Chefei is generally believed to be an original creation due to a lack of official information.
While its appearance is reminiscent of a legendary nine tailed fox originating from East Asia, its Japanese name shares the pronunciation with historical figure Jie Fei (桀妃, concubine of King Jie of Xia), also known as Mo Xi (妺喜).
While Jie Fei herself is not associated with any kind of supernatural creature, records state that Jie Fei was depraved and immoral, and King Jie would go to extreme lengths to please her in the most extravagant ways possible. While it's believed that many of those records are secondary accounts from people of later dynasties with the purpose of depicting the danger of a conniving femme fatale in the royal court, the fact remains that Jie Fei is blamed for the fall of the Xia dynasty. Because of this, Jie Fei is commonly grouped together with fellow concubines Daji and Bao Si, each accused of causing the end of a dynasty. Daji and Bao Si, much like Jie Fei, are historical figures but the two of them have been posthumously associated with fox spirits in legends.
A kitsune that lives in the world of Greed. Her power is based on how greedy the individual is and the more chests they open the stronger she gets. Each form's resistances vary. Chefei will react angrily to the protagonist if they have barely any greed, as she can't draw power from them.
After her defeat, she drops the Ring of Kindness, which is then stolen by Otsuki. All the treasure chests not obtained by the protagonist are also empty after her defeat, making it impossible to get those items.
The number of chests that correspond to each form are: