user attacks with a hammer that damages all panels, including the user's. It has no effect on floating targets.

List by game[]

Mega Man Battle Network[]

# Image Name Description Attack Element Codes
45 Gaia1 Rolling 3-column explosion! 100 None C, D, L, O, T
46 Gaia2 Rolling 3-column explosion! 130 None C, F, K, P, S
47 Gaia3 Rolling 3-column explosion! 160 None C, G, M, R, T
66 Hammer Breaks cubes
100 (MMBN)
220 (OSS)
None A, F, I, M, Q

Mega Man Battle Network 2[]

ID Image Name Description Damage Element Codes Memory
81 Hammer Hammer for smashing things! 100 None R, T, U, V, Z, * 24 MB
82 ZeusHamr Damage all if panel 200 None J, K, O, V, Z, * 70 MB

Mega Man Battle Network 3[]

ID Image Name Description Damage Element Codes Memory
Standard Chip 87 Hammer Hammer smashes front! 100 None B, G, L, P, T, * 16 MB
Mega Chip 3 ZeusHamr Damages anyone on a panel 250 None Z 90 MB

Mega Man Battle Network 4[]

# Image Name Description Damage Type Letter Codes Memory
Standard Chip 087 BigHamr1 Hammr atk smashes in front! 160 B, O, R 22 MB
Standard Chip 088 BigHamr2 Hammr atk smashes in front! 220 G, J, W 33 MB
Standard Chip 089 BigHamr3 Hammr atk smashes in front! 280 D, V, Z 44 MB
Mega Chip 4 GodHammr Places a stone statue 250 G 68 MB

Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge[]

ID Image Name Effect HP AP MB Element Acc
81 BrakHamr AllBreak30 40 30 40 None C
82 ZeusHamr AllBreak50 40 50 60 C

Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation[]

ID Image Name Description translation Damage Type Memory
Standard Chip 87 Big Hammer 1 160 22 MB
Standard Chip 88 Big Hammer 2 220 33 MB
Standard Chip 89 Big Hammer 3 280 44 MB
Mega Chip 4 God Hammer 250 68 MB

Other Hammers[]

A key item called hammer appears in Mega Man Battle Network 3 and can be found in Undernet 7. It is used to destroy the monoliths in the Secret Area, and is required to reach Serenade.

See also[]