
Arioch is a demon in the series.


Arioch ("fierce lion") appears in the Book of Genesis as the "King of Ellasar," who participated in the Battle of the Vale of Siddim, where the cities of the Jordan River plain revolted against Mesopotamian rule thirteen years after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The battle consisted of four kings, led by Chedorlaomer of Elam: Amraphel, Arioch, Chedolaomer and Tidal. They engaged in a punitive expedition against five kings of Canaan who rebelled against Chedorlaomer: Bera, Birsha, Shinab, Shemeber and the king of Bela. The same story is also mentioned in the Book of Jubilees, where Arioch is called "king of Sellasar."

Arioch is also a fictional devil of vengeance and chaos in Paradise Lost. Originally the guardian angel of Enoch, when the morning star Lucifer (or Satan) had started to rebel against God, Arioch followed and became a fallen angel.



Shin Megami Tensei[]

"Origin: Israel. A demon that presides over swords and chaos. He is also said to be the demon that holds sway over revenge. In Hebrew, his name means 'Fierce Lion' or 'One Like a Lion.' He was Enoch's guardian angel, but fell from grace when the angels revolted. He is the keeper of demonic swords, such as Storm Bringer. He appears as a being with black bat wings, with a flaming torch and a bloody axe."

Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS dictionary

Along with Surt and Astaroth, Arioch is one of the three major sub-bosses of the last arc of the game and one of the most powerful demons under Lucifer's orders that has taken control over the inferior part of the Basilica.

He appears in the fourth floor basement, fighting anyone that follows the will of YHVH because of his feelings for vengeance over "[what He] did [to him]." It is unknown what he means, but he is probably referring to his grotesque appearance, suggesting that it was caused by some kind of punishment from God.

In Chaos route, after locating the throne room of Asura in the eighth basement, the protagonist will need to go back to Arioch's room, where he will give him the "Arioch's Fang," a valuable item needed so Asura can forge the "Devil Ring" and make the fight against Michael and his followers become available.

Shin Megami Tensei V[]

"The fallen angel of Israel and the demon of vengeance.
His name means "ferocious lion" and he is said to aid in vengeance of those who seek his service. During his time as an angel of God, he was recognized as the guardian angel of the saint Enoch. It is said that his name originally belonged to one in either the Book of Genesis or the Book of Daniel, only to become associated with the demon thereafter."

Shin Megami Tensei V lore

Arioch serves as the Demon King and leader of chaos, trying to undermine Bethel at every turn. When his castle is revealed, Bethel forces quickly invade, although Arioch himself easily slays their lesser soldiers. The protagonist confronts him after he had finished exterminating a group of angels, where he realizes that they are Nahobino, although upset that they follow Bethel. Despite his best efforts to kill them, he is mortally wounded, realizing the power of a Nahobino and that the protagonist alone had the ability to decide the world's fate, imploring him to bring freedom in the name of chaos for the starving world before dying.


Around the same time where the protagonist is dealing with the Qadištu, Abdiel slain Arioch off-screen before declaring that all Nahobinos were to be exterminated. Unlike in the Canon of Creation route, he is never labeled by name in the Canon of Vengeance, outside of a Ose NPC who laments his fall.

Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis[]

Arioch is an optional boss on the Neutral Route in Paranoia, where he guards the base in the city area of Tebel.

Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]

Arioch is one of the three demons summoned by Lucifer that must be fought during the New Game Plus Case File 7th Trumpet, Eternal King.

Devil Survivor 2[]

"A fallen angel of Judeo-Christian lore representing vengeful spirits. His name means "Fearsome Lion." It's said that he only helps get revenge for those who hire him. When he still served God, he was entrusted with the protection of St. Enoch. He is originally mentioned in the books of Genesis and Daniel, but somehow he came to be known as a demon."

Devil Survivor 2 compendium


Megami Tensei II[]

Arioch MT2
Race Level HP MP CP
Vile 45 250 57
Formations MAG Macca Item Drops
2 90 720 -
Stamina Intelligence Attack Agility Luck Defense
11 12 16 21 16 9
List of Spells
Mashibabura Flame 3 Tentarafoo

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei[]

Megami Tensei II[]

Vile 45 252 57 11 12 16 21 9 16
CP NOA EXP Macca MAG Item Drops
- 2 235 90 -
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc Exp For Bnd Crs Nrv Mnd
- 38 48 48 - - 48 Nu Nu Nu Nu
List of Spells
Skill Cost Effect
Mashibaboola 5 MP Inflicts Bind (Bind-type)
Blaze Extra Fire damage to all enemies
Tentarafoo 6 MP Medium damage + Panic status (1-8 enemies, Mind-type)

