Carol Hit

Carol Hit (キャロルヒット, Kyaroru Hitto)? is a damage-dealing physical skill.


Carol Hit deals weak Physical damage to one foe, and may inflict Lost.

Game Effect Power
Shin Megami Tensei IV Weak physical damage and 50% lost to one foe.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse Weak physical damage and 50% lost to one foe. 180
Physical Skills
PhysIcon SMTIVPhys Skills Lunge - Gram Slice - Dream Fist - Fang Breaker - Fatal Sword - Iron Judgement - Oni-Kagura - Poison Claw - Tetanus Cut - Binding Claw - Berserker God - Mortal Jihad - Stigmata Strike - Bouncing Claw - Damascus Claw - Nihil Claw - Scratch Dance - Purple Smoke - Axel Claw - Madness Nails - Kannuki-Throw - Critical Wave - Heat Wave - Blight - Javelin Rain - Megaton Press - Occult Flash - Titanomachia - Hades Blast - Deadly Fury
GunIcon2Gun Skills Needle Shot - Dream Needle - Toxic Sting - Stun Needle - Madness Needle - Tathlum Shot - Grand Tack - Riot Gun - Myriad Arrows - Stun Needles - Rapid Needle - Blast Arrow - Heaven's Bow - Star Tarantella
Magic Skills
FireIcon SMTIVFire Skills Agi - Agilao - Agidyne - Maragi - Maragion - Maragidyne - Fire Breath - Ragnarok - Trisagion - Inferno of God
IceIcon SMTIVIce Skills Bufu - Bufula - Bufudyne - Mabufu - Mabufula - Mabufudyne - Ice Breath - Glacial Blast - Breath - Refrigerate - Cold World - Hailstorm of God
ElecIcon SMTIVElectric Skills Zio - Zionga - Ziodyne - Mazio - Mazionga - Maziodyne - Shock - Plasma Discharge - Charming Bolt - Thunder Reign - Lightning of God
ForceIconForce Skills Zan - Zanma - Zandyne - Mazan - Mazanma - Mazandyne - Wind Breath - Floral Gust - Deadly Wind - Tornado of God
ExpelIcon SMTIVLight Skills Hama - Hamaon - Mahama - Mahamaon - Judgement Light
CurseIcon SMTIVDark Skills Mudo - Mudoon - Mamudo - Mamudoon - Die For Me!
AlmightyIcon SMTIVAlmighty Skills Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon - Megidoplasma - Life Drain - Spirit Drain - Energy Drain - Serpent of Sheol - Sea of Chaos - Holy Wrath - Judgement - Antichthon - Great Logos - Babylon Goblet - Damnation - Stigmatic Gleam - Gaea Rage - Curse Thy Enemy - Desperate Hit - Death's Door - Fallen Grace
AilmentIcon SMTIVAilment Skills Poisma - Poison Breath - Pulinpa - Panic Voice - Dormina - Lullaby - Shibaboo - Bind Voice - Cough - Pandemic Bomb - Shivering Taboo - Lamentation
Assist Skills
HealIcon SMTIVHealing Skills Dia - Diarama - Diarahan - Media - Mediarama - Mediarahan - Salvation - Posumudi - Patra - Me Patra - Amrita - Recarm - Samarecarm - Recarmdra
SupportIcon SMTIVSupport Skills Tarukaja - Rakukaja - Sukukaja - Luster Candy - Blood Ritual - Dekaja - Tarunda - Rakunda - Sukunda - War Cry - Acid Breath - Fog Breath - Debilitate - Dekunda - Taunt - Silent Prayer - Charge - Dark Energy - Concentrate - Spirit Focus - Doping - Panic Caster - Archangel's Law - Tetraja - Tetrakarn - Makarakarn - Tetracoerce - Makaracoerce
SpecialIcon SMTIVSpecial Skills Trafuri - Estoma Sword - Bad Company - Sabbatma - Invitation - Guardian's Eye
PassiveIcon SMTIVPassive Skills
Elemental Affinity Resist Phys - Null Phys - Drain Phys - Repel Phys - Phys Pierce - Resist Gun - Null Gun - Drain Gun - Repel Gun - Gun Pierce - Resist Fire - Null Fire - Drain Fire - Repel Fire - Fire Pierce - Resist Ice - Null Ice - Drain Ice - Repel Ice - Ice Pierce - Resist Elec - Null Elec - Drain Elec - Repel Elec - Elec Pierce - Resist Force - Null Force - Drain Force - Repel Force - Force Pierce - Resist Light - Null Light - Resist Dark - Null Dark - Null Nerve - Null Mind - Hellish Mask
Elemental Booster Phys Pleroma - High Phys Pleroma - Gun Pleroma - High Gun Pleroma - Fire Pleroma - High Fire Pleroma - Ice Pleroma - High Ice Pleroma - Elec Pleroma - High Elec Pleroma - Force Pleroma - High Force Pleroma - Heal Pleroma - High Heal Pleroma
Stat Booster Life Bonus - Life Gain - Life Surge - Mana Bonus - Mana Gain - Mana Surge - Beastly Reaction - Draconic Reaction - Speed Lesson - Haste Lesson - Awakening - Bloody Glee
Counter Counter - Retaliate - Ally Counter - Ally Retaliate
Recovery Spring of Life - Chakra Walk - Light Life Aid - Life Aid - Light Mana Aid - Mana Aid - Victory Cry
Miscellaneous Attack Knowhow - Healing Knowhow - Hard Worker - Workaholic - Endure - Enduring Soul
Other Skills
Enemy-exclusive Skills Carol Hit - Barrage - Ancient Curse - Strange Ray - Horrible Ray - Crushing Wave - Macca Beam - Wastrel Beam - Dorn Gift - Labrys Strike - Snake's Fangs - Queen's Feast - Orchard Guardian - Hell's Torment - Ameno Murakumo - Homeland Song - Sunny Ray - Vulnera - Conqueror Spirit - Deceit Chain - Naught Wave - Blank Bullet - Impossible Slash - Light Wing - Chariot - Hexagram - Shalt Not Resist - Evil Shine - Kingly One - Morning Star

