Daidouji Residence

Daidouji Residence

The Daidouji Residence is a location in the Devil Summoner series of games.



The Daidouji Residence is situated north of Tsukudo-Cho in The Capital. Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV and Gouto-Douji head to the residence the day after Kaya Daidouji's abduction for information. After a cold reception from Nakamura, an assistant to the Daidouji family, Gouto suggest sending a demon into Master Daidouji's study to investigate. After finding a photo of Kaya, the investigation heads back to Tsukudo-Cho to ask classmates of Kaya for information.

After hearing about the suspicious basement of the Daidouji Residence from Rin, Raidou returns here to investigate. Raidou and Gouto will notice a suspicious wall in the closet at the northwest corner of the first floor. Summoning a Volt Order demon to use the Inspect skill will reveal some suspicious books on a bookcase. Checking the Demons of This Earth book will cause the wall to open, leading to and underground passage.

At the end of the passage, Raidou will encounter a Tarrasque claiming to be the boss of the area, who demands Red Wine in order to cross the water on his back. In order to obtain the Red Wine, Raidou will need to head to the main entrance of the residence to hear the butler talking with a maid about the new hire being sent to retrieve wine. Afterward, Raidou can find the servant on the main street of Tsukudo-Cho. Using a Pagan demon to read their mind will give a clue about how to get the wine. After suceeding, Raidou can return to the Tarrasque to turn in the wine.

However, the Tarrasque then tries to pair the wine with Raidou, requiring him to defeat it. The Tarrasque will summon two Azumi as support during the battle. He will attack with Bufu along with a short-range area-of-effect Physical attack and occassionally heal himself, and he also does not have a weakness to Fire like normal Tarrasque demons. He will surrender in defeat when most of his health is depleted.

Afterward, the demon will request more alcohol, which can be found in the form of Pricey Beer in one of the second floor guestrooms of the residence. Giving this to the Tarrasque will finally allow Raidou to cross.

On the other side, continuing along the passage will lead Raidou up some stairs and past two matryoshka dolls to a cell covered in paper talismans. There will be a bookcase covered in dust, with the outline of a missing book on the shelf. Using a Volt Order demon to inspect the cell will reveal the location of Kaya's Diary.

Heading back towards the residence will lead to an ambush by two Turdak demons and Gashadokuro. If Raidou became strong enough to recruit Raiju, it will absorb most of Gashadokuro's attacks. Raidou can destroy the Turdaks, but Gashadokuro will resummon them. The battle will end once Gashadokuro is defeated and the stragglers destroyed.

Afterward, returning to the residence entrance will result in Raidou overhearing some heated discussion behind a closed door, with the butler standing between Raidou and access to the area. Sending over a demon to eavesdrop results in overhearing a discussion involving Kaya and a factory debt owed by Kiyoshi Daidouji, Kaya's uncle. Gouto will opt to return to Narumi afterward.

Narumi will direct Raidou right back to the residence to confront Kiyoshi Daidouji and his guest directly. Upon reaching the foyer, Raidou finds the house staff to be rattled by a disturbance in the living room on the east side of the floor. Upon entering the room, Raidou will find a distraught Kiyoshi, who states that he only wanted to save Kaya and his factory before transforming into a Red Cape and drawing Raidou into the Dark Realm. Raidou must then pursue Kiyoshi, but is stopped by a mysterious voice, who says Raidou has learned too much and must be stopped. Ichimokuren will be summoned to battle Raidou.

After the battle, Kiyoshi will have escaped and the mysterious summoner withdraws, leaving Raidou to go consult with Narumi.

Raidou will eventually need to negotiate with the Large Tarrasque in the basement in order to reach the church of Harumi-Cho. The Tarrasque will continue demanding money until Raidou refuses, at which point he will have to scold it to make it relent and accept the deal. The Tarrasque will then give Raidou the Flute of Rhone, which will allow Raidou to summon him from any dock in the Capital. If Raidou uses the Lock Picks in the upper rooms of the Daidouji Residence, he can collect a bottle of Vodka and present it to the Large Tarrasque to gain access to his treasure horde.


