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Toriumi lecture

Classes in Persona 3 with Isako Toriumi.

Class is a recurring event in the Persona series. The protagonists need to attend it every day during their school year.



On scheduled days, the protagonists will be asked a question from their head teacher, and answering correctly will reward them with a mild Social Stat boost.

Additionally, at certain times, the protagonists will have to take exams spanning at least most of the week they're taking place on.

School is closed during Sundays and holidays.

Persona 3 / FES / Portable / Reload[]

Class Questions[]

Decarabia SMT This topic is in need of research for the following reason:
* Class questions on 7/8 and 7/11 for Vanilla P3

This can be discussed on the article's talk page.

P3RE Class

The protagonist helping Junpei Iori with a class question in Persona 3 Reload.

Answering a question correctly will reward the protagonist with Charm. In certain events, the protagonist may assist Junpei Iori in answering the respective question, but the reward for answering correctly is the same.

The class questions were changed in FES, but were carried over in Portable. Additionally, the total amount of questions was extended. In Persona 3 Reload, the class questions have been changed from scratch. One key exception is that Mr. Edogawa's class questions from Persona 3 were left as is throughout the entire Persona 3 series.

Date Question Answer
4/8 Ms. Toriumi: Who did I say was my favorite author? Fuyuhiko Yoshimura.
4/20 Mr. Ono: The Stone Age is divided into the Paleolithic and the Neolithic eras. What's the difference between then? How the tools were made.
4/27 Ms. Miyahara: What's 1+1? 2.
5/6 Ms. Ounishi: Is soap acidic, basic, or neutral? Basic.
5/13 Mr. Takenozuka: What was Einstein's famous theory? Quick! General relativity theory.
5/15 Mrs. Terauchi: In this section, the red Special Guard grabs Kaya by her wrist, and she says, "Hanashite!" Today's the 15th, so I'll pick... <Protagonist>. When used this way, what does "hanashite" mean? Let me go!
6/15 Ms. Toriumi: Which punctuation goes in the blank? "I like these fruits_ apples, oranges, and grapes." A colon.
6/17 Mr. Edogawa: What formed the origins of magic? Shamanism.
6/22 Mrs. Terauchi: Which language sees the most use worldwide? Chinese.
6/29 Mr. Takenozuka: Contact lenses work according to a certain physical law. Who discovered that principle? Leonardo da Vinci.
7/3 Mr. Ekoda: Which currency has a picture of Murasaki Shikibu on it? Tell me... Junpei. The 2,000 yen bill.
7/9 Mr. Ono: What happened in 794? Heian-kyo became capital.
7/10 Mr. Edogawa: What is the mystical study of Jewish texts? Kabbalah.
9/1 Mr. Takenozuka: What happens when the coefficient of friction is zero? You slide like crazy.
9/10 Mrs. Terauchi: With your palm facing down, move your fingers together up and down. In America, you use this gesture to shoo someone away. What does it mean in Japan? Come here.
9/11 Mr. Edogawa: Which book helped further the art of magic during the Renaissance? The Hermetica.
9/14 Ms. Miyahara: What's 6 divided by 0? It's indeterminate.
10/7 Ms. Ounishi: It's Japanese tradition to place some salt next to the entrance of a bar or restaurant. Why do you think that is? To bring in business.
10/19 Ms. Miyahara: What day of the week does the 13th fall on most often? Friday.
10/22 Mrs. Terauchi: Which of the following is an example of a pseudo-Anglicism in Japanese? Mansion.
10/23 Mr. Edogawa: Who was the founder of Theosophy, which gave rise to many magical societies? Madam Blavatsky.
10/26 Ms. Toriumi: Coffee is a common commodity these days, but where do you think the word "coffee" originates? It's Arabic.
10/29 Ms. Ounishi: Magnesium chloride is used in a very common Japanese food. Do you know which one? Tofu.
11/12 Mr. Edogawa: What is the ancient Indian magical text I mentioned today? The Upanishads.
11/30 Mr. Ekoda: In both past and present, fair-skinned women are considered beautiful, but... Women on the Heian period would put white makeup on their faces. Do you know the reason why? So they stood out.
12/11 Ms. Toriumi: Tell me, what's the antonym of "hard," as in "Why are you being so hard on me?" Nice.
12/21 Mr. Edogawa: What sorcery was Himiko said to have used? Kido.
1/8 Ms. Toriumi: Tell me which is correct: "He isn't," or "He's not." They're both correct...?
1/18 Mr. Edogawa: I mentioned two Greek sorceresses. One was Medea; who was the other? Circe
1/25 Mrs. Terauchi: What's the best way to say farewell to a teacher? Arigatou gozaimashita!
Date Question Answer
4/8 Ms. Toriumi: Who did I say was my favorite author? Utsubo Kubota.
4/20 Mr. Ono: What was the style of houses in the Jomon period called? Mud huts.
4/27 Ms. Miyahara: Do you know when numbers were invented? 6,000 years ago.
5/6 Ms. Ounishi: What do you call water without much calcium and magnesium? Soft water.
5/13 Mr. Takenozuka: How fast would you say the Earth rotates near the equator? About 1,700 km/hour.
5/15 Mrs. Terauchi: One of the items on the menu for the family is "pan." How would you translate this to English? Bread.
6/15 Ms. Toriumi: Fill in the blank with the appropriate conjuction: "It rained all last week, _____ it'll rain again today." And...
6/17 Mr. Edogawa: What formed the origins of magic? Shamanism.
6/22 Mrs. Terauchi: Of manta rays, squid, and jellyfish... Which of these is NOT knows as a "devilfish"? Jellyfish.
6/25 Mr. Edogawa: Which form of natural magic was used to look for water sources? Dowsing.
6/29 Mr. Takenozuka: When you drain the water in the tub, it swirls down the drain. Which way does the swirl go in the northern hemisphere? It can go either way.
7/3 Mr. Ekoda: But there's one thing you might not know about Murasaki Shikibu... And that's the way in which her achievement is recognized worldwide. Does anyone know? Junpei? The Global Heritage Pavilion.
7/8 Ms. Toriumi: Which of these phrases is incorrect? I failed, it's over now.
7/9 Mr. Ono: What law served as a foundation for the development of feudalism? The Konden Einen Shizaihou.
7/10 Mr. Edogawa: What is the mystical study of Jewish texts? Kabbalah.
7/11 Mr. Ono: What title did Taira No Masakado claim for himself? Imperial Prince.
9/1 Mr. Takenozuka: What do you call the phenomenon when electrical resistance is zero? Superconductivity.
9/10 Mrs. Terauchi: Etiquette demands that we say a specific phrase both before we eat and after we eat. What do we say after we eat? Gochisou-sama.
9/11 Mr. Edogawa: Which book helped further the art of magic during the Renaissance? The Hermetica.
9/14 Mr. Takenozuka: Which of these is NOT one of Japan's prohibitions on nuclear weapons? Can't let others produce
9/26 Mr. Edogawa: What is the collective name for the four holy numbers in numerology? The Tetractys.
10/7 Ms. Ounishi: Okay, new question. Do you know why a matador's capote is red? To excite the audience.
10/19 Ms. Miyahara: How many calendar patterns are there? Fourteen.
10/22 Mrs. Terauchi: Natto comes from soybeans, too, but how is it made? By fermenting them.
10/23 Mr. Edogawa: Who was the founder of Theosophy, which gave rise to many magical societies? Madam Blavatsky.
10/26 Ms. Toriumi: But which one of these things is NOT Arabic? Wristwatches.
10/29 Ms. Ounishi: Consider milk, which contains lactic acid. One type of enzyme's function is to break lactic acid into glucose and galactose... What is that enzyme called? Lactase.
11/7 Mr. Ekoda: As Sei Shounagon once said, "Fuyu wa tsutomete..." I'm sure you know what that means, <Protagonist>. Winter mornings are pleasant.
11/12 Mr. Edogawa: What is the ancient Indian magical text I mentioned today? The Upanishads.
11/30 Mr. Ekoda: The chief criteria for Heian beauty was the length of a woman's hair, though cosmetics were important too. They used white makeup, plucked their eyebrows in favor of drawn on ones, and colored their teeth with limonite. But do you think the men did these things? They did both.
12/7 Ms. Ounishi: Which allotrope is formed by three oxygen atoms? Ozone.
12/11 Ms. Toriumi: Do you know which of the following is correct? Cacti.
12/21 Mr. Edogawa: What sorcery was Himiko said to have used? Kido.
12/22 Mr. Edogawa: What is the feeling of happiness in a near-death experience called? Euphoria.
1/8 Ms. Toriumi: Of the three phrases I've written on the blackboard, tell me... Which one is correct? It's wrong.
1/18 Mr. Edogawa: I mentioned two Greek sorceresses. One was Medea; who was the other? Circe
Date Question Answer
4/8 Ms. Toriumi: Among these phrases, "a rain of flowers," "mystical mirage," and "vivid carp streamers," which one symbolizes summer? Vivid carp streamers.
4/18 Mr. Ono: The places where people dumped their waste in the Jomon period--what are they called nowadays? Middens.
4/27 Ms. Miyahara: Which of the following is not an algebraic spiral? A.
5/6 Ms. Ounishi: What do you call the device that helps generate electric power for the train? A pantograph.
5/13 Mr. Takenozuka: Do you know Léon Foucault? He's a French physicist who performed experiments regarding the rotation of the Earth. Which tool did he use in his experiments? The pendulum.
5/15 Mrs. Terauchi: What's the other name for "May sickness"--the more casual one? May Blues.
6/15 Ms. Toriumi: Which phrase means, "able to see things for what they really are"? Keen eye.
6/17 Mr. Edogawa: What early religious practice was the origin of magic? Shamanism
6/22 Mrs. Terauchi: Some people call it the curve of Agnesi. However, it is more commonly known by another name. Iori, do you have idea what it is? Witch of Agnesi.
6/25 Mr. Takenozuka: When streams of air bubbles from a whirlpool bath hit you, your body vibrates, yes? There's actually a name for this phenomenon. Iori, perhaps you know what it is? The flutter effect.
6/29 Mr. Edogawa: What form of natural magic is used to find water sources? Dowsing.
7/3 Mr. Ekoda: Well, since we're on the topic of Murasaki Shikibu, here's a question regarding The Tale of Genji. "Thou shalt not recite such a tale of this world before the princess"... Now, what such tale does this quote refer to? Iori? Go on and answer. About romance.
7/8 Ms. Toriumi: Where is the comma splice found in the following sentence? "Because it is 10:30 right now, we will not reach the the theater in time, it's already started, to my dismay." Between "time" and "it's."
7/9 Mr. Ono: So, the law permitting permanent ownership of newly-cultivated land served as a foundation for the development of feudalism. Thanks to this decree, a lot of land has cultivated... At the same time, a serious problem arose for the farmers. Do you remember what that was? Social disparity.
7/10 Mr. Edogawa: What is the esoteric study of Jewish texts called? Kabbalah.
7/11 Mr. Ono: There's a theory that Taira no Masakado thought of the prototype for an item essential to battle. Now, what do you think that item was? It's something every samurai needs! The katana.
9/1 Mr. Takenozuka: Which property of electricity is relevant to superconductivity? Resistance.
9/10 Mrs. Terauchi: There's also the phrase "spill the beans"... What exactly does this idiom mean? Junpei, why don't you answer? To reveal a secret.
9/11 Mr. Edogawa: Which book helped further the art of magic during the Renaissance? The Hermetica.
9/14 Mrs. Terauchi: Who is one referring to when speaking of their "better half"? Their soulmate.
9/26 Mr. Edogawa: What is the name for the four holy numbers in numerology? Tetractys.
10/7 Ms. Ounishi: Which hormone is the one in your brain that provides a sense of achievement? Dopamine.
10/10 Mr. Edogawa: Who was the founder of Theosophy, a group that gave rise to many other magical societies? Helena Blavatsky.
10/19 Ms. Miyahara: We used the number "zero" a lot. Do you know where it originally came from, though? India.
10/22 Mrs. Terauchi: Which Roman goddess has been theorized as the namesake for the month of April? Venus.
10/26 Ms. Toriumi: In most of Japan, October is considered "the month without gods" because they're not around... But there's one region that instead calls it "the month with gods," because that's where they all go! Do you know which one it is? Izumo.
10/30 Ms. Ounishi: Here's a question about sweet potatoes. A certain enzyme brings out the sweetness in them when they're baked. Do you happen to know what it is? Beta-amylase.
11/7 Mr. Edogawa: What is the ancient Indian magical text I mentioned today? The Upanishads
11/12 Mr. Ekoda: Winter is supposed to be cold--you have to learn to appreciate the temperature, rather than curse it. That's the Japanese way. Do you understand me? You don't, don't you? As Sei Shounagon once wrote in her famous Pillow Book, "Winter, early mornings." Hmm, let's see... <Protagonist>. What was she describing with such a sparse line? Her favorite time in winter.
11/30 Mr. Ekoda: In the Tale of Genji, Murasaki-no-Ue is portrayed as a woman of the highest class in terms of appearance, intelligence, and character. In the poem that Genji, the protagonist, sends to her, what did he compare her to? The cherry blossom.
12/7 Ms. Ounishi: What's the stratospheric layer of molecules comprised of three oxygen atoms? The ozone layer.
12/9 Mr. Edogawa: What sorcery was Himiko said to have used? Kido.
12/11 Ms. Toriumi: Do you know which of the following is an irregular plural noun? Lives.
12/22 Mr. Edogawa: What do we call the feeling of joy that comes from a near-death experience? Euphoria.
1/8 Ms. Toriumi: Do you know about the monk named Ikkyu? He's the one who's famous enough that they made a show based on his life. Well, this is what he said about New Year's... "The new year is the index of a journey to a certain place." Where is this "certain place" he's referring to? The underworld.
1/18 Mr. Edogawa: I've mentioned two Greek sorceresses. One was Medea. Who was the other? Circe.


