Arcana Fortune
Arcana Fortune is a full moon boss in Persona 3 and is fought alongside Arcana Strength during the seventh Full Moon Operation on October 4.
- Persona 3 / FES / Portable / Reload: Full Moon Operation boss, October 4
- Persona 3 The Movie
The creature resembles a sphinx, one of the creatures depicted on the Rider-Waite Wheel of Fortune card. It also resembles the lion often seen in depictions of the Strength Arcana (echoing its role as Arcana Strength's partner in battle). It bears the green and red mask of a Fortune shadow, and its Wheel of Fortune summons a roulette similar to the cards' classic depiction of Fortune.
As with all Full Moon Operation boss encounters, it represents the inverse of its respective tarot card. In the usual position, the Wheel of Fortune represents patience in order to achieve greater gains and changes, while the reversed card represents quick resolutions by any means necessary. The shadow uses a roulette in order to hamper the party, yet it might turn against it, this is due to its neutral nature, entering in conflict against the shadow's lack of patience driving it to even summon rigged roulettes when in disadvantage.
In Reload, the roulette will affect all on-screen targets rather than only a single party. This represents how fate is equal and will befall and dictate everyone regardless of who they are. The Shadow will also attempt to cheat by summoning a rigged roulette when on a severe disadvantage, only for the roulette to automatically fail and force it to squander a turn. This represents how all attempts to manipulate and defy fate will fail, for it is an inevitable. This can also be interpreted as symbolism for story events that would soon play out.
Persona 3[]
Persona 3 FES The Journey Full Moon Boss Fortune and Strength Hard
The boss fight.
When the battle begins, Arcana Strength casts a shield on Fortune, protecting it until Strength is defeated. Throughout the battle, Arcana Fortune can create a large roulette wheel. The wheel can cause damage, provide stat buffs or debuffs, inflict status problems or heal either the protagonist's team or the two Arcana depending on which panel the pointer lands on (red benefits the enemy and blue benefits the party). The easiest way to get a result that benefits the team would be to stop the roulette when the result pointer is directly opposite of the desired panel. Additionally, one result on Fortune's wheel inflicts Fear on itself or Strength (if the latter is not defeated yet), leaving them vulnerable to Ghastly Wail.
Once Arcana Strength falls, Arcana Fortune becomes vulnerable and can be attacked and scanned. At this time, it attacks more proactively, using multi-hit Pierce-type attacks and high-level Wind spells. It still uses Wheel of Fortune, but it begins skewing the odds in its favor as its health drops, having less blue panels and larger red panels to increase the odds of the party hitting a negative effect. It also uses damage-related roulettes more frequently, but if a status ailment wheel comes up, it is vulnerable to the same Fear-Ghastly Wail combo that can be used against Strength.
Persona 3 Reload[]
The party now no longer has control over the wheel. Instead, the effects are decided by a semi-scripted pattern. There is only one wheel (out of the rigged wheel) with buff, debuff and damage panels, removing the opportunity to instantly kill the bosses through fear. The effects of the roulette will also apply to all targets. Fortune will always use its first roulette to apply Matarukaja's effect on all on-screen targets, and it will spend its second roulette to deal 300 fixed damage to all on-screen targets. The latter is especially dangerous as it can and will cause multiple deaths or severe causalities, and if the protagonist has 300 HP or below, it will always guarantee a Game Over. Out of that, it will attack using Garudyne or Magarudyne.
When near dying, it will summon a rigged roulette. The roulette consists of a large blue panel containing a pair of wings (presumably representing a recovery effect) and a smaller, red panel with a grim reaper icon. The rigged roulette will always land on the grim reaper icon that does nothing.
Persona 3: The Movie[]
Arcana Fortune and Arcana Strength were fought at the Iwatodai Station when the party was on their way to find Ken and Shinjiro (the former was confronting and trying to kill the latter somewhere else), forcing them to stop the search and kill the Shadows first. Unlike in the original game, Fortune seemingly decides where the Wheel lands on by itself, making it an extremely formidable foe. After a difficult fight, the two Shadows were defeated and the party arrives in time to witness Shinjiro's death.
Full Moon Boss[]
Arcana | Level | HP | SP |
| |||||||||||||||
Fortune | 46 | 3,000 | 3,000 |
Slash | Strike | Pierce | Fire | Ice | Elec | Wind | Light | Dark | Almi |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | Null | Null | - |
List of Skills | |
Skill | Effect |
Strike Attack | Normal attack using the Strike attribute. |
Torrent Shot | Deals light Pierce damage to one foe. (2-4 hits) |
Arrow Rain | Deals medium Pierce damage to all foes. (2 hits) |
Garudyne | Deals heavy Wind damage to one foe. |
Magarudyne | Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes. |
Wheel of Fortune | Creates a roulette that either damages, heals, buffs, debuffs, or inflicts status ailments to either all allies or all foes. |
Vision Quest[]
Arcana | Level | HP | SP |
| |||||||||||||||
Fortune | 90 | 7,000 | 20,000 |
Slash | Strike | Pierce | Fire | Ice | Elec | Wind | Light | Dark | Almi |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | Null | Null | - |
List of Skills | |
Skill | Effect |
Strike Attack | Normal attack using the Strike attribute. |
Myriad Arrows | Deals medium Pierce damage to all foes. (1-3 hits) |
Akasha Arts | Deals heavy Strike damage 1x to 3x to all foes. |
Magarudyne | Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes. |
Wind Amp | Greatly strengthens Wind attacks by 50%. |
Apt Pupil | Doubles user's Critical Rate. |
Sharp Student | Halves the odds of sustaining critical damage. |
Wheel of Fortune | Creates a roulette that either damages, heals, buffs, debuffs, or inflicts status ailments to either all allies or all foes. |
- As in the original game, Fortune is untargetable until Strength is defeated. This does not stop Strength from being the target of an All-Out Attack.
- Fortune will always spend its first turn buffing the attack of all available targets with Wheel of Fortune. It will follow by casting Garudyne on its second turn, then deal 300 fixed damage with another Wheel on the third.
- The rigged wheel will appear if Fortune's HP is very low (approximately below 25%), and Fortune cannot be killed until the rigged wheel occurs.
Arcana | Level | HP | SP |
| |||||||||||||||
Fortune | 46 | ~3,000 | ? |
Slash | Strike | Pierce | Fire | Ice | Elec | Wind | Light | Dark | Almi |
- | Weak | - | Drain | Drain | Weak | Drain | Drain | - | - |
Down | Dizzy | Freeze | Shock | Poison | Charm | Distress | Confuse | Fear | Rage |
- | Null | Null | Null | Null | Null | Null | Null | Null | Null |
Battle Drop | Fortune Tarot |
List of Skills | |
Skill | Effect |
Garudyne | Deals heavy Wind damage to 1 foe. |
Magarudyne | Deals heavy Wind damage to all foes. |
Wheel of Fortune | Creates a roulette that either damages, heals, buffs or debuffs all on-screen targets. |
Wheel of Fortune | Creates a rigged roulette that does nothing. |
Null Freeze | Protects completely from being afflicted with Freeze. |
Null Shock | Protects completely from being afflicted with Shock. |
Null Dizzy | Protects completely from being afflicted with Dizzy. |
- In Reload, the rigged wheel is scripted to always land on the smaller red panel, which has a grim reaper icon. This foreshadows that Shinjiro will die right after the battle.