Shin Megami Tensei[]

Race Alignment Level HP MP
Tyrant Chaos 85 1820 180
1700 3-5 170 26 81 20 19 18
St 33
In 16
Ma 17
Vi 20
Ag 18
Lu 9
Drop Soma
Swd Gun Fir Ice Elc For Nrv Exp Crs Mgc Bnd Chg Dex Ndl Alm
Nu Nu - 28 28 - Nu Nu Nu Nu Nu 28 Nu Nu -
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Pulinpa Causes multiple enemies to go into a panic. (Magic-type)
Critical Delivers a mighty blow against one enemy. (Dex-type)
Tetrakarn Blocks enemy physical attacks for one turn.

Shin Megami Tensei V[]

  • Arioch summons two stronger Decarabia once at the start of the boss fight.

Majin Tensei[]

Race Level HP MP Mv Range Mv Type Atk Type CP
Vile 70 680 553 6 Flat Paralysis 0
Strength Magic Technique Defense Agility Luck
19 23 20 26 6 5
Magic Skills
Skill Cost Power Range Target Effect
Mabufula 32 MP 64 2 Multi Heavy Ice damage
Mabufu 16 MP 32 2 Multi Medium Ice damage
Bufula 16 MP 36 2 Single Medium Ice damage

Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis[]

Race Level HP MP Mv Range Mv Type Atk Range MAG
Fallen 89 440 50 8 Flight 1 1470
St Ma In Ag Lu Atk P.Def M.Atk M.Def Hit Eva Crt
32 30 12 28 15 180 32 90 41 100 18 27
List of Skills
Skill Power Range Cost Target Effect
Bufuraon 84 2 55 MP Single 2x damage to Gods and Dragons
Mabufula 64 2 73 MP Multi 2x damage to Gods and Dragons
Shibaboo - 1 30 MP Single Gives Bind status to one enemy
Squeezing 300% 1 P. Extra Single Deals damage
Coup de Grace 0 1 M. Extra Single 80% chance of instant death

Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon[]

Order Level HP St Ma Vi Lu Item drop
Frost 60 4900 32 21 23 5 -
Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak Frail
- Ice Gun, Death Phys, Force - Elec
List of Skills
Skill Effect
Glacial Blast Heavy Piercing multi-hit Ice dmg. Stun: Med
Tetrakarn Reflect Phys attacks for a short time. All allies
Winged Fury Medium Phys dmg, arc attack +Dizzy(Low)
Order Level HP St Ma Vi Lu Conversation Investigation
Frost 72 804 36 16 27 12 Sweet Talk Cool Down
Reflects Absorbs Block Resists Weak Frail
- Ice Gun, Death Phys, Fire, Force - Elec
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Level
Cocytus 38 MAG Severe Piercing Ice dmg. Stun: Extreme Innate
Marin Karin 16 MAG Light Mind dmg to an area +Charm(Med) 73
Blizzard Slash 110 MAG Ultra Ice dmg to all. Stun: Short Type: Blade 74
First Aid Passive Recover some HP (self) after battle Max Loyalty

Devil Children White Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
Common Dark Evil 48 519 224 948
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
46 45 48 47 48 47
List of Skills
Skill Element Cost Effect
Mudoon Moon 20 MP Heavy damage to one foe.
Evil Eyes Moon 10 HP Light damage to all foes. Lowes Guard and user recovers MP.
Marin Karin Moon 6 MP Inflicts Charm on one foe.
Mabufudyne Water 50 MP Heavy damage to all foes.
Rampage Moon 20 HP Medium damage to one foe four times.
Countdown Moon 28 HP Inflicts Stun to one enemy, but raises one random stat.

Devil Survivor[]

Devil Survivor 2[]

Race Level HP MP
Strength 24
Magic 14
Vitality 18
Agility 16
Vile 56 555 70
Racial / Auto Skill Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Curse Curse
Chaos Breath Null Weak Resist - Resist Weak
Command Skills
Deathbound Tetrakarn *
I am the vile Arioch... god of revenge. I shall show thee the terror of vengeance.
Even in my new form, the power of vengeance ne'er shall wane.