Decarabia SMT This topic is in need of research for the following reason:
* Sleepy events in P3

This can be discussed on the article's talk page.

On certain events, while the teacher is giving off their lecture, the protagonist will become sleepy and have the choice to close their eyes or listen to the rest of the lecture.

In Persona 3, FES and Portable, falling asleep will boost their physical condition by one stage, while staying up will have them continue listening to the lecture as usual, boosting their Academics stat.

In Reload, as the fatigue system has been removed, closing one's eyes will instead increase the protagonist's Courage stat. Listening still increases Academics.

Date Teacher Date Teacher Date Teacher
4/9 Mr. Ekoda 7/25 Mr. Edogawa 11/16 Mr. Ekoda
4/22 Ms. Toriumi 9/12 Mr. Ono 11/21 Ms. Toriumi
4/30 Mr. Ono 9/24 Ms. Ounishi 12/9 Mr. Takenozuka
5/11 Mr. Ekoda 9/28 Ms. Miyahara 12/12 Mr. Ono
5/16 Ms. Miyahara 10/1 Mr. Ono 12/24 Mrs. Terauchi
5/25 Ms. Toriumi 10/3 Ms. Toriumi 12/26 Ms. Toriumi
5/28 Mr. Edogawa 10/9 Mr. Takenozuka 1/12 Ms. Ounishi
5/29 Mr. Edogawa 10/10 Mr. Ono 1/15 Mr. Ono
6/2 Mr. Ekoda 10/30 Mr. Edogawa 1/22 Ms. Miyahara
6/10 Mr. Ono 11/9 Ms. Toriumi 1/25 Mrs. Terauchi
7/13 Mrs. Terauchi 11/14 Mr. Edogawa 1/28 Ms. Toriumi
Date Teacher Date Teacher Date Teacher
4/9 Mr. Ekoda 7/25 Mr. Edogawa 11/16 Mr. Ekoda
4/21 Ms. Toriumi 9/12 Mr. Ono 11/21 Ms. Toriumi
4/30 Mr. Edogawa 9/24 Ms. Ounishi 12/12 Mr. Ono
5/11 Mr. Ekoda 9/28 Ms. Miyahara 12/21 Mr. Takenozuka
5/16 Ms. Miyahara 10/1 Mr. Ono 12/24 Mrs. Terauchi
5/25 Ms. Toriumi 10/3 Ms. Toriumi 12/26 Ms. Toriumi
5/28 Mr. Ono 10/9 Mr. Takenozuka 1/12 Ms. Ounishi
5/29 Mr. Edogawa 10/23 Mr. Ono 1/15 Mr. Ono
6/2 Mr. Ekoda 10/29 Mr. Edogawa 1/22 Ms. Miyahara
6/10 Mr. Ono 11/9 Ms. Toriumi 1/25 Mrs. Terauchi
7/13 Mrs. Terauchi 11/14 Mr. Edogawa 1/28 Ms. Toriumi

Persona 4 / Golden[]

Class Questions & Events[]

Decarabia SMT This topic is in need of research for the following reason:
* Class questions for 11/4 and 12/21 on vanilla P4.

This can be discussed on the article's talk page.

Morooka Lecture P4G

Classes in Persona 4 Golden with Kinshiro Morooka.

On certain days, the protagonist may be asked a question that if he gets right will be rewarded with points of the Knowledge trait.

Sometimes, he may be asked a question to cover for one of his classmates: Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka or Yukiko Amagi, granting him points with them to move forward their Social Links, as well as boosting their Expression. In Persona 4, Expression is significantly increased, while in Golden it's a standard increase.

In introductory classes with Kinshiro Morooka and Noriko Kashiwagi (as well as several more with certain teachers,) there is no question to begin with as the protagonist is only listening attentively, and he will automatically gain Knowledge.

The class questions differ between Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden. Additionally, Golden has an additional set of questions during the winter segment of the game.

Date Question Answer Reward
4/13 - +Knowledge
4/14 Ms. Sofue: When did A.D.--in other words, Anno Domini--begin? When Jesus was born. +Knowledge
4/18 Mr. Kondo: Which of the following is a definite article? The. +Knowledge
4/20 Mr. Hosoi: Mmmhmm. Well, let's practice our spelling. Which of the following words is spelled correctly? Millennium. +Yosuke
4/23 Ms. Sofue: Mr. Hanamura, wake up! Pop quiz! What was the commonality among the four great ancient civilizations!? They were by the riverside. +Yosuke
4/25 Mr. Kondo: Tell me, what time are thieves most likely to sneak into your house here in Japan? 8 AM +Knowledge
4/26 Mrs. Nakayama: Oh, here's an interesting one. A natural number that's half the sum of its positive divisors is called...? It's a perfect number. +Chie
4/30 Mr. Yamada: Which of the following is the highest mountain in the solar system? Mt. Olympus +Knowledge
5/2 - +Knowledge
5/7 Mr. Hosoi: Which one of the following is NOT a free morpheme? Ionize. +Knowledge
5/26 Ms. Sofue: Tell me, what kind of writing system did the Egyptians use back then!? Sacred carvings. +Yosuke
5/30 - +Knowledge
6/8 Yukiko Amagi: I know a "ham" is a bad actor, but where does the term come from? Do you know? From the play, Hamlet. +Yukiko
6/13 Mr. Kondo: What kind of exercise is a sprint classified as? Anaerobics +Knowledge
6/15 Mr. Morooka: Let's take a closer look at it, shall we? What's the root of the word "pend"? Hanamura! Stop smiling and answer! To hang. +Yosuke
6/20 Mrs. Nakayama: Tell me, who said, "Law is the correct judgment of the state?" Socrates. +Knowledge
6/27 Mr. Morooka: What does "ressentiment" mean? Answer the question! Hatred and jealousy. +Knowledge
6/30 Mr. Yamada: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Pis Pis River. +Knowledge
7/4 Mr. Morooka: Deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning: which one uses one or several examples to draw a conclusion? Inductive reasoning. +Yosuke
7/7 Mr. Hosoi: Which poet wrote the most poems about Tanabata in the Man-yoshu? Kakinomoto no Hitomaro. +Knowledge
7/12 - +Knowledge
7/13 Mr. Kondo: What does "Rome wasn't built in a day" mean!? It takes time. +Knowledge
7/14 Mr. Hosoi: Here's a question for you. Nautical dawn or civil dawn, which one's brighter? Civil dawn. +Knowledge
7/15 Mr. Yamada: Whaddya think? Is it possible to grow melons in the Andes Mountain Range? No, it's not possible. +Knowledge
7/16 Ms. Sofue: I'd like you take a close look at the make-up I'm wearing. Do you see the mystical, blue eyeliner? Tell me, what was the purpose of this eyeliner, widely used by the ancient Egyptians? Insect repellent. +Knowledge
9/1 Mr. Kondo: When was soccer first introduced in the Olympics? 1900. +Knowledge
9/5 Mr. Hosoi: Which of the following isn't a kigo for spring? Sardine. +Knowledge
9/12 - +Knowledge
9/17 Ms Sofue: Magellan is known for making the first voyage around the globe, but what was his motive for doing so? To make profit from spices. +Knowledge
9/20 Mr. Kondo: What do you call people between the age of 100 and 110? Centenarians. +Knowledge
9/24 - +Knowledge
9/28 Mr. Kondo: Say, that reminds me. What figure of speech am I using when I say I haven't eaten in ten years? ...Yosuke! Take a wild guess! Hyperbole. +Yosuke
10/3 - +Knowledge
10/4 Mr. Kondo: How much of those 2.5 liters of water do you think you lose by sweating? On average, of course. 1.5 liters. +Knowledge
10/5 Mr. Yamada: Oh yeah... Anyone have any idea why a ginkgo tree's leaves turn from green to yellow? The green pigment ages. +Yosuke
10/8 Mr. Kondo: Which word is the predicate nominative in this sentence? "Mr Kondo is a super awesome teacher!" teacher. +Knowledge
10/11 Ms. Sofue: What part of his physical appearance was the Sun King, Louis XIV, most concerned with? His height. +Knowledge
10/12 Mrs. Nakayama: How much yen do you think it costs to make a one-yen coin? Two yen. +Knowledge
10/13 Ms. Kashiwagi: What happens to plants when you touch them? It speeds up their growth. +Knowledge
10/26 - +Knowledge
11/1 Mr. Kondo: Which muscles do you think are weakening when you tend to rest your chin in your hands? Your back to your shoulders. +Knowledge
11/4 Mr. Hosoi: +Yosuke
11/7 Mr. Yamada: The north or the south pole, which one is colder? The south pole. +Knowledge
11/11 Ms. Kashiwagi: So, who's the one that discovered the mycobacterium, tuberculosis? Koch. +Knowledge
11/17 Mrs. Nakayama: So, tell me, Hanamura-kun! What's the origin of the word "wedding"!? A gamble +Yosuke
11/21 - +Knowledge
11/22 Mr. Yamada: What's the name of the glacier in South America? The Patagonian Ice Field. +Knowledge
11/24 Mrs. Nakayama: How many millenium prize problems do you think remain unsolved? Six. +Knowledge
11/25 Mr. Hosoi: What does it mean when you're in the "eleventh hour"? It's the last chance. +Knowledge
11/26 Mr. Kondo: Which of the following is considered an incorrect way to spell "Christmas"!? X'mas. +Knowledge
12/9 Ms. Kashiwagi: Which of the following has the largest population on Earth? Insects. +Knowledge
12/10 Mr. Kondo: Which toe is important to running? The 'big' toe. +Knowledge
12/17 Mr. Hosoi: Take a look at the 13th line. You'll see the word "metacarpals." What do you think the prefix, "meta," means? That it follows something. +Chie
12/21 Ms. Sofue: +Yosuke
Date Question Answer Reward
4/13 - +Knowledge
4/14 Ms. Sofue: The western calendar is based on Anno Domini, the traditionally believed year of Jesus Christ's birth. What is the year before 1 AD called? 1 BC. +Knowledge
4/18 Mr. Kondo: The word "alphabet" comes from the words "alpha" and what other one? Beta. +Knowledge
4/20 Mr. Hosoi: Now, then... How many parts are there in Murakami's "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle"? Three +Yosuke
4/23 Ms. Sofue: Hey! Mr. Hanamura, wake up! What was the first economic bubble incident in the world? Tulip mania +Yosuke
4/25 Mr. Kondo: Answer this one: what's it called when you gain more muscle after getting sore through exercise? Overcompensation. +Knowledge
4/26 Mrs. Nakayama: Well, Miss Satonaka. Tell me which of these don't exist. Marriage numbers +Chie
4/30 Mr. Yamada: What is the greatest canyon in the solar system? Valles Marineris. +Knowledge
5/2 - +Knowledge
5/7 Mr. Hosoi: Do you know how Soseki Natsume translated the English phrase "I love you" into Japanese? 'The moon is beautiful, isn't it?' +Knowledge
5/26 Ms. Sofue: Tell me how the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves was disproven! Attendance logs. +Yosuke
5/30 - +Knowledge
6/8 Yukiko Amagi: What sport is "heikin-dai"? Balance Beam. +Yukiko
6/13 Mr. Kondo: Tell me what kind of exercise builds up lactic acid in the muscles! Anaerobics. +Knowledge
6/15 Mr. Morooka: Morals are about virtue! Morale is... Tell me, Hanamura! You seem to be lacking in morals! Cheerfulness in a group. +Yosuke
6/20 Mrs. Nakayama: What period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Meiji. +Knowledge
6/27 Mr. Morooka: Answer this: What is identity? Individuality. +Knowledge
6/30 Mr. Yamada: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Pis Pis River. +Knowledge
7/4 Mr. Morooka: Who said this: "Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed"? Pascal. +Yosuke
7/7 Mr. Hosoi: What is the beginning of "Gakumon no Susume" a reference to? The U.S. Declaration of Independence. +Knowledge
7/12 - +Knowledge
7/13 Mr. Kondo: What is the medical term for brainfreeze? Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. +Knowledge
7/14 Mr. Hosoi: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of the "応" kanji? Kuukai. +Knowledge
7/15 Mr. Yamada: Which line can a typhoon never cross? The equator. +Knowledge
7/16 Ms. Sofue: Tell me what makes the king of hearts look different from the other kings in a standard deck of cards. He has no mustache. +Knowledge
9/1 Mr. Kondo: "Venison" is the meat of what animal? All of the above. +Knowledge
9/5 Mr. Hosoi: Which of the following is a kigo for fall? Brisk. +Knowledge
9/12 - +Knowledge
9/17 Ms Sofue: How short was history's shortest war? 40 minutes. +Knowledge
9/20 Mr. Kondo: What do you call somebody who's between ninety and one hundred years old? A nonagenarian. +Knowledge
9/24 - +Knowledge
9/28 Mr. Kondo: While we're on the subject of apples, what part of the human body has an apple in it? Anybody know? Throat. +Yosuke
10/3 - +Knowledge
10/4 Mr. Kondo: Which of these sports also uses an anchor? Tug-of-war. +Knowledge
10/5 Mr. Yamada: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? The right edge. +Yosuke
10/8 Mr. Kondo: Be brave! Tell me what bird's name means "coward" in English! Chicken. +Knowledge
10/11 Ms. Sofue: What did Napoleon have invented? Glass jars. +Knowledge
10/12 Mrs. Nakayama: Do you know what vegetable was used to make the first jack-o'-lanterns? Turnips. +Knowledge
10/13 Ms. Kashiwagi: What kind of fish was I just talking about? Ojisan. +Knowledge
10/26 - +Knowledge
11/1 Mr. Kondo: Tell me what the "figure" in "figure skating" refers to! Geometric shapes. +Knowledge
11/4 Mr. Hosoi: Hmm... Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is? You, Hana-chan! You look like you have no problem with silence! A cuckoo. +Yosuke
11/7 Mr. Yamada: Which country do you think the South Pole belongs to? No country. +Knowledge
11/11 Ms. Kashiwagi: What desert is the Welwitschia found in? Namib. +Knowledge
11/17 Mrs. Nakayama: Alcohol has to do with the roots of the word "bridal." Do you know how, Hanamura-kun? Bride ale +Yosuke
11/21 - +Knowledge
11/22 Mr. Yamada: Do you know what an "atlas" is? A book of maps. +Knowledge
11/24 Mrs. Nakayama: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... What is this sequence called? The Fibonacci sequence. +Knowledge
11/25 Mr. Hosoi: There are over 130 ancient pyramids in Egypt, but do you know who's buried in the biggest one? Khufu. +Knowledge
11/26 Mr. Kondo: Which of these is considered a "rice cake"? Mochi. +Knowledge
12/9 Ms. Kashiwagi: Do you know what color a fuzzy-wuzzy polar bear's fur really is? Transparent +Knowledge
12/10 Mr. Kondo: What determines whether a hair grows curly or straight? The cross-section. +Knowledge
12/17 Mr. Hosoi: Sato-chan, do you know the intent behind the phrase, "Compassion is not for the good of others"? Compassion makes you look better +Chie
12/21 Ms. Sofue: There were many queens in ancient Egypt named "Cleopatra"... Yet, which Cleopatra is the one who was known as one of the three most beautiful women in the world? VII +Yosuke
1/10 Mr. Kondo: Tell me, what are you supposed to put on top of a kagami mochi? An orange. +Knowledge
1/14 Mr. Hosoi: "Toso" is a traditional drink for the new year, but what does that name mean? Bury the demons. +Knowledge
1/19 Ms. Kashiwagi: In the Vietnamese zodiac, which animal is used in the place of the rabbit? Cat. +Knowledge
1/25 Mr. Yamada: What color is the snow that falls in Europe in spring? Red +Yukiko
1/30 Mrs. Nakayama: What's the next unit of measurement up from a terabyte? Petabyte. +Knowledge
2/1 Ms. Sofue: What color were the pyramids originally? White. +Knowledge


"Next order of business! Midterms are coming up next week! The results will be posted to humiliate low-scoring losers! If you don't want to be shamed, study hard! It's that simple! If you do well, who knows!? You may become a more popular cretin! And you know, popularity leads to intimacy! On top of that, my reputation goes up. It's a win-win situation, people! Like I said, study hard!"

Exam Period Result
Midterms (1st) 5/9 - 5/12 5/19
Finals (1st) 7/19 - 7/23 7/25
Midterms (2nd) 10/14-10/15, 10/17 - 10/20 10/24
Finals (2nd) 11/28 - 12/3 12/8
Advancement Exam (P4G) 2/6 - 2/10 2/14

Persona 5 / Royal[]

Class Questions[]

NakamaSprite This article is missing P5R teachers. You can help the Megami Tensei Wiki by expanding it.

P5 KawakamiClass

Class in Persona 5. Sadayo Kawakami berates her class for a common grammatical error.

On certain days, the respective teacher will ask the protagonist a question with three viable answers. The correct answers can be estimated via the Thieves Guild feature, which opens a poll on what other players have answered.

If the protagonist answers correctly, he'll be rewarded with a Social Stat boost (by a single note). Generally, his Knowledge stat is boosted, but in Royal, on certain days, his Charm, as well as his status with Ann Takamaki will increase instead, both by 1 note under normal circumstances. Those days are April 25th, June 20th, July 7th and January 11th. If he answers incorrectly, nothing happens.[1]

During a complicated question, Morgana may chime in and help the protagonist out, by breaking down the question into multiple parts. In these cases, getting any question wrong will only have the line of questioning be started over. Because the question can only be gotten right in the end, the protagonist will always receive a point of Knowledge.

While infiltrating Kamoshida's Palace only, if the calling cards are sent the day before a class event (specifically those on 4/23, 4/25, 4/27 and 4/30), the class will be skipped.

The questions differ between Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal.

Date Question Answer
4/12 Mr. Ushimaru: "A soul is composed of appetite, spirit, and what else?" Logic.
4/19 Mr. Hiruta: "Is the line extending from A connected to B or C? Which is it? C.
4/23 Mr. Inui: "What event did Emperor Nero add to the Olympics so that he could participate?" Singing.
4/25 Morgana: "What's the common usage of kakushinhan again, regarding an action you take?" Knowing your actions are wrong.
Morgana: "But the real kakushinhan is the opposite, right? So the opposite means..." Conviction that you're right.
4/27 Ms. Usami: "How many colors does it take to paint every region without any two adjacent ones being the same color?" Four.
4/30 Morgana: First off, the "wunder" part probably means... Wonder.
Morgana: Next, the "kind" part. That's probably... Child.
Morgana: So a "wunderkind" would be... A prodigy.
5/7 Ms. Kawakami: "What do people generally call a woman who has a charm that sometimes leads men to their doom?" A femme fatale.
5/10 Mr. Inui: "Who do you think is the origin of the term "magistrate's patronage"? Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
5/16 Mr. Inui: "Do you know who created the piece which sold for the highest price back in the 20th century?" Van Gogh.
5/21 Ms. Usami: "What is the name of this ratio that Japanese architects and artists have liked using?" The silver ratio.
5/23 Ms. Chouno: "Well, your number's up. The root words of synesthesia are "syn" and "aisthesis." What do they mean? "Together" and "senses."
5/26 Ms. Kawakami: "What was the name of the other famous novel that Sherlock Holmes appeared in?" "Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar."
5/30 Mr. Inui: "Who was the pirate who said that he hid his treasure in a certain place just before he was executed?" William Kidd.
6/4 Ms. Chouno: "The original blazers were named that thanks to a certain quality they had. Any idea what it was?" They were brightly colored.
6/7 Mr. Hiruta: "What are red king crabs most biologically close to?" Hermit crabs.
6/8 Mr. Ushimaru: "With the advent of the color TV, something else started appearing in color. Do you know what it is?" Dreams.
6/11 Ms. Usami: "Can you imagine how much gold has been excavated by humanity over the course of history?" Three Olympic-sized pools.
6/13 Mr. Ushimaru: "Paper money is issued by the Bank of Japan, but who issues the coins?" The government.
6/15 Mr. Hiruta: "What would happen if you keep washing your hair with water that's contaminated with metal?" It'll change color.
6/23 Mr. Inui: "Who is this woman, drawn as the High Priestess in most tarot decks?" Pope Joan.
6/27 Ms. Chouno: "In English, what does the term "cat-and-dog weather" refer to?" Heavy rain.
6/29 Ms. Kawakami: "This character is the cursive form of a specific kanji. Do you know which one it is?" Gold.
7/1 Mr. Inui: "...But do you know what Chinese dish Zhuge Liang is credited for inventing?" Baozi.
7/4 Ms. Chouno: "Do you know the reason why July and August both have thirty-one days?" Someone pretentious said so.
7/7 Ms. Kawakami: "What's the traditional food of Tanabata?" Soumen.
7/8 Mr. Hiruta: "What is a common trait of almost all shaved-ice syrups on the market?" They have the same flavor.
7/9 Ms. Usami: "What is the sum of angles a through e?" 180 degrees.
7/11 Mr. Hiruta: "What is the name of the light-producing substance of fireflies?" Luciferin.
7/12 Mr. Inui: "What was the name of the gentleman thief whose family was boiled alive during the Sengoku period?" Ishikawa Goemon.
9/3 Mr. Inui: "In this famous statue, he's holding a spear in his left hand, but what does he have in his right?" Nothing.
9/6 Mr. Hiruta: "What is the name of the phenomenon where the second hand looks like it stops moving?" Chronostasis.
9/13 Mr. Inui: "Second-hand shops are also known as thrift stores. Do you know when the earliest ones appeared?" The 19th century.
9/17 Ms. Chouno: "We have a saying in Japanese: a skilled hawk hides its talons. What hides its claws in English?" A cat.
9/21 Ms. Kawakami: "The word "robot" didn't come from English. So, what country did it come from?" Czechoslovakia.
9/24 Ms. Usami: "Do you know why they chose black and white?" So it shows up well on TV.
9/28 Morgana: So "PVS," referring to when you mistakenly think your phone is going off... What's the P?" Phantom.
Morgana: "So next is the V part. That means it'd be "phantom..." what? Vibration.
Morgana: "Last is the S. So if we have "phantom vibration" so far..." Syndrome.
9/29 Mr. Ushimaru: "Not all civil servants work in government offices. Which of these occupations is a civic one?" Fishermen of Nagaragawa.
10/3 Mr. Hiruta: "...but in the entire universe, which of these is closest to its density of stars?" Three watermelons in the sun.
10/6 Mr. Inui: "This device made mass executions possible. You know what it's called, yes?" A guillotine.
10/11 Ms. Usami: "Which do you think most people choose to name "kiki"?" A.
10/22 Ms. Usami: "What number should be in the middle of this square in order to make it a magic square?" Five.
10/24 Ms. Chouno: "Can you tell me what the S in SOS means?" It's meaningless.
11/2 Mr. Inui: "The word "wack" was also used in a coded language from history. What was that language?" Thieves' Cant.
11/4 Ms. Chouno: "Clubs is a club, diamonds is a gem, spades is a sword... So, what is hearts?" The Holy Grail.
11/8 Mr. Ushimaru: "Do you know what age you have to be in order to listen in on a trial?" Zero.
11/10 Ms. Kawakami: "Do you know what the line that's in "bird" but not in "crow" represents?" An eye.
11/12 Mr. Hiruta: "Do you know why hearing someone's voice over the phone sounds different than their real voice?" It's heavily processed.
11/15 Mr. Inui: "When he was executed, something was done to his appearance. Do you know what it was?" They put makeup on him.
11/17 Ms. Usami: "Which of these is called a cochleoid, after its resemblance to a snail?" B.
11/18 Mr. Ushimaru: "At which of these locations can you see the sunrise the earliest?" The summit of Mt. Fuji.
Date Question Answer
4/12 Mr. Ushimaru: "Tell me what the Devil's Dictionary defined as the chief factor in the progress of the human race." Villains.
4/19 Mr. Hiruta: "Between A and B... which line seems longer...?" They're the same.
4/23 Mr. Inui: "Between music, theater, and chariot racing, which sport did Nero win when he participated in the Olympics?" All of them.
4/25 Ann: What's that phrase originally meant to convey? "My country, right or wrong"? You unquestioningly support it.
Ann: "But the original meaning is different? So I guess it'd be something like..." You have a duty to correct it.
4/27 Ms. Usami: "Do you know the name of the theorem named after this number?" Four color theorem.
4/30 Morgana: First off, the "wunder" part probably means... Wonder.
Morgana: Next, the "kind" part. That's probably... Child.
Morgana: So a "wunderkind" would be... A prodigy.
5/7 Ms. Kawakami: "So what's the literal translation of the phrase "femme fatale"?" Fatal woman.
5/10 Mr. Inui: "You know the time period Yoshitsune was active in, don't you?" The Heian period.
5/16 Dr. Maruki: "What do we call the phenomenon where believing in a treatment's power is enough to improve your condition?" The placebo effect.
5/19 Mr. Inui: "Which famous ukiyo-e artist of the Edo period is said to have moved residence over 100 times?" Hokusai Katsushika.
5/21 Ms. Usami: "The golden ratio is 1:1.618, but do you know the silver ratio?" 1:1.414
5/23 Ms. Chouno: "The root words of synesthesia are "syn" and "aisthesis." What do they mean?"
Morgana: If we think about what these words have in common, then maybe "syn" means... Together.
Morgana: And "aisthesis", huh? That's a little like the word aesthetics. I wonder if it means... Senses.
Morgana: So that means the full word basically means... Senses coming together.
5/26 Ms. Kawakami: "Do you know which author Leblanc borrowed from?" Arthur Conan Doyle.
5/31 Mr. Inui: "Do you know which peg-legged, parrot toting historical figure's appearance became visual shorthand for pirates?" John Silver.
6/4 Dr. Maruki: "What do you think the name for this phenomenon is?" The halo effect.
6/7 Mr. Hiruta: "The red king crab is biologically related to the hermit crab. So how is it different from a crab...? Do you know?" The number of legs.
6/8 Dr. Maruki: "Where does totalitarianism take things a step further than authoritarianism?" Controlling public thought.
6/13 Mr. Inui: "...What color do you think it turns?" Green.
6/15 Mr. Ushimaru: "Between paper bills and coins, which one is issued by the government?" Coins.
6/20 Ms. Usami: "Give me one example of something most of you have that contains minor metals." Smartphone.
6/23 Mr. Inui: "Now, do you know what this woman's position was?" A pope.
6/27 Ms. Chouno: "Which of these animals is involved in an English idiom about the weather?" Dogs.
6/29 Ms. Kawakami: "What do you think it says on the back of this piece?" Gold.
7/1 Mr. Inui: "What's the meaning of the original Chinese phrase that these dumplings' name came from?" Barbarian's head.
7/4 Ms. Chouno: "Two people are responsible for July and August having 31 days. Do you know who those people are?" Julius and Augustus.
7/7 Ms. Kawakami: "Tell me what is traditional Tanabata food. I'll give you a hint — it's based on a certain motif in Tanabata's myth..."
Ann: So Tanabata's about gods crossing a starry sky to reunite once every year. It might have something to do with... The Milky Way.
Ann: So if the traditional food is something inspired by the Milky Way... Soumen noodles.
7/9 Ms. Usami: "Do you know what shape that is?" A triangle.
7/11 Dr. Maruki: "How long do you think you can retain long-term memories?"
Morgana: What is long-term memeory, anyway? Memories that last a long time.
Morgana: Maruki mentioned something about the amount of memories you can store, right? Something like... Infinite.
Morgana: "If you have theoretically infinite space for them... then theoretically, you'd be able to retain them for..." Forever.
7/12 Mr. Inui: "Do you know what he did?" Thievery.
9/3 Mr. Inui: "Each hand in this famous statue means something, but... do you know what the right represents?" Prosperity.
9/6 Dr. Maruki: "Do you know the name of that phenomenon where the second hand looks like it's stopped moving?" Chronostasis.
9/14 Mr. Inui: "What does a pawn shop offer that a secondhand shop doesn't?" Money loans for collateral.
9/17 Ms. Chouno: "What's one of the supposed origins for the phrase "cat got your tongue"?" Cats eating human tongues.
9/21 Ms. Kawakami: "Robot comes from a word in Czech, but where in Europe is the Czech Republic located?" Central Europe.
9/24 Ms. Usami: "How many white and black shapes are there respectively on a soccer ball? 20 white, 12 black."
9/28 Morgana: "So "PVS," referring to when you mistakenly think your phone is going off... What's the P?" Phantom.
Morgana: "So next is the V part. That means it'd be "phantom..." what? Vibration.
Morgana: "Last is the S. So if we have "phantom vibration" so far..." Syndrome.
9/29 Mr. Ushimaru: "But the fishermen of Nagaragawa are actually civil servants as well. So, tell me which sector they belong to." Imperial Household Agency.
10/3 Mr. Hiruta: "If we use "three watermelons in the sun" to visualize a certain matter's size against the universe's, what are the melons?" Stars.
10/6 Mr. Inui: "Now, do you know who invented this instrument?" Joseph-Ignace Guillotin.
10/11 Ms. Usami: "Which name was most commonly ascribed to shape B?" Bouba.
10/22 Ms. Usami: "Now, tell me the total count for each column in this magic square." 15.
10/24 Dr. Maruki: "From a psychological standpoint, what's a key reason our memories can differ from reality?" Memory bias.
11/2 Mr. Inui: "Can you tell me the meaning of the word "wack" in Thieves' Cant?" A share of stolen goods.
11/4 Ms. Chouno: "Clubs is a club, diamonds is a gem... So, what does a spade represent?" A sword.
11/8 Mr. Ushimaru: "Tell me how old you have to be to listen in on a trial." Any age.
11/10 Ms. Kawakami: "Do you know why it's missing in the character for "crow"?" Crow eyes are hard to see.
11/12 Mr. Hiruta: I wonder. "Do you know why voices sound so different over the phone?" Because the voice is synthetic.
11/14 Mr. Ushimaru: "Tell me why that is." Because of high altitude.
11/15 Mr. Inui: "He was to be paraded through the city, and punished in a very particular way. How was he punished?" His head was put on display.
11/17 Ms. Usami: "Do you know the name for this graph? Your hint is "snails"..." Cochleoid.
1/11 Mr. Inui: "What's this phrase supposed to illustrate about the gods of Shinto?"
Ann: What's this phrase supposed to illustrate about the gods of Shinto? How numerous they are.
Ann: What's that phrase again? The one about how many gods there are in Shinto... The Eight Million Gods.
1/14 Ms. Kawakami: "Where do you think the fictional land of "Ihatov" is modeled after?" Iwate.
1/18 Mr. Inui: "What did the word "awful" originally mean?" Impressive.
1/21 Mr. Ushimaru: "Do you know what she's stepping on?" A snake.
1/24 Ms. Chouno: "What would "salty" mean if used in the slang sense?"
Morgana: What does that mean when describing a person? Kind-hearted.
Morgana: So what kind of connotation would "salty" have in that context? Negative.
Morgana: So with all that in mind, "salty" probably means... Resentful.
1/27 Mr. Hiruta: "How far did this study suggest personal happiness can spread?" To friends of friends of friends.


P5 Exams

The protagonist taking the first mid-term exams.

The protagonist will have to attend four-day-long exams several times during the school year. In Persona 5, there are four exams in total: two in the first term, and two in the second term, with each being either mid-term or end-of-term. The results are also posted on a later date.

Exam Period Results
First Mid-term 5/11 - 5/14 5/20
First End-of-term 7/13 - 7/16 7/19
Second Mid-term 10/17 - 10/20 10/24
Second End-of-term 12/20 - 12/23 12/24

There are also final exams for the third semester listed to occur from February 6th to the 9th, with results posted on the 14th, but these exams are never taken in either Persona 5 or Royal.


The questions in the exams are mostly a rehash of questions asked in class. The only exception is the 2nd end-of-term (4th) exam, which includes material the protagonist does not know about, and will have to figure out the answer on the spot. Questions where Morgana helps cannot be gotten wrong and will reset from the beginning unless the right answer is given.

The questions slightly differ between Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal.

Date Question Answer
1st mid-term exam
5/11 Biology: Although the line connects A to C, it looks like it leads to B instead. What is this phenomenon called? An optical illusion.
Morgana: "If how they're seeing things is different, it probably has to do with this kind of information..." Visual information.
Morgana: "What takes the visual information from your eyes and processes it is the, uh..." Brain.
Morgana: "The brain processes visual information. So, the reason why people see things differently is..." They have different cognitions.
5/12 History: Which of the following expressions came from the name of the position that Minamoto no Yoshitsune held? Magistrate's patronage.
English: What is the origin of the English word "talent"? The name of a sum of currency.
5/13 Social Studies: What did the Greek philosopher Socrates say that evil is born from? Ignorance.
Math: What's the least number of colors needed to paint Japan so no two adjacent areas are the same color? Four.
1st end-of-term exam
7/13 Japanese: Which of these phrases has its origins in this shogi piece? "Nouveau riche."
Morgana: Goemon was popular because he wasn't just a thief. He was a... Gentleman thief.
Morgana: And, the person in power who had it in for Goemon was... Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Morgana: And, Goemon's death after he got captured by Hideyoshi is famous too... He was boiled alive.
7/14 Biology: Which of the following statements are true of this organism? It's not related to crabs.
Social Studies: What is said to be the reason why people began dreaming in color? Television.
7/15 Math: Which of these was made using the silver ratio? B4-size paper.
English: Define "syn" and "aisthesis," the Greek root words of "synesthesia." "Together" and "senses."
2nd mid-term exam
10/17 History: "What is the origin of the word "guillotine"?" Name of the one who proposed it.
Morgana: "First of all, who proposed the idea of the guillotine?" A doctor.
Morgana: "So, from his perspective, what was the advantage of the guillotine?" It could execute people quickly.
10/18 Math: "Which of the following statements about this ball is true?" It has thirty-two faces.
Japanese: "What is the meaning of "robota," the Czech word that is the root word of "robot"? Slave labor.
10/19 English: "What is the English name for the phenomenon where it feels like your cell phone is vibrating?" Phantom Vibration Syndrome.
Social Studies: "Which of the following government organizations do the cormorant fishermen of Nagaragawa belong to?" The Imperial Household Agency.
2nd end-of-term exam
12/20 Math: "Which of the following is called the Devil's curve?" D.
Morgana: "I think they said the voice you hear through the phone is..." Not their real voice.
Morgana: "But why does the listener think the synthetic voice is the real person?" They speak the same.
Morgana: "Even if the voice is different, as long as they talk the same, the listener will subconsciously..." Supplement the voice.
12/21 English: "Which suit of cards represents the Holy Grail?" Hearts.
Japanese: "Which of the following is not true about the kanji for "crow"?" It includes a number.
12/22 Social Studies: "What country refers to a person who controls politics behind the scenes as a "prime minister in black"?" Japan.
History: "What English word did the initial "do" in the Japanese "dokyuu," or massive, originate from?" Dreadnought.
Date Question Answer
1st mid-term exam
5/11 History: "What historical figure inspired the term of "favoring the magistrate"?" Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
Morgana: "Yoshitsune had a brother, right? Oh, I think his name was…" Minamoto no Yoritomo.
Morgana: "But they ended up coming into conflict. And in the end, when they had to oppose each other…" Yoritomo won.
Morgana: "That’s probably because people tend to sympathize less with figures in power, and sympathize more with…" The weak.
5/12 Biology: "Which brain function is responsible for the phenomenon of seeing an illusion in this figure?" Cognition.
Math: "Which of the following maps can you paint without any adjacent areas being the same color?" Both
5/13 Social Studies: "Name the book that defined malefactors as the chief factor in the progress of the human race." The Devil’s Dictionary.
English: "What character archetype refers to a mysterious and seductive woman, typically with ulterior motives?" Femme Fatale.
1st end-of-term exam
7/13 Math: "If angle C is 28 degrees, and angles A and D are 88 degrees, what is the angle of B and E?" 64 degrees.
Morgana: "I think this came up in class. They were invented by that famous guy from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, right?" Zhuge Liang.
Morgana: "And they were offering something to quell the river…" Barbarians’ heads.
Morgana: "This master strategist came up with the baozi to…" To offer them instead of heads.
7/14 Biology: "Write the name and biological classification of this creature." Red King Crab (Paralithodes).
Social Studies: "What happened when the government issued paper and hard currencies in Japan for the first time?" It caused confusion in the economy.
7/15 English: "What is the English equivalent of the Norwegian idiom ‘raining witches’?" Raining cats and dogs.
English: "Which of the following is another name for the soumen noodles traditionally eaten on Tanabata?" Demon Guts.
2nd mid-term exam
10/17 History: Counting both black and white surfaces, how many surfaces are there in total on a soccer ball? 32 surfaces.
Morgana: "Didn’t the teacher say that the number of colors used to be different? Do you remember?" It used to be one color.
Morgana: "Oh yeah, I remember. I think she said that unlike now, soccer games were broadcasted with…" Black and white picture.
10/18 History: "Who conducted executions using this device?" Charles-Henri Sanson.
History: "What is the reason that most people cannot become a cormorant fisherman of Nagarasawa?" It’s a hereditary profession.
10/19 English: "What is the meaning of “robota,” the etymological root of “robot”?" Slave labor.
Science: Which of the following describes the density of stars in outer space? 3 bees in all of Europe.
2nd end-of-term exam
12/20 Math: "Choose the graph which is named after the Chinese yoyo known as a diabolo." D.
Morgana: "He was a really famous thief in the Edo period, right? How much money did he steal, in the end?" Over one billion yen.
Morgana: "As a result, he was sentenced to..." Having his head displayed.
Morgana: "Criminals, especially famous criminals, were mostly paraded around for..." Public performance.
12/21 English: "Which suit of cards represents the Holy Grail?" Hearts.
Social Studies: "According to Japanese judicial law, what is possible for even an infant to do in court?" Attend.
12/22 Social Studies: "What country refers to a person who controls politics behind the scenes as a "prime minister in black"?" Japan.
History: "The Japanese word "dokyuu" translates to "massive". What English word inspired the initial "do" in dokyuu?" Dreadnought.

