Agility Incense

Agility Incense, typically shortened to Ag Incense for text limitation, is a reoccurring incense consumable item.


In Shin Megami Tensei, Agility Incenses are used to increase a human's Agility stat by one.

In Megami Ibunroku Persona, Agility Incenses increases a Persona user's Agility stat by one.

In the Persona 2 duology, Agility Incenses increases a Persona user's Agility stat by 2.

In Shin Megami Tensei IV and IV Apocalypse, Ag Incenses are used to increase either the respective protagonists of the game or his demons' Agility stats by 3. Using them also restores all of the user's HP and MP, though in Apocalypse, this was changed to just HP. Additionally, Apocalypse also added a "Small" variant of Incenses, with Ag Incenses (Small) having none of the medicinal properties of the regular variant as well as raising the Agility stat by just 1.

In the Shin Megami Tensei V games, the Agility Incense can be used to increase a demon's Agility stat by 1. It cannot be used on the Nahobino, as he has his own variant in Agility Balm, and, in Vengeance, Guest Characters.

In Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE (Encore), Spd Incenses increase the Speed stat of a Mirage Master.

Game Effect Use Consumed Stock
In Battle Outside Battle
Shin Megami Tensei IV Fully restores HP/MP and increases Magic by 3. No Yes Yes 99
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
(Agility Incense)
Fully restores HP and increases Magic by 3.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
[Agility Incense (Small)]
Increases Magic by 1.
Shin Megami Tensei V
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Increases a demon's Agility by 1.
Megami Ibunroku Persona Increases Agility by 1.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Increases Agility by 2.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
Fully restores HP and increases a Mirage Master's Spd by 3. 20


Shin Megami Tensei V[]

Search Points[]

Agility Incense may be found while scouting search points in certain areas, as long as the protagonist has a quest navigator:

Region Area Quantity
Minato Shiba 1
West Shinbashi 1
Nagatacho 1
Odaiba 1
Shinagawa Tennozu 1
South Shinagawa 1
Chiyoda Kanda
Uchikanda / Awajicho
Taito Ueno 1
Asakusa 1

See also[]

HP Medicine - Life Stone - Ox Bezoar - Bead - Bead Chain - Ambrosia - Soma
MP Chakra Drop - Chakra Pot
Recovery Amrita Soda - Amrita Shower
Revival Revival Bead - Balm of Life
Battle Effect Muscle Drink
Fire Shard - Fire Gem - Ice Shard - Ice Gem - Elec Shard - Elec Gem - Force Shard - Force Gem - Light Shard - Light Gem - Dark Shard - Dark Gem - Life Drain Gem - Spirit Drain Gem - Sleep Gem - Charm Gem - Confusion Gem - Poison Gem - Mirage Gem - Seal Gem - Attack Mirror - Magic Mirror - Purge Charm - Dispel Charm - Charge Gem - Concentrate Gem - Critical Gem - Phys Dampener - Fire Dampener - Ice Dampener - Elec Dampener - Force Dampener - Light Dampener - Dark Dampener - Repulse Bell - Spyglass - Smoke Ball - Whittled Goat
Stat-boosting Health Balm - Stamina Balm - Strength Balm - Magic Balm - Vitality Balm - Agility Balm - Luck Balm - Gospel
Health Incense - Stamina Incense - Strength Incense - Magic Incense - Vitality Incense - Magic Incense - Agility Incense - Luck Incense - Grimoire
Battle Sutra - Fire Sutra - Ice Sutra - Elec Sutra - Force Sutra - Light Sutra - Dark Sutra - Calamity Sutra - Healing Sutra - Aiding Sutra - Destruction Sutra
Small Glory Crystal - Large Glory Crystal
SMT5 RelicsIconRelics
Relics Soda - Black Tape Set - Powder Box - Old Newspaper - Fortune - Cardboard Cap Bottle - Melted Doll - Cloth Mask - Cartridge Game Console - Shabby Building Material - Hexagram Trading Card - Can of Jelly - Maid Costume - Segata III Game Console - School Swimsuit - Tablet Game Console - Crow Mummy - Can of Oden
SMT5 KeyItemsIconKey Items
General Student Handbook - Return Pillar - Haunt Talisman - Raptor Talisman - Avian Talisman - Yoma Talisman - Wargod Talisman - Avatar Talisman - Element Talisman - Jirae Talisman - Jaki Talisman - Femme Talisman - Brute Talisman - Fallen Talisman - Drake Talisman - Foul Talisman
Quest Bicorn Horn - Jatayu Egg - Inugami Head - Dragon Scale - Giant Bird's Feather - Horus's Head - Girimekhala's Head - Kunitsu Keystone - Horn of Plenty - Aquamarine - Garnet - Diamond - Menorah of Knowledge
SMT5 EssenceIconEssences
Aogami Aogami Type-1 - Aogami Type-2 - Aogami Type-3 - Aogami Type-4 - Aogami Type-5 - Aogami Type-6 - Aogami Type-7 - Aogami Type-8 - Aogami Type-9 - Aogami Type-10 - Aogami Type-0
Encounters Slime - Pixie - Preta - Onmoraki - Kodama - Mandrake - Daemon - Cait Sith - Sandman - Agathion - Azumi - Turdak - Obariyon - Mermaid - Tsuchigumo - Bicorn - Zhen - Mokoi - Aitvaras - Ippon-Datara - Sudama - Andras - Legion - Rakshasa - Jack-o'-Lantern - Kaya-no-Hime - Incubus - Oni - Berith - Bugs - Inugami - Koppa Tengu - Poltergeist - Manananggal - Jack Frost - Koropokkur - Naga - Cironnup - Shiki-Ouji - Mothman - Yakshini - Loa - Kelpie - Pisaca - Basilisk - Forneus - Hua Po - Lilim - Black Ooze - Baphomet - Nekomata - Setanta - Lamia - Eligor - Succubus - Narcissus - Muu Shuwuu - Kurama Tengu - Naga Raja - Valkyrie - Kumbhanda - Orthrus - Mishaguji - Macabre - Ose - Kaiwan - Dakini - Hanuman - Oberon - Anzu - Kin-Ki - Nue - Orobas - Yurlungur - Flauros - Clotho - Pazuzu - Loup-garou - Decarabia - Hecatoncheires - Queen Medb - Sui-Ki - Titania - Lachesis - Fafnir - Fuu-Ki - Cerberus - Throne - Girimekhala - Nebiros - Rangda - Adramelech - Yamata-no-Orochi - Kali - Ongyo-Ki - Mada - Chi You
Miscellaneous Neko Shogun - Xuanwu - Baihu - Zhuque - Qing Long - Abaddon - Baal - Huang Long - Mithras - Asura - Amon - Gabriel - Raphael - Uriel - Zaou-Gongen - Metatron - Sraosha - Alilat - Zeus - Shiva

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