Danger Zone

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DangerZone SH2

Danger Zone being used in Soul Hackers 2.

Danger Zone (ワードハザード, Waado Hazaado)? is a Physical skill.


Danger Zone is an attack that deals damage to all enemies. It is telegraphed by Power Charger in the previous turn.

Strength Skills
Physical Skills Eat Whole - Bamboo Slice
Fang Breaker - Defense Kuzushi - Torpor Strike
Heat Wave - Rampage - Overlord
Gunfire Skills Needle Shot - Needle Rush - Stun Needle - Freikugel - Heaven's Bow
Hypnosis Needle - Wave Shot - Blast Arrow - Multi-Strike
Magic Skills
Fire Skills Agi - Maragi - Agilao - Maragion - Agidyne - Maragidyne - Fire Breath - Hellfire - Kurikara Kokuryu -
Rampant Wildfire
Ice Skills Bufu - Mabufu - Bufula - Mabufula - Bufudyne - Mabufudyne - Ice Breath - Glacial Blast - Hellish Geyser
Electric Skills Zio - Mazio - Zionga - Mazionga - Ziodyne - Maziodyne - Shock - Wild Lightning
Roma Fulmen
Force Skills Zan - Mazan - Zanma - Mazanma - Zandyne - Mazandyne - Wind Breath - Tornado
Ruin Skills Demonic Gaze - High Pressure - Poisma - Poison Breath - Dormina - Lullaby - Makajama - Makajamaon -
Stun Gaze - Demon Teeth Grind
Almighty Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon - Megido Arc - Life Drain - Spirit Drain - Life Leech
Recovery Skills
HP Recovery Dia - Media - Diarama - Mediarama - Diarahan - Mediarahan
Recarm - Samarecarm - Soul Hax
Patra - Me Patra - Lourdes - Me Lourdes
Eternal Prayer - Grand Blessing
Support Skills
Timer-based Buffs Tarukaja - Rakukaja - Sukukaja - War Cry - Static Rook Anaguma - Bloodlust - Luster Candy
Prideful Boast - Stack Bonus
Timer-based Debuffs Tarunda - Rakunda - Sukunda - Roar - Acid Breath - Fog Breath - Debilitate
Charging Buffs Charge - Concentrate - Consecration - Trance - Megido Trance - Oneness of Body
Walls Flame Wall - Ice Wall - Volt Wall - Force Wall
Stat Negation Dekaja - Dekunda - Mystic Temptation
Misc Skills
Passive Skills
Dodge Dodge Physical - Dodge Gunfire - Dodge Fire - Dodge Ice - Dodge Elec - Dodge Force
Resist Phys - Resist Body
Mana Bonus
Tandem Skills
Sabbath Bounty - Sabbath Drain - Sabbath Erosion - Sabbath Healer - Sabbath Hunter - Sabbath Mirror
Sabbath Raze - Sabbath Slumber - Sabbath Striker - Sabbath Toxin - Sabbath Love
Commander Skills
Support-based Conversion - Master Conversion - Damage Condenser - Stack Optimization
Passive-based MP Optimization - Auto-Repair - Turn Extension - Reboot
Enemy Skills
Beast Eye - Abyssal Veil - Miasma Breath - Beastly Fist - Power Charger - Danger Zone - Accelerate - Unfair Game - Fatal Roulette - Electric Shot - Overdrive Mode - Execution - Overload - Blackout - Flame Shot - Reformat - Spellproof Wall - Ashes to Ashes - Order - Stun Grenade - Dual Shot - Servitor's Shield - Contract's Ward - Infernal Loyalty - Icy Loyalty - Voltaic Loyalty - Turbulent Loyalty - Vengeful Loyalty - Greedy Claws - Feral Focus - Reactive Armor - Purge - Aurora Blitz - Guillotine Fake - Law of Wisdom - Arc Light - Spike of Grief - Tendril Gore - Neo Dogma - Overclock - Enthumesis - Physis Paradox - Meta-Sacrament - Frenzied Flailing - Inferno Pleroma - Blizzard Pleroma - Thunderbolt Pleroma - Impact Pleroma - Sing - New World's Dawn - Apostle Genesis - Decoy Protocol - Pure Void - Abyssal Eye - Mani Lingam - Padma Yoni - Tandava's Dance - Lasya's Dance - Nilakantha - Return to Ash - World Upheaval - Universal Upheaval

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