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Physical Skills
PhysIcon SMTIVPhys Skills Lunge - Gram Slice - Dream Fist - Frenzied Chomp - Head Crush - Fang Breaker - Fatal Sword - Iron Judgement - Power Punch - Oni-Kagura - Tetanus Cut - Poison Claw - Binding Claw - Dark Sword - Berserker God - Mortal Jihad - Loyalty Slash - Akasha Arts - Gungnir - Ruinous Brand - Bouncing Claw - Damascus Claw - Nihil Claw - Hell Thrust - Rending Claws - Scratch Dance - Axel Claw - Purple Smoke - Mist Rush - Madness Nails - Andalusia - Blade of Terror - Critical Wave - Heat Wave - Blight - Eat Whole - Pestilence - Megaton Press - Javelin Rain - Earthquake - Titanomachia - Hades Blast
GunIcon2Gun Skills Needle Shot - Dream Needle - Toxic Sting - Stun Needle - Madness Needle - Tathlum Shot - Grand Tack - Riot Gun - Stun Needles - Myriad Arrows - Snake's Fangs - Rapid Needle - Blast Arrow - Blank Bullet - Heaven's Bow
Magic Skills
FireIcon SMTIVFire Skills Agi - Agilao - Agidyne - Maragi - Maragion - Maragidyne - Hellish Brand - Fire of Lethargy - Trisagion - Raging Hellfire - Fire Breath - Ragnarok
IceIcon SMTIVIce Skills Bufu - Bufula - Bufudyne - Mabufu - Mabufula - Mabufudyne - Ice Age - Raging Blizzard - King Bufula - Ice Breath - Glacial Blast - Breath - Infernal Hail - Cold World
ElecIcon SMTIVElectric Skills Zio - Zionga - Ziodyne - Mazio - Mazionga - Maziodyne - Vengeful Thunder - Thunder Gods - True Ziodyne - Raging Lightning - Shock - Thunder Reign
ForceIconForce Skills Zan - Zanma - Zandyne - Mazan - Mazanma - Mazandyne - Deadly Wind - True Zandyne - Raging Tempest - Wind Breath - Floral Gust - Needlestorm
ExpelIcon SMTIVLight Skills Hama - Hamaon - Mahama - Mahamaon - God's Bow - Dazzle Ray - Judgement Light
CurseIcon SMTIVDark Skills Mudo - Mudoon - Mamudo - Mamudoon - Blink of Death - Dark Grudge - Fear Darkness - Light Devourer - Die For Me!
AlmightyIcon SMTIVAlmighty Skills Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon - Life Drain - Spirit Drain - Energy Drain - Soul Drain - Evil Melody - Megiddo Ark - Desperate Hit - Magic Torrent - Fire of Sinai - Death's Door - Eternal Rest - 5.67 Billion Hands - Severe Judgment - Judgement - Holy Wrath - Sea of Chaos - Chariot - Death Lust - Babylon Goblet - Soul Divide - Great Logos - Antichthon - Evil Shine - Growing Hate
AilmentIcon SMTIVAilment Skills Poisma - Poison Breath - Pulinpa - Panic Voice - Haunting Rhapsody - Marin Karin - Alluring Banter - Sexy Dance - Dance of Mara - Dormina - Lullaby - Shibaboo - Bind Voice - Cough - Pandemic Bomb - Makajam - Makajamaon - Shivering Taboo - Venomous Raga - Dream Raga
Assist Skills
SupportIcon SMTIVSupport Skills Charge - Critical Eye - Concentrate - Smile Charge - Magaon - Tetrakarn - Makarakarn - Tetraja - Tetrabreak - Makarabreak- Tarukaja - Makakaja - Rakukaja - Sukukaja - Luster Candy - Combat Tara - Blood Ritual - Doping - Tarunda - Rakunda - Sukunda - Taunt - War Cry - Fog Breath - Acid Breath - Debilitate - Dekunda - Dekaja - Silent Prayer - Will of Flame - Will of Frost - Will of Thunder - Will of Wind - Enlightenment - Adaptive Tactics - Enduring Cheer - Warding Shout