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]

Dx2 Arioch Icon
Race Rarity Grade HP 6★ Stats
Strength 195
Magic 129
Vitality 217
Agility 64
Luck 160
Tyrant ★★★★★ 90 1389
Phys ATK Phys DEF Mag ATK Mag DEF See Also
739 666 600 633 [1]
Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
Null - Repel Weak Resist - Resist
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Archetype
Epitome of Endurance Auto -25% to this demon's affect on Battle Speed. +20% to max HP. Innate
King of Vengeance Auto Activates the following Chain Effects once per battle:

At start of enemy turn: Adds a Bulwark of approximately 3,000 HP to self. (1 turn) (Bulwark values are dependent on max HP.) Becomes immune to Mortal skills. (1 turn)

At end of enemy turn: Inflicts 20% Fractional Damage (1,000 Max) on all enemies based on their max HP, and enters a state of Might and Charge.

Lionfall 6 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage (Power: 120) with 50% crit rate on all enemies. The damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on max HP for up to 30% of one's max HP. Damage inflicted by this effect will ignore all death prevention skills. Innate
Boar Rush 5 MP Inflicts Phys (Physical) damage (Power: 150) with 30% crit rate on a single enemy. The damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on max HP for up to 30% of one's max HP. Damage inflicted by this effect will ignore all death prevention skills. Aragami
Phys Slowda Auto +15% to Phys damage. -20% to own affect on Battle Speed. Aragami
Lunar Downfall Auto Activates the following Chain Effect at the beginning of battle:

If enemy attacks first: Reduces all enemy ATK and EV/AC by 20%. (1 turn)

Null Bind-Weak Auto Adds Null Bind and Null Weak. Protector
Intimidating Stance Auto Reduces 1 enemy Press Turn at the beginning of a battle if the enemy attacks first. Only up to 2 Press Turn Icons can be reduced by skills or effects. Psychic
Great Aim Auto +20% to Phys hit rate. Psychic
Drain Phys Auto Adds Phys Drain. Elementalist
Phys Amp Auto +25% to Phys damage. Elementalist


Arioch as he appears in Devil Survivor

Arioch as he appears in Devil Survivor

Arioch in Devil Survivor 2.

Arioch in Devil Survivor 2.

Arioch appears in Devil Survivor 2 The Animation

Arioch appears in Devil Survivor 2 The Animation

Arioch in SMTV Daily Demon #008

アリオク - 真・女神転生V 日めくり悪魔 Vol.008

Foul Green Slime - Will O' Wisp - Crap Slime - Ascomid - Kurabebi - Man Eater - Gold Slime - Bone Golem - Backbeard - Pyro Jack - Dream Kiss
Kyojin Punks - Kin's Head - Metal - Highway Star - Friday - Fallen Monk - Mutant - Assassin - Junkie - Dr. Bacta - Heavy Metal - Redrum - Interipelli
Spirit Zombie - Ghoul - Corpse - Bodyconian - Sakasakubi - Chon Chon - Pisaca - Upyr - Spectre - Spartoi
Machine LB-501A - GDR1000 - Talos
Jaki Orc - Wendigo - Bugbear - Minotaur - Clay Golem - Aim - Cyclops - Stone Golem - Fleurety - Berith - Ekimmu - Azazel
Wilder Dead Lobster - Wyrm - Jabberwocky - Garm - Orobas - Cockatrice - Humbaba - Nue - Ladon - Dodongo - Valac - Worm - Fafnir
Haunt Wight - Nosferatu - Mudman - Biwa Hoshi - Lich - Vetala - Dullahan - Hakuma-Bhuta - Utukku - Girimehkala
Night Lemures - Nebiros - Larvae - Leonard - Phantom - Amdusias - Succubus - Celuluk - Sawo Bhaku
Femme Furiae - Siren - Taraka - Arachne - Kiyohime - Druj - Rarung - Medusa - Volvo - Tamamo-no-mae - Rangda
Kaijuu Wyvern - Manticore - Basilisk - Scylla - Apollyon - Typhon - Fenrir - Hydra - Vritra - Nidhoggr - Leviathan - Tiamat
Vile Sargatanas - Balaam - Arioch - Mammon - Echidna - Chronos - Loki - Seth - Geryon - Belphegor - Asura
Tyrant Pazuzu - Bael - Asmodai - Belial - Moloch - Mitra - Astaroth - Beelzebub - Lucifer - Satan
Fairy Pixie - Harpy - Goblin - Elf - Merrow - Kelpie - Apsaras - Ocypete - Aello - Celaeno - Rusalka - Bogle - Legba - Troll
Jirae Kobold - Dwarf - Bucca-Boo - Tanki - Tsuchigumo - Atlas - Sallos - Giant - Upelluri
Yoma Coatlicue - Centaur - Nekomata - Coin Knight - Jack Frost - Kushinada-Hime - Morgan - Cup Knight - Okuninushi - Amy - Hannya - Houri - Valkyrie - Gomory - Wand Knight - Sword Knight
Beast Pegasus - Orthrus - Stonka - Tammuz - Yatagarasu - Gryphon - Cerberus - Kyuubi no Kitsune - Chimera - Bai Long
Brute Carbuncle - Kimaris - Forneus - Kwancha - Gaap - Momunofu - Sytry - Arahabaki - Gozuki - Jinn - Mezuki - Purski - Mephistopheles - Oni - Choronzon
Element Earthy Slime - Airy Slime - Aquan Slime - Flamey Slime - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Vepar - Lakhe - Salamander
Holy Qilin - Gandharva - Unicorn - Genbu - Quetzalcoatl - Pabilsag - Rakcarango - Phoenix
Genma Alraune - Ukobach - Aiwass - Eligor - Kinnara - Cu Chulainn - Baphomet - Damballah - Lamia - Lakshmi - Kikuri-hime - Agares - Focalor - Hanuman
Divine Uriel - Raphael - Cherub - Nike - Gabriel - Michael
Kishin Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Rakshasa - Jikokuten - Ifrit - Susano-o - Tamonten - Ganesha - Thor - Amon - Kali
Avatar Naga - Sphinx - Barong - Garuda - Qing Long
Deity Brahman/Brahma - Odin - Vishnu - Artemis - Baal - Leto - Ahura Mazda - Apollo - Shiva - Zeus - Lucifer

