
Cyak is a demon in the series.


Khyah, also known as Khyā, Khyāk or Cyak, is a mythical humanoid creature of Nepal that appear in the form of a fat, hairy, short ape-like being. Khyahs appear in children's stories popular in Newar society.

A friendly Khyah fills the home with goodness while bad ones bring trouble. A white Khyah is believed to bring good luck while a black one can create problems. Encountering a Khyah can make one ill. To banish Khyah, an exorcism dance is held, and humorous dances including acrobatics are performed as well.

In Newar culture, Khyahs attend to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and pictures of the deity show them guarding overflowing bags of coins. Household Khyahs usually dwell in the attic and dark storerooms. They are said to fear electric lighting.



Shin Megami Tensei[]

"Origin: Nepal. A Nepalese monster of the night. It's covered in black fur and its red tongue hangs out of tis mouth. It's said to be benign to humans. In fact, its acrobatic dance drives out evil spirits."

Shin Megami Tensei A-Mode DDS dictionary

Last Bible III[]

A Cyak acts as principal of the school teaching students to use Gaia. He is later imprisoned for questioning the Gaia Prohibition law, but is freed by Ciel. He also helps Alon in creating his machine to get rid of the Mind Lock on Glen.


Shin Megami Tensei[]

Cyak SMT sprite
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Night Chaos 14 39 55
7 ? 32 10 17 9 13 13
St 10
In 12
Ma 11
Vi 7
Ag 7
Lu 9
Resistances Nulls Guns, Nerve, and Curse Drop Mazio Stone
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Zionga 9 MP Strong lightning strikes one enemy, shocking it.
Makakaja 4 MP Raises the magic damage of all party members.
Hama 5 MP Eliminates 2 enemies with the power of light.

Shin Megami Tensei: if...[]

Cyak SMT if sprite
Race Alignment Level HP MP
Night Neutral-Neutral 5 46 57
4 1 20 13 18 13 4 4
St 5
In 3
Ma 4
Vi 4
Ag 4
Lu 6
Drop Onyx
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect
Bufu 3 MP Light Ice damage to a single foe.
Makakaja 4 MP Increases magic power, all allies.
Hama 5 MP Chance of inflicting instant death, two foes.
Zan 2 MP Light Force damage to a single foe.
Trafuri 2 MP Guaranteed escape any non-boss or non-event battle.

Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Mokushiroku[]

Race Alignment Level HP MP CP Equip Type
Night Neutral-Chaos 8 52 99 14 ?
Intuition Will Power Magic Intelligence Divine Protection
8 9 21 12 8
Strength Stamina Agility Dexterity Charm
8 8 10 5 12
Swd Hvc Fir Ice Elc For Exp Dth Mys Nrv
100% 60% 100% 100% 100% 100% 20% 100% 100% 100%
List of Skills
Zan Pulinpa Iruku
Dormina Zanma

Devil Children Fire/Ice Book[]

Class Type Race Level HP MP Exp
Common Wind Ogre 8 81 51 26
Attack Guard Magic M Guard Speed Luck
9 12 10 10 11 12
List of Skills
Zan Hapilma Dekunda
Media Tarukaja Flare Light