HealIcon SMTIVHealing Skills Dia - Diarama - Diarahan - Media - Mediarama - Mediarahan - Salvation - Posumudi - Patra - Me Patra - Amrita - Recarm - Samarecarm - Recarmdra
SpecialIcon SMTIVSpecial Skills Trafuri - Estoma - Bad Company - Sabbatma - Invitation - Imposing Stance
PassiveIcon SMTIVPassive Skills
Elemental Affinity Resist Phys - Null Phys - Drain Phys - Repel Phys - Phys Pierce - Resist Gun - Null Gun - Drain Gun - Repel Gun - Gun Pierce - Resist Fire - Null Fire - Drain Fire - Repel Fire - Fire Pierce - Resist Ice - Null Ice - Drain Ice - Repel Ice - Ice Pierce - Resist Elec - Null Elec - Drain Elec - Repel Elec - Elec Pierce - Resist Force - Null Force - Drain Force - Repel Force - Force Pierce - Resist Light - Null Light - Drain Light - Repel Light - Light Pierce - Resist Dark - Null Dark - Drain Dark - Repel Dark - Dark Pierce - Null Nerve - Null Mind - Hellish Mask
Elemental Booster Phys Pleroma - High Phys Pleroma - Gun Pleroma - High Gun Pleroma - Fire Pleroma - High Fire Pleroma - Ice Pleroma - High Ice Pleroma - Elec Pleroma - High Elec Pleroma - Force Pleroma - High Force Pleroma - Light Pleroma - High Light Pleroma - Dark Pleroma - High Dark Pleroma - Heal Pleroma - High Heal Pleroma - Almighty Pleroma
Stat Booster Life Bonus - Life Gain - Life Surge - Mana Bonus - Mana Gain - Mana Surge - Beastly Reaction - Draconic Reaction - Bloody Glee - Self-Righteous Vow
Counter Counter - Retaliate - Ally Counter - Ally Retaliate
Recovery Spring of Life - Chakra Walk - Light Life Aid - Life Aid - Light Mana Aid - Mana Aid - Victory Cry
Miscellaneous Attack Knowhow - Healing Knowhow - Hard Worker - Workaholic - Endure - Enduring Soul
Other Skills
Enemy-exclusive Skills Carol Hit - Ancient Curse - Strange Ray - Horrible Ray - Crushing Wave - Macca Beam - Wastrel Beam - Venomous Flare - Seismic Yawn - Wave of Endless Power - Thousand Heads - Makabuild - Enigmatic Ray - Hexagram - Shalt Not Resist - Morning Star (skill) - Kingly One - Moxagita - Lost Hit - Denial - Illogical Rejection - Shine More - Light Nandaka - Dark Nandaka - Vengeful Curse - Mouth of God - Inferno of God - Hailstorm of God - Lightning of God - Tornado of God - Miracle - Divine Wave - Authoritative Stance - Infinite Power - Unending Curse - Crush - Rampage - Supernova - Planned Chaos - Holy Stigmata - Ideals of Maruology - Maruology Anthem - Watch Us, Maruo! - Gaze Upon Maruo - Good Night, Baby - As I Wish - Maru-Maru Dance - Being Myself - Pressuring Stance - Calibrate - Zenki's Axe - Goki's Water Wall - Peacock Incantation - Revelation - Judgement Strike - Evil-Crushing Flash - Heavenly Punishment - Forfeit - Nightmare - Irrational Glimmer - Bind - Royal Curse - Grave Judgement - Guardian's Eye
Partner-exclusive Skills Photo Flash - Barrage - Sleep Shot - Rapid Bind - Seducing Shot - Mother's Discipline - Cheer - Lost Catcher - True Agidyne - True Bufudyne - Magic Compression - Hiding - Temporal Blade - Pierce Armor - Sneak Attack - Assassin's Nala - Awakened Power

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