
Devotion (憧れのキミ, Akogare no Kimi)? is a passive skill.


Game Effect
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army Increases Loyalty earned (must be summoned).



Demon Order Level
Sati Pyro 31
Nekomata Skill 31
Throne Pyro 46
Standard Skills
Physical Skills Combo - Berserker - Venomstrike - Frenzy - Mighty Blow - Winged Fury
Fire Skills Agi - Maragi - Hellfire - Blaze - Agidyne - Maragidyne
Ice Skills Bufu - Mabufu - Cocytus - Frostbite - Bufudyne - Mabufudyne
Elec Skills Zio - Mazio - Bolt Storm - Spark - Ziodyne - Maziodyne
Force Skills Zan - Mazan - Tempest - Flurry - Zandyne - Mazandyne
Death Skills Mudo - Mamudo
Mind Skills Pulinpa - Makajam - Marin Karin - Dormina - Petra
Healing Skills Dia - Media - Diarama - Dia Aura - Recarm - Samarecarm - Patra
Buff Skills Tarukaja - Rakukaja - Makakaja - War Cry - Tetra Aura - Makara Aura
Combination Skills
Physical Combinations Fiery Spiral - Frigid Spin - Voltaic Ring - Gale Slash - Vile Storm - Rush - Cross Slash - Raging Blast
Gun Combinations Flame Shot - Freeze Shot - Shock Shot - Blast Shot - Bane Shot
Fire Combinations Fireball - Fire Breath
Ice Combinations Frozen Lance - Glacial Blast
Elec Combinations Thunderbolt - Shock Wave
Force Combinations Hurricane - Wind Cutter
Almighty Combinations Astral Burst
Null Skill Combinations Null Phys - Null Fire - Null Ice - Null Elec - Null Force - Null Death - Null Mind
Drain Skill Combinations Phys Drain - Fire Drain - Ice Drain - Elec Drain - Force Drain
Passive Skills
Enhancements Life Bonus - Life Gain - Life Surge - Mana Bonus - Mana Gain - Mana Surge
Resistances Phys Resist - Fire Resist - Ice Resist - Elec Resist - Force Resist
Boosts Fire Boost - Ice Boost - Elec Boost - Force Boost - Heal Boost - Mind Boost
Counters Hex - Curse - Retribution
Reward boosts Quick Study - Devotion - Money Find - Item Find
Misc Regenerate - First Aid - Endure - Fast Escape - Hero's Might - Mage's Craft
Investigation Skills
Primary Ignite - Cool Down - Inspect - Scout - Use Force - Read Mind - Demonstrate
Secondary Sneak - Loose Change - Fly - Scavenger - Allure - Intimidate - Provoke

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