The result is determined by the protagonist's Knowledge stat, and, sometimes, the correct answers he gives during the examination. The criteria for scoring high goes up with each exam.

The questions that he needs to answer are often brought up in class beforehand, but unlike there, Thieves Guild cannot be used to estimate the correct answer during the examination period.

Result Exam
1st mid-term 1st end-of-term 2nd mid-term 2nd end-of-term
1st place Knowledge (4 or more) Knowledge (5) Knowledge (5) Knowledge (5) &
all answers correct
Top 10 Knowledge (3) Knowledge (4) &
3 correct answers or more
Knowledge (4) &
all answers correct
Knowledge (5) &
at least 1 incorrect answer
Above middle Knowledge (2) &
3 correct answers or more
Knowledge (4) &
2 correct answers or less
Knowledge (3) &
3 correct answers or more
Knowledge (4) &
at least 1 incorrect answer
Knowledge (3) &
all answers correct
Knowledge (4)
Below middle Knowledge (2) &
2 correct answers or less
Knowledge (1) &
all answers correct
Knowledge (3) &
2 correct answers or less
Knowledge (2)
Knowledge (3) &
at least 1 incorrect answer
Knowledge (2) &
all answers correct
Knowledge (3)
Near bottom Knowledge (1) &
at least 1 incorrect answer
Knowledge (1) Knowledge (2) &
at least 1 incorrect answer
Knowledge (1)
Knowledge (2 or less)
* [2][3]
Confidant Benefits[]

The exam results can grant several rewards. If the protagonist scores 1st place or Top 10, he'll receive 3 notes of Charm, and if he's above middle, it's only 2. Otherwise, there is no point gain.[3]

Additionally, the exam results can boost the amount of Confidant points received while hanging out, similar to having a matching Arcana as the respective user. These multipliers stack. Upon seeing the test results, if the protagonist scores 1st on the exam, the multiplier will be x1.5 (same as matching Arcana boost), and if he scores top 10, it will be x1.2. Otherwise, there will be no boost. The effect only lasts until the results of the next exam, where the multiplier will be refreshed depending on the results. As there are no exams at the start of the game, there is no multiplier then.[2][3][4][5]

These boosts only apply to Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Makoto Niijima, Haru Okumura, Sojiro Sakura, Sadayo Kawakami and Sumire Yoshizawa (P5R).[2][3]

Items from Sojiro[]

Additionally, talking to Sojiro after scoring Top 10 or higher on each exam will let the protagonist receive an accessory, which can only be equipped by him. The rewards can only be given on certain dates. The effects of the items and the periods vary between Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal:

Exam Reward Period
Item Effect Description
First Mid-term Tough Belt En+5 A belt for men who have the eye of the tiger. 5/20 - 5/27
First End-of-term Dandy Mirror +Repel Physical (med) A compact hand mirror used by a seasoned veteran. 7/19 - 7/26
Second Mid-term Leblanc Charm +Null Sleep Contains Boss's finest coffee beans. 10/24 - 10/31
Second End-of-term Boss Undies +Reduce Magic dmg (med) Boss's select, game time underpants. 12/22
* [2]
Exam Reward Period
Item Effect Description
First Mid-term Tough Belt Defense Master A belt for men who have the eye of the tiger. 5/20 - 5/27
First End-of-term Dandy Mirror Counterstrike A compact mirror used by a seasoned veteran. 7/19 - 7/26
Second Mid-term Leblanc Charm Null Sleep Contains Boss's finest coffee beans. 10/24 - 10/31
Second End-of-term Boss Undies Endure Boss's select, game time underpants. 12/22 - 12/23
* [3]

Dodging Chalk[]

"Hey, <Protagonist>! You! Pay attention! Is that how you listen when someone's talking to you!?"

—Mr. Ushimaru, Persona 5

On certain dates in class, Mr. Ushimaru will throw chalk at the protagonist. The days differ between Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal.[6][7]

Date Games
P5 P5R
April 16th
May 6th
June 6th
June 21st
July 11th
September 2nd
October 15th
October 24th
* [6][7]

By default, the protagonist will get hit, but by raising his Proficiency stat, the odds of dodging will increase, with maximum Rank 5 guaranteeing he evades it. In the scenario that he does so, he'll gain two notes of Charm. As April 16th is a tutorial event, the chalk cannot be dodged, although that doesn't apply in New Game Plus.[6][7]

Proficiency Rank Probability of avoiding
1 33%
3 66%
5 100%
* [6][7]

Slack Off[]

Decarabia SMT This topic is in need of research for the following reason:
* November 16 is a class with Kawakami. Is it a Rank 1 event?

This can be discussed on the article's talk page.

"All right, everyone! Quiet down! I'm changing my lesson for today. Instead of a regular class, we'll be reviewing last week's materials. I suggest you listen carefully. But don't think you can slack off, OK? I absolutely won't allow it. No slacking off!"

Sadayo Kawakami when the protagonist can slack off, Persona 5

For Kawakami's Confidant abilities, see Confidant/Sadayo Kawakami

As the protagonist starts Sadayo Kawakami's Confidant, they'll gain access to additional free time in Kawakami's class that will let them be able to perform certain activities. The days the protagonist will be able to perform these activities are always on specific days. Additionally, upon reaching Rank 5, Kawakami will grant the protagonist more free time, which she does by luring other teachers out of the protagonist's classes.

While free in class, the protagonist will be able to craft infiltration tools, read books, sleep or gain Knowledge by listening to the lecture or studying.

The activities function similarly to their normal counterparts, although there are some limitations. Only one infiltration tool can be made per session, but the protagonist will need to rank up his Proficiency if he wants to receive more of said item, always at the cost of materials for one. In Persona 5, the protagonist will also gain two points of Proficiency at the end of the crafting session, but that has been reduced to one in Royal.[8][9]

Studying boosts Knowledge by two points as usual, but the effects of the weather and from reading Factorization Guide (Royal) are null.[8][9]

Date Requirement
June 3 Rank 1
June 16 Rank 5
July 2 Rank 1
July 6 Rank 5
September 23 Rank 1
September 30 Rank 5
October 5 Rank 1
October 31 Rank 5
November 5 Rank 1
November 11 Rank 5
November 16 Rank 5
Persona 5 Royal only
January 20 Rank 5
January 25 Rank 5
* [8][9]
Date Requirement
June 3 Rank 1
July 2 Rank 1
September 23 Rank 1
October 5 Rank 1
November 5 Rank 1
* [8][9]
Date Requirement
June 16 Rank 5
July 6 Rank 5
September 30 Rank 5
October 31 Rank 5
November 11 Rank 5
November 16 Rank 5
Persona 5 Royal only
January 20 Rank 5
January 25 Rank 5
* [8][9]

Trophies & Awards[]

Trophy Icon Description For Reward
Head of the Class P3P Trophy 35 Rank #1 in your class on an exam. P3P trophy Bronze Trophy
Top of the Class P3R Trophy 15 Aced an exam. P3R trophy Silver Trophy
Head of the Class P4G Trophy HeadClass Rank #1 in your class on an exam P4G trophy Bronze Trophy
Mask of an Honor Student Mask of an Honor Student Icon Rank first place on your exams. P5 trophy Bronze Trophy
A Most Studious Disguise P5R Trophy 15 Scored the highest on your exams. P5R trophy Silver Trophy

Persona 5: The Phantom X[]

Class Questions[]


  • As the remaster of Persona 3, FES revises all the class questions from the original game, FES' first class question is kept to be about Toriumi's favorite author, but this time she discusses different people. The correct answer of Persona 3, Fuyuhiko Yoshimura, is presented as an incorrect choice in FES.
  • In Persona 4, Mr. Kondo has the most class events out of any teacher at 13,[10] as he teaches both P.E. and English. Golden increases it to 14.
  • Persona 4 Golden is the only game in the series to have final exams in the third semester.
  • Persona 5 Royal marks the largest amount of class questions available at 57.