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Deity Loki - Freyr - Arahabaki - Odin - Baal - Fudou Myouou - Brahman - Indra - Vishnu
Megami Ame no Uzume - Skuld - Kushinada - Verdandi - Sarasvati - Urd - Kikuri-Hime - Lakshmi
Tenma Agni - Ravana - Yama - Indrajit - Wu Kong - Mahakala - Shiva
Kishin Hitokotonusi - Kotosironusi - Oumononushi - Minakata - Nagasunehiko - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Kagutsuchii - Mikazuchi - Niou - Bishamonten
Vile Mishaguji - Tezcatlipoca - Orcus - Seth - Taotie
Femme Lamia - Taraka - Gorgon - Dakini - Scylla - Rangda - Hel - Hariti - Kali
Tyrant Dagon - Mephisto - Pazuzu - Bael - Asmodeus - Mara - Arioch - Surt - Astaroth - Satanachia - Beelzebub
Yoma Kimnari - Apsaras - Isora - Watcher - Loa - Onkot - Choronzon - Tengu - Kinnara - Ifrit - Ganesha - Hanuman
Night Imp - Cyak - Nightmare - Lilim - Celuluk - Calon Arang - Incubus - Succubus - Vampire
Fairy Pixie - Goblin - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Dryad - Cait Sith - Gandharva - Rusalka - Kelpie - Elf - Banshee - Hobgoblin - Senri - Troll - Tam Lin - Dullahan - Cu Chulainn - Senko - Oberon
Seraph Uriel - Raphael - Gabriel
Divine Angel - Archangel - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Andras - Gamigin - Forneus - Berith - Sytry - Orobas - Leonard - Decarabia - Ose - Marchosias - Samael - Abaddon - Fleurety - Flauros - Sargatanas
Dragon Coatlicue - Ganga - Vritra - Baek Yong - Maya - Tiamat - Ananta
Snake Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Quetzalcoatl - Itzamna - Orochi - Pendragon
Drake Worm - Cockatrice - Wyrm - Wyvern - Basilisk - Serpent - Midgardsomr - Fafnir
Avian Feng Huang - Jatayu - Takuhi - Phoenix - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Badb Catha - Siren
Raptor Fuxi - Furiae - Gurr - Hresvelgr
Avatar Nandi - Bastet - Pegasus - Narasimha - Sphinx - Chimera - Barong
Holy Unicorn - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Qilin - Gui Xian
Beast Shanhui - Cu Sith - Tan-Ki - Nekomata - Stonka - Tammuz - Orthrus - Rakcharango - Cerberus - Pascal (first form) - Griffon - Pascal (second form)
Wilder Nue - Souyou - Tamamo - Manticore - Kraken - Fenrir
Touki Spartoi - Yaksini - Gozuki - Mezuki - Nezha - Minotaur - Yaksa - Talos
Brute Azumi - Bogle - Momunofu - Purski - Ibaraki Doji - Turdak - Shuten Doji
Jirae Brownie - Knocker - Kobold - Fachan - Tsuchigumo - Bugaboo - Dwarf - Kwancha - Sarutahiko - Giant - Atlas
Jaki Gremlin - Tun Kou - Orc - Wendigo - Lakhe - Barbegazi - Rakshasa - Cyclops - Girimekhala
Evil Spirit
Ghost Preta - Oshichi - Ghoul - Man Eater - Baykok - Sawo Bhaku - Sanni Yaka - Vetala - Lich
Spirit Ghost - Shade - Lemur - Pisaca - Larvae - Phantom - Legion
Undead Zombie - Zombie Lady - Obattarion - Zombie Cop - Bodyconian - Army Zombie - Corpse
Foul Hoodlum - Yakuza - Mou-Ryo - Slime - Black Ooze - Backbeard
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Therian Weredog - Werecat - Werewolf
Messian Cult Fanatic - Holy Knight - Magus - Scanner
Gaean Suicide Unit - Death Rider - Fallen Monk - Oni Jorou - Dark Priest - Assassin
Dog Pascal
Enemy Only
Machine Kugutsu - Bigfoot - Bit Ball - T93G - T95C/P - T95D
Fiend Daisoujou - Pale Rider - David