Daidouji Residence
  • Pricey Beer
  • Foxtail x1
  • Balm of Life x1 (Lock Pick)
  • Vodka (Lock Pick)
  • "Shishiou" Sake x1 (Lock Pick)
  • Fire Bullet x15
  • Soma Drop x1 (World Map from eastern exit)
  • Bead x1
  • Chakra Chip x2
  • Lu Incense x1 (Tarrasque treasure horde)
  • Soma Drop x1 (Tarrasque treasure horde)


Daidouji Residence[]

Level Order Demon HP MP Weak Strong Null Drain Repel Skills
2 Undead Zombie 80 66 Fire Ice/Elec - - - Mighty Blow
2 Pyro Ukobach 80 78 Ice - Fire - - Agi, Ignite
3 Pagan Alp 92 93 Fire/Ice - - - - Dia, Pulinpa, Read Mind, Sneak
5 Fury Obariyon 132 75 Ice/Force - Death - - Combo, Use Force, Sneak
8 Volt Agathion 152 144 Fire Elec/Force - - - Zio, Inspect, Sneak

Daidouji Residence basement[]

Level Order Demon HP MP Weak Strong Null Drain Repel Skills
2 Undead Zombie 80 66 Fire Ice/Elec - - - Mighty Blow
6 Frost Azumi 128 114 Fire - Ice - - Dia, Bufu, Cool Down, Fly
10 Pyro Pyro Jack 191 162 Ice - - Fire - Agi, Pulinpa, Ignite, Fly
10 Wind Poltergeist 183 150 Fire/Elec Force Gun/Mind/Death - - Zan, Scout, Sneak
16 Volt Raiju 248 216 Weak Strong Null Drain Repel Zio, Inspect, Sneak
Episode 4
Level Order Demon HP MP Weak Strong Null Drain Repel Skills
2 Undead Zombie 80 66 Fire Ice/Elec - - - Mighty Blow
2 Pyro Ukobach 80 78 Ice - Fire - - Agi, Ignite
6 Frost Azumi 128 114 Fire - Ice - - Dia, Bufu, Cool Down, Fly
10 Pyro Pyro Jack 191 162 Ice - - Fire - Agi, Pulinpa, Ignite, Fly
10 Wind Poltergeist 183 150 Fire/Elec Force Gun/Mind/Death - - Zan, Scout, Sneak
16 Volt Raiju 248 216 Weak Strong Null Drain Repel Zio, Inspect, Sneak
17 Fury Turdak 299 111 Fire/Force Phys - - - Makajam, Use Force
25 Skill Leanan Sidhe 362 267 Fire Mind Ice - - Dormina, Diarama, Pulinpa, Demonstrate, Allure
27 Pagan Ghoul 365 189 Fire - - - - Combo, Venomstrike, Read Mind
Characters Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV - Gouto - Kaya Daidouji - Shouhei Narumi - Tae Asakura - Dr. Victor - General Munakata - Rasputin - Nakamura - Kiyoshi Daidouji - Dr. Tsukumo - Raido Kuzunoha the XIV - Goto-Douji - Satake Kenzou - Owner of Konnou-Ya - Owner of Ryugu - Sadakichi - Herald of Yatagarasu - Shizu Iida - Denpachi Iida - Detective Kazama
Locations The Capital - Tsukudo-Cho (Narumi Detective Agency - Konnou-Ya - Gouma-Den) - Daidouji Residence - Ginza-Cho (Shin-Sekai Soda Joint) - Fukagawa-Cho - Daidouji Factory - Harumi-Cho - Kasumidai - Shipbuilding Facility - Sakuradayama (Waden One) - Kasuminomori - Akarana Corridor - Nameless Shrine Shinoda (Training Hall) - Dark Realm
Soundtracks Devil Summoner Kuzunoha Raidou vs The Soulless Army Complete Music Works
Demon Orders Pyro - Frost - Volt - Wind - Fury - Pagan - Skill - Undead
Archives Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items - Statuses - Confinement

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