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Charmed Status SMT

Status icon in Shin Megami Tensei

Charm (魅了(チャーム), Chaamu(Miryou))? is a recurring negative status effect in the series.


Charmed targets are bewitched into attacking their own allies or using healing spells on the enemies. In earlier Megami Tensei games, characters afflicted with Charm may attack themselves. In Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, if Nanashi attempts to recruit an enemy demon that has been afflicted with charm, it will join his party automatically.



  • The skill Marin Karin can inflict this effect on a single target.
  • The skills Candy Voice* and Sexy Dance inflict this effect on a group of enemies.
  • The skill Frolic can inflict this effect on a row of targets.
  • The skills Babylon Pheromone, Sexy Gaze, Sexy Dance and Temptation can inflict this effect on all targets.
  • Certain weapons, ammunition, Physical Skills and Fusion Spells may have this as a secondary effect.


  • The spells Charmdi and Patra* can remove this effect on one ally.
  • The spell Amrita can remove this effect on one (or all) allies.
  • The spells Salvation/Prayer and Pen Patra can remove this effect on all allies.
  • The item Dis-Charm can remove this effect on one ally.


Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance[]

Certain demons, bosses and playable ones alike, innately are weak to, resist or even null Charm, and are as such tied to their respective Essence. Being weak or negating an attempt to Charm a certain demon can affect either side's Press Turn Icons. Unlike with elemental affinities, aliment affinities cannot be altered with passive skills.

The Nahobino can take on a demon's affinity chart via Essence Fusion, including that demon's affinity to how they deal with Charm.

Demon Race Level Affinity
Unicorn Holy 11 Resist
Tsuchigumo Jirae 13 Weak
Apsaras Yoma 16 Null
Andras Fallen 18 Resist
Shiisaa Holy 19 Weak
Andras Fallen 18 Resist
Kaya-no-Hime Jirae 21 Resist
Incubus Night 22 Null
Kikuri-Hime Lady 24 Resist
Manananggal Femme 25 Resist
Jack Frost Fairy 25 Weak
Xiezhai Avatar 29 Weak
Daisoujou (SMTV DLC) Fiend 30 Resist
Lilim Night 32 Null
Black Ooze Foul 33 Weak
Nekomata Beast 34 Resist
Succubus Night 38 Null
Narcissus Jirae 38 Null
Kurama Tengu Genma 39 Weak
Dormarth Wilder 40 Resist
Valkyrie Yoma 40 Resist
Kumbhanda Haunt 41 Resist
Silky Fairy 41 Resist
Idun Megami 42 Resist
Senri Holy 43 Null
Zhuque Avian 43 Weak
Ose Fallen 44 Weak
Dionysus Fury 44 Null
Oberon Fairy 47 Weak
Sarasvati Megami 47 Null
Mad Gasser Foul 48 Weak
Nue Wilder 49 Weak
Konohana Sakuya
Kunitsu 50 Resist
Armaiti Herald 53 Resist
Yatagarasu Avian 54 Weak
Loki Tyrant 56 Resist
Queen Medb Night 56 Resist
Pale Rider (SMTV DLC) Fiend 57 Resist
Lachesis Femme 58 Resist
Tao Panagia 60 Null
Cleopatra Femme 61 Resist
Ishtar Lady 62 Resist
Naamah Qadištu 63 Null
Fuu-Ki Brute 63 Weak
Mother Harlot (SMTV DLC) Fiend 64 Null
Mara Tyrant 67 Null
Kinmamon Enigma 68 Resist
Lakshmi Megami 70 Null
Zaou-Gongen Fury 72 Null
Demeter Megami 76 Resist
Nuwa (Human Form) Lady 80 Null
Alilat Lady 81 Resist
Nuwa (Snake Form) Lady 89 Null
Lucifer Devil 99 Null
Demi-fiend King/Chaos* 99 Resist*/Null*