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Avatar Makami - Anubis - Barong
Avian Feng Huang - Jatayu - Thunderbird - Zhuque - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Beast Cait Sith - Inugami - Nekomata - Orthrus - Orobas - Loup-garou - Cerberus
Brute Daemon - Azumi - Ippon-Datara - Oni - Shiki-Ouji - Kin-Ki - Sui-Ki - Fuu-Ki - Ongyo-Ki
Deity Thoth - Horus - Atavaka - Khonsu - Mitra - Odin - Khonsu Ra - Zeus - Vishnu - Baal
Divine Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Dominion - Throne
Dragon Xuanwu - Quetzalcoatl - Qing Long - Ananta - Huang Long
Drake Aitvaras - Basilisk - Hydra - Fafnir - Seth - Vasuki
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis
Fairy Pixie - High Pixie - Jack-o'-Lantern - Jack Frost - Kelpie - Setanta - Silky - Oberon - Titania
Fallen Andras - Berith - Forneus - Eligor - Ose - Flauros - Decarabia - Nebiros - Adramelech - Abdiel
Femme Mermaid - Leanan Sidhe - Manananggal - Yaksini - Lamia - Dakini - Clotho - Lachesis - Cleopatra - Atropos - Rangda - Kali
Fiend Matador - Daisoujou - Hell Biker - Alice - White Rider - Red Rider - Black Rider - Pale Rider - Mother Harlot - Trumpeter
Foul Slime - Legion - Black Ooze
Fury Dionysus - Chernobog - Mot - Zaou-Gongen - Asura - Shiva
Genma Kurama Tengu - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Fionn mac Cumhaill - Amanozako
Haunt Preta - Obariyon - Poltergeist - Pisaca - Kumbhanda
Herald Melchizedek - Camael - Sraosha - Abdiel - Uriel - Raphael - Gabriel - Sandalphon - Michael - Metatron
Holy Shiisaa - Chironnup - Hayataro - Baihu - Chimera
Jaki Turdak - Rakshasa - Loa - Macabre - Hecatoncheires
Jirae Kodama - Tsuchigumo - Sudama - Kaya-no-Hime - Koropokkur - Hua Po - Narcissus
Kishin Attis - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Bishamonten - Thor
Kunitsu Take-Minakata - Sukuna-Hikona - Oyamatsumi - Kushinada-Hime - Okuninushi - Arahabaki
Lady Kikuri-Hime - Hariti - Isis - Cybele - Ishtar - Skadi - Alilat - Inanna - Danu - Nuwa - Nuwa
Megami Fortuna - Ame-no-Uzume - Anahita - Parvati - Artemis - Idun - Sarasvati - Scathach - Norn - Lakshmi - Demeter - Maria
Night Sandman - Mokoi - Incubus - Lilim - Succubus - Black Frost - Kaiwan - Queen Medb - Lilith
Raptor Onmoraki - Zhen - Muu Shuwuu - Anzu
Snake Naga - Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Yamata-no-Orochi
Tyrant King Frost - Belphegor - Moloch - Loki - Surt - Mara - Abaddon - Arioch - Mithras - Mephisto - Amon - Chi You - Belial - Beelzebub
Vile Baphomet - Mishaguji - Lahmu - Pazuzu - Girimekhala - Mada
Wargod Neko Shogun - Yoshitsune - Ganesha - Siegfried - Futsunushi
Wilder Bicorn - Bugs - Mothman - Nue
Yoma Mandrake - Agathion - Apsaras - Koppa Tengu - Valkyrie
Panagia Tao
Enemy Only
Meta Shohei Yakumo
Matter Lucifer
Mitama Saki Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama
Nahobino Abdiel - Tsukuyomi - Nuwa

