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"I'm not out to abolish Sanctism myself. I just don't want everything we believe in to be destroyed."

—Edeni, Metaphor: ReFantazio

Edeni is a character in Metaphor: ReFantazio. He advocates for religious freedom as a candidate in the Tournament for the Throne. He is also the brother of Eupha.



Edeni is the chieftain of the mustari settlements of Virga Island and the brother of Eupha. More than ten years ago, their parents and former chieftains died in an accident out at sea while on a journey to the Dragon Temple. Since then, Edeni has reigned as the village chief.

He joined the Tournament for the Throne to promote religious freedom and was among the 20 competitors who progressed past the Exhibition of the Brave. When the Sanctist Church announced that contestants were to plunder relics from pagans like the mustari of Virga Island, Edeni protested as he was a pagan himself, leaving the competition and returning to Virga Island to inform the villagers and put the island on high alert for intruders.

Louis tasks the party in retrieving Drakodios so he can use it to slay Sanctifex Forden, while the party wants the weapon to assassinate Louis and free the prince of his curse. They track down Edeni and ask him for intel about Drakodios. He dissuades them from getting their hands on it, telling them that he will not let them get it, nor will they ever reach it. On the way back, he discovers the Sanctist crier Albus Batlin stowing on his ship to keep an eye on the tournament and immediately imprisons him. When the party runs into Eupha taking a bath in a lake, a group of vigilant mustari guards working for Edeni captures them and throws them into the same cell where Batlin is.

The impending Sanctist invasion has made the local mustari believe that there is a great calamity on the rise and they consider sacrificing the priestess to their god, a white dragon known as Eht who inhabits Drakodios to appease its wrath. Despite Eupha's own willingness to sacrifice herself and the villager's demands, Edeni is reluctant to lose his sister.

Afterwards, a reluctant Edeni and a group of soldiers escort Eupha to the Dragon Temple. Due to the sheer amount of monsters now roaming the temple, all of the soldiers die and leave Eupha trapped inside, while Edeni returns to the main island badly wounded. On the night where Basilio and Fidelio free the party and Albus from their prison, they run into Edeni who asks them for help. The party carries him back the village. Basilio and Fidelio are coyly coerced by Junah to follow the party. Edeni recovers and makes a deal with them to save his sister from the monster-ridden temple.


MRF Edeni


  • If spoken to after completing Eupha's Follower bond, the protagonist can tell Edeni about the handshake he had with her. While he states that he is glad that they shared that moment with each other, he decides not to tell the protagonist the true meaning of the gesture as doing so could cause Eupha unnecessary grief should he perish.
  • Edeni is one of three candidates that the party cannot battle. The others are Julian and Forden.
  • Edeni's scepter is a divine relic passed down through generations of village chiefs. It possesses weather magic capable of briefly clearing rough weather.
  • Edeni's favorite food is a type of stew Eupha makes.
Main Characters Protagonist - Gallica - Leon Strohl da Haliaetus - Arvid Svendel Grius - Eiselin Burchelli Meijal Hulkenberg - Heismay Noctule - Juani Cygnus (Junah) - Euphausia Etoreika (Eupha) - Basilio Lupus Magnus
Followers More - Neueirus Corvus Corax (Neuras) - Maria Alces - Catherina Grann - Alonzo Crotalus - Elphas Maxim Bardon - Brigitta Lycaon
Other True Seeker - Prince - Hythlodaeus V - Sanctist Church Senate
Fabienne Lagopus Vulpes - Rella Melancoryphus Cygnus - Fidelio Aureus Magnus
Albus Procnias Batlin - Russell Albatrus - Gruidae - Agrica - Miscellaneous characters
Louis Guiabern - Aestivum Svafriam Forden - Cercis Klinger - Cirsium Zorba - Matteuccia Morris - Joanna Tarar Calendula - Eldan Queen
Ovis Lydnad Gideaux - Idaeus Glodell - Milo Adriano Narcissus Maurizio - Loveless Muscar O'Shea - Rudolf Humulus Krause - Lina Cetula Kayden - Goddard Cattley Gunnar - Roger Arctium Ward - Jin Cerchine Dulls - Julian Ruta Castiglione - Edeni
Origin Archetypes Seeker - Mage - Warrior - Knight - Thief - Masked Dancer - Summoner - Berserker - Gunner - Healer - Brawler - Commander - Faker - Merchant
Adept Archetypes Magic Seeker - Wizard - Swordmaster - Magic Knight - Assassin - Sniper - Cleric - Pugilist - General
Elite Archetypes Soul Hacker - Elemental Master - Warlock - Samurai - Paladin - Dark Knight - Ninja - Persona Master - Devil Summoner - Destroyer - Dragoon - Saviour - Martial Artist - Warlord - Trickster - Tycoon
Royal Archetypes Prince - Royal Warrior - Royal Knight - Royal Thief - Royal Masked Dancer - Royal Summoner - Royal Berserker
United Kingdom of Euchronia Kingdom of Euchronia: Royal Capital Grand Trad - Martira, Old Castle Town - Tradia Desert - Northern Border Fort - Nord Mines - Mausoleum - Regalith Grand Cathedral - Belega Corridor - Scoundrel's Hold - Disgraced Ruins - Giant Sandworm's Nest - Giant Sandworm's Belly - Kriegante Castle - Abandoned Tomb - Imp's Den - Man-Eater's Grotto - Skybound Avatar - Tyrant's Star
Principality of Oceana: Port Brilehaven - Skyrunner Charadrius - Gracia Forest - Tomb of Lament - Forsaken Tower - Ancient Eldan Sanctum - Manor of the Ascendant
Principality of Montario: Altabury Heights - Montario Opera House - Everfrost Forest - Tower of Insolence - Mt. Vulkano - Abandoned Path
Malnova Archipelago: Eht Ria, Virga Island - Dragon Temple - Drakongrace Shinjuku - Orbwise Path - Spire of Blind Faith - Land of Ceremony
Other: Akademeia - Villages - Camps - Sights
Albums N/A
Songs N/A
Terminology Tournament for the Throne - Gauntlet runner - Tribes - Sanctism - Magla - Igniter - Fairies - Dragons - Humans - Mage Academy - Halia - Fantasy Novel - Royal Sceptre - Anxiety - World Before
Mechanics Archetype - Skill Inheritance
Difficulty - Party Switch - Synthesis Skills
Follower - Royal Virtues - Calendar - Weather
Travellers' Voices
Purification - Appraisal
Activities Town: Pagan - Activist - Story - Sightseeing - Podium - Coliseum - Bed
Gauntlet Runner: Cooking - Cleaning - Washing Machine - Fishing - Reading - Bathing - Pantry - Gardening
Lists Skills (Synthesis Skills) - Items - Status Changes - Requests - Monsters
Other Memorandum - Trophies - New Game Plus - List of Patches and Updates - List of Steam Profile Items
Other Media
Promotion Daily Journal - Manga

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