  1. 授業と定期試験の正答と問題, ペルソナ5ザ・ロイヤル総合攻略Wiki P5R攻略 Wiki*
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 定期試験, ペルソナ5総合攻略Wiki P5攻略 Wiki*
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 定期試験, ペルソナ5ザ・ロイヤル総合攻略Wiki P5R攻略 Wiki*
  4. 好感度の上昇効果・結果・方法, ペルソナ5総合攻略Wiki P5攻略 Wiki*
  5. 好感度の上昇効果・結果・方法, ペルソナ5ザ・ロイヤル総合攻略Wiki P5R攻略 Wiki*
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 秀尽学園, ペルソナ5総合攻略Wiki P5攻略 Wiki*
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 秀尽学園, ペルソナ5ザ・ロイヤル総合攻略Wiki P5R攻略 Wiki*
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 授業サボり, ペルソナ5総合攻略Wiki P5攻略 Wiki*
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 授業サボり・家事代行, ペルソナ5ザ・ロイヤル総合攻略Wiki P5R攻略 Wiki*
  10. 6/8 is a question that Yukiko Amagi asks the protagonist directly, but it's a session with Mr. Kondo.
Playable Male protagonist - Female protagonist - Yukari Takeba - Junpei Iori - Akihiko Sanada - Mitsuru Kirijo - Fuuka Yamagishi - Aigis - Koromaru - Ken Amada - Shinjiro Aragaki - Metis
Social Link Kenji Tomochika - Hidetoshi Odagiri - Bunkichi and Mitsuko - Kazushi Miyamoto - Chihiro Fushimi - Isako Toriumi - Keisuke Hiraga - Yuko Nishiwaki - Maiko Oohashi - Pharos - Bebe - President Tanaka - Mutatsu - Mamoru Hayase - Nozomi Suemitsu - Akinari Kamiki - Rio Iwasaki - Saori Hasegawa - Ryoji Mochizuki
Major Igor - Elizabeth - Theodore - Shuji Ikutsuki - Officer Kurosawa - Takaya Sakaki - Jin Shirato - Chidori Yoshino - Takeharu Kirijo - Kouetsu Kirijo - Eiichiro Takeba - Natsuki Moriyama - Nyx - Erebus - Margaret
Minor Maki - Kiyoshi Sakuma - Mr. Edogawa - Mr. Ekoda - Mr. Miyahara - Ms. Ounishi - Mrs. Terauchi - Kikuno Saikawa - Yuu Kimijima - Souta Aizawa - Kyouka Sayama
Cameo Yukiko Amagi - Noriko Kashiwagi - Man Drinking Alone
Port Island Gekkoukan High School - Paulownia Mall - Police Station - Shinshoudo Antiques - Iwatodai Station - Port Island Station - Naganaki Shrine - Dorm - Moonlight Bridge - Velvet Room
Tartarus Blocks: Thebel - Arqa - Yabbashah - Tziah - Harabah - Adamah - Monad Depths
Abyss of Time Malebolge - Cocytus - Caina - Antenora - Ptolomea - Judecca - Empyrean
Other Kyoto - Great Seal
Albums Original Soundtrack (JP / US / FES / Portable) - Bonus CD - Burn My Dread -Reincarnation- - Spring of Birth OST - Midsummer Knight's Dream OST - Falling Down OST - Winter Of Rebirth OST - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 3 Reload Original Soundtrack - Persona 3 Reload: Episode Aigis Original Soundtrack
Songs "Burn My Dread" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Want To Be Close" - "When the Moon Reaches for the Stars" - "Iwatodai Dorm" - "Mass Destruction" - "Color Your Night" - "Deep Breath Deep Breath" - "The Meaning of Armbands" - "Deep Mentality" - "It's Going Down Now" - "Changing Seasons" - "Current Net Price Tanaka" - "Battle Hymn of the Soul" - "Kimi no Kioku" - "P3 FES" - "Disconnected" - "Mass Destruction -P3fes version-" - "Don't" - "Heartful Cry" - "Brand New Days" - "Soul Phrase" - "A Way of Life" - "Time" - "Wiping All Out" - "More Than One Heart" - "Fate is In Our Hands" - "One Single Word" - "One Hand, One Heartbeat" - "One Determination" - "Sound of the Beast" - "Storm for a Butterfly" - "Light in Starless Sky" - "My Testimony" - "Self Redemption" - "Full Moon Full Life"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Prime / Ultimate) - Persona user - Shadow - Wild Card - Evoker - Attack Properties - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Dark Hour - Moon Phase System - Full Moon Operations - SEES - Kirijo Group - Nanjo Group - Strega - Artificial Persona user - Suppressants - Apathy Syndrome - The Fall - Death - Who's Who - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R - Plume of Dusk
P3RE: Shift - Theurgy - Combat Characteristics
Lists Arcana - Personas (P3 / FES / P3P / RE) - Shadows - Bosses (P3 / FES) - Skills - Items (Heart Items / Vending Machines) - Status Effects - Elizabeth's Requests - Activities - Calendar - Trophies (Portable / Reload) - Steam Profile Items - Patches and Updates
School Life Daily Life - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Movie Theater - Bed - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - School Club - Cooking - Walking Koromaru - Linked Episode - Computer - Refrigerator - Gardening - Books - DVDs - Studying - Fortune Telling
Other Media
Games FES - Portable - Reload - Dancing in Moonlight
Productions The Movie - The Movie: Escape from the Dark Hour - the Weird Masquerade: -Ao no Kakusei- / -Gunjou no Meikyuu- / -Souen no Kesshou- / -Ai no Seiyaku- / -Hekikuu no Kanata e- - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best-
Drama CDs A Certain Day of Summer - Daylight / Moonlight - Character Drama CD Vol. 1 / Vol. 2 / Vol. 3 / Vol. 4 / Vol. 5 - New Moon / Full Moon - Portable Vol. 1 / Vol. 2
Publications Manga - Shadow Cry - Memento Mori - Owari no Kakera - Alternative Heart - Velvet Blue - Persona Magazine - Dear Girls Comic Anthology - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Tartarus Theater - Persona VS - Persona 3 Reload: Beginnings
Mobile Games The Night Before - Persona Ain Soph - Social - Escape - Illust Puzzle - Broken Shadow - Aegis: The First Mission - Qix - Chaining Soul - Em
Events Music Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019 - 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
Miscellaneous Merchandise

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Playable Protagonist - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Yukiko Amagi - Kanji Tatsumi - Rise Kujikawa - Teddie - Naoto Shirogane
Social Link Margaret - Nanako Dojima - Ryotaro Dojima - Naoki Konishi - Kou Ichijo - Daisuke Nagase - Hisano Kuroda - Sayoko Uehara - Yumi Ozawa - Ayane Matsunaga - Ai Ebihara - Fox - Shu Nakajima - Eri Minami - Marie - Tohru Adachi
Major Igor - Mayumi Yamano - Misuzu Hiiragi - Saki Konishi - Mitsuo Kubo - Hanako Ohtani - Kinshiro Morooka - Noriko Kashiwagi - Taro Namatame - Old Lady Shiroku - Master Daidara - Minoru Inoue - Yuuta Minami - Kaneko - Aika Nakamura - President Tanaka - Chihiro Fushimi - Mr. Edogawa - Kanami Mashita - Moel Gas Station Attendant
Major enemies Shadow Yosuke - Shadow Chie - Shadow Yukiko - Shadow Kanji - Shadow Rise - Shadow Teddie - Shadow Mitsuo - Shadow Naoto - Kunino-sagiri - Ameno-sagiri - Kusumi-no-Okami - Izanami
Inaba Central Shopping District - Dojima Residence - Junes Department Store - Samegawa Flood Plain - Velvet Room - Yasogami High School
Midnight Channel Twisted Shopping District - Yukiko's Castle - Steamy Bathhouse - Marukyu Striptease - Void Quest - Secret Laboratory - Heaven - Magatsu Inaba - Hollow Forest - Yomotsu Hirasaka
Other Okina City - Shichiri Beach - Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz - Tatsumi Port Island (Gekkoukan High School - Club Escapade - Iwatodai Station)
Albums Original Soundtrack (Persona 4 / Golden / The Animation) - Never More -Reincarnation- - Persona 4: The Golden Animation Special Arrange CD - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Re:BRiLLiANCE
Songs "Ain't Nobody Can Hold Me Down" - "Alone in this World" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Studio Backlot/Backside of the TV" - "Beauty of Destiny" - "Dazzling Smile" - "Falling into Right Places" - "Heartbeat, Heartbreak" - "Heaven" - "I'll Face Myself" - "Just Like The Wind" - "Key Plus Words" - "Koisuru Meitantei" - "Never More" - "Next Chance to Move On" - "Pursuing My True Self" - "Reach Out To The Truth" - "Shadow World" - "Signs of Love" - "Sky's The Limit" - "SNOWFLAKES" - "Someone Else's Man" - "Time For True Revelation" - "Time To Make History" - "True Feelings" - "True Story" - "The Way of Memories" - "We Are One and All" - "Ying Yang" - "Your Affection"
Terminology Persona (Initial / Ultimate) - Persona user - Glasses - Fog - Shadow - Shadow Self - Party - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Arcana Chance - Fusion Forecast - Weather Forecast - Investigation Team - Mystery Food X - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R
Lists Arcana - Personas - Shadows - Skills - Items (Persona 4 / Golden) - Requests - Status Changes - Activities - Calendar - Golden Trophies - The Animation / Golden Animation Episodes - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
School Life Weather Forecast - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Books - Movie Theater - Bed - Fishing - Cooking - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Scooter - Gardening - School Club - Bug Catching - Refrigerator - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Cat
Other Media
Games Golden - Arena - Arena Ultimax - Dancing All Night
Productions The Animation / -The Factor of Hope- / The Golden Animation - Visualive / the Evolution - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best- - Persona VS
Publications Manga - The Magician - Dengeki Comic Anthology (the Animation / The Golden / The Golden Animation) - Kiri no Amnesia - Your Affection - Persona x Detective Naoto (manga) - Yasoinaba Case File - Persona Magazine
Drama CDs Persona 4 (Vol.1 / Vol.2 / Vol.3) - Persona 4 The Animation (Vol.1 / Vol.2) - Persona 4 Golden (Vol.1 / Vol.2)
Mobile Games The Card Battle - Colors - Persona 4: The Slot - Persona 4 the Pachinko
Events Music Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019- 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
Miscellaneous Merchandise

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Playable Protagonist - Morgana - Ryuji Sakamoto - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Goro Akechi - Sumire Yoshizawa
Confidant Igor - Sojiro Sakura - Chihaya Mifune - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Sadayo Kawakami - Ichiko Ohya - Shinya Oda - Hifumi Togo - Yuuki Mishima - Toranosuke Yoshida - Caroline & Justine - Sae Niijima - Takuto Maruki
Major Targets Suguru Kamoshida - Ichiryusai Madarame - Junya Kaneshiro - Shadow Futaba - Kunikazu Okumura - Masayoshi Shido - Holy Grail / Yaldabaoth - Azathoth / Adam Kadmon
Other Principal Kobayakawa - SIU Director - Shiho Suzui - Natsuhiko Nakanohara - Mika - Lala Escargot - Angel and Julian - Medjed - Wakaba Isshiki - Sugimura - President Tanaka - Kazuya Makigami - Naoya Makigami - Shadow Mishima - Shinichi Yoshizawa - Rumi - Shibusawa - Jose - Kasumi Yoshizawa - Coach Hiraguchi
Tokyo Yongen-Jaya (Café Leblanc) - Shibuya - Aoyama-Itchome (Shujin Academy) - Shinjuku - Akihabara - Kichijoji - Ogikubo - Inokashira Park - Tsukishima - Akasaka Mitsuke - Suidobashi - Odaiba Seaside Park - Ichigaya - Ikebukuro - Ginza - Harajuku - Meiji Shrine - Jinbocho - Miura Beach - Maihama (Tokyo Destinyland) - Kanda - Roppongi - Ueno - Asakusa - Chinatown - Nagatacho - Shinagawa - Nakano - Kosei High School
Metaverse Kamoshida's Palace - Madarame's Palace - Kaneshiro's Palace - Futaba's Palace - Okumura's Palace - Niijima's Palace - Shido's Palace - Mementos (Path of Qimranut - Path of Aiyatsbus - Path of Chemdah - Path of Kaitul - Path of Akzeriyyuth - Path of Adyeshach - Path of Sheriruth - Depths of Mementos - Qliphoth World - Path of Da'at) - Maruki's Palace
Other Velvet Room - Hawaii - Thieves Den
Albums Original Soundtrack (Persona 5 / Royal (JP / EN))
Songs "Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There" - "Life Will Change" - "Beneath the Mask" - "Last Surprise" - "Rivers in the Desert" - "The Whims of Fate" - "Tokyo Daylight" - "Hoshi To Bokura To" - "Break In To Break Out" - "Infinity" - "Dark Sun..." - "Autonomy" - "Found a Light" - "IT'S TOO LATE" - "Colors Flying High" - "Take Over" - "He's a Trickster☆" - "I Believe" - "No More What Ifs" - "Throw Away Your Mask" - "Bokura no Hikari (Our Light)"
Story Persona - Persona user - Shadow - Shadow Self - Second Awakening - Picaro Persona - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card - Phantom Thieves of Hearts - Phantom Aficionado Website - Antisocial Force - Treasure - Police - Calling Card - Change of Heart - Psychotic breakdown - Mental shutdown - General Public - Seven Deadly Sins - Sea of Souls - Bond - Featherman
School Life Calendar - Weather - Seasons
Confidant - Social Stats - Hideout - Class - Train - Invitations - Gifts - Decorations
Activities Bathhouse - Studying - Diner - Cleaning - Maid Café - Billiards - Books - DVDs - Retro Games - Movie Theater - Big Bang Challenge - Crane Game - Bed - Batting Cages - Fishing Pond - Crossword Puzzles - Darts - Infiltration Tools - Cooking - Training - Old Temple - Laundry - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Confessional - Jazz Jin - Houseplant - Refrigerator - TV Quiz Show - Blackboard - Drink Stand - Lottery - Cultivation - Fortune Telling
Vendors Shops: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Vending Machines - Takemi Medical Clinic - Untouchable - Jose's Shop - Home Shopping Program - Tanaka's Shady Commodities - Military Vending Machine - Trading
Phantom Life Mementos Requests - Third Eye - Security Level - Search Objects - Treasure Chests - Safe Room - Thieves Guild - List of Shadows (Treasure Demon - Disaster Shadow - Savage Shadow) - List of Bosses - Skill Card - Will Seeds - Deviations - Slot Machines
Battle Items: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Skills: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Difficulty - Status Changes - Weaknesses - Traits - Navigator - Tactics - Guard - Party Switch - Baton Pass - One More - Critical - Technical - Showtime - Cut-in - All-out Attack - Hold Up - Personality - Drops - Game Over
Follow Up - Harisen Recovery - Endure - Protect - Pickpocket - Crocodile Tears - Sexy Technique - Down Shot - Bullet Hail - Oda Special - Kakoi Kuzushi - Sleuthing Instinct - Detox X - Mindfulness - Flow - Tumbling
Velvet Room List of Personas: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Fusion - Special Fusion - Hanging - Lockdown - Electric Chair - Arcana - Skill Inheritance - Fusion Accident - Fusion alarm - Challenge Battle
System Trophies: (Persona 5 / Royal) - Cutscenes - New Game Plus - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
Unused Content: (Persona 5 / Royal)
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Sega
Personnel Katsura Hashino - Shigenori Soejima - Shoji Meguro - Lyn Inaizumi - Atsushi Kitajoh - Ryota Kozuka - Kenichi Tsuchiya - Toshiki Konishi - Kazuhisa Wada - Lotus Juice
Other Media
Games Royal - Dancing in Starlight - Strikers - Tactica - The Phantom X
Productions Persona 5 The Animation The Day Breakers - Persona 5 The Animation (Episodes - Dark Sun... - Stars and Ours - Proof of Justice - A Magical Valentine's Day) - Persona O.A. - Persona 5 The Night Breakers - Persona Stalker Club V - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best 5- - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Persona 5 The Stage - Persona VS
Publications Manga - Dengeki Comic Anthology - Comic à La Carte - Comic Anthology (DNA Media Comics) - Tartarus Theater Wild - the Animation Dengeki Comic Anthology - Mementos Mission - Mementos Report - Persona Magazine
Events Night of the Phantom - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019 - TGS 2021 - 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES
TGS 2015 - Take Tokyo Tower - E3 2016 - Take the Treasure - TGS 2016 - Morgana's Report - DJ Morgana
Miscellaneous Merchandise - Catherine: Full Body - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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Playable Characters
Original Protagonist - Lufel - Motoha Arai - Shun Kanou - Riko Tanemura - Seiji Shiratori - Kotone Montagne - Yukimi Fujikawa - Tomoko Noge - Reo Kamiyama - Yaoling Li - Kiyoshi Kurotani - Kayo Tomiyama - YUI - Miyu Sahara - Toshiya Sumi - Haruna Nishimori - Minami Miyashita - Chizuko Nagao - Yumi Shiina - Ayaka Sakai - Kira Kitazato - Masaki Ashiya - Runa Dogenzaka - Mio Natsukawa
Phantom Thieves of Hearts Ren Amamiya - Ryuji Sakamoto - Morgana - Ann Takamaki - Yusuke Kitagawa - Makoto Niijima - Futaba Sakura - Haru Okumura - Kasumi Yoshizawa - Goro Akechi
Non-Playable Supporting Igor - Merope - Marthym - Kumi Katayama - Munehisa Iwai - Tae Takemi - Chihaya Mifune - Lala Escargot - Jose - Chata - Besa - President Tanaka
Non-Playable Antagonists Takeyuki Kiuchi - Hiromu Miyazawa - Kei Akashi
Tokyo Zoshigaya - Shimokitazawa - Shibuya - Yongen-Jaya - Shinjuku - Ueno - Kichijoji - Akihabara - Kanda - Asakusa - Jinbocho - Tsukishima - Shirosato Beach - Maihama - Ginza - Odaiba Seaside Park - Suidobashi - Ichigaya - Akasaka Mitsuke - Shinagawa - Miura Beach - Harajuku - Inokashira - Ikebukuro - Chinatown
Metaverse Mementos - Kiuchi's Palace - Miyazawa's Palace - Katayama's Palace - Akashi's Palace
Other Velvet Room - Thieves Den
Songs "Ambitions and Visions" - "Elite Battle" - "Fatal Desire" - "Last Strike" - "Shadow Loop" - "Wake Up Your Hero" - "Seize the Light" - "Wonder Light" - "Gone with the Storm"
Story Persona - Persona user - Shadow - Shadow Self - I am thou - Cognition - P. A. D. - Metaverse - Metaverse Navigator - Mask - Wild Card
School Life Weather - Social Stats - Class - Train - Invitations - Gifts - Decorations
Activities Bathhouse - Batting Cages - Fishing Pond - Training - Part-time Jobs
Vendors Vending Machines - Takemi Medical Clinic - Untouchable - Tanaka's Shady Commodities
Phantom Life Search Objects
Battle Skills - Items - Weaknesses - Critical - One More - Baton Pass - All-out Attack - Navigator - Highlight Attacks
Velvet Room List of Personas - Fusion - Challenge Battle
Corporate Atlus Co., Ltd. - Sega - Black Wings Game Studio
Personnel Kazuhisa Wada - Shigenori Soejima - Lyn Inaizumi - Yusuke Nitta - Ryota Kozuka - Yosuke Uda - Lao V
Other Media
Games Persona 5 - Persona 5 Royal - Persona 5 Strikers - Persona 5 Tactica
Miscellaneous Merchandise

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