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Pyro Onmoraki - Enku - Ukobach - Pyro Jack - Orthrus - Oshichi - Sati - Gdon - Throne - Cerberus - Muspell - Vritra - Kagutsuchi - Mada - Belial - Asura - Lucifer
Frost Preta - Chou-keshin - Jack Frost - Azumi - Pabilsag - Jubokko - Alraune - Black Ooze - Oukuninushi - Raiho - Raja Naga - Seiryuu - Tarrasque - Ouyamatsumi - Basilisk - Arahabaki - Orochi - Arioch
Volt Koropokkur - Agathion - Makami - Raiju - Tsuchigumo - Nandi - Oboroguruma - Nue - Parvati - Mishaguji - Oumitsunu - Cybele - Thor - Barong - Kohryuu - Astaroth - Vishnu
Wind Poltergeist - Angel - Moh Shuvuu - Archangel - Anzu - Power - Feng Huang - Dominion - Baek Yong - Ichimokuren - Kurama Tengu - Hitokotonusi - Decarabia - Sandalphon - Ophanim - Camael - Metatron
Fury Slime - Obariyon - Turdak - Nezha - Oni - Lamia - Gozuki - Mezuki - Yoshitsune - Chernobog - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Cu Chulainn - Triglav - Rakshasa - Atavaka - Shouten - Siegfried - Fenrir - Susano-o - Mahakala - Shiva - Masakado
Pagan Inugami - Sandman - Alp - Mokoi - Lilim - Okiku-Mushi - Ghoul - Utai-gaikotsu - Jorougumo - Nebiros - Gashadokuro - Incubus - Arachne - Black Frost - Rangda - Mara - Lilith - Mot - Beelzebub
Skill Pixie - Tam Lin - Selket - Blob - Leanan Sidhe - Ippon-Datara - Legion - Nekomata - Thoth - Oberon - Titania - Nagasunehiko - Abihiko - High Pixie - Amatsu Mikaboshi - Scathach - Kudan - Taotie - Futsunushi - Belphegor
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Sylph - Undine
Spirit Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Fiend Binbou-gami - Alice - White Rider - Red Rider - Yakubyou-gami - Black Rider - Pale Rider
Evil Zombie - Lady Zombie - Yomi-Kugutsu - Zombie Officer - Nesting Doll - Hiruko - Zombie Guard - Nesting Skull - Red Cape

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Megami Amaterasu - Norn - Lakshmi - Brigid - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati
Deity Asura - Shiva - Yama - Odin - Mahakala - Thor
Vile Nyarlathotep - Arioch - Tao Tie - Abaddon - Pazuzu - Orcus
Snake Ananta - Orochi - Seiryuu - Quetzalcoatl - Pendragon - Makara
Dragon Culebre - Python - Ym - Basilisk - Toubyou
Divine Remiel - Kazfiel - Aniel - Lailah - Power - Angel - Metatron
Avian Garuda - Badb Catha - Vidofnir - Suparna - Moh Shuvuu
Fallen Murmur - Agares - Decarabia - Orobas - Nisroc - Gagyson
Avatar Barong - Ukano Mitama - Airavata - Bai Ze - Shiisaa - Heqet
Beast Cerberus - Orthrus - Cait Sith - Nekomata - Hairy Jack - Kabuso
Wilder Behemoth - Mothman - Afanc - Garm - Waira
Genma Ganesha - Seiten Taisei - Kresnik - Cu Chulainn - Hanuman - Heimdall - Tlaloc - Jambavan
Fairy Vivian - Lorelei - Silky - Pyro Jack - Jack Frost - Kijimunaa - Pixie
Tyrant Loki - Astaroth - Hecate - King Frost - Lucifer
Kishin Bishamon - Koumoku - Zouchou - Mikazuchi - Nalagiri - Ubelluris
Touki Yaksa - Berserker - Mezuki - Gozuki - Bilwis - Kobold
Jaki Kudlak - Legion - Loa - Wendigo - Ogun - Ogre
Femme Rangda - Hariti - Peri - Yuki Jyorou - Lilim - Kikimora
Element Flaemis - Aquans - Aeros - Erthys
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama

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Megami Amaterasu - Black Maria - Norn - Lakshmi - Brigid - Ishtar - Kikuri-Hime - Sarasvati
Deity Asura - Susano-o - Shiva - Yama - Odin - Mahakala - Thor
Vile Nyarlathotep - Baphomet - Arioch - Tao Tie - Abaddon - Pazuzu - Orcus
Snake Yurlungur - Ananta - Orochi - Seiryuu - Quetzalcoatl - Pendragon - Makara
Dragon Fafnir - Culebre - Python - Ym - Basilisk - Toubyou
Divine Remiel - Sraosha - Kazfiel - Aniel - Lailah - Power - Angel - Metatron
Avian Garuda - Huoniao - Rukh - Badb Catha - Vidofnir - Suparna - Moh Shuvuu
Fallen Murmur - Mithra - Agares - Decarabia - Orobas - Nisroc - Gagyson
Avatar Barong - Ukano Mitama - Airavata - Bai Ze - Shiisaa - Heqet
Beast Cabracan - Cerberus - Orthrus - Cait Sith - Nekomata - Hairy Jack - Kabuso
Wilder Behemoth - Catoblepas - Mothman - Afanc - Garm - Waira
Genma Ganesha - Tschaggatta - Seiten Taisei - Kresnik - Cu Chulainn - Hanuman - Heimdall - Tlaloc - Jambavan
Fairy Troll - Spriggan - Vivian - Lorelei - Silky - Pyro Jack - Jack Frost - Kijimunaa - Pixie
Tyrant Loki - Astaroth - Hecate - Lucifuge - King Frost - Lucifer
Kishin Okuninushi - Bishamon - Koumoku - Zouchou - Mikazuchi - Nalagiri - Ubelluris
Touki Ongyo-Ki - Yaksa - Berserker - Tokebi - Mezuki - Gozuki - Bilwis - Kobold
Jaki Macabre - Kudlak - Legion - Loa - Wendigo - Ogun - Ogre
Femme Jahi - Rangda - Hariti - Peri - Yuki Jyorou - Lilim - Kikimora
Element Flaemis - Aquans - Aeros - Erthys
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama

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Omega Tonatiuh - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Beiji-Weng - Shiva
Megami Sarasvati - Kikuri-Hime - Hathor - Brigid - Scathach - Lakshmi - Isis- Parvati - Norn - Pallas Athena - Amaterasu
Deity Mahakala - Thor - Arahabaki - Odin - Yama - Inti - Mithra - Osiris - Lugh - Alilat - Baal - Lord Nan Dou - Asura
Vile Orcus - Baphomet - Pazuzu - Abaddon - Arioch - Tao Tie - Tezcatlipoca - Nyarlathotep
Snake Makara - Nozuchi - Pendragon - Gui Xian - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Gucumatz - Orochi - Ananta - Hoyau Kamui
Dragon Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Asp - Ym - Python - Culebre - Vritra - Vasuki
Divine Angel - Power - Lailah - Aniel - Kazfiel - Remiel - Metatron
Avian Itsumade - Moh Shuvuu - Hamsa - Suparna - Vidofnir - Badb Catha - Anzu - Feng Huang - Garuda - Da Peng
Fallen Gagyson - Abraxas - Flauros - Barbatos - Botis - Nisroc - Bifrons - Orobas - Decarabia - Murmur - Agares - Nebiros - Satan
Avatar Heqet - Apis - Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Baihu - Airavata - Ukano Mitama - Barong - Anubis
Beast Kabuso - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Orthrus - Cait Sith - Nue - Myrmecoleon - Cerberus - Fenrir
Wilder Hare of Inaba - Waira - Garm - Afanc - Xiezhai - Mothman - Taown - Sleipnir - Behemoth - Ammut
Genma Tam Lin - Jambavan - Ictinike - Tlaloc - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Kama - Kresnik - Kangiten - Ganesha - Jarilo - Heimdall
Fairy Pixie - Knocker - Kijimunaa - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Lorelei - Silky - Vivian - Titania - Oberon
Tyrant King Frost - Moloch - Balor - Hecate - Tzitzimitl - Loki - Mot - Astaroth - Nergal - Belial - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Kishin Ubelluris - Nalagiri - Hitokotonusi - Take-Mikazuchi - Zouchou - Jikokuten - Koumokuten - Bishamonten - Ometeotl - Zaou-Gongen
Touki Kobold - Bilwis - Gozuki - Mezuki - Ikusa - Berserker - Lham Dearg - Yaksa - Nata Taishi - Oumitsunu
Jaki Obariyon - Ogre - Mokoi - Ogun - Wendigo - Legion - Girimekhala - Rakshasa - Grendel - Black Frost
Femme Kikimora - Lilim - Leanan Sidhe - Yuki Jyorou - Peri - Ixtab - Hariti - Dzelarhons - Rangda - Anat - Kali - Lilith
Ghost Poltergeist - Agathion - Tenong Cut - Kumbhanda - Loa - Pisaca - Kudlak - Purple Mirror
Fiend Ghost Q - Sage of Time - Billiken - Trumpeter - Alice
Hero Neko Shogun - Hagen - Jeanne d'Arc - Yoshitsune - Guan Yu - Masakado
Element Flaemis - Aquans - Aeros - Erthys
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama

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Omega Dionysus - Tonatiuh - Aramisaki - Chernobog - Wu Kong - Kartikeya - Susano-o - Beiji-Weng - Shiva
Megami Sarasvati - Ishtar - Kikuri-Hime - Hathor - Brigid - Scathach - Lakshmi - Isis- Parvati - Norn - Pallas Athena - Amaterasu
Deity Mahakala - Thor - Arahabaki - Odin - Yama - Inti - Mithra - Osiris - Lugh - Alilat - Baal - Lord Nan Dou - Asura
Vile Orcus - Baphomet - Pazuzu - Abaddon - Arioch - Tao Tie - Tezcatlipoca - Seth - Nyarlathotep
Snake Makara - Nozuchi - Pendragon - Gui Xian - Quetzalcoatl - Seiryuu - Gucumatz - Orochi - Ananta - Yurlungur - Hoyau Kamui - Kohryu
Dragon Toubyou - Bai Suzhen - Asp - Ym - Python - Culebre - Vritra - Fafnir - Vasuki
Divine Angel - Power - Lailah - Dominion - Aniel - Kazfiel - Sandalphon - Remiel - Sraosha - Metatron
Avian Itsumade - Moh Shuvuu - Hamsa - Suparna - Vidofnir - Badb Catha - Rukh - Anzu - Kau - Feng Huang - Garuda - Da Peng
Fallen Gagyson - Abraxas - Dantalian - Flauros - Barbatos - Botis - Nisroc - Bifrons - Orobas - Decarabia - Murmur - Agares - Nebiros - Satan
Avatar Heqet - Apis - Shiisaa - Kamapua'a - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Baihu - Airavata - Ukano Mitama - Barong - Anubis
Beast Kabuso - Hairy Jack - Nekomata - Orthrus - Cait Sith - Nue - Myrmecoleon - Cerberus - Fenrir - Cabracan
Wilder Hare of Inaba - Waira - Garm - Afanc - Xiezhai - Mothman - Taown - Catoblepas - Sleipnir - Behemoth - Ammut
Genma Tam Lin - Jambavan - Roitschaggata - Ictinike - Tlaloc - Hanuman - Cu Chulainn - Kama - Kresnik - Kangiten - Ganesha - Jarilo - Heimdall
Fairy Pixie - Knocker - Kijimunaa - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Lorelei - Silky - Troll - Vivian - Spriggan - Titania - Oberon
Tyrant King Frost - Moloch - Lucifuge - Balor - Hecate - Tzitzimitl - Loki - Mot - Lucifer Frost - Astaroth - Nergal - Belial - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Kishin Ubelluris - Nalagiri - Hitokotonusi - Take-Mikazuchi - Zouchou - Jikokuten - Koumokuten - Bishamonten - Ometeotl - Okuninushi - Zaou-Gongen
Touki Kobold - Bilwis - Dokkaebi - Gozuki - Mezuki - Ikusa - Berserker - Lham Dearg - Momunofu - Yaksa - Nata Taishi - Oumitsunu - Titan - Ongyo-Ki
Jaki Obariyon - Ogre - Mokoi - Ogun - Wendigo - Legion - Girimekhala - Shiki-Ouji - Rakshasa - Grendel - Macabre - Black Frost - Shikigami
Femme Kikimora - Lilim - Leanan Sidhe - Yuki Jyorou - Peri - Ixtab - Hariti - Dzelarhons - Rangda - Anat - Jahi - Kali - Xi Wangmu - Lilith
Ghost Poltergeist - Agathion - Tenong Cut - Kumbhanda - Loa - Pisaca - Kudlak - Purple Mirror
Fiend Ghost Q - Sage of Time - Billiken - Trumpeter - Mother Harlot - Alice
Hero Neko Shogun - Hagen - Jeanne d'Arc - Yoshitsune - Guan Yu - Frost Five - Masakado
Element Flaemis - Aquans - Aeros - Erthys
Mitama Ara Mitama - Nigi Mitama - Kusi Mitama - Saki Mitama
Foreigner Izaya Orihara - Shizuo Heiwajima - Celty Sturluson

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