Cyak as it appears in Last Bible Special

Cyak as it appears in Last Bible Special

Deity Loki - Freyr - Arahabaki - Odin - Baal - Fudou Myouou - Brahman - Indra - Vishnu
Megami Ame no Uzume - Skuld - Kushinada - Verdandi - Sarasvati - Urd - Kikuri-Hime - Lakshmi
Tenma Agni - Ravana - Yama - Indrajit - Wu Kong - Mahakala - Shiva
Kishin Hitokotonusi - Kotosironusi - Oumononushi - Minakata - Nagasunehiko - Zouchouten - Koumokuten - Jikokuten - Kagutsuchii - Mikazuchi - Niou - Bishamonten
Vile Mishaguji - Tezcatlipoca - Orcus - Seth - Taotie
Femme Lamia - Taraka - Gorgon - Dakini - Scylla - Rangda - Hel - Hariti - Kali
Tyrant Dagon - Mephisto - Pazuzu - Bael - Asmodeus - Mara - Arioch - Surt - Astaroth - Satanachia - Beelzebub
Yoma Kimnari - Apsaras - Isora - Watcher - Loa - Onkot - Choronzon - Tengu - Kinnara - Ifrit - Ganesha - Hanuman
Night Imp - Cyak - Nightmare - Lilim - Celuluk - Calon Arang - Incubus - Succubus - Vampire
Fairy Pixie - Goblin - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack - Dryad - Cait Sith - Gandharva - Rusalka - Kelpie - Elf - Banshee - Hobgoblin - Senri - Troll - Tam Lin - Dullahan - Cu Chulainn - Senko - Oberon
Seraph Uriel - Raphael - Gabriel
Divine Angel - Archangel - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Cherub
Fallen Andras - Gamigin - Forneus - Berith - Sytry - Orobas - Leonard - Decarabia - Ose - Marchosias - Samael - Abaddon - Fleurety - Flauros - Sargatanas
Dragon Coatlicue - Ganga - Vritra - Baek Yong - Maya - Tiamat - Ananta
Snake Raja Naga - Yurlungur - Quetzalcoatl - Itzamna - Orochi - Pendragon
Drake Worm - Cockatrice - Wyrm - Wyvern - Basilisk - Serpent - Midgardsomr - Fafnir
Avian Feng Huang - Jatayu - Takuhi - Phoenix - Yatagarasu - Garuda
Flight Harpy - Gu Huo Niao - Badb Catha - Siren
Raptor Fuxi - Furiae - Gurr - Hresvelgr
Avatar Nandi - Bastet - Pegasus - Narasimha - Sphinx - Chimera - Barong
Holy Unicorn - Bai Ze - Pabilsag - Qilin - Gui Xian
Beast Shanhui - Cu Sith - Tan-Ki - Nekomata - Stonka - Tammuz - Orthrus - Rakcharango - Cerberus - Pascal (first form) - Griffon - Pascal (second form)
Wilder Nue - Souyou - Tamamo - Manticore - Kraken - Fenrir
Touki Spartoi - Yaksini - Gozuki - Mezuki - Nezha - Minotaur - Yaksa - Talos
Brute Azumi - Bogle - Momunofu - Purski - Ibaraki Doji - Turdak - Shuten Doji
Jirae Brownie - Knocker - Kobold - Fachan - Tsuchigumo - Bugaboo - Dwarf - Kwancha - Sarutahiko - Giant - Atlas
Jaki Gremlin - Tun Kou - Orc - Wendigo - Lakhe - Barbegazi - Rakshasa - Cyclops - Girimekhala
Evil Spirit
Ghost Preta - Oshichi - Ghoul - Man Eater - Baykok - Sawo Bhaku - Sanni Yaka - Vetala - Lich
Spirit Ghost - Shade - Lemur - Pisaca - Larvae - Phantom - Legion
Undead Zombie - Zombie Lady - Obattarion - Zombie Cop - Bodyconian - Army Zombie - Corpse
Foul Hoodlum - Yakuza - Mou-Ryo - Slime - Black Ooze - Backbeard
Element Erthys - Aeros - Aquans - Flaemis - Gnome - Sylph - Undine - Salamander
Therian Weredog - Werecat - Werewolf
Messian Cult Fanatic - Holy Knight - Magus - Scanner
Gaean Suicide Unit - Death Rider - Fallen Monk - Oni Jorou - Dark Priest - Assassin
Dog Pascal
Enemy Only
Machine Kugutsu - Bigfoot - Bit Ball - T93G - T95C/P - T95D
Fiend Daisoujou - Pale Rider - David

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